13:34:37 RRSAgent has joined #csvw 13:34:37 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/07/01-csvw-irc 13:34:39 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:34:39 Zakim has joined #csvw 13:34:41 Zakim, this will be CSVW 13:34:41 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 13:34:42 Meeting: CSV on the Web Working Group Teleconference 13:34:42 Date: 01 July 2015 13:49:39 danbri has joined #csvw 13:52:11 who is around for a call? 13:55:33 I am here 13:55:43 zakim is just a bot:-( 13:58:13 gkellogg has joined #csvw 13:58:55 JeniT_ has joined #csvw 13:59:08 I am here 13:59:20 That makes the three of us already:-) 14:00:02 webex 14:00:07 step one: remember annoying company name 14:00:13 I;m here, but getting the “meeting canceled” problem on webex 14:00:39 trying the android app, it remembers no meeting info from prev usage :| 14:00:44 dan, jeni: https://www.w3.org/2013/csvw/wiki/WebEx 14:00:54 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-csv-wg/2015Apr/0078.html 14:01:07 step 2: search mail for: "from: ivan webex" 14:01:12 step 3: ask ivan :) 14:04:41 https://github.com/w3c/csvw/issues/631 14:05:42 +1 14:05:58 +1 14:07:30 jenit: can close #631 #634 14:07:47 https://github.com/w3c/csvw/issues/632 14:07:53 leaves us with #632 14:08:46 can we change default of trim to true? 14:08:54 jenit: doesn't matter as non normative parsing stuff anyway 14:10:36 jenit: q of whether the data protocols thing from Open Knowledge that has trim in it 14:10:42 ah no it doesn't 14:10:45 so i am happy 14:10:59 rrsagent, pointer 14:10:59 See http://www.w3.org/2015/07/01-csvw-irc#T14-10-59 14:11:20 rrsagent, please make logs public 14:11:54 https://github.com/w3c/csvw/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen+label%3A%22For+LCCR%22+-label%3A%22Use+Case+Document%22+-label%3A%22Test+suite%22 14:11:56 gkellogg: gigantic test case repositories are my destiny 14:12:08 jenit: text direction… 14:12:20 …+ others have pull requests in flight 14:12:34 r12a = richard ishida 14:12:44 waiting on review/responses 14:13:06 i.e. https://github.com/w3c/csvw/issues/620 https://github.com/w3c/csvw/issues/618 https://github.com/w3c/csvw/issues/617 14:13:11 ivan: #524 can be closed? 14:13:33 resolved unanimously to close 14:13:49 rrsagent, pointer? 14:13:49 See http://www.w3.org/2015/07/01-csvw-irc#T14-13-49 14:14:11 https://github.com/w3c/csvw/issues/555 Non-standard well-known location processing 14:14:25 gkellogg: Martin Duerst had a response to Mark's point 14:14:49 … ah no, reading an old mail. 14:15:11 (mail of 19th) 14:15:41 ivan: i offered it as an at risk feature 14:19:36 jenit: expectation is that any impl that isn't ignoring ALL of the metadata discovery will do this… 14:19:44 … if you're not providing overriding 14:20:32 gkellogg: if csv becomes important for seo purposes and if google etc doesn't look in these other places then it won't get used 14:20:58 people won't put things at well-known other than our defaults 14:21:52 jenit: in order to move us on, 2 pieces within #555 … there is the issue about whether we have this .well-known and … 14:22:26 … our current position (merged in) is that we use this for metadata discovery but we have labelled it as 'at risk' with wording asking for whether it is useful and represents impl difficulties 14:23:02 danbri: that will help me get reviews from search engine world 14:23:12 jenit: tag and david disagree 14:23:41 … I think we say the wording goes in. David may then collect impl feeedback/reviews ... 14:24:08 +1 14:24:12 +1 14:24:18 +1 14:24:58 gkellogg: also the aspect of using HTML as a discovery path 14:25:22 +1 14:25:28 jenit: let's discuss now 14:25:34 +1 14:25:40 rrsagent, pointer? 14:25:40 See http://www.w3.org/2015/07/01-csvw-irc#T14-25-40 14:25:45 (i.e. unanimous amongst attendees) 14:25:53 https://github.com/w3c/csvw/pull/627 14:25:58 #627 14:26:12 gregg put text about identifying metadata against a CSV via an HTML document 14:26:19 essentially embedding the metadata in a script tag 14:26:29 jenit: i feel quite uncomfortable about this being a new thing we add now 14:26:48 … something like this should be a separate note or something that comes on top of or addition to what we have as spec 14:27:15 (kicked off webex) 14:27:23 (i.e. no audio …redialing) 14:28:40 ivan: gregg, details i don't remember, … but yes, we can have json-ld in a