19:56:09 RRSAgent has joined #webfonts 19:56:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/04/22-webfonts-irc 19:56:11 RRSAgent, make logs world 19:56:11 Zakim has joined #webfonts 19:56:13 Zakim, this will be 3668 19:56:13 ok, trackbot; I see IA_Fonts()4:00PM scheduled to start in 4 minutes 19:56:14 Meeting: WebFonts Working Group Teleconference 19:56:14 Date: 22 April 2015 20:00:16 jfkthame has joined #webfonts 20:00:17 zakim, this is 3668 20:00:17 ok, Vlad; that matches IA_Fonts()4:00PM 20:00:25 +jfkthame 20:00:27 RSheeter has joined #webfonts 20:00:27 zakim, who is here? 20:00:29 On the phone I see ??P1, Vlad, jfkthame 20:00:29 On IRC I see RSheeter, jfkthame, Zakim, RRSAgent, Vlad, trackbot 20:00:47 kuettel has joined #webfonts 20:01:24 ChrisL has joined #webfonts 20:01:34 KhaledHosny has joined #webfonts 20:02:21 +ChrisL 20:02:33 rrsagent, here 20:02:33 See http://www.w3.org/2015/04/22-webfonts-irc#T20-02-33 20:03:43 -ChrisL 20:03:58 if I scribe I fear you will hear my typing given how I setup hangouts 20:05:31 +ChrisL 20:06:39 scribenick: ChrisL 20:07:19 chair: Vlad 20:07:50 Vlad: we have a couple of comments following the publication 20:08:02 ... one was typo, now fixed 20:08:36 ... second was impl and how it handles a condition, not a spec issue 20:08:44 ... resolved as no change 20:09:16 Vlad: who updates the Google implementation? 20:09:26 RSheeter: me, then I delegate depending 20:10:39 topic: conformance test suite 20:11:22 Vlad: reviewed test plan, added all the new conformance items that were related to font collections and also the glyf and loca stuff 20:11:27 https://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/wiki/TestPlan20-Format 20:11:44 https://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/wiki/TestPlan20-AuthoringTool 20:11:56 https://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/wiki/TestPlan20-UserAgent 20:13:21 ChrisL: prefer we adopt the ednote suggestion for http://dev.w3.org/webfonts/WOFF2/spec/#conform-mustSpecifyGlyfTableSize 20:13:58 ChrisL: it should say "this is the size in the original font" and make not promises abot how big the reconstruction ends up 20:14:09 Vlad: and then no test needed 20:14:31 ChrisL: it would become an authoring tool test 20:15:17 Vlad: straw poll - remove test on size of reconstructed glyph table? not practical to test 20:15:34 RSheeter: remove it 20:16:06 action: vlad to remove the #conform-mustSpecifyGlyfTableSize requirement and ed note 20:16:06 Created ACTION-173 - Remove the #conform-mustspecifyglyftablesize requirement and ed note [on Vladimir Levantovsky - due 2015-04-29]. 20:16:17 kuettel: agree 20:16:48 I think that was me and Khaled not Kuettel 20:17:01 ChrisL: easy as an authoring tool test. MUST be same 20:17:18 Vlad: but then why not for all the other tables 20:17:46 ok never mind then, no conformance on that 20:17:50 j_hudson has joined #webfonts 20:18:03 rrsagent, here 20:18:03 See http://www.w3.org/2015/04/22-webfonts-irc#T20-18-03 20:18:30 + +1.250.668.aaaa 20:19:00 RRSAgent, aaaa is j_hudson 20:19:00 I'm logging. I don't understand 'aaaa is j_hudson', ChrisL. Try /msg RRSAgent help 20:19:11 zakim, aaaa is j_hudson 20:19:11 +j_hudson; got it 20:19:42 Vlad: wanted to prepare this for f2f meeting, go through the plans and see what we can do with the new ones 20:20:04 I changed a few things on https://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/wiki/TestPlan20-UserAgent today 20:22:00 Vlad: extraneous-reject was similar in WOFF1, we had well defined padding requirements for tables, no overlap etc 20:22:08 ... much more complex in woff2 20:22:40 ... all variable length portions, cant see where they end without parsing. so needs a series of tests 20:23:07 ... flagged as needing more work in the test plan 20:23:36 (no suggestions) 20:23:57 "For each place where extraneous data could occur, make a test." 20:24:18 Vlad: that is a lot of places. hard to find where those places are 20:24:38 ... would need to be doctored by hand 20:25:07 RSheeter: make explicit tests for major and obvious ones? 20:25:37 Vlad: easy between main and meta, meta and private 20:26:05 j_hudson: is it that we have no clear prioritization of what to test? 20:26:42 Vlad: ambiguously defined. and also, variable length parts with no separation 20:27:01 ... so hard to find where to insert space 20:28:17 ChrisL: need to reassess value of preventing ppl hiding data in odd places like between tables 20:28:46 Vlad: yes with per-table compression there were clear interstices that could be exploited. here it is all one compressed blob 20:30:11 ChrisL: suggest just testing in a few places 20:30:22 KhaledHosny: we already test those places 20:31:39 Vlad: in reality these three sections are contiguous. need to parse header to see where the joins between sections are 20:32:15 Vlad: and its harder to insert extra data, compared to woff1 20:32:44 ... wonder if the test is too complicated for little gain 20:32:58 j_hudson: ask the w3c security folks? 20:33:19 ... if there are security concerns they would know and we could flag it 20:33:50 action: ChrisL ask webappsec to review woff2 20:33:50 Created ACTION-174 - Ask webappsec to review woff2 [on Chris Lilley - due 2015-04-29]. 20:34:19 j_hudson: maybe the person who commented on woff1 in last call would comment here 20:35:25 Vlad: even with some number of tests we can't test all possible insertion points. want to avoid a false sense of security too 20:36:25 ChrisL: fuzzing makes more sense on a per-implementation basis 20:36:43 RSheeter: restrict it to the ones we already test like in woff1 20:36:48 Vlad: yes 20:37:13 (we will limit the test plan to the basic file structure insertion points) 20:37:40 (agreement) 20:38:46 Vlad: we now have specific descriptions on bounding box calculations, loca tables, etc 20:38:56 ... esp for font collection support 20:39:42 Vlad: description best done by whoever makes the tests 20:40:02 Vlad: KhaledHosny any ideas on those? 20:41:17 KhaledHosny: I can edit the descriptions for these 20:41:19 https://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/wiki/TestPlan20-UserAgent#mustCalculateBBox 20:41:26 (and on from there) 20:41:59 KhaledHosny: I have started looking at these already 20:43:17 Vlad: authoring tool also changed because of the collections stuff 20:43:18 https://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/wiki/TestPlan20-AuthoringTool 20:43:52 Vlad: often related to UA tests esp glyf and loca 20:44:49 Vlad: KhaledHosny if you could share your notes we can verify against test plan 20:45:18 ... then ready for f2f meeting, when we are all in smae room things move fast 20:45:28 topic: next meeting 20:45:45 Vlad: so who is coming to f2f meeting? chris responded 20:47:30 Vlad: suggested dates are june 9-11 but we probably don't need 3 days 20:47:48 j_hudson: could call in, will not be there 20:48:05 Vlad: probably hosted at monotype office, if not somewhere in boston 20:48:44 kuettel: we wanted to be sure khaled could join somehow, travel is problematic so remote access is important 20:49:05 ... today was first succesful trial, joining via hangouts and today was the first time that worked 20:49:22 ... otherwise we were reluctant to have the meeting 20:49:56 KhaledHosny: all the suggested days are okay 20:50:13 ... can manage for attending most of each day 20:50:47 Vlad: certainly June 9, maybe spill over to June 10, don't see more than two days 20:51:41 Rod & David K can make it :D 20:52:08 Vlad: jfkthame could you make it? 20:52:41 jfkthame: not in person 20:52:58 ... maybe connect for part of the meeting, if needed. 20:53:26 Vlad: we can plan for an early start to ease remote participation 20:54:08 Resolved: Meeting 9 and 10 June, Boston, 3 remote participants and 5 on-site 20:54:40 kuettel: google has an office in cambridge if needed. hangouts already setup. lets discuss offline 20:55:05 Vlad: monotype has good connectivity in conference rooms too 20:55:13 ... and hotel next door 20:55:57 ... (marriott courtyard) 20:56:45 zakim, list attendees 20:56:45 As of this point the attendees have been Vlad, jfkthame, ChrisL, +1.250.668.aaaa, j_hudson 20:57:15 zakim, aaa holds RSheeter, kuettel, KhaledHosny 20:57:15 sorry, ChrisL, I do not recognize a party named 'aaa' 20:57:34 present+ RSheeter, kuettel, KhaledHosny 20:57:38 https://github.com/w3c/woff2-tests 20:57:47 RSheeter: also look at the test repo on github 20:57:57 topic: aob 20:58:05 rrsagent, make minutes 20:58:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/04/22-webfonts-minutes.html ChrisL 20:58:31 -ChrisL 20:58:33 -j_hudson 20:58:36 -jfkthame 20:58:38 -Vlad 20:58:41 -??P1 20:58:42 IA_Fonts()4:00PM has ended 20:58:42 Attendees were Vlad, jfkthame, ChrisL, +1.250.668.aaaa, j_hudson