See also: IRC log
<manu> Agenda:
<scribe> Scribe: Katie Haritos-Shea
<scribe> ScribeNick: Ryladog
Manu: we do have e terminology section - we will add that
Pat: I noticed I would like to
clarify Push vs Pull or Pyer vs payee
... We need to clarify this in the use cases
Manu: Will cover later OK?
Pat: yes
<Ian> diagrams++
Manu: we decided to add and remove some things from the UC, we decided to do diagrams and turn out to be really important
<manu> Look at this one specifically for an example of the new template:
Manu: You will see the new
description and the flow and the objects as I an reaised in the
F2F. then example to add meat o the bones
... The next section are the motivations for the CS why they
are important and why we decided to incluse them
... and at the bottom there are US preconditions and post
... pre is wht should eb true for the UC to work
... the post is what should be true after the use case is
... so what aree we nising?
Ian: F2F talked about US should
be - what the examples are . So each example is a UC
... I agree that factoring out pre and post. So have you
thought about moving th examples to USs?
... why are there 4 examples - if they are diffetent then they
should be there own US
David E: +1 to Ians questions. The basic flow looks great. It is nore than I was thinking. Maybe it needs to be simple steps.
scribe: the flow we need to have
that spelled out just in text
... the way these are laid out....which is multiple ways of
looking at the same thing. But there is the more common way
without a POV.
... I am unsure if we shoul keep POV...that is the part that
nakes it hard to map to sprocofc UC
Laurent: I cannot agree that for the examples that they should not have POV.
<Zakim> manu, you wanted to say that moving examples out to be their own use cases would lead to an explosion of use cases.
Manu: Background on the examples:
started out in the CG, we kept going more and more generic with
the text. But then the description wee tto generic and it was
hard to map to a use case
... what we really need is a view of the UC from a variety of
... -1 to spliting the example out into their own UC
... they are all supposed to be about a particluar use case
Ian: 3.1.2 is different perspective on the same US. That sound s different to me. So maybe we could identify that
Manu: the reason that we have that their is that folks want tto have something that each stakeholder could hold on to
<Ian> [Maybe we can recast 3.1.2 as "Different perspectives on the use case" rather than "Different examples"]
Manu: before it was all customer
centrix. Can we reword?
... I dont have stronge feeling about that.....other did...
<Ian> +1 to single use case and multiple points of view
DaveL: I was going to say what Ian said. another approach is to have generic text for each use case then giveexample of wht they were trying to say
Pat: I think the image is helpful
but I think it specialized too early. I would like to update to
payer sellects something on payee
... vey generic concepts are easier to understand aand allow
the terms to stay consistant.
... a person sometimes is not neecssarily a customer
Manu: In one we tired to use just payer and we can rework the diagrams to just have payer and payee
Pat: Simple online payment
... If we are doing that conisistantly it will be more clear to
Jean-Yves: I think that helpful
to have some definitions or visions of not only the POV but
also the roles are very different from merchant to others
... if we solit it into different sections on what we all agree
- otherwise (sorry Cyril idid not capture you comments well,
please add them)
... pre and post conditions should be part of the requirments
maybe. I want to understand what kind of conditions we have to
use b/c that is noy clear to me so far
Manu: We have good input.
... clealy we have a problem with the exmple section
<Zakim> dezell, you wanted to talk (again) about "examples"
DavidE: We need to move quickly there may be other UC. I think I can supply a poinyter to traditional UC methodology/terminology. If you couple
<Zakim> manu, you wanted to say that we tried same use case across all examples - and people complained about it being too focused.
DavidE: them hthen you have a basic flow. It is common for the stories to not fit so that means that they need to be moved to a new UC
Manu: what David says is true it is like atunnel
<Zakim> Ian, you wanted to discuss diagram
<dlongley> One approach would be to just drop spelling out the POV and keep the example text. That would give different perspectives (without explicitly saying so) within a set of examples.
Ian: Diagram. I read an artcile from th Payment card center on the last page they have some diagrams that are useful. We might not want all of the info.
<padler> +1 to type mismatch..
Ian: people talk to merchandt. The website happens to be the way the merchant happen to communicate with the bnank. The diagram should not respresent the website and rather the parties involved
<manu> ACTION: Ian to review Initiating a Payment use case and propose changes. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-69 - Review initiating a payment use case and propose changes. [on Ian Jacobs - due 2015-02-26].
<padler> if the goal is to create standard web payments, keeping it generic would help to allow for many different types of clients on either end of the transaction (ex. POS terminal, refrigerator, watch, etc)..
JY: We need to be consistant in out terminology and I dont think we are.
JY: I think we should stick to known elements and inputs - maybe when we will try to get the new components in the glossary with descriptions
<Zakim> manu, you wanted to say that Terminology in use cases is being used actively - can we focus there?
<Ian> (All problems can be solved by an indirection. :)
Manu: I completely agree with JY. The terminoly in the UC spec I am trying to make it line up with the gloassry. Please send very cpcific changes to the list
DavidE: I also agree with JY, that is non-contiversial. But it is hard for us to ensure that. What is the best way to help?
Ian: The expectation that there will be a glossary and that this document will rely on that. The glossary is not being upadted on a regular basis. What are the obsticles.
<manu> Here's the current glossary:
Ian: you could move the
terminology section out of the document into the Wiki
... there would be one place instead of 2
<dezell> +1 to using the glossary for the definitions.
Ian: I am unsure if there is agreement
<Zakim> manu, you wanted to close discussion on glossary and move on.
<Ian> (Ok to know that respec mechanics are part of this story)
Manu: Absolutely agree, becasue
of the ReSpec tool it required you to define terms
... -1 to moving it out to the Wiki, becasue we will no longer
be able to do that in the FPWD
... we should hav only 1 glossary thing that we end up
... stop the glossary in the Wiki nd figure out a way to import
it into the FPWD doc
... respec does not support @import
Ian: we probably dont want this to be a dynamic thing - we need a static include for stability. Maybe emporarrily dunamic
<manu> ACTION: Manu to figure out how to have one glossary document that can be #included into each spec. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-70 - Figure out how to have one glossary document that can be #included into each spec. [on Manu Sporny - due 2015-02-26].
<Ian> (I suggest also talking with Evert about moving from Wiki to github)
Manu: we need to talk to Evert about this
Pat: Just want to point out that
payments people the payer is actually pushing the payment out
of therie account into ssoemone else account
... pull based is when someone pulls the money out. WE can very
clearly delineate those two things
... the actual mechanics behind the scenes......
<Zakim> manu, you wanted to raise the point of confusion around push vs. pull.
Manu: The reason it was chnaged
in the spec - there seemed to be confusion in the industry
about this
... we had discussion that seemed it as not clear. The original
intent was what you just said
DavidE: The push and pull
acutally referes to the issuer and the acquirer
... the part of the language that - the reason that push
payment is different is that this is a role reversal. I think
Manu is saying that the user counts
Pat: the title of it suggestes
that as a user that I could acy=taully iitiate a pull payment
form my account
... that is a payer initaited pull payment
<Zakim> Ian, you wanted to ask a clarifying question
Pat: payer initiated pull/push and payee has initiated pull/push
<manu> Ian, look at this wrt. Push-based payment:
Ian: I hear that 3.1 as stated may not be presice, maybe we need multiple. That could be a whole useful thing inside this use case it really is the same it is just where the paymnt is initaited
Manu: Please look at what i put into IRC, it is a specuficf different ise case
<Ian> will do
<padler> +1 to what Laurent is describing..
Manu: there was supposed to be no difference, but as Pat has outlined there is clealy a different
DavidL: It is unclear what is
being initiated. It is all about who is authorized to access
your funds
... with pull you gviethen access to pull when they want
... use aterm authorization\Manu: maybe yu could send something
to the mailing list
<CyrilV> -1 for authorization : it is already use for another process in card payment
Pat: the differecne is really
around who starts the process, who initaiates the collection of
thinsg that start the payment
... the other is saying here is th list that they will accept
in both cases the push id she=where the authoization actaully
astrat te transaction
<Laurent> Laurent (capturing his own comments): In the F2F, we used push / pull to refer to processor location. Push was on the customer side, Pull on the merchant side. But Pat's point is that push / pull is referring to who initiaites funds transfer between accounts, so we should find other terms for processor location.
Pat: payer initailed pull payment
Manu: Cyril says he is -1 on any use of the word authorization
DavidL: Maybe we can use the word deligation
Cyril: No
Manu: Do we want to add a UC that has to do with this vague Pull Based Payment?
<padler> in general pull based payments have a lot of risks... so it may be a lower priority..
<manu> ACTION: Laurent to write a pull-payment use case. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-71 - Write a pull-payment use case. [on Laurent Castillo - due 2015-02-26].
Manu: What exactly is the terminology that we are going to use to write tha tUC
<padler> +1 to the term validation...
Cyril: We could describe the .....payment subscription.....(scribe is having trouble hearing comment).....
Manu: we are out of time, thanks everyone, a great discussion - the call we be at the same time next week
<manu> s/Topic: Push vs Pull Payment Flows//
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140 of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Zakim: ??P2 is me// Succeeded: s/zakim [IP is manu// Succeeded: s/scribenick: Ryladog// Succeeded: s/scribenick: Ryladog// Succeeded: s/?me says sorry had a work problem..// Succeeded: s/Cyril: I think that/Jean-Yves: I think that/ Succeeded: s/* what document the conversation is about ?// Succeeded: s/* not Cyril but Jean-Yves is talking// Succeeded: s/* Ryladog you're welcome..// Succeeded: s/evereett/Evert/ Succeeded: s/whAT i JUST PUT IN/what i put into IRC/ Succeeded: s/Laurent: (sorry please type in your comment)// Succeeded: s/I cannot see the minutes// Succeeded: s/I do not have acess// Succeeded: s/can you clsoe out these minutes>// Succeeded: s/yep, I can, thx for scribing :)// Succeeded: s/That does work though thanks Manu// Succeeded: s/too many spelling error// Succeeded: s/sorry// Succeeded: s/Ryladog - spelling errors are easy to correct :)// Succeeded: s/Meeting: Web Payments IG: Use Cases Task Force// FAILED: s/Topic: Push vs Pull Payment Flows// Succeeded: s/Meeting: Web Payments IG - Use Cases Task Force// Succeeded: s/Meeting: Web Payments Use Cases TF// Succeeded: s/TOPIC: Push vs Pull Payment Flows// Succeeded: s/Breif/Brief/ Found Scribe: Katie Haritos-Shea Found ScribeNick: Ryladog Default Present: Davd_Ezell, dezell, +1.540.961.aaaa, manu, +1.312.504.aacc, Ian, Laurent, [IPcaller], Katie_Haritos-Shea, +, jean-yves, dlongley, Pat, +, CyrilV Present: Manu David_Ezell Ian Jean-Yves David_Longley Pat_Adler Katie Laurent Cyril Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 19 Feb 2015 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: ian laurent manu[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]