Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference
14 May 2014

See also: IRC log


janina_, [Microsoft], +1.215.518.aaaa, James_Nurthen, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Michael_Cooper, JF, Cynthia_Shelly, [IPcaller], Chris_Gallello
andrewlarkin, MichaelC


<trackbot> Date: 14 May 2014

<janina_> Meeting: PFWG telecon

<janina_> agenda: this

preview agenda with items from two minutes

<MichaelC> scribe: andrewlarkin

js: introducing Chris from Microsoft

Previous Meeting Minutes https://www.w3.org/2014/05/07-pf-minutes.html

RESOLUTION: Publish minutes as submitted

TPAC 2014 http://www.w3.org/2014/11/TPAC/

js: asked for tail of the week

Actions Review (Specs) http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/open

mc: review ttml updates due today

js: no reason it needs to be due today

jf: not to replace captions, but augment visual stuff
... only problem is if it's the exclusive way to represent captions
... make a note, should not be only way to do captions

<MichaelC> action-1437 due 2 weeks

<trackbot> Set action-1437 Discuss with sean hayes and david singer potential a11y issues on ttml-imsc1 http://www.w3.org/tr/ttml-imsc1/ due date to 2014-05-28.

jf: ping again in two week's time

js: shane not here, can't review

mc: review from Cynthia not ready to distribute

<MichaelC> close action-1436

<trackbot> Closed action-1436.

mc: shane investigated, can close action-1436

jn: can we close without review?

new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html#tr_LCWD

mc: should report to group for tracking
... should look at working draft for CSS generated content for page media

Community Groups Checkin http://www.w3.org/community/groups/

<MichaelC> Automated WCAG Monitoring CG

mc: WGAC monitoring creating semi-automated tests for WGAC
... compare test results, track results for iterative improvement, etc
... following group, some participants are familiar

js: not a group we need to track, from our criteria

mc: true. Put it outling interest?

js: outlying interest is prob true

mc: WGAC should be aware of it
... i'll put it on my list to let WGAC working group know about it

ARIA.Next Items

rs: things going well, working on 1.1. Heartbeat draft in next couple of weeks
... should see mappings document as well

js: not implementation guide :D

rs: core accessibility mappings document, that's what it's called
... SVG working group also approved naming convention

js: not heard back from chairs eyt

rs: not meeting this week

js: don't think it's excessive we haven't heard yet

rs: didn't quite make agenda

js: next steps is to get signoff from HTML and CG
... will follow up
... propose we have enough time to finish quarterly review of community groups

Community Groups Quarterly Review

mc: already reviewd actively track, right?

js: right

mc: interested now in the third cat: might interest us
... first group federated identities for open web
... mailing list has one message year and a half ago...

js: drop it

mc: wiki has nothing
... next: chinese web accessibility
... chinese devs build accessible web
... message a month, most recently this month
... wiki....

js: can you read it?

mc: this page has been deleted

js: interesting
... I'm inclined we should leave it
... even speculating on getting test results from longdesc from them

mc: they had a big meeting at the technical plannery
... next: web copyright
... changing legal system in order to stop DRM
... one message oct 2013, no wiki

js: i think we can drop it

mc: svg streaming
... guidelines for streamable svg content
... no messages on list
... no wiki
... dead

js: I say it's dead

mc: next: second screen presentation
... allow web apps to use secondary screens
... 15 this month, 15 last month 29 before

js: i say that's active

mc: leave it then
... move it up?

js: move it up, not in right category

mc: exam later?

js: i suspect track
... can we see who's in it?

mc: 53 participants... looking for names I recognize
... not seeing familiar to me in the accessibilty space, except for chaals

jn: what is purpose of this group

mc: ways to attach additional displays, screens, find ways for applications to use them. Create simple APIs for webpages

js: I'm thinking relates to concerns in media

jf: I can join group and get on mailing list...

js: that's a bit active, otheriwse agree with you
... maybe note this when we finish use cases
... make sure charles is aware

cs: ask charles for status summary?

rs: how do they do context switch? creates a11y issues

js: we can ask for update

jf: something we track in media team?
... need to keep in corner of our eye

mc: active track category

js: yes

mc: html for email next
... flurry in January, too soon to call dead

js: yes

mc: next, web midi
... zero messages on mailing list, nothing on wiki
... too bad, very interested in this...

js: but another dead one

mc: next, open linked education
... curated sub wikipedia data
... message a month.. no year
... but most recent is 2014
... starter content on wiki
... most recent was just a forward... doesn't seem like doing anything

cs: not really important

js: I think we can drop

mc: we already look at declarative linked data apps
... 0 mailing list activity, 0 wiki
... next, voice XML
... no mailing list activity
... no wiki content

js: we can drop it

mc: haptic interaction on the web
... accessibility of touch based interfaces
... 1 message on mailing list in aug 2013
... nothing on wiki

js: I propose it's dead

mc: web audio developers
... hackers and devs interested in using web api
... mailing list is steady for last year

js: ok leave where it is
... they should take on midi

mc: very different from midi api

js: sound is created at last stage though

mc: next, accessiblity in india
... message every month or two

js: ok, let that one sit

mc: next, faces
... face data for augmented reality browsers
... most recent message nov 2013
... nothing since then

js: seems dead to me

mc: yep
... next, micro posts
... research community in low effort user generated content (tweets, etc)
... leverage data for practical use cases
... message every month most recent Jan 2014
... wiki, list of academic events, kinda old

js: sounds borderline, but leave it

mc: philosophy of the web...
... thought jason white might be interested, jason is a member
... probably not dead
... next, big data
... big data pipelines, security, lower cost of big data
... message every month or two, last Dec 2013

js: sounds borderline, but leave it

mc: 2013 just a conference note
... seems to me it's just being used as an announcement

js: ok, we can drop it, you've convinced me

mc: WAI Engage web accessibility
... fracture of education outreach group
... most recent is Oct 2012

js: drop it

go me and my hearing...

mc: RBF javascript libraries
... lisa is involved

js: we should move this up

mc: we have passed through all community groups
... we have 20 active track
... 7 might interest
... 30 or 40 nothing's happening

js: cut list almost in half
... do this more expeditiously in the future

mc: hard to delegate people who are busy
... sometimes they specifically want to work up a draft and turn it over to new WG
... few succesfully navigate that
... if they don't unclear what output is, tend to fizzle out
... management of community groups could use some improvement

js: we've been at this for about a year...

mc: ask to set up general purpose maling list that others can ping, encourage them to use that
... and monitor that list

cs: prob only do that if it's not just us

mc: yes, need to add value to this and sell it

js: worth persuing

mc: I'll approach about socializing this idea

js: think we've done with we can today

cs: one issue:
... virtualized content
... spredsheets and word processing docs
... where entirety of document isn't in dom, loaded as needed
... breaks ARIA
... and we can't be the only ones

js: sound familiar james

jf: related to lazy loading?

al: yeah, this is something we think about too

<MichaelC> scribe: MichaelC

al: web sites that have lots of entities

can´t load all those images

I´ve been pushing for data that represents quantities of information

convey that there is additional data that could be loaded

so for AT, know there´s something there

different from ARIA

which more looks at DOM

but helpful for our customers

jn: think ARIA should be expanded to address these use cases

<scribe> unknown set size, etc.

cs: ARIA doesn´t handle IDREFs to stuff not loaded yet

js: good for TPAC discussion

rs: could reference a hidden region with empty content

cs: think of a long document, you´re on page 3 and don´t know how many pages there are

there´s a relationship between something on page 3 and 5

how do you manage? you don´t know if it´s a broken IDREF or unloaded target

this is for stuff that loads as you scroll down

rs: just put divs at bottom

jf: how many?

you don´t know how many

cs: can be huge

rs: this isn´t a huge problem, happens all the time

cs: author doesn´t know at coding time what the situation will be

how big the document will be, what will be loaded at a given time

want an IDREF that is valid for ¨not there yet¨

rs: support different pages

cs: don´t know how many pages necessarily

cg: have some use casse, will send

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2014/05/21 16:31:46 $