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Web Annotations Working Group

This working group has not yet been formed. The charter is still under review by W3C's membership. If you are a W3C member, and wish to register your interest and support in the Web Annotations WG, you can respond to the ongoing Advisory Committee charter review until 19 August 2014.

The W3C Web Annotations Working Group is chartered to develop a set of specifications for an interoperable, sharable, distributed Web annotation architecture. The chartered specs consist of:

  1. Abstract Annotation Data Model
  2. Data Model Vocabulary
  3. Data Model Serializations
  5. Client-side API

The working group intends to use the Open Annotation Data Model and Open Annotation Extension specifications, from the W3C Open Annotation Community Group, as a starting point for development of the data model specification.

The Robust Link Anchoring specification will be jointly developed with the WebApps WG, where many client-side experts and browser implementers participate.

This group works in public, with details in the WG's Work Mode document and the WG's Wiki.

A detailed list of this group's publications and their status will be available in the working group's specification repository.

The W3C Web Annotations Working Group is part of the W3C Digital Publishing Activity.

The W3C Team Contacts for the Web Annotations Working Group are Ivan Herman and Doug Schepers. The Co-Chairs of the Working Group are and Frederick Hirsch (Nokia) and Robert Sanderson (Stanford University).

Upcoming Meetings

To be determined.


Web Annotations on the Horizon

9 November 2012 | Archive

Annotation, the act of creating associations between distinct pieces of information, is a widespread activity online in many guises but currently lacks a structured approach. People comment about online resources using tools built into the hosting web site, external web services, or the functionality of an annotation client. When reading eBooks, people make use the tools provided by reading systems to add and share their thoughts or highlight portions of texts. Comments about photos, videos, and audio tracks, questions or clarifications about data, maps, and social media posts or mentions are all forms of annotation.

However, annotation currently lacks a structured approach. Comments are siloed inside the blog or comment system hosted and controlled by the publisher of the original document, or inside an eBook reader. They aren’t readily available for syndication or aggregation, and it’s difficult to find more comments by an insightful author if they are scattered around different places on the web. Worthwhile commentary is obscured by trolling, spam, or trivial comments. These are challenges both social and technical.

In April, W3C convened a Workshop on Annotations to discuss these challenges. Today W3C published a Workshop summary with links to slides, videos, and position papers.

Today W3C also invites review of a draft charter for a new Web Annotation Working Group based on the Workshop discussion. The group will develop an open approach for annotation, making it possible for browsers, reading systems, JavaScript libraries, and other tools, to develop an annotation ecosystem where users have access to their annotations from various environments, can share those annotations, can archive them, and use them how they wish.

The public is invited to comment on the draft charter.

Upcoming Workshop on Web Annotations: Footnotes, comments, bookmarks, and marginalia on the Web

| Archive

W3C announced today a workshop on digital annotations for the Web, part of our ongoing effort on enhancing the Web experience.

Annotating is the act of creating associations between distinct pieces of information. Annotation is a ubiquitous activity online in many guises: comments on articles, footnotes, sticky notes, “hot spots” on images, timestamped notes on video or audio tracks, highlighted text passages in ebook readers, evocative pictures attached to song lyrics, quotes and links on social media, and even tagged bookmarks, are all forms of annotation. One of the most common and engaging Web activities for the average person is discussion of a document or piece of media.

Many projects and companies are now turning to annotations to solve a variety of issues with communication on the Web, and is of particular interest to the education, research, and digital publishing industries. To address these needs, W3C’s Web Annotations workshop will focus on identifying standardization priorities for chartering a potential Web Annotations Working Group, on such topics as:

  • Robust anchoring to dynamic third-party documents
  • Styling selections and annotations
  • Data models
  • Federation and syndication
  • Web storage and management of annotations
  • Client side APIs and methods for the implementation of annotation systems
  • Practical experience with annotation systems
  • Annotation of data

W3C membership is not required to participate. The event is open to all, but all participants are required to submit a position paper or statement of interest by 28 February 2014.