08:27:38 RRSAgent has joined #webscreens 08:27:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/01/30-webscreens-irc 08:37:07 anssik has changed the topic to: Conf code: 73266 - Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-secondscreen/2015Jan/0032.html 09:07:45 drott has joined #webscreens 10:20:34 zolkis has joined #webscreens 12:09:55 tidoust has joined #webscreens 12:16:54 zolkis has joined #webscreens 13:02:07 anssik: I put some notes for "Recent spec changes" into a new wiki page where we can keep the meeting minutes as well 13:32:07 Zakim has left #webscreens 13:49:29 Zakim has joined #webscreens 13:55:08 me hello anssik, thx :) 14:00:25 tidoust: I'll try to do the zakim + rrsagent setup dance myself first, if I fail, feel free to jump in 14:01:53 Sure! Note RRSAgent starts logging as soon as it joins the channel, so is logging this discussion. 14:01:57 RRSAgent, pointer? 14:01:57 See http://www.w3.org/2015/01/30-webscreens-irc#T14-01-57 14:17:57 anssik has changed the topic to: Conf code: 73266 - Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-secondscreen/2015Jan/0032.html - Help: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Second_Screen/Meetings#Practicalities 14:31:03 trackbot has left #webscreens 14:38:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/30-webscreens-minutes.html anssik 14:39:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/30-webscreens-minutes.html anssik 14:40:27 Meeting: Second Screen Presentation Working Group - Teleconference 14:40:35 Chair: Anssi_Kostiainen 14:40:39 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-secondscreen/2015Jan/0032.html 14:40:43 Date: 30 Jan 2015 14:40:48 Scribe: Francois_Daoust 14:40:54 ScribeNick: tidoust 14:40:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/30-webscreens-minutes.html anssik 14:51:02 Louay has joined #webscreens 14:55:41 zakim, aaaa is me 14:55:41 +anssik; got it 14:56:00 drott has joined #webscreens 14:56:51 Present+ Dominik_Röttsches 14:57:44 + +49.303.463.aabb 14:58:01 +??P4 14:58:06 zakim, ??P4 is me 14:58:06 +tidoust; got it 14:58:14 Present+ Louay_Bassbouss 14:59:02 Present+ Francois_Daoust 14:59:32 markw has joined #webscreens 14:59:40 +markw 14:59:44 aizu has joined #webscreens 15:00:11 mfoltzgoogle has joined #webscreens 15:00:30 + +1.206.876.aacc 15:01:25 BobLund has joined #webscreens 15:02:32 +BobLund 15:02:33 zakim, aabb is Louay_Bassbouss 15:02:34 +Louay_Bassbouss; got it 15:02:54 Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen 15:02:57 + +44.207.346.aadd 15:04:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/30-webscreens-minutes.html anssik 15:04:21 Present+ Mark Foltz 15:04:31 Present+ aizu 15:04:35 6230 is mfoltzgoogle 15:05:00 anton has joined #webscreens 15:05:26 s/Present+ Mark Foltz/Present+ Mark_Foltz 15:05:42 zakim, whos is on the phone? 15:05:42 I don't understand your question, tidoust. 15:05:46 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:05:46 On the phone I see anssik, Louay_Bassbouss, tidoust, markw, +1.206.876.aacc, BobLund, +44.207.346.aadd 15:05:55 * I have problem with SIP phone and try to fix it. 15:06:01 zakim, aacc is mfoltzgoogle 15:06:01 +mfoltzgoogle; got it 15:06:07 +??P11 15:06:16 zakim, Present+ Mark_Foltz 15:06:16 I don't understand 'Present+ Mark_Foltz', mfoltzgoogle 15:06:27 zakim, Present+ mfoltzgoogle 15:06:27 I don't understand 'Present+ mfoltzgoogle', mfoltzgoogle 15:06:30 Zakim, aadd is avayvod 15:06:30 +avayvod; got it 15:07:05 Zakim, Present+Anton_Vayvod 15:07:05 I don't understand 'Present+Anton_Vayvod', anton 15:07:30 Present+ Mark_Foltz 15:07:54 RRSAgent: Present+Anton_Vayvod 15:07:54 I'm logging. I don't understand 'Present+Anton_Vayvod', anton. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:08:26 Present+Anton_Vayvod 15:09:08 blassey has joined #webscreens 15:10:04 Zakim: p111 is me 15:10:12 Zakim, aadd is anton 15:10:12 sorry, anton, I do not recognize a party named 'aadd' 15:10:19 Zakim: p,111 is me 15:10:27 Zakim, avayvod is anton 15:10:27 +anton; got it 15:10:39 Zakim, who is here 15:10:39 anton, you need to end that query with '?' 15:10:44 zakim, ??P11 is blassey 15:10:44 +blassey; got it 15:10:53 Zakim, who is here? 15:10:53 On the phone I see anssik, Louay_Bassbouss, tidoust, markw, mfoltzgoogle, BobLund, anton, blassey 15:10:56 On IRC I see blassey, anton, BobLund, mfoltzgoogle, aizu, markw, drott, Louay, Zakim, zolkis, tidoust, RRSAgent, anssik 15:11:30 Anssi: Welcome everyone, first telco of the Second Screen Presentation WG! 15:11:41 Topic: Welcome 15:12:57 -anssik 15:14:33 +anssik 15:15:19 Anssi: This call is intended to be a soft introduction to get to know each other, see what happened to the spec and next steps 15:15:55 ... This WG was chartered in October 2014. We initially started as a CG in late 2013 and migrated the specification from the CG into this WG. 15:16:09 ... That took about a year. 15:16:23 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-secondscreen/2015Jan/0032.html -> Agenda 15:16:24 ... This is a focused WG: only one spec at this time on our plate, the Presentation API. 15:16:38 ... [Going through the agenda] 15:17:00 zakim, who makes noise? 15:17:00 I don't understand your question, tidoust. 15:17:06 zakim, who is noisy? 15:17:19 tidoust, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: anssik (45%), anton (87%) 15:17:27 zakim, mute anton 15:17:27 anton should now be muted 15:18:30 Topic: Round table introductions 15:19:41 Anssi: I work for Intel in Finland. I'm your Chair, at your service. I'm editor of 7 specifications in W3C and participate in about 11 WG. 15:19:57 ... Also proud father of two kids. 15:20:33 ... My main interest for the group is to remove obstacles from the way so that the WG can make progress. 15:21:07 ... Typically, Francois and I will take on the burden from the process whenever possible. 15:21:17 ... I want to ensure we avoid scope creep. 15:21:34 ... There is a tendancy to add new features and never publish. 15:21:46 ... We're in a good position with a tight charter. 15:22:05 ... Also, we should make sure that we iterate the spec with implementation feedback early on in the process. 15:22:28 ... The goal is not to have to revisite issues later on. I'm very happy to see many implementers in this group. 15:22:39 ... I encourage you to jump in the discussion. 15:23:01 ... Leaving the floor to hear about you. 15:23:16 Zakim, unmute me 15:23:16 anton should no longer be muted 15:23:25 Dominik: I'm the editor of the specification. Together with Anssi, we introduced the topic and started the CG. 15:23:48 ... I also work in Intel, software engineer, Chromium committer. 15:23:59 ... My interest is to bring the future to browsers around there. 15:24:16 ... We're interested in exposing Miracast here, but more generally in the feature itself. 15:24:35 ... It's always great to have specific points in the spec. 15:25:54 Anton: I work for Google in the London office. Hello from Great Britain. Work for Chrome on Android. Implemented support for Chromecast on Android. 15:26:12 ... Very interested in the API as it brings the feature to Web browsers. 15:26:30 ... My main concern is how to get many developers to use the API, need to remain simple. 15:27:28 Brad: I work for Mozilla, from Boston. I started the Phoenix process. Involved in introducing media flinging for Firefox for Android and for desktop in particular 15:27:48 tidoust: My interest is to bring the future to ... s/future/feature 15:28:07 Bob: I work for CableLabs. We are a non profit R&D organization that represent cable operators. 15:28:26 ... We've been using discovery protocols, e.g. DIAL and Chromecast. 15:28:50 ... Different approaches. My main interest is to see an API that could accomodate different discovery protocols 15:28:56 s/Phoenix/Fennec 15:29:36 Louay: I'm from Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany. Main topic is everything around multi-screens. Also involved in Web and TV IG in W3C, also HbbTV. 15:29:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/30-webscreens-minutes.html anssik 15:29:56 Louay: My interest is to bring all these standards to our customers 15:30:56 MarkW: I work for Netflix, video on demand service on the Internet. We have multiscreen stuff based on DIAL. 15:31:23 s /bring the future to browsers/bring the feature to browsers/ 15:31:46 Present+ Brad_Lassey 15:32:09 MarkF: I work for Google on Chrome in the Seattle area. My team built the first generation of multiscreen support in Chrome, with Chromecast and DIAL. 15:32:21 RRSAgent: generate minutes 15:32:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/30-webscreens-minutes.html drott 15:32:27 ... Main goal is to enable support for multi-screens. 15:32:56 ... My main concern is to ensure that we can take advantage of existing devices out there, and also I think there are interesting security aspects. 15:34:24 markw has joined #webscreens 15:35:05 Francois: [great presentation of himself] 15:35:34 Topic: Introduction to W3C 15:35:42 ScribeNick: anssik 15:36:50 tidoust: there may be couple of you not familiar with W3C 15:37:09 ... three main documents that govern the rules of a working group: 15:37:16 1) W3C Process 15:37:20 -> http://www.w3.org/2014/Process-20140801/ W3C Process Document 15:37:47 ... described how WGs work, recommendation track, what it means to publish a doc 15:37:53 ... what are the maturity levels 15:38:02 -> http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/ W3C Patent Policy 15:38:08 tidoust: 2) W3C Patent Policy 15:38:27 ... commitments made when joined the group, Royalty-Free policy 15:38:39 ... any questions, please contact tidoust 15:39:01 ... describes call for exclusions 15:39:21 -> http://www.w3.org/2014/secondscreen/charter.html Second Screen Presentation Working Group Charter 15:39:21 ... 3) Charter of the WG 15:39:42 ... The working group has to take decisions based on consensus 15:39:52 ... no-one should be objecting to a decision 15:40:04 ... if someone is objecting, decision cannot be taken 15:40:14 ... if no consensus is reached, there's an escalation process 15:40:28 ... you can go up to the W3C Director 15:40:48 ... that's very important part of the Process 15:41:06 ... Rec Track defines maturity levels of a spec 15:41:18 ... currently, the spec is Editor's Draft, thus no formal standing 15:41:30 ... next publication will be First Public Working Draft 15:41:40 ... which triggers the first exclusion period 15:41:50 ... Working Drafts are then published 15:41:58 ... ED pub can be automated 15:42:22 ... Candidate Rec aka CR, when it is "feature complete", call for implementations 15:42:43 ... to ensure the spec has been reviewed by external world there's a wider review 15:43:03 ... Proposed Rec aka PR when we have two implementations 15:43:25 ... W3C Recommendation aka REC, web standards 15:43:28 ... that's about it 15:44:02 ... Process doc defines review periods, transitions from stage to another 15:44:06 + +49.303.aaee 15:44:22 -BobLund 15:44:52 zakim, aaee is Louay_Bassbouss 15:44:54 +Louay_Bassbouss; got it 15:45:11 ... about rules and responsibilities 15:45:20 ... roles: chair, staff contact 15:45:43 ... chair to ensure consensus is found, staff contact to help 15:45:50 +BobLund 15:45:57 ... editor is authoring the specification 15:46:14 ... scribe is responsible for writing down minutes 15:46:29 ScribeNick: tidoust 15:46:42 Topic: General logistics 15:47:04 TOPIC: General logistics 15:47:16 Anssi: This is: "How do we do our day-to-day activity" 15:47:23 http://www.w3.org/2014/secondscreen/ -> Home page 15:47:45 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Second_Screen -> Wiki 15:47:49 Anssi: From the home page of the group, you can find links to other material, Wiki, charter, list of participants, etc. 15:48:00 ... The Wiki is open for everyone to contribute to. 15:48:09 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-secondscreen/ -> Mailing lists 15:48:16 Anssi: Let's make use of this resource! 15:48:34 ... The mailing-list is the main communications mean of the group. 15:48:54 ... I should note that there is a tendancy to move technical discussions to GitHub where the spec is. 15:49:20 ... That is fine. There is no requirement that would prevent us from doing so. 15:49:27 ... I'm open to suggestions as we advance the specification. 15:49:34 https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api -> Presentation API spec on GitHub 15:49:52 Anssi: Those are the main pointers we have. 15:50:53 ... To contribute, let's say you have a proposal, a concern, see a typo, or something else, do not hesitate to send an email to start with. 15:51:31 ... Then, if you're more adventurous, you can fork the spec and send a pull request, so that Dominik can review your contributions.. 15:51:49 ... We're open to all sorts of feedback. The process is not limiting us in this regard. 15:51:51 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Second_Screen/Work_Mode#Direct_Spec_Contributions -> Work Mode / Direct Spec Contributions 15:52:25 Anssi: If you're interesting in making contributions to the spec, please look at the instructions in the Wiki. 15:52:55 ... The instructions have been tested in Linux and MacOS. On Windows, you may struggle a bit 15:53:08 https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues -> Open issues 15:53:21 Anssi: Francois will update the instructions with Windows considerations. 15:53:46 ... We're using GitHub issue tracker. Anyone can create and discuss issues. 15:53:46 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Second_Screen/Work_Mode#Issues -> Work Mode / Issues 15:54:11 Anssi: I came up with a series of guidelines, hope they make sense. 15:54:40 ... I would like to ensure that every voice is heard. The best way for your idea not to go unnoticed is to open an issue on GitHub. 15:55:20 ... If you still prefer to stick to the mailing-list, no problem, Dominik and myself will monitor the list and create needed issues on GitHub. 15:55:50 ... The role of the editor is not to resolve all issues. That's rather the role of the WG. You can in particular assign issues to yourself. 15:56:32 lassey has joined #webscreens 15:56:50 ... We have had some discussions off the list with Francois about the mailing-list and GitHub. I'd like to hear your views. Would you like to setup some automated system that sends emails to the mailing-list whenever something happened on GitHub? 15:57:06 q? 15:57:16 Anssi: See related mail on the mailing-list 15:57:17 q+ to ask about the use of GitHub 15:57:36 q+ 15:58:15 q- 15:58:21 ack mfoltzgoogle 15:58:30 Anssi: Any concern or question or view about moving more on the work to GitHub and reflecting the work on the mailing-list automatically? 15:58:46 -BobLund 15:59:21 MarkF: My question was on working implementations. Do you want these to be reflected on the W3C repository? Or is it ok to use our personal repos? 15:59:31 https://github.com/webscreens/ 15:59:56 Anssi: If you wish, you may fork your repo to the "webscreens" organization which was created for that purpose. 16:00:04 q+ 16:00:35 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Second_Screen/Implementation_Status 16:00:42 Anssi: Things under the W3C organization are for WG specifications and deliverables 16:01:00 q? 16:01:07 ack tidoust 16:02:30 Francois: Note code is not a deliverable of the WG, so does not have to be submitted to W3C. It's of course a good thing to have prototypes and to reference them. 16:02:49 Anssi: right, note the Test suite will be a deliverable of the WG. 16:02:53 TOPIC: Charter 16:03:18 Anssi: Briefly, I want to ensure that we understand that the charter is and contains. 16:03:22 http://www.w3.org/2014/secondscreen/charter.html -> WG Charter 16:03:29 http://www.w3.org/2014/secondscreen/charter.html#scope -> WG Scope 16:03:43 Anssi: The most important section is probably the Scope section. It defines... the scope! 16:04:04 ... We can partition our work across multiple specs if it's useful and makes sense. 16:04:26 ... There are also success criteria, 2 implementations at a minimum. 16:04:58 ... If we don't get 2 implementations for a feature, we won't put it in the spec. 16:05:28 ... Maybe the third section that you might want to review is the Out of Scope section. 16:05:42 http://www.w3.org/community/webscreens/ -> Community Group 16:05:59 ... If you strongly feel that some of this work should have more discussion among vendors, the sister Community Group is the right place for these discussions. 16:06:10 ... These features could come to the WG later on, when and if we re-charter. 16:06:30 q? 16:06:34 ... Note we can split the Presentation API into multiple specifications if you feel that's useful 16:06:36 q+ 16:06:44 ack tidoust 16:06:56 +q 16:08:29 ack mfoltzgoogle 16:08:38 Francois: Note the timeline and milestones are important! 16:09:06 MarkF: You mentioned some features could be added as extensions. What is the process to do so? 16:10:04 Anssi: I think these extensions would be considered their own spec. The right way to do it would be to experiment with the features in the CG, and then these extensions can be brought to the WG, provided the WG re-charters if these features are out of scope. 16:11:15 q? 16:11:28 Francois: [note on extension points in the spec] 16:11:35 TOPIC: Announcements 16:12:26 Anssi: We will have a F2F at TPAC. Next TPAC is end of October 2015. We have the option to meet before that. 16:12:48 ... Given that TPAC is a bit far away, the plan would be to hold a F2F in spring, probably towards end of May. 16:12:49 19-20 May (not optimal) 16:12:54 26-27 May 16:12:59 27-28 May 16:13:09 Anssi: I have started to discuss that with some of you. 16:13:44 ... 19-20 May is not optimal because of a conflict with WWW2015. We're targeting a two-day meeting. 16:14:00 http://www.w3.org/Guide/hosting.htm -> Hosting W3C Face to Face Meetings 16:14:27 Anssi: Please have a look at these possibilities. We are open to offers to host, although note we already have good offers to host, thanks! 16:14:44 ... I will send an email to the mailing-list afterwards; 16:15:04 ... Please get in touch with Francois and myself if you can host. 16:15:05 q? 16:15:12 Anssi: Anything else to announce? 16:15:37 Topic: Spec status and next steps 16:15:49 Anssi: This is where we start to work! 16:15:59 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Second_Screen/Meetingnotes/Telco_2015_01_30 16:16:05 Anssi: Dominik will give us an update since the CG 16:16:45 Dominik: See notes I prepared in Wiki page. 16:17:07 ... We added a first draft of the algorithms section, thanks to MarkF! 16:17:19 ... We iterated a bit on some sections. 16:17:38 ... Then, with Anssi, we thought we would merge algorithms and the IDL definitions. 16:17:55 ... The Presentation API is in a much better shape than it was. 16:18:06 ... Having said that, we have a few open issues. 16:18:40 ... We have to look at how we're going to tear down sessions. Signal? How to avoid orphaned sessions? Etc. 16:19:03 ... I invite anyone, especially those implementing the spec, to contribute here. 16:19:43 ... The message exchange mechanism needs to be further specified. We have a postMessage right now. There are related discussion within bugzilla at Mozilla. 16:19:51 ... We've had exchanges with them. 16:20:07 ... Do we want to add additional types such as ArrayBuffers for instance? 16:20:28 ... Then, we also need to look at the Presentation API from the presenting page, to see whether things are clear and consistent there. 16:20:49 ... These issues that I have highlighted are marked as P1 (Priority 1) 16:21:02 ... Of course, if you have suggestions for other issues, you're welcome as well! 16:21:29 q? 16:21:30 ... As soon as we find consensus on a proposal, I'm happy to merge it to the spec. 16:22:30 Anssi: Great overview, thanks! If you can have a look at P1 issues, then we can work on them offline. 16:22:43 -> https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3AP1 Priority 1 issues on GitHub 16:23:21 Anssi: Next, I'd like to talk about publication as FPWD. Publication as a FPWD does not imply that the spec is feature complete. 16:23:45 https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/milestones/FPWD 16:24:06 Anssi: What will happen next is that I will send a call for consensus on the mailing-list (CfC) to check with you whether there are concerns with that publication. 16:24:30 q? 16:24:59 Anssi: For open issues, we don't need to flesh out the solution, we can just say that the section is under discussion. 16:25:12 q? 16:25:20 Anssi: If someone can take an action to review the spec, that would be great as well. 16:25:23 ... Any volunteer? 16:26:01 q? 16:26:11 Anssi: If you don't want to commit on the call, just keep the spec as an open tab so that you can have a look at it when you come back to the office on Monday. 16:26:32 Anssi: Any other business that you would like to raise or discuss? 16:26:35 q? 16:27:10 Anssi: Thank you everyone for attending. This was more an introduction call. In the coming calls, we would keep more technical focus. 16:27:36 MarkF: Are there other WG in W3C that are doing related things and that we should follow? 16:27:45 http://www.w3.org/2014/secondscreen/charter.html#liaisons 16:27:59 Anssi: If you look at the charter, there is a "Dependencies and Liaisons" section that enumerates some of these groups. 16:28:35 ... For instance, the Device API WG has been experiencing with the Network Service Discovery API. WebRTC, Web and TV IG, Web Security WG, etc. 16:28:57 MarkF: The one that I might propose to add is the group working on SharedWorkers. 16:29:08 ... I've used their spec as a guideline. 16:29:31 Anssi: I guess you mean ServiceWorkers. In scope of the Webapps WG. That's an interesting specification. 16:30:06 bye bye, thanks tidoust, anssik 16:30:07 Anssi: Thanks a lot for attending the call! 16:30:07 -blassey 16:30:13 [call adjourned] 16:30:16 -markw 16:30:17 -anton 16:30:23 drott has left #webscreens 16:30:27 -Louay_Bassbouss.a 16:30:29 -mfoltzgoogle 16:30:31 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:30:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/30-webscreens-minutes.html tidoust 16:30:35 TOPIC: Adjourn 16:31:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/30-webscreens-minutes.html anssik 16:36:25 -anssik 16:36:27 -tidoust 16:36:43 zakim, disconnect Louay_Bassbouss 16:36:43 Louay_Bassbouss is being disconnected 16:36:45 UW_SSPWG()10:00AM has ended 16:36:45 Attendees were +358.986.aaaa, anssik, +49.303.463.aabb, tidoust, markw, +1.206.876.aacc, BobLund, Louay_Bassbouss, +44.207.346.aadd, mfoltzgoogle, anton, blassey, +49.303.aaee 16:36:52 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:36:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/30-webscreens-minutes.html tidoust 16:38:26 RRSAgent, bye 16:38:26 I see no action items