IRC log of html-media on 2015-01-13

Timestamps are in UTC.

16:04:18 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #html-media
16:04:18 [RRSAgent]
logging to
16:04:36 [ddorwin]
this is html-media
16:04:44 [ddorwin]
zakim, this is html-media
16:04:44 [Zakim]
sorry, ddorwin, I do not see a conference named 'html-media' in progress or scheduled at this time
16:04:49 [joesteele]
trackbot, start meeting
16:04:51 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
16:04:53 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 63342
16:04:53 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see HTML_WG()11:00AM scheduled to start 4 minutes ago
16:04:54 [trackbot]
Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference
16:04:54 [trackbot]
Date: 13 January 2015
16:05:16 [joesteele]
scribe: joesteele
16:05:32 [joesteele]
chair: ddorwin
16:05:57 [joesteele]
Zakim, who is here?
16:05:57 [Zakim]
HTML_WG()11:00AM has not yet started, joesteele
16:05:59 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, joesteele, Zakim, markw, davide, jdsmith, ddorwin, adrianba, trackbot
16:06:08 [ddorwin]
16:06:16 [joesteele]
rrsagent, generate minutes
16:06:16 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joesteele
16:06:21 [joesteele]
trackbot, start meeting
16:06:23 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
16:06:25 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 63342
16:06:25 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see HTML_WG()11:00AM scheduled to start 6 minutes ago
16:06:26 [trackbot]
Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference
16:06:26 [trackbot]
Date: 13 January 2015
16:06:45 [joesteele]
Topic: Role Call
16:06:49 [joesteele]
Zakim, who is here?
16:06:51 [Zakim]
HTML_WG()11:00AM has not yet started, joesteele
16:06:51 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, joesteele, Zakim, markw, davide, jdsmith, ddorwin, adrianba, trackbot
16:07:12 [joesteele]
Zakim, this will be html-media
16:07:13 [Zakim]
I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, joesteele
16:07:21 [joesteele]
Zakim, this will be HTML_WG
16:07:22 [Zakim]
ok, joesteele, I see HTML_WG()11:00AM already started
16:07:57 [joesteele]
Topic: Bugs awaiting input
16:08:15 [joesteele]
topic: Bug 27268 - Add a definition of a distinctive identifier
16:08:21 [joesteele]
16:08:30 [joesteele]
ddorwin: no replies from henri
16:08:41 [joesteele]
... implemented but no replies from henri since december
16:08:50 [joesteele]
topic: Bug 27093 - Support for proprietary/system-specific formats in initData should be discouraged/deprecated
16:08:56 [joesteele]
16:09:10 [joesteele]
ddorwin: saw that joe replied yesterday -- no chance to reply as yet
16:09:17 [joesteele]
... any other comments?
16:09:53 [joesteele]
joesteele: think I covered most of the three we discussed
16:09:57 [joesteele]
... might have missed one
16:10:08 [joesteele]
ddorwin: might be good to discuss next week
16:10:22 [joesteele]
topic: other bugs
16:10:25 [joesteele]
topic: Bug 27738 - Need to change name of 'message' event to avoid confusion
16:10:31 [joesteele]
16:10:41 [joesteele]
ddorwin: filed by Glenn last week with some others
16:10:51 [joesteele]
16:10:59 [joesteele]
ddorwin: posted some updates about names -- is this really a problem?
16:11:09 [joesteele]
does someone have comments on this one?
16:11:42 [joesteele]
... messages are used for APIs and they are all used for simple events, we are using for custom events
16:11:46 [joesteele]
... should not do that
16:11:59 [joesteele]
jdsmith: is this a big change? could accomodate
16:12:12 [joesteele]
ddorwin: it is misleading as it is unlikely to relate to a key
16:12:17 [joesteele]
... it just about finding another name
16:12:19 [markw]
16:12:40 [joesteele]
markw: I don't think keymessage is that bad
16:12:58 [joesteele]
jdsmith: I agree - does not seem like a bad name
16:13:08 [markw]
16:13:18 [joesteele]
ddorwin: I will do some more reseach and then make the change depending on the researfch
16:13:20 [joesteele]
16:13:33 [joesteele]
topic: Bug 27739 - Change event name 'keyschange' to 'keychange'
16:13:40 [joesteele]
16:14:01 [joesteele]
ddorwin: I added some comments about this could imply key rotation, again a simple change, but needs feedback
16:14:17 [joesteele]
... also mentioned this depends on the next bug
16:14:24 [joesteele]
16:14:37 [joesteele]
... any basic comments?
16:14:57 [joesteele]
... any comments on what the name should be
16:15:06 [joesteele]
topic: Bug 27740 - Suggest changing interface name 'MediaKeyStatuses' to 'MediaKeyStatusMap'
16:15:14 [joesteele]
16:15:28 [joesteele]
ddorwin: type so does not impact compatibility
16:15:51 [joesteele]
... noted that the attribute that uses this type is KeyStatuses -- do we want to change that? if so to what?
16:16:02 [markw]
MediaKeyStatusMap and kekystatuschange seems good to me
16:16:21 [markw]
16:16:27 [joesteele]
16:16:49 [joesteele]
ddorwin: I guess the attribute could be keyStatusMap?
16:17:00 [joesteele]
jdsmith: Glenn is objecting to the plural I think
16:17:12 [joesteele]
ddorwin: my point is that is used in the attribute as well
16:17:33 [joesteele]
... ok we will make changes on those two as well
16:17:38 [joesteele]
... will take a shot at that
16:17:44 [joesteele]
Topic: Issue #3 - Add "internal-error" to MediaKeyStatus enum
16:17:51 [joesteele]
16:18:14 [joesteele]
ddorwin: could be other reasons that the key is not usable -- rather than force implementation to pick other reasons
16:18:30 [joesteele]
... many statuses existed before
16:18:38 [joesteele]
... will file a bug on one today
16:18:47 [joesteele]
... InternalError seems like a good name
16:18:51 [joesteele]
jdsmith: like that also
16:18:55 [joesteele]
16:19:08 [markw]
16:19:13 [joesteele]
jdsmith: intent is that an error that cannot be typed as one of the normal statuses
16:19:20 [joesteele]
ddorwin: that makes senses
16:19:28 [joesteele]
topic: Issue #1 - requestMediaKeySystemAccess()'s supportedConfigurations parameter should not be optional
16:19:37 [joesteele]
16:19:47 [joesteele]
ddorinw: currently can pass a keySystem without any config
16:19:57 [joesteele]
... causes additional spec logic and complexity for implementations
16:20:07 [joesteele]
... config can also be null
16:20:30 [joesteele]
... proposal is to remove optional
16:20:41 [joesteele]
... discussion of can you pass an empty config?
16:21:26 [ddorwin]
s/config can also be null/getConfiguration() can also return null/
16:21:42 [joesteele]
joesteele: think I agree that it should be required
16:21:50 [joesteele]
ddorwin: couple votes for that now
16:22:00 [joesteele]
... should we have any constraints on what the config can be?
16:22:01 [ddorwin]
Should "[ { } ]" be a valid second parameter?
16:22:30 [joesteele]
... probably easiest to leave this, to avoid the extra logic in the spc
16:22:35 [joesteele]
16:22:47 [joesteele]
... need to make sure the main algorithm supports that
16:23:37 [joesteele]
joesteele: were you thinking about security?
16:23:52 [jamilellis]
jamilellis has joined #html-media
16:24:11 [joesteele]
ddorwin: no this was just to avoid the complexity of the logic, but this forces the developer to think about it
16:24:40 [joesteele]
topic: Issue #7 - EME should not fire waiting or canplay events - use a separate mechanism
16:24:48 [joesteele]
16:25:09 [joesteele]
ddorwin: we added waitingFor and fired the waiting event, firing canPlay etc
16:25:37 [joesteele]
... got feedback that this was not good, fired on transitions in the state machine which we agreed not to do
16:25:45 [joesteele]
... also changing the value of an attribute means a possible race condition
16:26:05 [joesteele]
... proposal is to simplify and revert the use of waitingFor and canPlay
16:26:13 [joesteele]
... just queue a simple waitingForKey event
16:26:32 [joesteele]
... simpler for implementations and applications
16:26:51 [joesteele]
... not indication of resuming playback, but you should not be relying on this for your playback
16:27:09 [joesteele]
... in the beginning you are already working on providing a key so it is not a problem
16:27:20 [joesteele]
... proposal is to remove that logic
16:27:49 [joesteele]
joesteele: will have to think about that one more
16:28:07 [joesteele]
ddorwin: thought this one would have the most discussion, would like to resolve relatively soon
16:28:13 [joesteele]
... would like to get feedback this week
16:28:44 [joesteele]
jdsmith: have you looked through the resume logic and rationalized what will happen when we are not waitingForKeys, presumably you would get an event like that still
16:29:13 [joesteele]
ddorwin: have not gone through the algorithm yet, if there is a thought that that is how this would go I can
16:29:39 [joesteele]
... you would want to internally track that it is in that state, we probably already have something like that internally
16:29:52 [joesteele]
... it is the public state that is spec'd and possibly wrong and hard to get right
16:30:03 [joesteele]
... not the end of the world to fire twice, but possibly bad if in the wrong state
16:30:24 [joesteele]
jdsmith: if we can get by with a simple evenet, would be cleaner and preferable
16:30:31 [joesteele]
... have not had time to go through the spec and think about this
16:30:53 [joesteele]
... I think I made some of these changes. Not opposed to simplifying if we can.
16:31:12 [joesteele]
... Just need to confirm no downsides to stripping out the waitingFor information
16:31:28 [joesteele]
ddorwin: so you will take a look at the bug and comment?
16:31:33 [joesteele]
jdsmith: yes -- have to bail now
16:31:52 [Zakim]
16:32:04 [ddorwin]
16:32:11 [joesteele]
topic: Issue #8 - Define behavior for implementations that delay playback until setMediaKeys() is called
16:32:18 [joesteele]
16:32:30 [joesteele]
ddorwin: Jerry might care about this one as well
16:32:53 [joesteele]
... non-normative note that apps should call setMediaKeys before providing media data
16:35:07 [joesteele_]
joesteele_ has joined #html-media
16:35:41 [joesteele_]
scribe: joesteele_
16:36:18 [joesteele_]
ddorwin: waiting on Issue #7 to resolve this one
16:36:40 [joesteele_]
topic: Issue 9 - Remove note that MediaKeySession events may not be fired until the MediaKeys object is associated with a media element
16:36:46 [joesteele_]
16:36:56 [joesteele_]
ddorwin: need Jerrys input on this -- please review
16:37:16 [joesteele_]
... currently text that in some implementations mediakey implementations will not fire events
16:37:25 [joesteele_]
... breaks some use case
16:37:34 [joesteele_]
... probably should remove this note and discourage those implementations
16:37:46 [joesteele_]
... believe this came from Microsoft so need Jerrys input
16:37:57 [joesteele_]
rrsagent, generate minutes
16:37:57 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joesteele_
16:38:07 [ddorwin]
topic: - Consider changing how the MediaKeySession method algorithms run other algorithms to more accurately reflect implementations
16:38:20 [joesteele_]
topic: Bug 27138
16:38:24 [ddorwin]
16:38:49 [ddorwin]
In the November 11th telecon, Feedback from others is also welcome
16:38:51 [joesteele_]
ddorwin: this is related to the algorithms, no one has commented, Jerry would review
16:39:13 [joesteele_]
s/Bug 27138/Bug 27138 - Consider changing how the MediaKeySession method algorithms run other algorithms to more accurately reflect implementations/
16:39:29 [ddorwin]
s/In the November 11th telecon, Feedback from others is also welcome/In the November 11th telecon, Jerry said he would review it./
16:39:33 [joesteele_]
ddorwin: comments are welcome
16:39:52 [joesteele_]
... this affects beasically every algorithm
16:40:03 [joesteele_]
... that is all the bugs
16:40:07 [joesteele_]
... any other bug comments?
16:40:19 [joesteele_]
16:40:24 [joesteele_]
topic: other business
16:40:31 [joesteele_]
topic: Issue tracking
16:40:50 [ddorwin]
16:40:53 [joesteele_]
ddorwin: sent out the email about using github
16:41:04 [markw]
+1 for switching to GitHub
16:41:19 [joesteele_]
... we have a mix now -- would like to drive the buginizer to zero and continue to file bugs in github
16:41:24 [joesteele_]
... seems to work well now
16:41:46 [markw]
16:42:19 [joesteele_]
joesteele: so we will continue to resolve existing bugs in bugzilla, new bugs will go to github
16:42:30 [markw]
when we have only a few left in bugzilla we might want to move those to GitHib
16:42:31 [joesteele_]
ddorwin: yes. some of the new bugs are just tracking stuff I need to do
16:42:42 [joesteele_]
... don't appear to be many that we need to move
16:42:54 [joesteele_]
... except maybe that last one
16:43:01 [BobLund]
BobLund has joined #html-media
16:43:53 [joesteele_]
ddorwin: we will still receive emails from the old Bugzilla and can ask folks to move them to github
16:44:06 [joesteele_]
... someone would have to find the component eventually
16:44:11 [Zakim]
16:44:23 [joesteele_]
... and then update the status of the document that has new bugs in github
16:44:33 [joesteele_]
rrsagent, generate minutes
16:44:33 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joesteele_
16:44:37 [joesteele_]
Zakim, who is here?
16:44:37 [Zakim]
On the phone I see ddorwin, joesteele, markw, davide, BobLund
16:44:39 [Zakim]
On IRC I see BobLund, joesteele_, jamilellis, RRSAgent, Zakim, markw, davide, ddorwin, adrianba, trackbot
16:45:07 [joesteele_]
ddorwin: thanks everyone! that's all for now
16:45:13 [joesteele_]
joesteele: MSE next week?
16:45:33 [joesteele_]
ddorwin: probably should email thread on that
16:45:45 [joesteele_]
joesteele: I will go ahead and send that out
16:46:06 [joesteele_]
ddorwin: need folks to respond, but can probably skip EME meeting next week
16:46:11 [Zakim]
16:46:11 [Zakim]
16:46:13 [Zakim]
16:46:15 [joesteele_]
rrsagent, generate minutes
16:46:15 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joesteele_
16:46:16 [Zakim]
16:47:03 [joesteele_]
s/https:\/\/ - Consider changing how the MediaKeySession method algorithms run other algorithms to more accurately reflect implementations//
16:47:05 [joesteele_]
rrsagent, generate minutes
16:47:05 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joesteele_
16:47:09 [Zakim]
16:47:10 [Zakim]
HTML_WG()11:00AM has ended
16:47:10 [Zakim]
Attendees were ddorwin, jdsmith, joesteele, markw, davide, BobLund
16:47:42 [joesteele_]
s/27138 - Consider changing how the MediaKeySession method algorithms run other algorithms to more accurately reflect implementations//
16:47:44 [joesteele_]
rrsagent, generate minutes
16:47:44 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joesteele_
16:49:05 [joesteele_]
s/topic\: http.*$//
16:49:07 [joesteele_]
rrsagent, generate minutes
16:49:07 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joesteele_
16:49:51 [joesteele_]
s/Consider changing how the MediaKeySession method algorithms run other algorithms to more accurately reflect implementations//g
16:49:52 [joesteele_]
rrsagent, generate minutes
16:49:52 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joesteele_
16:51:33 [joesteele_]
16:51:36 [joesteele_]
rrsagent, generate minutes
16:51:36 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joesteele_
16:52:18 [joesteele_]
s/can you pass an empty config/"can you pass an empty config"/
16:52:19 [joesteele_]
rrsagent, generate minutes
16:52:19 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joesteele_
16:52:50 [joesteele_]
s/of can you/of whether you can/
16:52:51 [joesteele_]
rrsagent, generate minutes
16:52:51 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joesteele_
16:54:06 [joesteele_]
s/Bug 27138 - /Bug 27138 - Consider changing how the MediaKeySession method algorithms run other algorithms to more accurately reflect implementations/
16:54:07 [joesteele_]
rrsagent, generate minutes
16:54:07 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joesteele_
16:55:08 [joesteele_]
Zakim, list particpants
16:55:08 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'list particpants', joesteele_
16:55:13 [joesteele_]
Zakim, list participants
16:55:13 [Zakim]
sorry, joesteele_, I don't know what conference this is
16:55:23 [joesteele_]
Zakim, bye
16:55:23 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #html-media
16:55:35 [joesteele_]
rrsagent, bye
16:55:35 [RRSAgent]
I see no action items