15:01:05 RRSAgent has joined #html-a11y
15:01:05 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/22-html-a11y-irc
15:03:35 agenda+ MediaController
15:03:47 zakim, clear agenda
15:03:47 agenda cleared
15:03:57 agenda+ More for the agenda?
15:03:57 agenda+ accesskey
15:03:57 agenda+ meeting at tpac
15:03:57 agenda+ workplan - what do we have to work on?
15:04:01 agenda+ MediaController
15:04:02 plh has joined #html-a11y
15:04:23 present+ LJWatson
15:05:51 present+ plh
15:06:09 JF has joined #html-a11y
15:06:19 Present+ JF
15:06:22 present+ ShaneM
15:06:44 -> https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m698e501ae0e49419de5fe033e83179be dial-in
15:07:08 Judy has joined #html-a11y
15:07:22 scribenick: ShaneM
15:07:49 zakim, take up item 1
15:07:49 agendum 1. "More for the agenda?" taken up [from chaals]
15:07:58 Nothing more for the agenda.
15:08:51 zakim, close item 1
15:08:51 agendum 1, More for the agenda?, closed
15:08:53 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
15:08:53 2. accesskey [from chaals]
15:09:13 zakim, take up item 2
15:09:13 agendum 2. "accesskey" taken up [from chaals]
15:09:23 -> http://chaals.github.io/accesskey/index.src.html draft accesskey spec
15:09:52 clarified some of the motivation. There are some things that we need to work through.
15:10:33 It can be looked at now. Comment on it if you think there are things that need to be changed or are missing.
15:10:43 Q+
15:10:50 plh: The proposal doesn't really cover what is wrong with the current accesskey
15:11:04 ack JF
15:11:12 chaals: yes - I need to gather that up and incorporate it. THere are bugs against the current accesskey that might give you some hints.
15:11:15 q+
15:11:47 JF: I maintain that it is horribly broken. Conflict resolution, discoverability, internationalization.
15:12:12 plh: And I don't disagree. I just wanted it to be incorporated into the proposal.
15:12:23 ... we expect people to read a proposal and have it be freestanding.
15:12:49 -> https://github.com/chaals/accesskey/issues/4 issue based on PLH's comment
15:12:50 Judy: Same comment. Also we should get review specifically on the existing objections.
15:13:11 ... there is a lot of agreement among a11y experts that accesskey is broken. Not a lot of agreement on how to fix it.
15:13:29 ... there might be some movement behind the scenes on this.
15:13:48 ... lets be sure to justify the proposal based upon all the previous discussions.
15:14:16 ... doesn't preclude people raising questions. But Maybe it will help eliminate some of the questions.
15:14:30 chaals: note that this is a pre-proposal. It has not been taken up yet.
15:14:33 zakim, next item
15:14:34 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, ShaneM
15:14:38 ack j
15:14:45 zakim, next item
15:14:45 agendum 3. "meeting at tpac" taken up [from chaals]
15:15:13 We are scheduled at 4pm on Friday.
15:15:48 will develop the future plan and work plan. hope to coordinate with those we do not normally see.
15:16:00 ... might not reach formal resolution on the work items though.
15:16:15 s/Also we should get review specifically on the existing objections/Also we should be sure to include a rationale for why we are promoting this particular approach, since there is less consensus on the approach than the simple point of current access key being broken.
15:16:27 plh: do we know where we are meeting?
15:16:34 chaals: we will take a part of the PF meeting.
15:16:53 zakim, next item
15:16:53 agendum 4. "workplan - what do we have to work on?" taken up [from chaals]
15:17:22 chaals: it has been about 6 months since we looked at the list.
15:17:40 ... what things are important and who is prepared to actually work on them?
15:17:58 +1 to @transcript
15:18:10 chaals: on my personal list is transcript, accesskey, and datepickers
15:19:03 Q+ to ask about Panels status
15:19:15 Judy: question on datepickers... It is on the tutorial wishlist. What features are missing?
15:19:27 chaals: well, it seems to not be implemented anywhere successfully yet.
15:19:38 Judy: but that's not a feature problem.
15:19:49 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Datepickers
15:19:58 chaals: well... it isn't clear that we even know how to do this (in an accessible way)
15:20:00 q?
15:20:11 ack shane
15:20:32 LJWatson: that link was the original work that had been done on datepickers
15:20:43 JF: what about work on panels? Is that still an open action item?
15:20:59 chaals: that is just general HTML work. and it is still an open action item
15:21:00 ack JF
15:21:00 JF, you wanted to ask about Panels status
15:21:33 SM: CAPTCHA is a hot-button of Janina's
15:21:38 q+
15:21:42 ack ju
15:22:15 Judy: It is in APA. It will be coordinated closely with WCAG.
15:22:48 zakim, next item
15:22:48 agendum 5. "MediaController" taken up [from chaals]
15:23:24 q+
15:23:55 chaals: I sent something saying that this is not an A11Y issue particularly. The stuff that it does is syntactic sugar.
15:24:18 ... there are people who think there are other use cases, but the main use case seems to be artistic
15:24:38 ack ju
15:24:55 s/think there are/have demonstrated/
15:25:12 ... blink has removed the code for media controller. Safari seems to have it. We will see how it shakes out.
15:25:44 q+
15:25:45 Judy: There are some others who have an interest in this space. If they were to agree there was not an issue, that might make me more confortable.
15:26:06 ... maybe we could get them on a call to explain the alternate approaches and ensure they are on board.
15:26:25 ... John, do you know either of them? (SCRIBE NOTE - I missed their names)
15:26:51 JF: I don't know them either.
15:27:08 Judy: They might be good people to know.
15:27:29 ack me
15:28:07 JF: I would be happy to talk with them. We can sort of do this now. popcorn.js would allow us to do something very similar today.
15:28:31 LJWatson: It is an important distinction to make. It isn't unimportant, it is just that there is a way to do it already.
15:28:47 chaals: It would be good to let them know that we want feedback.
15:28:56 Q+
15:29:17 chaals: I think it would be good to get them on a call.
15:29:32 JB: has been asking input from Christian Vogler, lead tech guy at Gallaudet University, and Howard Rosenblum, CEO of (US) National Association of the Deaf
15:29:36 Judy: I have asked them when they would have feedback, but they have not really committed yet.
15:31:21 ack j
15:31:47 JF: Leonie made mention of the fact that there are ways of doing it now. If so, let's get that well documented and put in a central location.
15:32:03 q+
15:32:10 ... maybe collect some of the proof of concept examples. Talk to EO about it?
15:32:32 ack me
15:32:38 Judy: It could be if we agree that the examples are strong.
15:33:16 chaals: sounds like it might end up as a work item. Maybe an HTML change. video / audio components of HTML could maybe do with a note about how to synchronize with captions or signing.
15:33:35 [JB: had requested that someone take an action item last time to give a heads up to developers that input may be coming -- but can't access those minutes now]
15:33:46 rrsagent. make minutes
15:33:54 LJWatson has left #html-a11y
15:34:27 rrsagent, help
15:35:02 rrsagent, make minutes
15:35:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/22-html-a11y-minutes.html ShaneM
15:35:28 zakim, who is here
15:35:28 ShaneM, you need to end that query with '?'
15:35:30 zakim, who is here?
15:35:30 Present: Judy, plh, Alex, John, Charles, Cynthia, Janina, Leonie, Joanmarie, LJWatson, JF, ShaneM
15:35:33 On IRC I see Judy, plh, RRSAgent, chaals, ShaneM, joanie, janina, liam, sivoais, Zakim, trackbot
15:35:47 present+ Judy
15:35:58 zakim, who is here?
15:35:58 Present: Judy, plh, Alex, John, Charles, Cynthia, Janina, Leonie, Joanmarie, LJWatson, JF, ShaneM
15:36:00 On IRC I see Judy, plh, RRSAgent, chaals, ShaneM, joanie, janina, liam, sivoais, Zakim, trackbot
15:36:32 zakim, you're confused
15:36:32 I don't understand 'you're confused', Judy
15:37:45 rrsagent, make log public
15:38:23 rrsagent. make minutes
15:38:31 rrsagent, make minutes
15:38:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/22-html-a11y-minutes.html ShaneM
15:39:13 Meeting: HTML A11Y Task Force
15:39:27 Chair: Charles
15:39:41 rrsagent, make minutes
15:39:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/22-html-a11y-minutes.html ShaneM
16:15:44 Judy_alt has joined #html-a11y
16:37:57 Judy_alt has joined #html-a11y
18:41:31 Judy has joined #html-a11y