Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

11 Sep 2014


See also: IRC log


Jeanne, Kim_Patch, Detlev, jon_avila, Brent_Shiver, Jan, +1.408.425.aaaa, Mike, Kenny
detlev, jeanne


<trackbot> Date: 11 September 2014

<KimPatch> scribe: detlev

<scribe> scribe: Detlev

<KimPatch> take up next


Kim: Any questions about techniques?

Jon: Wasn't on WCAG call, looking at survey results - sentiment was that current techniques should reflect mobile space rather than add to it

Kim: Kathy reported that the advice was that instead of adding examples was less valuable than changing examples to reflect mobile

Jon: does not quite agree - in some cases (say keyboard) more examples are helpful

Kim: will depend on the case -sometimes including, in other cases adding - will become cleare as we go forward

Mike: Agrees that WCAG direction seems a bit odd (?) - examples should not be artificial but we have to inclue new things like gestural input

Jon: It sounded some people were concerned that we were promoting techniques when giving mobile examples - but people will also benefit from mobile examples

Detlev: mentioning the quesation whether we will need other categories with WCAG (e.g for touch) and how that might affet the placement of new techniques

Jeanne: has been discussed but no solution yet - At the moment new techniques will be placed under aprinciple or guideline

Jeanne introducing Kenny (China), works for WAI - we are trying to get more participation from China and the far east generally

Kenny: I'm based in Bejing, working on WCAG authorized translation

<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to introduce Kenny when this discussion is complete and to

Format of the updates

<KimPatch> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/66524/20140901_survey/results

Technique assignments / status

MikeS: sorry I'm disconnected!

<jeanne> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/SCR37

<jeanne> scribe: jeanne

Mike: I wrote some proposed text that I didn't know how to put into the wiki

<Detlev> scribe: Detlev

<jeanne> [Kim gives instructions for editing the wiki]

<jeanne> +1 to MikeS edit

MikeS proposes a new edit for SCR37 in the Wiki

<jon_avila> +1


<Jan> +1

<KimPatch> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/66524/20140908_survey/results

Survey from last week #5: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/66524/20140901_survey/results#xq5

New Survey: please fill out before the call on Thursday: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/66524/20140908_survey/

Duscussing G60: Playing a sound that turns off automatically within three seconds

Kim: disruption outside (e..g. on a journey) could be more dangerous

Jan: Could be more relevant in the mobile space

MikeS: agrees with Jan, a mobile example might help

Jon: agrees it makes sense to bring this to peoples attention - butwe'll get a negative response from WG, needs another discussion

Jeanne: Was there a comment about that on the WG call?

Jon: nit sure what the resolution of WG was

Jeanne: in the absence of a formal resolution we should continue, not change on the vasis of individual comments

Jon: reads resolution (left open)

<jon_avila> http://www.w3.org/2014/09/09-wai-wcag-minutes.html

Kim: agrees with Jeanne not to change direction for now
... Let's take this up when kathy is back next week

MikeS: primary intend is not to interfere with screenreader output, plus other cases

Jan: likes MikeS rewording


<KimPatch> Recommend simplifying the phrasing to:

<KimPatch> Mobile device users may be in a location, such as a meeting or on public transportation, where sound from the device would be distracting or disruptive to the environment or surrounding people.

Next: G83: Providing text descriptions to identify required fields that were not completed

Kim: focus is on additions to reflect HTML5, it's not mobile specific
... Jeanne, any commets?

Jeanne: suggests passing on to WCAG WG (Andrew) they can decide hhow to handle this

RESOLUTION: pass on updates that are not mobile-related to WCAG WG (Andrew) so they can decide how to handle this

<jon_avila> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/G60#Suggested_Changes

Jon: should we use del element to indicate things that were deleted (for reference)?

Jon; del needs to be flagged as non-wiki

So markup is like <del><nowiki>...</nowiki></del>

G84: Providing a text description when the user provides information that is not in the list of allowed values

Kim: same as above - not mobile specific, pass on

Kim; should be pass on this to the WG as well?

<Jan> +1

Kim: Any objections?

pass on

RESOLUTION: G83 and G84 passed on to WCAG WG

<KimPatch> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mobile-a11y-tf/2014Sep/0004.html

Kim: Email from Jan

<Jan> Existing tech http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G202.html

Jan: wasn't sure what was needed - looked at exisiting technique that doesn't mention mobile
... many people are not aware that mobile users use keyboards too
... New definition of interface to include mobile keyboards internal and external (reads from proposal)

MikeS: Likes changes, they add value, third example with menu button - some items like menu lists are difficult to access with a keyboard / switch / button

<jon_avila> +1

Kim: that language might be used elsewhere

Jan: currentreference to keyboard interface may be construed as refering to normal keyboard only

Kim: should we add a second example?

Jan: menu button - could be changed to menu overlay (MikeS doing edits in the Wiki for G202

<Jan> The mobile version of a web site includes a menu button that is tapped to open the site's menu, which is implemented as a floating overlay. To provide access to people using external keyboards or ability switches with their mobile device, the menu button and the overlaid site menu are both implemented such that they can be operated via the mobile device's keyboard interface.

<jon_avila> From the UAAG 2 working draft:keyboardThe letter, symbol and command keys or key indicators that allow a user to control a computing device. Assistive technologies have traditionally relied on the keyboard interface as a universal, or modality independent interface. In this document references to keyboard include keyboard emulators and keyboard interfaces that make use of the keyboard's role as a modality independent interface (see Modality Indep[CUT]

Jeanne: suggests adding G202 to next week's survey

Detlev: add G145

Kim: Please pick up another technique

Jon: thinks that Jan proposed a good change to keyboard (G202)
... Not sure whether it holds true to al mobile fieds, e.g. sone things may not work on iOS

Jan: There are also platforms without keyboard API - iOS haveused their more general API to work for keyboard

Kim: needs more disussion
... closes meeting


Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2014-09-11 16:03:08 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138  of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11  
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Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/that W3C direction/that WCAG direction/
Succeeded: s/goof/good/
Found Scribe: detlev
Inferring ScribeNick: Detlev
Found Scribe: Detlev
Inferring ScribeNick: Detlev
Found Scribe: jeanne
Inferring ScribeNick: jeanne
Found Scribe: Detlev
Inferring ScribeNick: Detlev
Scribes: detlev, jeanne
ScribeNicks: Detlev, jeanne
Default Present: Jeanne, Kim_Patch, Detlev, jon_avila, Brent_Shiver, Jan, +1.408.425.aaaa, Mike, Kenny
Present: Jeanne Kim_Patch Detlev jon_avila Brent_Shiver Jan +1.408.425.aaaa Mike Kenny
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mobile-a11y-tf/2014Sep/0003.html
Found Date: 11 Sep 2014
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2014/09/11-mobile-a11y-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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