19:58:15 RRSAgent has joined #webfonts 19:58:15 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/06/03-webfonts-irc 19:58:17 RRSAgent, make logs world 19:58:17 Zakim has joined #webfonts 19:58:19 Zakim, this will be 3668 19:58:19 ok, trackbot; I see IA_Fonts()4:00PM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 19:58:20 Meeting: WebFonts Working Group Teleconference 19:58:20 Date: 03 June 2015 19:58:29 KenLundeAdobe has joined #webfonts 19:59:23 RSheeter has joined #webfonts 19:59:25 ChrisL has joined #webfonts 20:00:21 zakim, who is here 20:00:21 Vlad, you need to end that query with '?' 20:00:24 zakim, who is here 20:00:24 Vlad, you need to end that query with '?' 20:00:30 zakim, who is here? 20:00:30 IA_Fonts()4:00PM has not yet started, Vlad 20:00:32 On IRC I see ChrisL, RSheeter, KenLundeAdobe, Zakim, RRSAgent, Vlad, trackbot 20:00:42 zakim, this is 3668 20:00:42 ok, Vlad; that matches IA_Fonts()4:00PM 20:00:45 zakim, who is here? 20:00:45 On the phone I see +1.408.536.aaaa, ??P1, Vlad, Jeanne 20:00:46 On IRC I see ChrisL, RSheeter, KenLundeAdobe, Zakim, RRSAgent, Vlad, trackbot 20:01:01 jfkthame has joined #webfonts 20:01:07 zakim, ??P1 is me 20:01:07 +ChrisL; got it 20:01:13 +1.408.536.aaaa is KenLundeAdobe's phone 20:02:01 I might be 20:02:10 zakim, Jeanne holds ChrisL 20:02:10 +ChrisL; got it 20:02:21 kuettel has joined #webfonts 20:03:04 zakim, who is here? 20:03:04 On the phone I see +1.408.536.aaaa, ChrisL, Vlad, Jeanne 20:03:06 Jeanne has ChrisL 20:03:06 On IRC I see kuettel, jfkthame, ChrisL, RSheeter, KenLundeAdobe, Zakim, RRSAgent, Vlad, trackbot 20:03:08 + +1.650.253.aabb 20:03:22 Zakim, aaaa is RSheeter 20:03:22 +RSheeter; got it 20:03:27 [probably] 20:04:24 scribenick: ChrisL 20:04:31 topic: open issues 20:04:41 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/open 20:04:59 Vlad: modify due dates for longer running ones 20:05:43 action-148? 20:05:43 action-148 -- Vladimir Levantovsky to Review and edit the conformance test for extraneous data -- due 2015-05-06 -- OPEN 20:05:43 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/148 20:05:56 changed to next wednesday after f2f 20:06:30 action-168? 20:06:30 action-168 -- Roderick Sheeter to Measure RAM usage for woff2 vs. woff1 -- due 2015-05-13 -- OPEN 20:06:30 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/168 20:06:40 RSheeter: not sure on ETA 20:07:13 RSheeter: when do we need it by? 20:08:05 ChrisL: before we request candidate recommendation status 20:08:19 ChrisL: mobile-freindly mentione din charter, we need this to enter CR 20:08:30 Khaled has joined #webfonts 20:08:44 Vlad: once spec text is finalized 20:08:52 ... could be a bottleneck 20:09:17 RSheeter: beginning of July 20:10:01 19 August, 1200Z: Deadline for publication requests before moratorium 20:10:01 20 August: Last publications before moratorium 20:10:01 24-28 August: No publications 20:10:01 1 September: Publications resume 20:10:23 Vlad: soo we can publish during July or early August 20:10:49 zakim, list attendees 20:10:49 As of this point the attendees have been +1.408.536.aaaa, Vlad, ChrisL, +1.650.253.aabb, RSheeter 20:11:38 present+ Khaled, KenLundeAdobe, kuettel, jfkthame 20:12:24 zakim, mute me 20:12:24 ChrisL should now be muted 20:13:09 zaki, unmute me 20:13:38 ...can you hear me? 20:13:59 action-176? 20:13:59 action-176 -- Roderick Sheeter to Test hmtx transformation over google fonts corpus (how many lsb == x-min for all glyfs, what savings) -- due 2015-05-27 -- OPEN 20:13:59 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/176 20:14:45 Vlad: we had comments on the daalton Maag dataset 20:14:54 d/daa/Daa 20:15:09 Vlad: good to get on the google font corpus too 20:15:30 Vlad: RSheeter ? 20:15:48 apparently I'm on mute somehow 20:16:00 zakim, unmute RSheeter 20:16:00 RSheeter was not muted, ChrisL 20:16:41 I can hear you. I'll try the hmtx thing over Google Fonts corpus. I thought we were just going to accept Cosimo's results. 20:17:30 zakim, unmute ChrisL 20:17:30 ChrisL should no longer be muted 20:19:03 Vlad: assuming those results are in line with the ones from Cosima, any objectiosn to modify the spec to add extensibility and then use that for html and vtmx transforms 20:19:19 s/html/htmx/ 20:19:38 kuettel: would this be optional and thus backwards compatible? 20:20:01 Vlad: yes for conformant generators; no for comformant readers 20:20:40 kuettel: okay 20:20:52 ChrisL: sounds god to me 20:21:28 Khaled: may be an issue for multiple formats for different browsers. serving two flavours of woff 2 20:22:05 Vlad: its an interim solution when browsers have 2.0 but not 2.1, so rejects font 20:23:51 Vlad: this should be of short duration. it gives us extensibility down the line 20:24:28 kuettel: worth noting we could not have done it in the past, but the regular update model for browsers makes this feasible 20:25:03 Vlad: do not expect frequent updates for WOFF2 20:26:15 ... this minimizes disruption 20:26:43 Vlad: proposes adopting proposal from jfkthame 20:26:50 (general agreement) 20:27:06 Vlad: needs additional spec text for the transform 20:27:21 action: vlad to add the htmx transform to spec 20:27:21 Created ACTION-178 - Add the htmx transform to spec [on Vladimir Levantovsky - due 2015-06-10]. 20:27:44 topic: conformance requirements 20:28:42 need to weed out the untestables - authoring tools do then, browsers don't care 20:28:43 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webfonts-wg/2015Jun/0001.html 20:29:40 use OUGHT TO from RFC 6919 20:29:42 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6919 20:30:43 The phrase "OUGHT TO" conveys an optimistic assertion of an 20:30:43 implementation behavior that is clearly morally right, and thus does 20:30:43 not require substantiation. 20:31:42 although "WOULD PROBALY" also works 20:32:02 The phrase "WOULD PROBABLY" indicates the authors expectation about 20:32:02 what a reasonable implementation is likely to do in a given case. 20:32:02 There is no requirement for implementations to be reasonable. 20:33:54 can we work in MAY WISH TO? 20:34:36 Vlad: requirement to always produce the shortest encoding is in the same category. we ave a test on UA for this 20:35:07 Vlad: will flag if there is an issue with an authoring tool 20:35:22 Vlad: suggest changing to remove the conformance requirement 20:35:30 ChrisL: agree 20:36:09 action vlad to update conformance statements as per https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webfonts-wg/2015Jun/0001.html 20:36:09 Created ACTION-179 - Update conformance statements as per https://lists.w3.org/archives/public/public-webfonts-wg/2015jun/0001.html [on Vladimir Levantovsky - due 2015-06-10]. 20:36:52 Vlad: hope we don't have more untestables. RSheeter please introduce your mail from just before meting 20:37:21 http://dev.w3.org/webfonts/WOFF2/spec/#FileStructure 20:37:25 RSheeter: no-overlap, in terms of writing tests, a larger set of much more focussed requirements 20:37:34 ... on a per-table basis 20:38:10 contrast with http://www.w3.org/TR/WOFF/#Metadata, which is very specific in its assertions 20:38:16 Vlad: WOFF2 limis the places where extra data can be inseerted. betwwen data blocks only, very different compared to WOFF 1.0 20:38:23 s/limis/limits 20:38:34 s/inseer/inser 20:39:30 ChrisL: slight concern about ending up with a near-exhaustive list 20:39:49 RSheeter: no need to remove current requiremnt, but add some specific ones 20:39:58 Vlad: discuss at f2f 20:40:51 Topic: Final F2F planning 20:41:23 Vlad: will set up a conference, no practical limit on participant numbers 20:42:34 Vlad: preliminary agenda will go out on Friday 20:42:50 ... meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday 20:43:09 (adjourned) 20:43:14 Chair: Vlad 20:43:21 rrsagent, make minutes 20:43:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/03-webfonts-minutes.html ChrisL 20:43:46 -RSheeter 20:43:48 -ChrisL 20:43:56 - +1.650.253.aabb 20:43:58 -Vlad 20:55:33 ChrisL has joined #webfonts 20:58:05 jfkthame has left #webfonts 21:05:01 disconnecting the lone participant, Jeanne, in IA_Fonts()4:00PM 21:05:02 IA_Fonts()4:00PM has ended 21:05:02 Attendees were +1.408.536.aaaa, Vlad, ChrisL, +1.650.253.aabb, RSheeter 23:57:41 jdaggett has joined #webfonts