13:58:33 RRSAgent has joined #xproc 13:58:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/09/23-xproc-irc 13:58:34 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 13:58:34 Meeting: XML Processing Model WG 13:58:34 Date: 23 September 2015 13:58:34 Meeting: 278 13:58:35 Chair: Norm 13:58:36 Scribe: Norm 13:58:38 ScribeNick: Norm 13:59:14 Regrets: Henry 13:59:32 ht has joined #xproc 13:59:43 liam, what is meeting room password? 13:59:46 s/Regrets:/Non-regrets:/ 14:00:03 p:call I believe 14:00:31 is the password ht 14:01:41 s/p:call/SEKRIT/ 14:08:03 Topic: Accept this agenda? 14:08:03 -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2015/09/23-agenda 14:08:06 Accepted. 14:08:09 Topic: Accept minutes from the previous meeting? 14:08:10 -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2015/09/09-minutes 14:08:13 Accepted. 14:08:16 Topic: Next meeting, 7 October 2015 (skipping 30 September) 14:08:44 No regrets heard. 14:09:35 Topic: Jim's revised proposal for an error port 14:09:37 https://github.com/xproc/specification/issues/136 14:09:43 -> https://github.com/xproc/specification/issues/136#issuecomment-128004501 14:10:12 Jim: I did a draft a few months ago; this is the result of comments from that review. 14:10:24 ...I simplified to a single 'errors' port and I've tried to simplify some other things. 14:10:31 Jim summarizes the proposal. 14:15:07 Norm: Do we want to allow steps that succeed to write to the error port. 14:15:24 Henry: The most obvious problem it's trying to solve seems to be that I run a pipeline and I don't get any output. 14:15:33 ...In order to solve that problem, percolation is necessary. 14:16:17 ...In shell-land, if someone writes to STDERR you see it, unless active steps have been take to redirect it. 14:17:14 Norm: the other problem to solve is to let steps produce diagnostic output *without* failing. 14:19:46 Norm attempts to summarize a plausible "percolating story" 14:21:30 Norm mumbles a bit about the distinction between loggers in the Java environment vs stderr in the unix shell. 14:22:51 Norm: steps send to the error port information they want the pipe to react to, they can log anything they want. 14:23:03 Henry: Putting the error information into the pipeline doesn't make a lot of sense. 14:24:15 Norm: But catching validation errors is common... 14:24:34 Henry: The idea that what comes out on the error port is likely to be processed *by other steps* is very unlikely. 14:24:57 ...Going back to the logger example, the stuff that gets logged is for humans or third party apps. 14:25:03 Murray: Except when it does. 14:25:50 Norm: I'm not sure I agree. I think processing stderr output is not uncommon. 14:26:11 Murray: You can use loggers and try/catch and all the other methods you have to build your pipeline. 14:26:26 ...My concern about stderr is that any given step could call a shell script, etc. 14:26:34 ...How do I get those messages from stderr. 14:26:41 Good point 14:27:05 ...I could do all those things probably better if I had another script and a try catch. ETc. 14:27:21 ...The point is, unless you write a lot of code to catch stderr, you're not going to see it. 14:27:36 ... If you could see the messages on the console, you might be able to quickly figure out what went wrong. 14:27:47 ...You're typically not going to design a pipeline to rely on stderr. 14:28:33 Norm: What do you mean by capture? The human or the pipeline? 14:28:36 Murray: One or the other. 14:29:53 Norm: So I think you're supporting what Henry said earlier. Let it percolate up, but also be able to catchint. 14:29:57 s/chatcint/catch it/ 14:31:05 Norm: I think that's consistent with what Jim proposed. I think we want to say that steps can write to stderr without failing. 14:31:53 Jim: What are the constraints on what is produced? 14:32:37 Norm: I think a sequence of c:error elements with some required attributes and an ANY body 14:33:27 Jim: If a try catch fails and then gets handled, do we still report to the errors report the failure. 14:34:15 Norm: I think the catch gets all the error output and it doesn't get passed along unless the catch does so. 14:34:36 Norm: Jim, do you want to try to put this in the spec. 14:35:09 Norm: How do we make the percolation go through compound steps. 14:35:33 Jim/Henry: I think it's implicit. 14:36:16 Norm: Does that mean we're taking the name "errors" away from people? 14:39:20 ...I suppose we could call it #errors so it's not declarable by mortals. 14:39:56 Jim: I think we can just take that name. 14:40:26 Henry: As long as we call it something other than "errors", it's probably ok. Call it "stderr" for the time being. 14:40:40 ...On the basis that it's a name that won't have been used. 14:42:34 Norm attempts to summarize the proposal. 14:42:55 Murray: Can we separate stderr from one step. Say I've got step 12 that's 7 layers down. 14:43:14 ...can I redirect that. 14:43:55 Norm: Yes, by grabbing it like any ordinary port. 14:43:59 Murray: Can I 'tee' it. 14:44:04 Norm: Uhm...that might require some work. 14:44:42 ...I'll add that to the issue. 14:48:27 Norm hypothisizes about using p:error to do the tee. 14:48:50 Topic: Any other business? 14:49:04 None heard. 14:49:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:49:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/23-xproc-minutes.html Norm