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<trackbot> Date: 08 May 2014
<janina> Meeting: HTML-A11Y Task Force Teleconference
<LJWatson> scribe: Léonie Watson
<LJWatson> scribenick LJWatson
<LJWatson> MS: Chaals and I are working on a CR ready draft.
<LJWatson> MS: We can then run it past the TF, and PF and HTML WGs.
<LJWatson> MS: Waiting on results for the exit criteria CFC. Didn't see a lot of contention.
<LJWatson> JS: Then the testing report?
<LJWatson> MS: Right.
<LJWatson> MS: A LC ready draft has been published.
<MarkS> Last Call Stable Draft of Canvas
<LJWatson> MS: Will be run through HTML WG. Once approved, should be published within the next two weeks after.
<LJWatson> MS: Will reach out to implementors when the LC draft is stable.
<LJWatson> MS: To ask about implementation timetables.
<LJWatson> MS: Do not have contact at Apple. Believe MS/IE is working on implementation.
<LJWatson> MS: No formal meeting this week. Working with the Web TV IG, looking at use cases.
<LJWatson> MS: Found opportunities to improve the visibility of accessibility in that doc.
<LJWatson> MS: Found changes to be made to the Media accessibility requirements.
<LJWatson> MS: John has asked to move the meeting time.
<LJWatson> JS: Will need to swap meetings around, but it should be ok.
<LJWatson> JS: Lots happening with media. Also talking about developing content, for UA developers to test with.
<JF> scribe: JF
LW: no meeting this week
... only issues to mention is 5.0 bugs - chaals, cyns et al
need to follow up on
JS: really need to close these
... soon - like June
... asking if these can be looked at at the ARIA call next
RS: thought had cleared them
LW: found a few more
<MarkS> Bug triage issues
MS: there is a heading for the ARIA sub-team
LW: ... border, table of one... - should a table with a border of 1 be conformant with role="presentation"
RS: why not?
... how does that impact - don't understand
... consider it as simply styling
+1 to Rich
RS: will bring up on the call
LW: from triage POV, we can close
it here
... will close that then
<MarkS> RESOLUTION: Bug 24642 - it is conforming to use role=presentation for tables that have border=1
<LJWatson> JF: Had it on my to do list. Can take an action to take it to the techs group?
<LJWatson> JS: Sure.
ACTIUON: foliot to take the table summary issue to the WCAG TEchniques WG
<scribe> ACTION: foliot to take the table summary issue to the WCAG Techniques WG [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-245 - Take the table summary issue to the wcag techniques wg [on John Foliot - due 2014-05-15].
<LJWatson> JS: When have Steve's response about open bugs, will open a CFC.
<LJWatson> JS: There are two aspects, the bugs and whether the guidance should become a note.
<LJWatson> JS: We want a comprehensive summary of all the actions taken.
<LJWatson> JS: Wonder whether we can run a concurrent CFC?
<LJWatson> JB: Not a good idea.
<LJWatson> JS: If Steve responds tomorrow, could get the CFC out on Monday.
<LJWatson> JB: Could someone link to the process?
<LJWatson> JB: 1 week in TF, then to parent WG - PF is 48 hours, HTML is 1 week.
<LJWatson> JB: Don't think alt is a good one to run a short time period on.
<LJWatson> JS: We may not meet the 30th May discussed.
<LJWatson> JB: Need to let Steve know of the timetable.
<LJWatson> JB: Someone should also track the hand-offs.
<LJWatson> JS: I'll do that.
<MarkS> Wishlist for HTML5.1
<LJWatson> JS: Want to bring people's attention to this list.
<LJWatson> JS: Need to understand our priorities, and try to identify people who could take them further.
<LJWatson> MS: Looking at Plan 2014, couple of things were dropped, so we need to look at them under 5.1.
<LJWatson> MS: Full transcript...
<LJWatson> JF: Interested in looking into this.
<LJWatson> JF: Can sort of do it with aria-describedby, but don't have a really robust way of calling out a transcript.
<LJWatson> JS: Recall two proposals from way back - a) providing a link near the video, b) programmatic association + time sync.
<LJWatson> JF: A link encounters design constraints, a programmatic association can be handled more sensitively.
<LJWatson> JS: Providing a link doesn't need a spec.
<LJWatson> JF: There's just no clear mechanism.
<LJWatson> JS: Suggest the media sub-team take this on. Not sure 5.1 is the right version to pursue it under though.
<LJWatson> MS: Keeping notes on the wiki.
<LJWatson> MS: Media descriptions...
<LJWatson> JF: No way of providing a poster description.
<LJWatson> JS: Need to look at what ARIA markup might be needed.
<LJWatson> JF: Met resistance initially, maybe we should look at media roles for ARIA?
<LJWatson> RS: We can, but we need to be sure roles are reasonably generic.
<LJWatson> JF: I suggest "video" and "audio".
<LJWatson> RS: We're looking at role descriptions, for providing localised roles.
<LJWatson> JF: Also for the media sub-team?
<LJWatson> JS: Yes.
<LJWatson> MS: UI widgets...
<LJWatson> JS: Don't know if the UA community is ready to settle down on this.
<LJWatson> JS: Put me down for this.
<LJWatson> MS: Could be a Web Components thing too.
<LJWatson> MS: Input type numeric...
<LJWatson> MS: Scenario - when helpful to identify a numeric field to force the numeric keyboard to be displayed on mobile devices, but where the expected content isn't a number. A US zip code for example.
<LJWatson> JS: Several situations for that. Is it an accessibility issue though?
<LJWatson> MS: Think it helps to have the specialised keyboard.
<LJWatson> MS: Will put my name on this one.
<LJWatson> MS: Emotion ML...
<LJWatson> JB: We have some positive opportunities here.
<LJWatson> JS: We should ask Lisa.
<LJWatson> JF: Media sub-team might also have an interest here.
<LJWatson> MS: Making sure that Web VTT etc. properly support this.
<LJWatson> MS: Haptic output...
<LJWatson> JS: Markku is interested in this?
<LJWatson> MS: Will follow up with him.
<LJWatson> MS: Gaming...
<LJWatson> IP: May be able to talk to colleagues at the BBC.
<LJWatson> MS: Will put Ian down to follow up with colleagues.
<LJWatson> MS: Cognitive...
<LJWatson> JB: My guess is that there is a lot of scope. Rich, you hosted a cognitive accessibility panel at CSUN - is the discussion happening?
<LJWatson> JS: Suggest we ask Lisa to look at this on a Cofnitive TF telecon.
<LJWatson> MS: There are five more topics.
<LJWatson> MS: Just want to run them quickly to judge initial interest.
<LJWatson> MS: Referencing UAAG...
<LJWatson> MS: Put Jeanne down.
<LJWatson> MS: Media...
<LJWatson> MS: Will put the media sub-team down.
<LJWatson> MS: Web payments...
<LJWatson> MS: Chaals indicated an interest.
<LJWatson> MS: Footnotes and annotations...
<LJWatson> MS: I'm interested.
<LJWatson> RS: Should be picked up by ePub. We talked about footnotes and annotations on the ARIA call this week.
<LJWatson> MS: Real time chat...
<LJWatson> MS: Web RTC and ORTC.
<LJWatson> RS: We can do live chat with live regions.
<LJWatson> LW: Don't know too much about RTC, but will take a look.
<LJWatson> JS: I'm interested too.
<LJWatson> MS: If everyone on this call could respond to the email I send around, to indicate support for these topics. Will help us prioritise.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/proccess/process/ Found Scribe: Léonie Watson Found Scribe: JF Inferring ScribeNick: JF Scribes: Léonie Watson, JF WARNING: No "Present: ... " found! Possibly Present: ACTIUON IP IPcaller IanPouncey JB JF JS John_Foliot Judy LJWatson LW MS MarkS Mark_Sadecki P0 RS Rich_Schwerdtfeger cabanier chaals hober html-a11y inserted janina joined richardschwerdtfeger sivoais trackbot You can indicate people for the Present list like this: <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary <dbooth> Present+ amy Found Date: 08 May 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: foliot WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]