See also: IRC log
<scribe> Scribe: Chris
<scribe> ScribeNick: cpn
<trackbot> action-27 -- Bin Hu to Work on triggered interactive overlay requirements -- due 2015-02-24 -- OPEN
Bin: I see Sean has updated the draft spec
Sean: I added to the TVTrigger interface, but there some trigger types that have payloads that only known privately
Bin: Looking at the progress measurement page, do you think the requirement there are addressed in your update?
Sean: I think so, yes
Bin: Sean, could you update this page to show the current status of the triggered interactive overlay requirements please?
Sean: Yes
close action-27
<trackbot> Closed action-27.
<trackbot> action-30 -- Kazuyuki Ashimura to Skim the work done by the media pipeline tf and let this cg know -- due 2015-04-21 -- OPEN
Bin: Has has sent an email on 30th June
Chris: He's identified 11 requirements from the Media Pipeline TF that we should consider
Bin: I think we should prioritise
our own initial requirements and hold these for the next
revision of our spec
... These new requirements could have an impact on our
... So we should look at these when our spec is more stable,
and when we have more bandwidth to look at them
Chris: I'm happy to take a look at these before the next call
<scribe> ACTION: Chris to look at the requirements from the Media Pipeline TF [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-36 - Look at the requirements from the media pipeline tf [on Chris Needham - due 2015-07-14].
close action-30
<trackbot> Closed action-30.
<trackbot> action-32 -- Kazuyuki Ashimura to Add column to gap analysis/requirements table for genivi ideas -- due 2015-05-19 -- OPEN
Bin: It looks like he's added the
column, but it's empty
... OK, so lets wait to ask Kaz's view on this, so keep this
action open for next time
<trackbot> action-33 -- Paul Higgs to Send to the mailing list an initial list of changes to the tuner api -- due 2015-06-16 -- OPEN
<trackbot> action-35 -- Paul Higgs to Add offline recording to the list of tuner api changes -- due 2015-06-16 -- OPEN
Bin: It looks like Paul has completed actions 33 and 35
Paul: I have done some analysis, yes
close action-33
<trackbot> Closed action-33.
close action-35
<trackbot> Closed action-35.
Bin: And Sean has updated the
spec based on Paul's analysis
... Sean, can you tell us about he follow-up improvements
you're expecting about recording and timeshifting?
Sean: I need some more time to
look at this, and I'm not sure we have sufficient information
to spec it at this time
... Are we confident that we have enough information to spec
the timeshifting and recording, or are we planning to do more
work to clarify these requirements?
Bin: Is it possible to update the progress measurement table to show what we have so far?
<scribe> ACTION: Sean to update the progress measurement table for recording, timeshifting, and triggered overlays [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-37 - Update the progress measurement table for recording, timeshifting, and triggered overlays [on Sean Lin - due 2015-07-14].
Chris: Please ask on the mailing list about any questions regarding the timeshifting and recording, and we'll try to give more detail
close action-34
<trackbot> Closed action-34.
Bin: I see Sung Hei has posted to the mailing list
Sung Hei: In the last meeting, we discussed the W3C EME spec, and whether it would support our requirements
scribe: This spec was focused on
getting keys and decoding using these
... So it looks that EME has a different scope than our
... I don't think EME is appropriate for the TV API as it
... I have looked at other CAS and DRM APIs, such as
... They reference each other
... I've listed some of the APIs that we can consider, such as
... My goal was to list some of the APIs we can consider
... We could use the OIPF APIs as a basis
Paul: Those APIs are there to
support low-level decryption
... The work was originally done in OIPF then used by CEA
... The methods in the ANSI/CEA spec are also in OIPF
... The original CEA-2014-A defined a player, the video/mpeg,
or the AV Control object
... There was nothing well-defined for playing video in the
browser at the time
... The CEA-2014-B added DRM
... The OIPF references CEA-2014-A, for the presentation
... but I haven't looked at CEA-2014-B myself
Sung Hei: The OIPF DAE seems better defined, eg, some of the structure definitions
scribe: Is it OK for us to use the OIPF DAE API?
Chris: That's a good question
Paul: Those specs were tied to a video player object, so we could try to tie those APIs to the Tuner object in our API
Chris: There is an overlap between the TV Control API and the DAE, but I'm not sure how much of the DAE we can use
Alex: How much of our requirements are satisfied by the DAE?
Paul: It was discussed a while
ago, whether to base our spec on the OIPF or to make our own
... As Chris points out, most of our requirements are covered
by the OIPF
Alex: But I think our aim is to do something more Web oriented
Paul: I don't think there's much difference ultimately
Alex: I agree
... It may make it easier for manufacturers to use existing
Paul: I think there's enough information to create the spec text
Bin: Sung Hei, what do you plan for the next stage?
Sung Hei: I want to define the API using the functions I found, but information from broadcasters would be helpful
<scribe> ACTION: Sung-Hei to propose an API spec for conditional access systems [recorded in]
<trackbot> Error finding 'Sung-Hei'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
<scribe> ACTION: Sung Hei to propose an API spec for conditional access systems [recorded in]
<trackbot> Error finding 'Sung'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
<scribe> ACTION: skim13 to propose an API spec for conditional access systems [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-38 - Propose an api spec for conditional access systems [on Sung Hei Kim - due 2015-07-14].
Bin: Regarding parental control, I think to see what Sung Hei proposes for CAS before looking at this
Sung Hei: These two are related, so the proposal may cover both
Bin: As next steps, we have the
new action items from today
... Hopefully we'll have a more stable spec my next meeting,
with the aim of addressing the requirements by end of the
Chris: Are we planning to have a meeting at TPAC
Bin: Last year we met as part of the Web & TV IG meeting
Daniel: The plan for this year is
similar to last year, and the meeting would be Monday
... This is an opportunity for the CG to meet and report back
to the Web and TV IG
... I'll let you know about logistics
Bin: Let's discuss further during August
Daniel: And we could gather ideas on the wiki
<ddavis> Bye