See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 26 June 2014
<MarkS> Meeting: HTML-A11Y Task Force Teleconference
<MarkS> ShaneM, are you still interested in being our scribe today?
<scribe> ScribeNick: ShaneM
MarkS: unfortunate series of events. just before close we discovered there was a bug with a comment left on it. a change was accepted and was supposed to be in the editors draft but was not.
<MarkS> Extension of deadline for longdesc CfC
MarkS: upon further reflection we decided to only partially accept the change and implement it. This meant the CfC was extended to review the additional change.
MarkS: CfC is open until tomorrow.
no meeting this week. still getting progress updates about fixing hitregion support in chromium. should have a patch.
scribe: last call comment period for the canvas 2d spec closes today. no comments or new bugs filed.
Actually last call period closed on 20 June. There were no bugs reported in that time.
Next step is to get the editors to prep a draft CR and offer it up to the chairs to get a CfC done.
<MarkS> Using WAI-ARIA in HTML Working Draft published
MarkS: received consensus from TF
and PF to publish a heartbeat draft. It is live now.
... announcement is not yet up.
MarkS: no meeting this week for
the subgroup.
... are working on drafting comment responses and preparing a
new heartbeat draft. Hope to have it out in two weeks (8 July
or 10 July).
Judy: whats up with tv?
MarkS: they had a meeting
recently. drafting up their uses cases for round 2. Once those
are done the media subgroup will review the use cases
... sounds like they may have taken some of our use cases
LJWatson: met yesterday. all 5.0 bugs for a11y are completely cleared.
LJWatson: a handful of bugs have been reassigned to task force members for tracking.
<MarkS> 13449 Don't allow blank alt text on area elements
Chaals had offered to put together a test case, but is very busy. Task Force will relook at it to see if it is still an issue or if there could be a test case prepared.
aardrian: I can try to create a test case but have never done so before. Will take a little while. I am tied up for the next few days.
Judy: no one should feel shy about volunteering. Everyone has to do something for the first time.
aardrian: I will probably reach out to Mark as things progress.
<MarkS> 23027 select and option should allow role overrides of menu and menuitem
MarkS: one of the reasons this
was considered for 5.0 was that during the PF closer look at
the native aria semantics section the group discovered some
omissions from that section.
... this is another of those. If the others are being
considered for roll into 5.0, then this should be as
... will ping Steve about this bug.
ShaneM: is there danger this wont make it into the spec?
cyns: some people will not think this is editorial.
paulc: task force should track this. The TF should ask for it if that is what we want.
<MarkS> 13572 4.10.19 aborting autofocus based on user choice not optional
LJWatson: Is there anything relating to this in UAAG?
cyns: I don't think so (not at a
computer right now).
... I don't think there are browser settings to override
... there might have been a feature request for this. If so, it
would have been a 5.1 feature request. It is not necessary for
... reassign to Cynthia
MarkS: (someone) thinks that UAAG
section 2.2.4 might apply - separate focus from selection.
Could use that as an argument that user agents should have this
... I do think this is a valid bug for 5.1
This has been moved out of the HTML component and into the HTML a11y component. What is the process when it moves back?
LJWatson: We have done that - but the assignee has been Steve so it has not been awkward.
<MarkS> ACTION: cyns to add more information to [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-274 - Add more information to [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2014-07-03].
<paulc> Using WAI-ARIA in HTML publication: see
cyns: I do have an internal meeting scheduled about menus. When we come back on the 10th I should be able to talk about it.
David: seeing radio buttons with sub groups with nested text boxes. Confuses screen readers.
cyns: if the text box is inside the label does that work?
David: no. Then you have a nested label.
cyns: we need to figure out the right A11Y pattern to support this - it is widespread.
MarkS: is there not a technique where you use enabled / disabled manipulating the DOM? dynamically enable the additional form field?
David: put the text field after the radio buttons and shift focus?
cyns: there should be something
we can do with labelling. This is a sentence where a secondary
control forms the end of the sentence.
... it feels like there is a labelling solution but it is going
to be complicated.
MarkS: it sounds like more of a technique.
David: we need to forbid it or design a way to do it accessibly.
MarkS: there is no way to do it with ARIA?
David: I have done a lot of experimenting and cannot come up with a good pattern.
cyns: can you send the examples to the list?
David: Sure - I need to clean them up a little bit. Next week.
MarkS: Maybe there is a web components solution.
David: it is not forbidden to put another form element inside a label, right?
cyns: no. and forbidding it wouldn't work. people will do it anyway.
David: the other thing we need to solve is placeholder text... objection is that the label disappears after someone starts typing.
cyns: I think we can come up with something.
MarkS: I think the placeholder text becomes an accessible description, but users with cognitive issues may find it challenging that the text disappears
<paulc> See for info on "editing TF"
MarkS: moving the text into a tooltip might be a way.
paulc: at the html f2f meeting in
april was the contenteditable feature in HTML. There was a
feeling that some of that feature should be turned into an API
instead of the mechanism that is in HTML5 today.
... there is a task force about it.
cyns: some overlap with that and IndieUI.
MarkS: I was at the f2f and I did hear a lot of people discussing contenteditable. The TF should keep an eye on this in 5.1. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
LJWatson: I can scribe next week.
MarkS regrets for next week as I will be on vacation. paulc is at risk. cyns will be away on the 10th.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found ScribeNick: ShaneM Inferring Scribes: ShaneM Default Present: Mark_Sadecki, [IPcaller], Adrian_Roselli, paulc, David_MacDonald, LWatson, Cynthia_Shelly, McCarron, Judy Present: Mark_Sadecki [IPcaller] Adrian_Roselli paulc David_MacDonald LWatson Cynthia_Shelly McCarron Judy Found Date: 26 Jun 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: cyns[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]