IRC log of dpub on 2014-06-16

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:44:45 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #dpub
14:44:45 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:44:47 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
14:44:47 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #dpub
14:44:49 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be dpub
14:44:49 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 16 minutes
14:44:50 [trackbot]
Meeting: Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference
14:44:50 [trackbot]
Date: 16 June 2014
14:44:57 [ivan]
Chair: Markus
14:45:53 [ivan]
ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting agenda
14:46:28 [ivan]
ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting agenda for 2014-06-16:
14:46:33 [ivan]
14:50:19 [mgylling]
mgylling has joined #dpub
14:50:37 [tmichel]
tmichel has joined #dpub
14:53:09 [azaroth42]
azaroth42 has joined #DPUB
14:54:45 [gcapiel]
gcapiel has joined #dpub
14:55:30 [Zakim]
DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM has now started
14:55:37 [Zakim]
14:56:10 [Julie]
Julie has joined #dpub
14:56:14 [gcapiel]
Zakim, ??P17 is me
14:56:14 [Zakim]
+gcapiel; got it
14:57:18 [Zakim]
+ +1.917.207.aaaa
14:57:25 [dauwhe]
Zakim, aaaa is me
14:57:25 [Zakim]
+dauwhe; got it
14:57:33 [Zakim]
+ +1.505.603.aabb
14:57:51 [Zakim]
+ +1.646.336.aacc
14:57:59 [azaroth42]
zakim, aabb is azaroth42
14:57:59 [Zakim]
+azaroth42; got it
14:58:24 [Vlad]
Vlad has joined #dpub
14:58:33 [mgylling]
zakim, code?
14:58:33 [Zakim]
the conference code is 3782 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, mgylling
14:58:42 [murakami]
murakami has joined #dpub
14:58:42 [clapierre2]
clapierre2 has joined #DPUB
14:58:43 [Zakim]
14:58:53 [Zakim]
14:58:55 [mgylling]
Zakim, ??P22 is me
14:58:55 [Zakim]
+mgylling; got it
14:59:10 [Luc]
Luc has joined #dpub
14:59:33 [Zakim]
14:59:41 [Zakim]
+ +1.617.858.aadd
14:59:45 [Zakim]
15:00:03 [murakami]
zakim, ??P26 is me
15:00:03 [Zakim]
+murakami; got it
15:00:04 [pkra1]
I'm 617-858.aadd
15:00:08 [Zakim]
+ +1.217.244.aaee
15:00:12 [philm]
philm has joined #dpub
15:00:17 [ivan]
zakim, aadd is pkra1
15:00:17 [Zakim]
+pkra1; got it
15:00:21 [pkra1]
ah, I have a bad nick.
15:00:24 [fjh]
fjh has joined #dpub
15:00:38 [TimCole]
TimCole has joined #dpub
15:00:39 [Zakim]
+ +
15:00:44 [ivan]
zakim, aaee is TimCole
15:00:44 [Zakim]
+TimCole; got it
15:00:45 [Zakim]
+ +1.650.644.aagg
15:00:47 [benjaminsko]
benjaminsko has joined #dpub
15:00:49 [Zakim]
+ +1.617.439.aahh
15:00:51 [ivan]
zakim, aaff is Luc
15:00:52 [Zakim]
+Luc; got it
15:00:55 [fjh]
zakim, code?
15:00:55 [Zakim]
the conference code is 3782 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, fjh
15:01:18 [Zakim]
+ +1.212.364.aaii
15:01:25 [Zakim]
15:01:26 [brady_duga]
brady_duga has joined #dpub
15:01:28 [Zakim]
15:01:32 [philm]
Zakim, aaii is me
15:01:32 [Zakim]
+philm; got it
15:01:33 [fjh]
zakim, ipcaller is me
15:01:33 [Zakim]
+fjh; got it
15:01:49 [ivan]
zakim, aagg is clapierre2
15:01:49 [Zakim]
+clapierre2; got it
15:01:51 [Zakim]
15:02:05 [Zakim]
+ +1.917.447.aajj
15:02:13 [ivan]
zakim, aahh is dkaplan3
15:02:13 [Zakim]
+dkaplan3; got it
15:02:15 [Zakim]
15:02:29 [tmichel]
zakim, ??P15 is me
15:02:30 [Zakim]
+tmichel; got it
15:02:58 [Zakim]
+ +1.734.904.aakk
15:02:59 [ivan]
zakim, aajj is benjaminsko
15:03:00 [david_stroup]
david_stroup has joined #DPUB
15:03:01 [Zakim]
+benjaminsko; got it
15:03:39 [ivan]
zakim, aacc is Julie
15:03:39 [Zakim]
+Julie; got it
15:03:43 [Zakim]
+ +1.585.217.aall
15:03:44 [ivan]
zakim, who is here?
15:03:44 [Zakim]
On the phone I see gcapiel, dauwhe, azaroth42, Julie, mgylling, Ivan, Vlad, pkra1, murakami (muted), TimCole, Luc, clapierre2, dkaplan3, philm, duga, fjh, Stearns, benjaminsko,
15:03:48 [Zakim]
... tmichel, +1.734.904.aakk, +1.585.217.aall
15:03:48 [Zakim]
On IRC I see david_stroup, brady_duga, benjaminsko, TimCole, fjh, philm, Luc, clapierre2, murakami, Vlad, Julie, gcapiel, azaroth, tmichel, mgylling, Zakim, RRSAgent, dkaplan3,
15:03:48 [Zakim]
... dauwhe, pkra, ivan, liam|dentist, plinss, astearns, trackbot
15:04:04 [ivan]
zakim, aall is david_stroup
15:04:04 [Zakim]
+david_stroup; got it
15:04:12 [Bill_Kasdorf]
Bill_Kasdorf has joined #dpub
15:04:34 [ivan]
zakim, aakk is Bill_Kasdorf
15:04:34 [Zakim]
+Bill_Kasdorf; got it
15:04:54 [tmichel]
zakim, who is here ?
15:04:54 [Zakim]
On the phone I see gcapiel, dauwhe, azaroth42, Julie, mgylling, Ivan, Vlad, pkra1, murakami (muted), TimCole, Luc, clapierre2, dkaplan3, philm, duga, fjh, Stearns, benjaminsko,
15:04:57 [Zakim]
... tmichel, Bill_Kasdorf, david_stroup
15:04:57 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Bill_Kasdorf, david_stroup, brady_duga, benjaminsko, TimCole, fjh, philm, Luc, clapierre2, murakami, Vlad, Julie, gcapiel, azaroth, tmichel, mgylling, Zakim, RRSAgent,
15:04:57 [Zakim]
... dkaplan3, dauwhe, pkra, ivan, liam|dentist, plinss, astearns, trackbot
15:04:57 [Zakim]
+ +1.201.783.aamm
15:05:11 [ivan]
scribenick: benjaminsko
15:05:26 [ivan]
zakim, aamm is pbelfanti
15:05:26 [Zakim]
+pbelfanti; got it
15:06:13 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: minutes approved
15:06:40 [pbelfanti]
pbelfanti has joined #dpub
15:07:18 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: Main Topic: update on latinReq draft status from dave, Proposed changes to task force names,
15:07:41 [benjaminsko]
... Peter to cover scope, what's in and out of scope for our work here
15:07:42 [pkra]
15:08:33 [benjaminsko]
clapierre2: returning employee at benatech. interested in accessibility and metadata for epublishing.
15:08:57 [azaroth]
gcapiel: Best of luck in your new position! You'll be very much missed
15:09:44 [Bill_Kasdorf]
you will be missed, Gerardo!
15:10:20 [gcapiel]
gcapiel has joined #dpub
15:10:30 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: MAIN TOPIC: want to first talk about what's going in CSS working group that dpub is interested in
15:11:00 [dauwhe]
15:11:07 [gcapiel]
Thanks! It's been an amazing experience collaborating with you all.
15:11:29 [benjaminsko]
..earlier identified two priority areas-drop cap and footnote. esp with drop caps, there has been intense action in CSS working group. Drop caps on web and in ebooks are broken. i created a tumblr showing how broken they are
15:12:27 [benjaminsko]
...cant be relied on to maintain as font size changes. this is an area that the web should be able to do these correctly. it turns out there was a proposal in the CSS line layout module in 2002. (have theory that everything already exists in an abandoned CSS draft)
15:13:38 [benjaminsko]
...there was a misunderstanding in their model and examples. brought this up in a CSS conf call. some expressed interest in working on this--how text sits in boxes, inline processing...added as a co-editor to the spec specifically to work on drop caps
15:14:37 [benjaminsko]
...added to agenda for face to face meeting in Korea. gave presentation, which led to a really good discussion that lasted close to 90 minutes that everyone in room was interested in (including google, mozilla). this is something that would be relatively easy to implement
15:14:44 [dauwhe]
15:15:04 [dauwhe]
15:15:31 [benjaminsko]
... based on results of that discussion, dave wrote up a new proposal for CSS dropcaps, which is now in an updated editor's draft. much simpler than what was there before, but is more powerful than what is in indesign (which adobe team found amusing)
15:16:29 [benjaminsko] this point we have a skeleton of a workable proposal. lot of work to be done esp in internalization. how does this work for arabic, japanese, etc. when flying back from korea, couldnt find any examples, so perhaps not an issue in all languages..
15:17:19 [benjaminsko]
...optimistic that someone is going to want to implement this so that it will trickle down to the epub reading systems that are based on web rendering engines
15:17:25 [benjaminsko]
...i think we're in a good place with this one
15:17:40 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: Questions?
15:17:52 [Bill_Kasdorf]
15:18:31 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: this is a good example of how things work with CSS. when we have a clearly identified problem, it becomes a matter of doing the research and writing on the spec. advocacy and diplomatic work that this is important and will solve problems for lots of web users
15:18:36 [astearns]
identifying a minimal first step towards a full solution is also extremely helpful
15:19:11 [mgylling],
15:19:15 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: googling, found linelayout module and inline layout that seemed to have the same section about dropcaps...
15:19:45 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: one was where i was sketching things out before i entered it in the editors' draft
15:20:03 [benjaminsko]
...the latter link is the correct one
15:20:08 [mgylling]
ack Bill_K
15:20:19 [benjaminsko]
Bill_Kasdorf: bravo to dave, wonderful work, thanks so much
15:20:42 [pkra]
15:20:50 [benjaminsko]
...can drop cap issue be resolved without being tied up w/resolution of a bunch of other CSS issues? is there a timeline?
15:21:15 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: what matters is implementation, getting people interested in implementing
15:21:37 [benjaminsko]
...there are people with the ability to drive implementation who are interested in this. i don
15:21:55 [benjaminsko]
... i think this is something that will move forward
15:22:51 [benjaminsko]
...will it be split out or remain part of line layout? for now it will be left as part of line layout. i dont see a problem with it not being split out.
15:23:04 [mgylling]
15:23:10 [benjaminsko]
..i don't see there being an implementation issue with regards to rest of the line layout spec
15:23:10 [mgylling]
ack pkra
15:23:46 [benjaminsko]
pkra: any chance of ...??
15:23:52 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: someone is working on that now
15:23:54 [astearns]
15:24:13 [astearns]
I have a person on my team at Adobe investigating a polyfill - no promises, though
15:24:16 [benjaminsko]
pkra: things like polyfill and mathml could help us enormously
15:24:55 [mgylling]
15:25:02 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: with some lobbying the line layout is now a high priority for the CSS working group
15:25:28 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: the editor's draft is there, someone working on a polyfill, browser vendors are interested. is there anything that the IG can do to help you out?
15:25:29 [astearns]
15:25:33 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: no
15:26:05 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: the most valuable thing in the world is attention from interested people, any sort of attention or comments to www-style are really helpful
15:26:22 [benjaminsko]
...if you happen to work for browser companies, lobbying is appreciated too
15:26:30 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: test cases?
15:26:56 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: haven't thought about that yet. we're in editor's draft stage, still trying to sort out what the features are. once that settles down we'll be thinking about test cases
15:26:56 [mgylling]
ack astearns
15:27:02 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: alan?
15:27:28 [benjaminsko]
astearns: in terms of helping out, if you use ibooks or has drop books contacts, lobbying there will help convince webkit to implement more quickly
15:27:32 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: exactly
15:27:33 [mgylling]
15:27:45 [benjaminsko]
s/drop book/ibooks
15:28:39 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: other high priority was footnotes. status is murkier. antenna house and prince support footnotes with similar syntax. CSS module for paged content discusses footnotes, but there really hasn't been much support for those concepts in wider world
15:29:30 [benjaminsko]
... they require a lot of magic to drive without identifying a fundamental mechanism...they dont feel a part of the open web platform as it exists today. and so, want to find the visual effects we want based on tools that are being created for modern CSS
15:30:19 [pbelfanti]
Apologies, I must drop for another meeting
15:30:31 [benjaminsko]
...esp the idea of regions. you can take some content and flow it into a region and you can style that region. was wondering if we can get a more robust definition of footnotes if we can base it on regions. was playing around with this, wrote up some sample syntax. discussed it ast the face to face meeting at Seoul.
15:30:53 [Luc]
15:30:54 [Zakim]
15:30:55 [benjaminsko]
...using ideas from regions and various page template proposals, addresses what we want but more firmly grounded in CSS as it is evolving today
15:31:52 [benjaminsko]
....result of discussions. start a level 4 of the GCM spec. this will serve as an experimental draft to see if we can work out a good def. of footnotes based on regions and other template ideas. it hasn't been created yet. will be co-editor. daniel g? is also co-editor.
15:32:05 [gcapiel1]
gcapiel1 has joined #dpub
15:32:20 [Bill_Kasdorf]
15:32:32 [benjaminsko]
...will give us better definition for running headers and footers, greater flexibility and power. planning to start working on that soon.
15:32:45 [benjaminsko]
...that's footnotes
15:32:47 [mgylling]
15:32:51 [mgylling]
ack Luc
15:33:19 [ivan]
15:33:21 [benjaminsko]
Luc: agree w/dave about footnotes. kind of item we need to define more conceptually.
15:34:25 [benjaminsko] digital we can render it differently, need to define the item it via semantics vs rendering structure. footnote is complementary content. way it can be rendered can have different actions from print.
15:35:46 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: i would agree with that. a footnote is a particular visual rendition of a certain kind of semantic content. being able to do this with CSS because with media queries or print style sheet and allows you to treat print and digital differntly
15:36:04 [benjaminsko]
... my goal is we want to have this display option as one of our choices, but it is not the onlt choice.
15:36:05 [mgylling]
ack Bill_K
15:36:34 [benjaminsko]
Bill_Kasdorf: my comments are along the same line. could this also apply to marginal notes? key is to get rid of concept of "foot"
15:36:42 [Luc]
15:36:50 [azaroth]
15:37:23 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: nice thing with footnotes as regions is you get sidenotes for free
15:37:43 [mgylling]
ack ivan
15:37:51 [benjaminsko]
you can have multiple footnote areas, you get sidenotes, in what seems to be a natural way
15:37:59 [azaroth]
15:38:41 [benjaminsko]
ivan: footnotes are close to annotation. need way to avoid too many parallel discussions. we already have use cases defined for annotations. may be useful to review annotation with a footnote glass on yr nose (?)
15:39:08 [benjaminsko]
...we are at point where in a few weeks the charter for the annotation working group will go to AC. work will begin in earnest
15:39:16 [fjh]
+1 to considering annotations; CSS also relevant so a bit to correlate
15:39:16 [benjaminsko]
...try to bind things together for synergy
15:39:24 [azaroth]
15:39:44 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: that's a good idea. i will look to see how this fits w/the proposed annotations.
15:39:50 [mgylling]
ack azaroth
15:40:02 [benjaminsko]
ivan: the two co-chairs are on the call right now
15:40:15 [benjaminsko]
??: happy to answer questions
15:40:24 [ivan]
s/two/two proposed/
15:40:47 [fjh]
15:41:01 [azaroth]
15:41:16 [ivan]
15:41:34 [mgylling]
ack ivan
15:41:48 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: what's come up today - can this concept be useful annotations - is useful.
15:42:25 [benjaminsko]
ivan: is it still useful to think about footnote-specific use cases? publishers know the footnote use cases the best. is there still a possibility to chase for more of those
15:43:03 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: that leads to something that is happening with footnotes and dropcaps, there is tension between creating a feature that can address every possible use case and a feature that is relatively easy to specify and implement
15:44:02 [benjaminsko]
..being getting lots of examples of dropcaps from books that are hundreds of years old, something that is woven in to the entire page. i love seeing them, i don't think we can implement a spec that can support everything that was done in the last 800 years [did i get his wright -ben]
15:44:09 [benjaminsko]
15:44:26 [benjaminsko]
...we aim for 80-90% not 99.9%
15:44:30 [mgylling]
15:44:43 [astearns]
perhaps even 60%, as long as what we expose can be extended to another 20-40%
15:44:52 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: with 15 minutes to go what else do you have for us?
15:45:42 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: trying to find out what our are priorities as far as layout goes, where can we put effort and get the greatest payback. would love to hear are there 1 or 2 other areas that we should focus on to try and get something going
15:45:48 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: anyone?
15:46:40 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: at the idpf convention ran into will mannis(sp?), had problems with inline module of CSS. he was doing some work to get PDFs into ebook form and the baseline handling of CSS was preventing him from doing what he wanted
15:47:41 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: keep this question open for awhile. it's obviously an excellent strategy to identify the highest priority and go for them. question about the latin req document. how does that evolve now in relation to yr other activities?
15:48:10 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: latin req doc has certainly taken a back seat to the work going on in CSS.
15:48:35 [benjaminsko]
...can move stuff back into latin req based on some examples and illustrations created for CSS working group
15:48:36 [Luc]
15:49:24 [mgylling]
15:49:27 [mgylling]
ack Luc
15:49:32 [benjaminsko]
...if the group can identify priority areas in latin req, we can. looking at it as a whole is overwhelming. in practice, adding to it has been difficult since there are not a lot of other people working on it right now
15:50:15 [Bill_Kasdorf]
+1 on running headers and footers
15:50:21 [benjaminsko]
Luc: re:priorities in latin req. after drop cap and footnotes, question of running headers and footers because when we use ??? we had difficult question of large books that are ??? couldn't be read..
15:51:03 [Bill_Kasdorf]
15:51:17 [mgylling]
ack Bill_K
15:51:26 [benjaminsko]
...we re facing this problem...dictionaries, large volumes of very precise information.... would like this to be examined for the future [i wasn't able to capture the exact nature of the prob - ben]
15:51:53 [benjaminsko]
Bill_Kasdorf: being able to maintain header and footer around long sections is very useful
15:52:12 [Luc]
without running headers and footers, large books cannot be made avalaible in EPUB
15:52:16 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: it's a navigation aid in keeping yr bearings in a vast expanse. from phonebooks to indexes that have headers showing
15:52:47 [benjaminsko]
...highly evolved solutions that came up through print, the need for them has been shown, how do we meet that same need in a digital environment
15:53:07 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: running headers and footers might be addressed by the footnote work
15:53:30 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: we're talking about content that is being copied elsewhere in the document to serve as a visual marker
15:54:02 [benjaminsko] gets awkwards as the content of running heads gets more complex. or as you want to display that content in an unusual palce
15:54:14 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: is chapter 8 solid enough to be reference for CSS working group?
15:54:19 [Zakim]
15:54:26 [benjaminsko]
dauwhe: not sure what state is in right now
15:54:45 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: chapter 8 could be another focus area
15:54:49 [ivan]
zakim, code?
15:54:49 [Zakim]
the conference code is 3782 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, ivan
15:55:14 [Zakim]
15:55:20 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: ...return in 2 weeks to discuss this. some of the others may come from the STEM area. we deviate a bit from the agenda re:task force names to talk about STEM. Peter to discuss.
15:56:34 [ivan]
15:56:45 [benjaminsko]
pkra: my question what is scope of the interest group. progressive enhancements (responsive tables), user agent suggestions, and new standards (e.g., scientific notation)
15:57:12 [benjaminsko]
...maybe this is off the mark because i am new to this so looking for input
15:57:24 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: so is your question is "are new standards out of scope?
15:57:27 [benjaminsko]
pkra: yes
15:58:24 [TimCole]
15:58:26 [benjaminsko]
is it out of scope to pick new standards (e.g., chemml) as winners to move to w3c?
15:58:32 [ivan]
15:59:13 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: to me the answer is not out of scope, charter of working group is to identify needs of the publishing community. we can have luxury during use case definition to not worry about difficulty of use case.
15:59:49 [Zakim]
15:59:51 [benjaminsko]
...if the scientific pub community that cannot be met by existing specs of open web platform, then we should document that fallacy(?).
16:00:27 [mgylling]
16:00:27 [benjaminsko] not hold back in terms of this stuff. we are not proposing solutions in this IG. we are only providing use cases and motivations for forthcoming solutions. ivan?
16:00:29 [mgylling]
ack ivan
16:00:33 [benjaminsko]
ivan: fully agree
16:01:23 [benjaminsko]
...if we identeify as specific area--e.g., chemical markup--and we think ahead to see if this can be standardized, we not only name the standard but give an idea about the size the importance of the market, the main players as much as we can
16:01:54 [brady_duga]
brady_duga has joined #dpub
16:02:13 [benjaminsko]
...fully agree with markus. one other thing i was wondering about--this came up in the past--some of STEM's problems (e.g., chemistry)--i've heard that components at W3C may be a good general solution.
16:03:27 [benjaminsko]
...don't know if that is true or not. we should look at how the web components evolved....last question is--mathml is defined to be k12 but was not meant to be the tool for theoretical physicists.
16:03:44 [benjaminsko]
...isn't it also true that use cases may reveal holes in the existing standards
16:03:44 [Bill_Kasdorf]
16:04:15 [gcapiel]
16:04:28 [benjaminsko]
pkra: i'd say it is the opposite (from implementation). problem is parts of the mathml specification there are no way to implement [?]
16:04:42 [Bill_Kasdorf]
16:05:07 [Bill_Kasdorf]
K-12 math wasn't introduced in MathML until MathML 3.0. It was originally for the mathematicians and scientists
16:05:12 [Zakim]
16:05:59 [mgylling]
ack TimCole
16:06:18 [Julie]
I have to sign off now-- thanks for the meeting!
16:06:30 [Zakim]
16:06:43 [mgylling]
ack gcapiel
16:07:04 [tmichel]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:07:04 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate tmichel
16:07:15 [benjaminsko]
gcapiel: as to missing use cases, presentation matjml which is what is being used on the web, there are a lot of missing semantics to make it more usable from an accessiiblity standpoint
16:07:28 [benjaminsko] between prsentation mathml nd content mathml
16:07:59 [benjaminsko]
mgylling: at next call start with STEM discussion sorry too short today
16:08:12 [benjaminsko] next monday
16:08:17 [Zakim]
16:08:18 [tmichel]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:08:18 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate tmichel
16:08:19 [Zakim]
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clapierre2 has left #dpub
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gcapiel has joined #dpub
16:13:39 [Zakim]
disconnecting the lone participant, tmichel, in DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM
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DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM has ended
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Attendees were gcapiel, +1.917.207.aaaa, dauwhe, +1.505.603.aabb, +1.646.336.aacc, azaroth42, Ivan, mgylling, Vlad, +1.617.858.aadd, murakami, +1.217.244.aaee, pkra1,
16:13:41 [Zakim]
... +, TimCole, +1.650.644.aagg, +1.617.439.aahh, Luc, +1.212.364.aaii, duga, philm, fjh, clapierre2, Stearns, +1.917.447.aajj, dkaplan3, tmichel, +1.734.904.aakk,
16:13:41 [Zakim]
... benjaminsko, Julie, +1.585.217.aall, david_stroup, Bill_Kasdorf, +1.201.783.aamm, pbelfanti
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