HTML Weekly Teleconference

26 Jun 2014


See also: IRC log


Daniel_Austin, paulc, Sam, Plh, Eliot, Greg Davis


Action items

Sam: none

New Calls this week

Sam: CfC: return DOM4 to Last Call


Sam: we have one question
... I'll let the editor look into it

Task Force Reports

Sam: Testing Task Force

Plh: I don't think any progress where made on that front

Sam: HTML a11y Task Force

Plh: Mark is not around

Paul: I attended the call this morning. longdesc item will come out of the CfC successfully in the TF
... using WAI ARIA in HTML was published today

<paulc> Using WAI-ARIA in HTML: http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/WD-aria-in-html-20140626/

Paul: the canvas level 1 LC closes on June 20
... I had some discussion with Jay but he is on vacation. So, we'll pick it in the next 2 weeks
... the canvas subteam will meet on Monday

Sam: Media Task Force

Paul: met briefly on Tuesday
... we don't make much progress on MSE test suite effort
... but MSE editors are staying on top of bugs
... only outstanding bug is related to referencing informative registries
... on EME, editors have a backlog of bugs
... won't meet for 2 weeks
... and hoping it will see progress on the 25 bugs
... MSE editors are going to publish a heartbeat of the CR
... since 10-15 bugs were resolved

Plh: lots of outstanding pull requests on MSE tests

Paul: yes, lacking volunteers so far
... will need some brainstorming
... tests were contributed from Google


scribe: but the tests are codec dependent

Plh: also tests for shimaru

Paul: yes. will need some advice


Sam: Editing TF list joined with webapps
... if you're interested by contentEditable, go and join that list


Sam: Canvas TF work statement
... overlaps with html a11y tf interest


Paul: we have to appoint a facilitator as well

Sam: TF Cfc Longdesc extended

Next meeting

Sam: will be July 10
... no meeting next week

Plh: extensible web summit will happen on September 11, in Berlin
... announcement will be next week

Paul: will it be unconference style?

PlH: yes. and the editing tf can have one of the sessions if they wish to

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2014/07/07 19:31:58 $