See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 08 July 2015
<Vlad> I am on webex
<Vlad> Do you guys have any problems connecting via WebEx?
<rsheeter> kuettel and kuettel_ are here!
I have joined the meeting but don't hear anyone and it says i am not speaking
(this has worked fine on other webex calls)
<rsheeter> possible you joined the other meeting?
<Vlad> Chris, did you hit "Connected via computer" button?
There isn't one! Usually there is. Instead I get an "I will call in" icon asking me to use a regular phone
<scribe> scribenick: ChrisL
Vlad: the early call is marked "late"
ChrisL: will fix
Vlad: lets check the spec changes wrt f2f meeting decisions
<scribe> ... new test case class
<trackbot> action-148 -- Vladimir Levantovsky to Review and edit the conformance test for extraneous data -- due 2015-06-11 -- PENDINGREVIEW
was done at meeting
close action-148
<trackbot> Closed action-148.
<trackbot> action-179 -- Vladimir Levantovsky to Update conformance statements as per -- due 2015-06-10 -- PENDINGREVIEW
close action-179
<trackbot> Closed action-179.
<trackbot> action-181 -- Vladimir Levantovsky to Add decoder category to woff2, and add to stylesheet -- due 2015-06-16 -- PENDINGREVIEW
these are the decoder ones
close action-181
<trackbot> Closed action-181.
Vlad: the test case descriptions are all updated as well
(vlad checks the links are correct. they are)
(vlad spots a typo and fixes live, re head checksum)
Vlad: kuettel_ has sent me two sets of minor typos and those are also all fixed
kuettel_: thanks!
Vlad: so recent editors draft should have these all fixed. if I missed any, please say so
(agreement to close the actions)
Vlad: hmtx changes, waiting for a
bit more of a confirmation and data from cosima from DM and
action on Rod for google font corpus
... once we have two independent datasets we can go ahead with
... in confidence
... rsheeter any update on that?
rsheeter: prefer to move it out a couple of weeks.
<trackbot> action-176 -- Roderick Sheeter to Test hmtx transformation over google fonts corpus (how many lsb == x-min for all glyfs, what savings) -- due 2015-05-27 -- OPEN
<trackbot> action-178 -- Vladimir Levantovsky to Add the hmtx transform to spec -- due 2015-06-10 -- OPEN
action-176 due 2015-07-29
<trackbot> Set action-176 Test hmtx transformation over google fonts corpus (how many lsb == x-min for all glyfs, what savings) due date to 2015-07-29.
action-178 due 2015-07-29
<trackbot> Set action-178 Add the hmtx transform to spec due date to 2015-07-29.
action-178 due 2015-08-26
<trackbot> Set action-178 Add the hmtx transform to spec due date to 2015-08-26.
ChrisL: firm dates for atypi meeting would be helpful
action kuettel to check with Sao Paulo Google office re hosting a f2f there
<trackbot> Created ACTION-183 - Check with sao paulo google office re hosting a f2f there [on David Kuettel - due 2015-07-15].
Vlad: prefer to check that first before asking atypi to host
kuettel_: avout 10 attendees?
Vlad: f2f with atypi is better attended than a stand alone one
action-182 due 2015-07-22
<trackbot> Set action-182 Check with barbara re atypi-colocated meeting due date to 2015-07-22.
ChrisL: (media types is more complex now due to whatwg mime sniffing spec)
<trackbot> action-116 -- David Kuettel to Decoder performance analysis on mobile devices -- due 2015-10-31 -- OPEN
kuettel_: that date is correct
action-168 due 2105-07-29
<trackbot> Set action-168 Measure RAM usage for woff2 vs. woff1 due date to 2105-07-29.
action-172 due 2105-09-29
<trackbot> Set action-172 Register font media types due date to 2105-09-29.
action-174 due 2105-08-26
<trackbot> Set action-174 Ask webappsec to review woff2 due date to 2105-08-26.
oh, 1970-01-01
action-174 due 2015-08-26
<trackbot> Set action-174 Ask webappsec to review woff2 due date to 2015-08-26.
action-172 due 2015-09-29
<trackbot> Set action-172 Register font media types due date to 2015-09-29.
action-168 due 2015-07-29
<trackbot> Set action-168 Measure RAM usage for woff2 vs. woff1 due date to 2015-07-29.
<trackbot> action-180 -- Roderick Sheeter to Make a new github repo with the compiled output from the test generator -- due 2015-06-16 -- OPEN
action-180 due 2015-07-15
<trackbot> Set action-180 Make a new github repo with the compiled output from the test generator due date to 2015-07-15.
kuettel_: any specific host or pathname?
rsheeter: its to take build results and check them in for ppl who can't run the build system
Vlad: two issues. one is the
interpretation of the test description. its not in the glyph,
its the font (with one glyph) that has it
... the test case description is still wrong though. it says
one glyph that says pass
... we used four different fonts for woff1, two local and two
downloaded. each with one glyph that is a PASS ligature and one
... mixed so that the downloaded and the local fonts had
opposite results
... so the font that is downloaded should say fail, because the
test passes if the downloaded font is NOT used
(vlad fixes in real time)
Khaled: I was agreeing
Khaled: leading zeroes is not a
probllem. large enough values might make a huge font that is
... value exceeds (2^32)-1 will make it invalid for other
reasons too
ChrisL: so that would be a false positive, the font is rejected for an unrelated reason
Vlad: the woff2 data could be
edited, so it has an incorrect value there
... we should all review this test and see how to implement the
third subcondition
... and drop if it is not doable
rsheeter: sounds good
Vlad: action on all of us to work out how to do this
Khaled: the longer than 5 bytes one has the same issue
<rsheeter> does { 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x01 } work for too long?
Vlad: ideawas to insert that into the source font, then compress it and the binary data is compressed. compressor does no validity checking
Khaled: the font will fail if it
is used
... if there are four zeroes before the name table, it will not
be parsed
Vlad: is the description clear now? Maybe a bit too concise
Khaled: the font will be rejected for different reasons, not the extraneous data.
Vlad: not if the offset is correct
Khaled: the offsets are not recorded, they are computed. so the reconstructed offset will pont to the junk
Vlad: aha, yes
ChrisL: its rejected because the
table does not parse correctly
... how about a truncated copy of a table, so it is valid, but
does not have the data needed to render the glyph
Khaled: yes, i see, this is doable
Vlad: easy way is to pick a table, duplicate it without also duplicating the reference. probably the last table
Khaled: yes, i will see how to do this
kuettel_: the dates for the meeting? tues oct 13, day before conference?
Vlad: yes,that is what we have done for some years
kuettel_: have tentatively
reserved a conf room. about a 22 min drive, more in
... traffic can be really bad
Vlad: not sure where hotels are wrt the venue and google
kuettel_: hotel recommendations
are closer to the venue
... will follow up with site to confirm, then we can check
before committing
... we can lunch and coffee there too, also hangout with others
who cannot attend
grep -i present+
Vlad: okay, excellent first webex meeting
I don't have java!
and it still works
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140 of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/not a glyph/not in the glyph/ Succeeded: s/passed/parsed/ Found ScribeNick: ChrisL Inferring Scribes: ChrisL Present: Vlad sergeym ChrisL kuettel Khaled rsheeter Regrets: Jonathan_Kew Ken_Lunde Found Date: 08 Jul 2015 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]