12 Nov 2014

See also: IRC log




<hhalpin> trackbot, start meeting

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

<hhalpin> scribe: Anne

<hhalpin> scribenick: AnneBassetti

<MarkCrawford> https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialig/2014-11-12

<AnnBassetti> scribenick: AnnBassetti

<hhalpin> Daniel Harris

<elf-pavlik> cool!

<hhalpin> from Kendra Initiative is an IG member, hopefully he can make next call

<MarkCrawford> http://www.w3.org/2014/10/22-socialig-minutes.html

<hhalpin> PROPOSED: Approve minutes http://www.w3.org/2014/10/22-socialig-minutes.html

<hhalpin> RESOLVED: Approved minutes http://www.w3.org/2014/10/22-socialig-minutes.html

<elf-pavlik> AnnBassetti: what do we expect from Lead Editor?

<hhalpin> i.e. we can teach someone to use Respec.js to build the spec

<hhalpin> see here:

<hhalpin> http://www.w3.org/respec/

Mark: put our Use Case work into W3C report format (Table of Contents, etc)

<hhalpin> Helps make the HTML Rec files

<elf-pavlik> i could help with learning respec but can't lead it!

<elf-pavlik> AnnBassetti: I could help but can't take a lead

<elf-pavlik> MarkCrawford: do you neet someone to step up and take over other responsibilities?

Harry's link, above, has a links and refs that help generate a "proper" W3C document

<elf-pavlik> MarkCrawford: let's leave it open

Mark: Lloyd made draft of Use Case document, in Social IG wiki

Lloyd: vocabularies

MarkCrawford: related work, in Use Case TF wiki ... focus areas, needs to be developed
... ACTION to all: look at that work, add to them, amplify
... how can we further capture and categorize use cases?

MarkC: use case generation and collection
... we need to flesh out the categorization
... review the sources of use cases

<EdK> 313.594.aabb is EdK (Ed Krebs)

MarkC: from the various existing use case references; that we can incorporate
... (into our template)
... another section, in which to incorporate scenarios

ACTION to all: add to Use Cases

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

Ed Krebs: (about to leave town for a couple weeks)

scribe: suggests reviewing minutes from our discussions in Calif
... what did we decide re: including SWAT0 (?)

<elf-pavlik> http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/federatedsocialweb/wiki/SWAT0

Arnaud: work that precedes this ...
... (SWAT0 is )


MarkC: liaisons with others, both inside and outside W3C
... James volunteered to lead that
... but now very busy as Editor for WG
... how can we support James?
... WG just recently put out email on this subject
... suggestions on how to help James and assist WG?

Elf: I'd be happy to help ..
... with Hydra group
... also Mozilla credentials group

MarkC: thanks a lot
... would be really helpful if you could document the relationships that exist
... who these groups are, etc

<EdK> AnnBassetti - I think Adam had some thoughts on this too.

MarkC: also, yesterday in WG, a new person (not sure who) had ideas

OK, Ed, I'll ask him

(my colleague Adam Boyet)

MarkC: see minutes from yesterday's Social WG meeting

elf: yes, and I also just made some links in the wiki

MarkC: TOPIC: vocabularies


<scribe> ... ongoing discussion in WG about vocabulary

UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: IG has responsibility to capture URIs
... Lloyd: what aer your plans?

Lloyd: 2 types of vocabs
... A) Activity Streams
... B) Domain-specific
... e.g., a "farmer's" use case I put in wiki ... about selling asparagus

<elf-pavlik> http://aims.fao.org/agrovoc

Lloyd: not useful to imagine a canonical list for domain-specific vocabulary .. too many
... may link to others
... do others agree?

MarkC: worried we don't have enough "bandwidth" to define all the terms the WG needs
... that we'll slow them down

Lloyd: yes; we need to balance between describing making a standard that describes the "real world"
... versus defining a standard, and then seeing if the world maps to that

Elf: suggests we listen to what WG is discussing, then see if there are existing terms / vocabularies defined

MarkC: yes ... issue is between reuse and invention

<all referring to some discussion in WG>

<EdK> Agree with elf - this also helps us focus on that which the WG can really leverage, and provide value back to the WG

Arnaud: depends on how much effort we can devote to this

MarkC: suggest Vocabularly Task Force schedule a separate meeting, and decide what they can realistically do

Elf: <sorry, elf ... could you please type that? I couldn't hear adequatel>

<elf-pavlik> Let's gather some experiences from using vocabs, for example SIOC/FOAF in Boeing or FOAF in StatusNet etc.

<hhalpin> only Wednesday is reserved, not Mondays

<elf-pavlik> harry: maybe better to keep same time on wednesday for everything?

<elf-pavlik> MarkCrawford, we have many tasks force and may need more conferencing time

<discussion about how to set up ad-hoc telecon with Zakim>

Arnaud sent an email; MarkC will find and post to wiki

<hhalpin> just email me

<elf-pavlik> +1 pool

<hhalpin> we need 3 days for a reservation with a code, can do ad-hocs anytime

MarkC: any other business?

Lloyd: re: SWAT0: ... I feel that use case is more like public social example, rather than business

EdKrebs: yes, that was part of my comment
... other use cases that are more generic to business
... eg. recruiting
... esp bringing someone from LinkedIn to internal application system
... if there are aspects of SWAT0 that are *only* public .. then no
... but I think most probably apply
... if there are gaps; let's document

Lloyd: SWAT0 is about photos and tagging of people
... is that a business scenario?
... all about how to post, tag people, etc

EdK: maybe we can describe the business equivalent scenario
... photos are important in my company (Ford)
... people in the field, take pics of cars, etc .. send them to corporate
... I like James' suggestion to test these UseCases with business scenarios

MarkC: reminder: our charter does not limit us to only business cases
... thus, we should not exclude public use cases

elf: we don't need to limit ourself to only few Use Cases
... both Boeing and IBM have mentioned internal social systems
... maybe we can describe their use cases

<elf-pavlik> https://github.com/sandhawke/crosscloud/blob/master/apps.md

<MarkCrawford> Ed - do you still want to be in the queue?

elf: should look at Sandro Hawke's work
... (link above)

<elf-pavlik> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0_XaJ97rF0

<elf-pavlik> http://cimba.co/

elf: video that Sandro made

<elf-pavlik> AnnBassetti++

<Loqi> AnnBassetti has 2 karma

<Lloyd_Fassett> It seems that use cases that use public vocabularies would be more productive than identifying people, which is a part of SWOT0

<MarkCrawford> Harry, can you do the final command?

<MarkCrawford> trackbot, end meeting

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

<elf-pavlik> huh?

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.140 (CVS log)
$Date: 2014/11/12 17:47:54 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140  of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/Mark/MarkCrawford/
Succeeded: s/SWOT0/SWAT0/
Succeeded: s/Boing/Boeing/
Found Scribe: Anne
WARNING: No scribe lines found matching ScribeNick pattern: <Anne> ...
Found ScribeNick: AnneBassetti
WARNING: No scribe lines found matching ScribeNick pattern: <AnneBassetti> ...
Found ScribeNick: AnnBassetti
ScribeNicks: AnneBassetti, AnnBassetti

WARNING: No "Present: ... " found!
Possibly Present: Ann AnnBassetti Arnaud EdK EdKrebs IPcaller Lloyd Lloyd_Fassett Loqi Mark MarkC MarkCrawford P32 PROPOSED aaaa aabb aacc almereyda elf elf-pavlik harry hhalpin https scribenick trackbot
You can indicate people for the Present list like this:
        <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary
        <dbooth> Present+ amy

WARNING: No meeting title found!
You should specify the meeting title like this:
<dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting

Got date from IRC log name: 12 Nov 2014
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2014/11/12-socialig-minutes.html
People with action items: 

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]