15:01:03 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:01:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/10/07-hcls-irc 15:01:04 followed by the hash sign 15:01:07 rrsagent, make logs public 15:01:13 zakim, this is hcls 15:01:13 ok, dbooth; that matches SW_HCLS()11:00AM 15:01:18 zakim, code? 15:01:18 the conference code is 4257 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), dbooth 15:01:37 trying again 15:01:56 +[IPcaller] 15:02:07 zakim [IPcaller] is me 15:02:26 zakim, who is here? 15:02:26 On the phone I see Mehmet, [IPcaller] 15:02:28 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, dbooth, Mehmet, TallTed, ericP 15:02:38 zakim, IPcaller is me 15:02:38 +dbooth; got it 15:03:00 This is the link for the GoToMeeting session: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/620224857 15:04:33 zakim, call ericP 15:04:33 I am sorry, dbooth; I do not know a number for ericP 15:05:11 Zakim, please dial ericP-mobile 15:05:11 ok, dbooth; the call is being made 15:05:13 +EricP 15:05:56 zakim, drop ericP-mobile 15:05:56 sorry, dbooth, I do not see a party named 'ericP-mobile' 15:06:06 zakim, drop EricP 15:06:06 EricP is being disconnected 15:06:07 -EricP 15:07:51 +[IPcaller] 15:08:43 Claude has joined #hcls 15:09:01 slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0dgVQ8OpeZtaDlqNU9EYk9DWVU/edit?usp=sharing_eid] 15:09:20 Meeting: HCLS 15:09:28 Chair: dbooth 15:10:02 Topic: Mehmet Aydar work at Cleveland Clinic on Healtcare data interoperability 15:10:44 This is the link for the GoToMeeting session: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/620224857 15:12:22 ericP, want us to call you? 15:12:27 want us to try again? 15:14:02 Zakim, please dial ericP-mobile 15:14:02 ok, dbooth; the call is being made 15:14:04 +EricP 15:14:05 +EricP.a 15:14:22 zakim, drop EricP.a 15:14:22 EricP.a is being disconnected 15:14:24 -EricP.a 15:15:24 -EricP 15:56:05 -[IPcaller] 15:56:44 zakim, who is here? 15:56:44 On the phone I see Mehmet, dbooth 15:56:46 On IRC I see Claude, RRSAgent, Zakim, dbooth, Mehmet, TallTed, ericP 15:59:29 Topic: Mehmet demo 15:59:43 Mehmet: What could be improved? 16:00:11 ... Represnet metadata in RDF instead of relational. 16:00:41 ... Allow them to be available to other organizations, published on the web, on semantic web. 16:01:10 ... Create a mapping ontology. 16:01:35 ... Also would be better to use web-based UI, based on Protege 16:02:52 ... And output to RDF (as in Yosemite Project) and the drop to CSV. 16:03:12 ... Also helpful to validate source data, perhaps using ShEx 16:03:58 ... Could also auto-suggest initial mappings. 16:05:04 ADJOURNED 16:05:09 -Mehmet 16:05:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:05:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/07-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:05:18 -dbooth 16:05:20 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has ended 16:05:20 Attendees were Mehmet, dbooth, EricP, [IPcaller], EricP.a 17:57:18 Zakim has left #hcls 19:08:12 Present: DavidBooth, ClaudeNanjo, MehmetAydar 19:08:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 19:08:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/07-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 19:38:51 rrsagent, bye 19:38:51 I see no action items