18:58:46 RRSAgent has joined #webperf 18:58:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/10/08-webperf-irc 18:58:48 RRSAgent, make logs world 18:58:48 Zakim has joined #webperf 18:58:50 Zakim, this will be WPWG 18:58:51 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 18:58:51 Meeting: Web Performance Working Group Teleconference 18:58:51 Date: 08 October 2014 18:58:59 zakim, this will be perf 18:58:59 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, plh 18:59:02 zakim, this will be per 18:59:02 ok, plh; I see RWC_web-per()3:00PM scheduled to start in 1 minute 19:00:24 Michael_Blain has joined #webperf 19:00:41 RWC_web-per()3:00PM has now started 19:00:43 +Plh 19:00:43 pan has joined #webperf 19:00:53 hello 19:00:54 + +1.617.444.aaaa 19:01:17 + +1.310.310.aabb 19:01:18 zakim, aaaa is mmccall 19:01:18 +mmccall; got it 19:01:31 zakim, aabb is Michael_Blain 19:01:31 +Michael_Blain; got it 19:01:42 + +1.408.203.aacc 19:01:50 tobint has joined #webperf 19:02:02 zakim, aacc is Arvind 19:02:02 +Arvind; got it 19:02:11 + +8821aadd 19:02:30 zakim, aadd is pan 19:02:30 +pan; got it 19:02:56 + +1.864.907.aaee 19:03:21 zakim, aaee is Tobin 19:03:21 +Tobin; got it 19:03:33 +??P5 19:03:41 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-perf/2014Oct/0011.html 19:03:51 zakim, ??p5 is Tony 19:03:51 +Tony; got it 19:04:31 tonyg has joined #webperf 19:04:39 Topic: Resource Priorities/Resource Hints next steps 19:05:21 plh: what do we do resource priorities? 19:05:46 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-perf/2014Oct/0019.html 19:06:43 plh: do we want to drop resource priorities in favor of resource hints? 19:07:25 tobin: at the end, those are just hints 19:07:30 ... nbo objection to drop 19:07:46 Resolved: drop Resource Priorities 19:08:07 Topic: Web Smoothness 19:08:34 Topic: Github new repos 19:08:50 plh: see emails 19:09:11 Topic: "needed for above the fold visuals" indicator in RT API 19:10:22 plh: resource timing needs complete tests and make sure we looked at all the issues 19:11:39 Arvind: don't think we should add it to the current definition 19:12:22 ... we can decide to add it later 19:12:28 plh: I'll add it as an issue then 19:13:12 (My colleague can't join, so we can come back to Web Smoothness after this) 19:13:22 Arvind: one comment from Boris that needs to be looked 19:13:44 Tobin: I'll look at the test suites 19:14:25 plh: I'll look to see if next step needs to be LC or if we could move to CR 19:14:47 Topic: Web Smoothness 19:15:03 MIchael: we have a draft spec 19:15:10 ... we have a patch in Chrome for it 19:15:20 ... any interest from other browser vendors? 19:15:29 Arvind: I like the idea quite a bit 19:15:34 ... some questions 19:15:38 ... but good idea 19:16:03 ... don't see problems to do it in the group 19:16:09 Tobin: circulated it here 19:16:16 ... didn't much feedback yet 19:16:40 Michael: when would you get it? 19:16:57 Tobin: by Friday hopefully 19:18:26 Michael: we'll brng it up at TPAC 19:18:40 Topic: Page Visibility 2 update 19:19:45 plh: we have open issues: https://github.com/w3c/page-visibility/issues 19:19:57 Tobin: could look into it 19:20:30 Arvind: we haven't touch it lately, but I suspect we have more issues 19:20:37 ... and whether we we should drop the spec 19:21:05 I have to drop off, but will follow up on the thread. thank you! 19:21:46 plh: we could apply those issues to page visibility 1 if we drop 2 19:21:59 Tobin: I'll look into it 19:22:04 -Michael_Blain 19:22:43 pan: was considering implementing PV2 in blink 19:25:05 Topic: HAR? need microsecond accuracy for HAR timings 19:26:01 Arvind: I can check to see if we can find somebody to work on it 19:26:09 Topic: TPAC face-to-face agenda 19:26:26 Plh: register today! 19:27:13 Plh: I'll setup a github page for that 19:27:24 Topic: Beacon 19:27:36 Arvind: what's the status? 19:27:41 ... no issues 19:28:03 ACTION: plh to move Beacon beyond LC 19:28:04 Created ACTION-145 - Move beacon beyond lc [on Philippe Le Hégaret - due 2014-10-15]. 19:28:30 -Tony 19:28:32 -Arvind 19:28:33 -mmccall 19:28:34 -Plh 19:28:34 -Tobin 19:28:36 [adjourned] 19:28:41 -pan 19:28:43 RWC_web-per()3:00PM has ended 19:28:43 Attendees were Plh, +1.617.444.aaaa, +1.310.310.aabb, mmccall, Michael_Blain, +1.408.203.aacc, Arvind, +8821aadd, pan, +1.864.907.aaee, Tobin, Tony 19:28:44 rrsagent, generate minutes 19:28:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/08-webperf-minutes.html plh 23:53:57 newtron_ has joined #webperf