See also: IRC log
<scribe> scribe: daveL
<MTCarrasco> +MTCarrasco
<jgracia> agenda:,_22/05/2014#Agenda
roberto asks: how to contribute to wiki
jose: log in with w3c account then your are free to edit
jorge: split call into two
... first review list of patterns for describing multilingual
... second guidelines on the generation of ML resources in
linked data
... including migration of existing ML resources to linked
jose: review patterns documented on wiki
jorge: label everything pattern, seem generally useful
philip asks: are these rdf labels, or labels in any vocabulary
jose: agrees perhaps be specific to rdf labels
philip: suggest best practice is RDF labels, and then add other labes, e.g. skos, as preferred, but minimum should be RDF labels
philipp: issue is that tool can
easily explode labels, so readers don't know which to look
... to specify rdf label as minimum
jose: agrees
chaals: benefit of using rdf
label is any tool will pick it up
... so use rdfs labal or something specifically subclassed from
... but not your own label name.
<labra> subproperty instead of subclass
chaals: people using their own should be subproperty of rdfs label
jmccrea: points to existing w3c guidleines on use of label in ML vocabs
jorge: suggest rdfs labels should be specified here as the best practice
<labra> possible name: use rdfs:label for everything
<jgracia> ACTION: jose to update p2.1 for including rdfs labelling [recorded in]
<trackbot> Error finding 'jose'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
<scribe> ACTION: labra to update p2.1 for including rdfs labelling [recorded in]
<trackbot> Error finding 'labra'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
<scribe> ACTION: jlabraga to update p2.1 for including rdfs labelling [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1 - Update p2.1 for including rdfs labelling [on Jose Emilio Labra Gayo - due 2014-05-29].
jose: not enough to add labels, but also need language tag
<labra> SELECT * WHERE { ?x ex:position "Professor" . }
<jgracia> jose: a drawback for using lang tags is that sparql need to know the language
john: this sounds more like an
anti patterns?
... applications that are language dependent should be
specifying language anyway
<labra> this can be solved as: SELECT * WHERE { ?x :position ?p . FILTER ( str(?p)="Professor" ) }
john: should express it as an anti pattern not to use language tags
<jgracia> p2.3
<labra> next pattern could be that anti-apttern
jose: agrees
jorge: but you are discussing P2.3, as an anti pattern
chaals: if you don't specify language of literal do you not get the string
john: the language tag makes the
literal different so it won't be matched directly as a
... but you can search without language tag using FILTER
chaals: the problems with calling
this an 'anti pattern' which is it matches behaviour of nieve
... so need some more guidance on the type of sparql query to
use to deal with how people do the 'wrong' thing
... so need to be more explicit on why we need this anti
... happy to remove if we can show this isn't common bad
<labra> a new pattern on how to do sparql queries on multilingual linked data?
jorge: suggest perhaps we don't need anti pattern and just promote good practice
jose: should be clearer of what is not best practice
<jgracia> I suggest to add the "how to do sparql" in a "guidelines" document (not the "patterns" one)
jose: and include patterns on how consumer deal with poor practice in sparql queries
jorge: suggests such consumption guidelines on use of sparql could be in a spearate document
jorge: finish topic on patterns here and continue in later call
jorge: elaborate guidelines for
generating ML language resources
... such as corpora, terminologies etc
... this can build on work by john and others
... but capturing best practice
... now discuss a proposed template for such reports
... see ToC on agenda
tiziano: have just sent guidelines on converting babelnet to linguistic linked data
<jgracia> john: document what to do after publishing (versioning, etc)
roberto: versioning are
... better to start with specific reports, then produce more
generalised guidelines
<jgracia> bottom-up approach
roberto: we can restructure the draft above to your ToC
jorge: propose create reports and collect who is interested in contributing to which ones
dave: asks about alignment with ld4lt work on a LR meta-data onto based on META-SHARE
jorge: ld4lt should develop this model and this group develops the guidelines to use it
dave; asks about using w3c report templates
jorge: is exploring this
jose: w3c report template, just involves editing a HTML template
<flati> w3c html version like this: ? Seems like duplicated information as in
roberto: happy to move current doc to this w3c format
<jgracia> Resource types:
<jgracia> - wordnet
<jgracia> - babelnet
dave: volunteers to look at translation memory/parallel text
<jgracia> - bilingual dictionaries
<jgracia> - corpora
<chaals> [adjourned]
<chaals> s/scribe: jmccrae//
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Mulitlingual/Multilingual/ Succeeded: s/ jlabraga ?// Succeeded: s/zakim is telling me the 'call centre is restricted at this time' and refusing to connect me// Succeeded: s/sorry, I've lost connection, can someone else scribe while I try and reconnect// FAILED: s/scribe: jmccrae// Succeeded: s/Scribe: jmccrae// Found Scribe: daveL Inferring ScribeNick: daveL Default Present: [IPcaller], chaals, +49.521.106.1.aaaa, MTCarrasco Present: [IPcaller] chaals +49.521.106.1.aaaa MTCarrasco Roberto Navigli philipp jorge lupe flati labra Agenda:,_7/03/2014#Agenda Got date from IRC log name: 22 May 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: jlabraga jose labra[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]