Automotive WG

24 Nov 2015


See also: IRC log


Paul_Boyes, Adam_Crofts, Dave_Jensen, Junichi_Hashimoto, Kaz_Ashimura, Qing_An, Shinjiro_Urata, Yingying_Chen, Peter_Winzell



paul: spec timeline, security update, etc.

-> https://www.w3.org/auto/wg/wiki/Main_Page#Publication_Schedule publication schedule so far

Publication schedule

kaz: we should update the timeline
... FPWD already done

<paul> https://www.w3.org/auto/wg/wiki/Main_Page

kaz: and we're preparing the second draft

paul: LC/CR should be later

kaz: maybe Q2 2016

paul: so PR and REC for Q4 2016

Implementations and Testing

paul: we'll work for the testing and implementation as well next year
... Genivi is doing one

peter: started to see how to implement on Chromium
... and outlook how to test it
... collaboration with Genivi would be good

paul: right
... willing to take an action to see what would happen in US and Genivi
... we can get some small loop to work together
... making proposal and align things

peter: started with Chromium
... how to add interfaces
... you can use the browser itself
... I don't know if that is the best choice, though

paul: anybody who work with Chromium could use that, so that's good
... for typical cars

peter: think so
... but don't think you can do that on your PCs
... could do if you have some recorder

paul: Kevin and Adam?

kevin: not typically CAN logs
... but we could do

peter: we've been testing head units

dave: think ACCESS has something

paul: we can record data and use some simulator
... JLR has some mechanism
... let me sense
... have to see definition
... any comments from Urata-san?

urata: using some property from dongle
... getting CAN data via the dongle device
... translate CAN data to JSON
... could be a reference model

paul: Dave, do you have any experience?

dave: open xd has some project
... hardware is open
... proprietary binary format
... convert the output data to JSON

paul: also interested in what Google is doing
... how we can get/record data?
... e.g., using chrome
... various possibilities

peter: would take an action to see what would be available
... not sure what the actual state

paul: most people should consider

peter: try to contact Genivi

paul: e.g., Gunnar?

peter: yes
... will ask him
... the best is something open

dave: would see OpenXC

paul: anything from JLR?

kevin: CAN data database

paul: Kevron or somebody from Poland
... non-production implementation
... Peter, you sent an email regarding what the test plan would be

peter: part of the implementation I'm doing

paul: would people be interested in TF work?

peter: working on that everyday

paul: is anybody else interested?

peter: interested in how ACCESS thinking about testing

dave: interested in how the other groups working on testing

kaz: usually groups form a TF for testing
... and people work collaboratively for that purpose

paul: yes, that' my suggestion
... urata-san, are you willing to join it?

urata: interested but have time restriction...
... can contribute very little...

paul: would send out a message to ask people for participation
... we can coordinate
... understanding implementation, etc.

dave: interested

paul: will send an email then
... peter, you can arrange the agenda

peter: ok

kevin: interested and possibly make contribution

kaz: we'll discuss not only implementation experience but also testing mechanism?

paul: yeah

kaz: we need to generate test assertions and test suite
... also would be nicer to have testing environment

dave: automated tools would be helpful and worth consideration

Security update

junichi: access control
... for auto makers and implementers
... have been looking Web security specs
... manifest is permission list
... focused on icons
... another one is application mechanism
... controlled by implementers
... difficult to use for access control by auto makers
... we should consider approval of developers
... approving specific URL domains
... thinking of some root certificate
... vehicle APIs only approved domains
... would finish by the end of this month
... do you like the idea?

paul: yeah

junichi: feasibility, urata-san?

urata: with the restricted domain list?

junichi: usually all APIs are openly used by any domains

urata: W3C widgets spec is kind of old
... but handles manifest and packaged apps
... maybe similar to your idea

junichi: currently we don't have a packaged format

urata: Firefox can use packaged formats
... from app security perspective, that kind of packaged apps would be effective
... maybe one candidate
... would listen to other approaches as well

kevin: token?
... basically have an authentication service
... to authenticate and verify the app
... e.g., using password
... facial recognition
... optionally authenticate the vehicle or infrastructure, local government, highway agency, etc.
... assistance to get vehicle location, etc.
... authentication token attached to the HTTP header
... authorizing the access to the data

junichi: do we need to introduce a new HTTP header?

kevin: two tokens on a request
... one token representing the user and another representing the vehicle or something
... separate tokens are possible

junichi: several approaches we discussed during TPAC f2f
... token was one of them
... another was having a proxy

kevin: like having a secure proxy

junichi: introducing a big mechanism would cost much for implementers
... so would start with light-weight approach

kevin: in terms of modification of spec, there would be minimum changes
... not mandatory
... happy to write an idea to access tokens
... not clear how to handle that within the spec, though

paul: we could add that as informative notes
... basically we could add that to some informative section

kevin: can write some wording
... for an informative section

kaz: yes, we can do so

paul: makes sense
... Kevin will generate some description
... Hashimoto-san, are you interested in adding something?

junichi: yes


paul: Peter will work on implementation/testing TF
... myself will work with Adam and Dave for Genivi

AdamC: still not much discussion on event handling
... would be great to have input from Urata-san, etc.
... vehicle enum should be changed

paul: Adam, you might want to summarize the discussion

kaz: should we ask TAG for some more help?

paul: Tobie made some suggestion during TPAC

kaz: yeah, Generic Sensor style is one possibility

paul: can send a message to TAG
... anything else?


paul: will have the next call next week.

[ adjourned ]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/11/24 17:19:44 $