IRC log of webrtc on 2014-04-28
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 15:52:00 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #webrtc
- 15:52:00 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 15:52:02 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 15:52:02 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #webrtc
- 15:52:04 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be RTC
- 15:52:04 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see UW_WebRTC()12:00PM scheduled to start in 8 minutes
- 15:52:05 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Web Real-Time Communications Working Group Teleconference
- 15:52:05 [trackbot]
- Date: 28 April 2014
- 15:52:17 [dom]
- Meeting: WebRTC teleconference
- 15:52:26 [dom]
- Chair: stefanh, hta
- 15:52:38 [dom]
- Agenda:
- 15:52:53 [dom]
- dom has changed the topic to: WebRTC call April 28 RECORDED; Agenda:
- 15:55:13 [Zakim]
- UW_WebRTC()12:00PM has now started
- 15:55:20 [Zakim]
- + +1.403.244.aaaa
- 15:55:22 [stefanh]
- stefanh has joined #webrtc
- 15:56:33 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft]
- 15:56:45 [JimBarnett]
- JimBarnett has joined #webrtc
- 15:56:45 [fluffy]
- Zakim, I am aaaa
- 15:56:46 [Zakim]
- +fluffy; got it
- 15:58:54 [Zakim]
- + +
- 15:59:26 [Zakim]
- +stefanh
- 15:59:26 [Zakim]
- +Jim_Barnett
- 15:59:35 [fluffy]
- are there any minutes of prev meeting we need to approve ?
- 15:59:44 [hta]
- hta has joined #webrtc
- 15:59:53 [stefanh]
- 15:59:56 [hta]
- zakim, who is here?
- 15:59:56 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see fluffy, [Microsoft], +, stefanh, Jim_Barnett
- 15:59:58 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see hta, JimBarnett, stefanh, Zakim, RRSAgent, Bernard, fluffy, jeff, timpanton, dom, adam, heath, stryx`, derf_, schuki, Josh_Soref_, timeless_, trackbot, decadance,
- 15:59:58 [Zakim]
- ... slightlyoff
- 16:00:02 [Zakim]
- +gmandyam
- 16:00:08 [Zakim]
- + +aacc
- 16:00:10 [Zakim]
- + +
- 16:00:10 [gmandyam]
- gmandyam has joined #webrtc
- 16:00:11 [ekr]
- ekr has joined #webrtc
- 16:00:12 [hta]
- zakim, aabb is me
- 16:00:12 [Zakim]
- +hta; got it
- 16:00:13 [Zakim]
- +Milan_Patel
- 16:00:17 [ekr]
- zakim, who is here?
- 16:00:17 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see fluffy, [Microsoft], hta, stefanh, Jim_Barnett, gmandyam, +aacc, +, Milan_Patel
- 16:00:20 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see ekr, gmandyam, hta, JimBarnett, stefanh, Zakim, RRSAgent, Bernard, fluffy, jeff, timpanton, dom, adam, heath, stryx`, derf_, schuki, Josh_Soref_, timeless_, trackbot,
- 16:00:20 [Zakim]
- ... decadance, slightlyoff
- 16:00:39 [ekr]
- Hmm… I have no idea which phone number it thinks I am
- 16:00:53 [ekr]
- but in any case, I am on the phone
- 16:01:08 [Zakim]
- +??P1
- 16:01:10 [DanD]
- DanD has joined #webrtc
- 16:01:10 [dom]
- Zakim, ??P1 is me
- 16:01:10 [Zakim]
- +dom; got it
- 16:01:33 [Zakim]
- +Dan_Druta
- 16:01:39 [ekr]
- zakim, who is here?
- 16:01:39 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see fluffy, [Microsoft], hta, stefanh, Jim_Barnett, gmandyam, +aacc, +, Milan_Patel, dom, Dan_Druta
- 16:01:41 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see DanD, ekr, gmandyam, hta, JimBarnett, stefanh, Zakim, RRSAgent, Bernard, fluffy, jeff, timpanton, dom, adam, heath, stryx`, derf_, schuki, Josh_Soref_, timeless_,
- 16:01:41 [Zakim]
- ... trackbot, decadance, slightlyoff
- 16:02:03 [ekr]
- perhaps I am aacc, but without the previx, it is hard to tell.
- 16:02:06 [Zakim]
- +??P16
- 16:02:15 [Zakim]
- +??P8
- 16:02:28 [Zakim]
- + +
- 16:02:28 [Zakim]
- +Stephane_Cazeaux
- 16:02:30 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 16:02:46 [adambe]
- adambe has joined #webrtc
- 16:02:54 [mreavy]
- mreavy has joined #webrtc
- 16:03:07 [dan_romascanu]
- dan_romascanu has joined #webrtc
- 16:03:11 [dom]
- Zakim, aaee is probably adambe
- 16:03:12 [Zakim]
- +adambe?; got it
- 16:03:12 [stephane]
- stephane has joined #webrtc
- 16:03:18 [Zakim]
- +??P4
- 16:03:25 [adam]
- Zakim, I am ??P4
- 16:03:25 [Zakim]
- +adam; got it
- 16:03:52 [Zakim]
- +jesup
- 16:03:56 [Zakim]
- +??P9
- 16:04:26 [Zakim]
- + +1.408.902.aaff
- 16:04:28 [dom]
- Zakim, ??P9 is probably milan_patel
- 16:04:28 [Zakim]
- +milan_patel?; got it
- 16:04:35 [stefanh]
- Proposed agenda:
- 16:04:50 [jesup]
- jesup has joined #webrtc
- 16:05:04 [Suhas]
- Suhas has joined #webrtc
- 16:05:06 [ekr]
- mt is here as well
- 16:05:21 [Zakim]
- + +1.214.414.aagg
- 16:05:34 [Zakim]
- - +1.214.414.aagg
- 16:06:03 [Milan_Patel]
- Milan_Patel has joined #webrtc
- 16:06:06 [Zakim]
- +??P13
- 16:06:52 [dom]
- ScribeNick: dom
- 16:06:55 [dom]
- scribe: dom
- 16:06:57 [juberti]
- juberti has joined #webrtc
- 16:07:09 [dom]
- Topic: Admin
- 16:07:37 [stefanh]
- Minutes:
- 16:07:58 [dom]
- StefanH: approving minutes from our scoping meeting discussions on Dec 19?
- 16:08:09 [dom]
- RESOLVED: Dec 19 minutes approved
- 16:08:20 [mt_]
- mt_ has joined #webrtc
- 16:08:22 [jib]
- jib has joined #webrtc
- 16:08:39 [mt]
- mt has joined #webrtc
- 16:08:47 [dom]
- Stefanh: [reviewing proposed agenda]
- 16:09:06 [Zakim]
- + +1.267.934.aahh
- 16:09:20 [dom]
- Topic: May F2F agenda
- 16:09:29 [stefanh]
- 16:09:29 [Zakim]
- + +1.425.610.aaii
- 16:09:33 [jib]
- zakim, I am aahh
- 16:09:33 [Zakim]
- +jib; got it
- 16:09:42 [dom]
- -> Proposed agenda for May F2F
- 16:09:56 [dom]
- stefanh: slide 2 describes the overall schedule of the 3 days meeting
- 16:10:06 [dom]
- ... mornings will be used by the IETF RTCWeb WG
- 16:10:08 [juberti]
- Zakim, who's here?
- 16:10:08 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see fluffy, [Microsoft], hta, stefanh, Jim_Barnett, gmandyam, +aacc, +, Milan_Patel, dom, Dan_Druta, ??P16, ??P8, adambe?, Stephane_Cazeaux,
- 16:10:11 [Zakim]
- ... [IPcaller], adam, jesup, milan_patel?, +1.408.902.aaff, ??P13, jib, +1.425.610.aaii
- 16:10:11 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see mt, jib, juberti, Milan_Patel, Suhas, jesup, stephane, dan_romascanu, mreavy, adambe, DanD, ekr, gmandyam, hta, JimBarnett, stefanh, Zakim, RRSAgent, Bernard, fluffy,
- 16:10:11 [Zakim]
- ... jeff, timpanton, dom, adam, heath, stryx`, derf_, schuki, Josh_Soref_, timeless_, trackbot, decadance, slightlyoff
- 16:10:20 [dom]
- ... we have the afternoons; the first one will be used by the Media Capture TF
- 16:10:46 [dom]
- ... Tuesday and Wednesday will be for the WebRTC WG, for which the chairs are proposing the agenda described on slide 3
- 16:11:01 [dom]
- ... Justin sent out an updated proposal for the "doohickey"
- 16:11:37 [ekr]
- q+
- 16:11:37 [dom]
- ... [reviewing detailed agenda described on slide 3]
- 16:11:46 [dom]
- ... This is a strawman proposal on which we're seeking feedback
- 16:11:46 [juberti]
- q+
- 16:11:49 [dom]
- ... incl on what we're missing
- 16:12:08 [dom]
- cullen: I assume the doohickey will take more time than allotted
- 16:12:18 [dom]
- ... it would be good to come out of the meeting with a complete proposal
- 16:12:33 [dom]
- ekr: I agree; we should steal time from admin and stats to add to doohickey
- 16:12:45 [dom]
- ... (e.g. leave only 15 min for admin and 15 min for stats)
- 16:13:03 [dom]
- cullen: we have a spare hour on Tuesday, we may not need to steal any time
- 16:13:10 [dom]
- hta: on stats: the API seems to be well agreed upon
- 16:13:19 [fluffy]
- q?
- 16:13:20 [dom]
- ... but the actual stats have not been reviewed in details
- 16:13:26 [ekr]
- q-
- 16:13:38 [dom]
- ... before the meeting, I'll make a proposal, incl. possibly moving them to a separate document
- 16:13:49 [dom]
- ... but the group needs to look through the stats
- 16:14:06 [dom]
- ekr: I would suggest we do that by email, and only discuss controversial ones at the F2F
- 16:14:11 [dom]
- hta: OK, makes sense to me
- 16:14:25 [dom]
- juberti: +1, but I want to make sure we review them
- 16:14:39 [dom]
- ... overall, the agenda seems to match the topics we need to discuss
- 16:14:51 [dom]
- ... on error handling, I have a proposal on TURN server errors
- 16:14:59 [dom]
- ... not sure about what other things would need to be reviewed
- 16:15:05 [dom]
- ... Another item is review of scope
- 16:15:14 [dom]
- ... when can we declare victory?
- 16:15:24 [dom]
- stefanh: to me, that's part of the schedule discussion
- 16:15:36 [dom]
- juberti: but waiting till Wed. for that seems to be a recipe failure
- 16:15:43 [ekr]
- I am indifferent to when we discuss it
- 16:15:46 [juberti]
- q-
- 16:15:47 [dom]
- ... we should discuss it early one since that affects the rest of what we discuss
- 16:16:32 [dom]
- hta: the meeting should be about decisions, after having made progress on the list
- 16:16:41 [dom]
- ... until we make progress on the list, I'm not sure how to progress here
- 16:16:51 [Zakim]
- + +1.703.628.aajj
- 16:17:07 [dom]
- stefanh: we'll look more into when to schedule scoping based on that feedback
- 16:17:26 [dom]
- ... if the group agrees on the topics, we'll reach out to individuals to prepare each of them
- 16:17:37 [dom]
- ... for instance, the doohickey proposal will need to be hashed out on email
- 16:18:11 [dom]
- hta: ideally, people charged with proposals would get the discussions started on the list well before the meeting
- 16:18:22 [dom]
- ... so that we can record our agreements at the meeting
- 16:18:41 [dom]
- juberti: let's assign owners now
- 16:18:51 [dom]
- stefanh: doohickey should be for justin, ok?
- 16:18:53 [dom]
- juberti: will do
- 16:19:11 [dom]
- stefanh: for error handling, we would like to constitute a small team
- 16:19:22 [dom]
- ... around ekr
- 16:19:26 [Zakim]
- -milan_patel?
- 16:19:34 [dom]
- ... the idea would be to go through the spec and state where we are wrt error handling
- 16:19:47 [dom]
- ... hopefully most of it should be ok, but there should be proposals where we're not
- 16:19:54 [dom]
- ekr: happy to do that
- 16:20:00 [dom]
- stefanh: stats for hta?
- 16:20:02 [dom]
- hta: yup
- 16:20:12 [dom]
- stefanh: for identity, martin or ekr?
- 16:20:16 [dom]
- ekr: I volunteer martin
- 16:20:25 [dom]
- mt: works for me
- 16:20:42 [dom]
- stefanh: for interop issues, we're suggesting Alexandre Gouaillard to drive this
- 16:20:53 [fluffy]
- q+
- 16:21:09 [dom]
- ... alex has been very active in discussion groups on WebRTC implementation and has lots of experience there
- 16:21:17 [dom]
- Alexandre: would be happy to prepare something for the meeting
- 16:21:36 [dom]
- cullen: alex, could you describe some of the things you're thinking of for interop issues?
- 16:21:40 [ekr]
- q+
- 16:21:44 [dom]
- alexandre: e.g. the data channels
- 16:21:50 [dom]
- ... interop issues between FF and Chrome
- 16:22:00 [dom]
- ... a few more items that makes it hard
- 16:22:04 [ekr]
- +1
- 16:22:16 [dom]
- cullen: let's focus on where the spec leads to defects, rather than implementation bugs
- 16:22:19 [dom]
- ekr: +1
- 16:22:37 [dom]
- ... 3 categories: really unclear spec, ambiguous spec, implementation bugs
- 16:22:44 [dom]
- ... only the first 2 are useful
- 16:23:02 [dom]
- ... the 2nd case is when reasonable people can interpret the spec differently
- 16:23:20 [dom]
- Alexandre: agree we shouldn't discuss implementation bugs
- 16:23:48 [dom]
- stefanh: for the schedule/scoping, this would be down to hta and me
- 16:24:11 [dom]
- hta: it would perhaps be logical to move scoping to end of Tuesday
- 16:24:26 [dom]
- ... this topic can be very time consuming, so I want a timeboxed slot
- 16:24:42 [dom]
- ... end of Tuesday would probably work well, allowing also people to sleep over the discussions
- 16:24:48 [dom]
- cullen: will there be a proposal ahead of time?
- 16:24:56 [dom]
- hta: there will, otherwise we will cancel that agenda item
- 16:25:09 [dom]
- Topic: Schedule and scoping
- 16:25:21 [dom]
- scribenick: stefanh
- 16:25:58 [stefanh]
- Dom: Last time we talked about scoping was on an earlier telco
- 16:26:28 [stefanh]
- .....Last week I proposed a new way to scope: freeze what we have in the spec now, and move that to LC
- 16:26:45 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left &webrtc
- 16:26:45 [ekr]
- q+
- 16:26:46 [stefanh]
- ....additional stuff should be in separate documents.
- 16:27:10 [fluffy]
- q-
- 16:27:23 [stefanh]
- ....We need to agree on that we need a scope, and secondly what is in and out of that scope.
- 16:27:35 [ekr]
- could you please restate the proposal?
- 16:28:14 [stefanh]
- Ekr: sound like we're having the DC discussion now
- 16:28:24 [stefanh]
- Dom: no, trying to prepare us for DC
- 16:29:08 [stefanh]
- Dom: first part of my proposal is to agree that we need to agree on that there is a set of features in v1 and features that are out
- 16:29:19 [fluffy]
- q+
- 16:29:32 [stefanh]
- ....we need to agree that we need to freeze
- 16:30:00 [stefanh]
- Ekr: Agree, but the spec is a subset of what we need before freezing, e.g. doohickeys
- 16:30:00 [juberti]
- q+
- 16:30:17 [stefanh]
- Hta: anything more than doohickeys
- 16:30:31 [stefanh]
- ekr: I can produce a list
- 16:30:35 [dom]
- ack ekr
- 16:30:43 [dom]
- ack fluffy
- 16:30:48 [ekr]
- q+
- 16:30:56 [stefanh]
- cullen: the w3c process means freezing
- 16:31:19 [stefanh]
- ...the question is if we're close to the point when we can freeze
- 16:31:30 [stefanh]
- ....the other question is what we need to add
- 16:31:59 [stefanh]
- Dom: We should done sooner rather than later, and that input was given by app developers.
- 16:32:44 [stefanh]
- the meeting in May we need a list of items in v1.0, and I think it should not be much more than what is in the doc now.
- 16:33:01 [stefanh]
- Cullen: do you think we have consensus to add doohickeys?
- 16:33:29 [stefanh]
- Dom: have nothing against adding, but we should not add a dozen of more features.
- 16:34:26 [stefanh]
- ...can we agree that we can develop a list of features before the May?
- 16:34:44 [stefanh]
- ...what additional features are needed?
- 16:34:51 [dom]
- ack juberti
- 16:34:56 [ekr]
- q-
- 16:35:19 [stefanh]
- Justin: I think we need doohickeys, stats, and turn error handling
- 16:36:08 [stefanh]
- Dom: can we give out an action to start building a list?
- 16:36:27 [stefanh]
- Justin: the data is out there, just look in mailboxes
- 16:37:22 [stefanh]
- Justin: we need to have the discussion, but I will dig out the data we already have.
- 16:37:54 [dom]
- dom has left &webrtc
- 16:38:17 [stefanh]
- Harald: I will produce a proposal, but will take input from people having input to give.
- 16:38:35 [dom]
- scribenick: dom
- 16:38:41 [stefanh]
- End of schedule discussion.
- 16:38:55 [stefanh]
- Next: Constraints in WebRTC
- 16:39:04 [dom]
- Topic: Use of "constraint compromise" in WebRTC
- 16:39:17 [dom]
- -> Martin's slides
- 16:39:40 [stefanh]
- Martin: motivated by Suhas sending a proposal on doohickeys
- 16:39:40 [dom]
- Martin: this was triggered by the discussion of what doohickeys might look like
- 16:39:48 [dom]
- ... I think it has some important points
- 16:40:00 [dom]
- ... not sure I agree with everything it it yet :)
- 16:40:10 [dom]
- ... [slide 3]
- 16:40:37 [dom]
- ... this is what we have to control the peer connection at this time
- 16:41:14 [dom]
- ... the RTCPeerConnection constructor, updateIce
- 16:41:25 [dom]
- ... the arguments for createOffer
- 16:41:44 [dom]
- ... you also get control surface via SDP modifications
- 16:41:54 [dom]
- ... still aspirational
- 16:42:03 [ekr]
- mt, send a pull request for JSEP
- 16:42:19 [Zakim]
- +??P37
- 16:42:25 [Zakim]
- +??P39
- 16:42:48 [dom]
- ... addStream arguments
- 16:42:48 [Zakim]
- -??P37
- 16:43:19 [dom]
- ... slide 4 describes the additional control surface provided by doohickeys
- 16:43:26 [dom]
- ... with track-specific control
- 16:43:49 [dom]
- ... e.g. distinguishing on-hold vs receive-only
- 16:44:26 [dom]
- ... it opens up a lot of other possibilities; could be used as a bus for more stuff, e.g. stats, state
- 16:44:29 [dom]
- ... [slide 5]
- 16:44:46 [dom]
- ... the existing control surface doesn't let you provide what's possible
- 16:44:57 [dom]
- ... nor what is currently being done
- 16:45:10 [dom]
- ... the control surface is "do X", but doesn't tell you whether X is occurring
- 16:45:10 [fluffy]
- q+
- 16:45:27 [dom]
- ... these features are probably needed in a number of cases
- 16:45:40 [dom]
- ... we need to identify these
- 16:46:13 [dom]
- cullen: doohickeys is bound to a given peer connection, independently on how many pc a track was added to
- 16:46:25 [dom]
- martin: indeed
- 16:46:58 [dom]
- cullen: in terms of capabilities discovery, we need to be careful that this is a negotiation between the local and remote ends
- 16:47:04 [lgombos]
- lgombos has joined #webrtc
- 16:47:09 [dom]
- martin: clearly
- 16:48:08 [dom]
- ... that's worth keeping in mind while we look to drawbacks of constraints where the constraints ability to negotiate among actors is not needed (as I claim)
- 16:48:21 [dom]
- ... which one was one of the origins of constraints for the camera API
- 16:48:49 [dom]
- ... (in addition to giving latitude to browsers in picking some values, which is also useful e.g. for bandwidth)
- 16:49:14 [dom]
- ... another drawback of constraints is that feature detection is not really possible
- 16:49:21 [Zakim]
- + +1.604.210.aakk
- 16:49:28 [dom]
- ... and there is less certainty about what browsers do
- 16:49:45 [Erik]
- Erik has joined #webrtc
- 16:49:47 [Zakim]
- -[IPcaller]
- 16:50:03 [dom]
- ... slide 7 shows how constraints would be used to detect capabilities (although the example is probably contrived here)
- 16:50:16 [dom]
- ... then apply, and check state
- 16:50:39 [dom]
- ... slide 8 shows the same without constraints
- 16:51:13 [dom]
- ... slide 9 looks at values where giving leeway to browsers would be useful
- 16:51:26 [timpanton]
- q+
- 16:51:41 [fluffy]
- q+
- 16:51:42 [dom]
- ... "advanced" type of settings allow for codependent settings
- 16:51:45 [fluffy]
- q-
- 16:51:46 [fluffy]
- q+
- 16:51:54 [dom]
- ack tim
- 16:52:04 [dom]
- q+ timpanton
- 16:52:05 [dom]
- ack fluffy
- 16:52:09 [jib]
- q+
- 16:52:13 [juberti]
- q+
- 16:52:15 [dom]
- cullen: this makes sense to me
- 16:52:35 [Suhas_]
- Suhas_ has joined #webrtc
- 16:52:39 [dom]
- ... mute/unmute is something on which there is direct control
- 16:53:14 [dom]
- ... but resolution switching is more complex and would more likely benefit from a range of possible values
- 16:53:21 [dom]
- ... as allowed by constraints
- 16:53:36 [dom]
- ... I think it's probably the same set of things as in gUM
- 16:53:57 [dom]
- martin: I'm starting to get that same conclusion myself, despite my initial violent reaction to that idea
- 16:54:06 [dom]
- ... constraints make more sense to me know
- 16:54:15 [ekr]
- q+
- 16:54:26 [dom]
- cullen: if we talk about maxBandwith instead of bandwidth, it becomes clearer this is more something like mute
- 16:54:29 [fluffy]
- ack fluffy
- 16:54:44 [dom]
- martin: @@@missed
- 16:55:07 [ekr]
- I note that VideoEngine has minBandwidth
- 16:55:11 [jesup]
- q+
- 16:55:14 [mt]
- it was the point that we continually get requests for minimum bandwidth
- 16:55:15 [dom]
- hta: the only sensible semantic of min bandwidth is "if congestion control tells me that I'm below that bandwidth, throw an error and stop sending"
- 16:55:28 [hta]
- q?
- 16:55:34 [dom]
- timpanton: when we first discussed constraints a very long time ago, we wanted to express them as aspirations
- 16:55:46 [hta]
- q+
- 16:55:50 [dom]
- ... letting developers express what they want to achieve rather than direct the browser directly
- 16:56:12 [dom]
- ... if they want to emphasize e.g the speed of movement, developers should be able to express it
- 16:56:25 [dom]
- ... we've failed to develop a list that would match these aspirations
- 16:56:47 [dom]
- ... but it might be easier to look at this from a more abstract approach rather than looking at the bandwidth level
- 16:56:47 [Zakim]
- + +1.613.435.aall
- 16:56:58 [dom]
- martin: there is definitely situations where you want to cap bandwidth
- 16:57:16 [dom]
- ... but in general, you're right; I think the other constraints match what you describe
- 16:57:20 [robin]
- robin has joined #webrtc
- 16:57:31 [dom]
- q- tim
- 16:57:31 [dom]
- ack jib
- 16:57:51 [dom]
- jib: I agree with martin's list of constraints drawbacks; it misses one:
- 16:57:55 [Zakim]
- -??P39
- 16:57:56 [fluffy]
- q+
- 16:58:15 [dom]
- ... constraints were designed in a space where you need to do as much as possible in a single call (before of the permission prompts)
- 16:58:21 [mt]
- q+
- 16:58:49 [dom]
- ... given that we don't have this here, it seems to me we should limit ourselves to a more traditional approach where you make a call, get an error and then make another updated call
- 16:59:12 [dom]
- ... I think we should start simpler, e.g. with just settings
- 16:59:25 [dom]
- ... if it fails, then we move to the more complex solution
- 16:59:30 [dom]
- ack juberti
- 16:59:34 [dom]
- juberti: agree with jib
- 16:59:55 [dom]
- ... we've backed away on many fronts on constraints because of the complexity to bring to implementations
- 17:00:02 [dom]
- s/to bring/it brings/
- 17:00:40 [dom]
- ... the fact that we don't have the one-shot limitation here means we likely don't need constraints
- 17:01:04 [dom]
- ... I'm strongly on the opinion we should have direct API enveloppe, and not use constraints unless we absolute need it
- 17:01:07 [dom]
- ack ekr
- 17:01:12 [juberti]
- q-
- 17:02:50 [dom]
- ekr: independent settings design works for me, as long as we make sure that things that are not in fact independent are treated as such
- 17:03:07 [dom]
- ... e.g. framerate and bandwidth consumption
- 17:03:19 [dom]
- juberti: if you set things in an inconsistent state, you would get an error
- 17:03:42 [mt]
- x.maxBandwidth = 100; x.minBandwidth = 10000; // second fails
- 17:03:49 [dom]
- ekr: in hardware codec, frame size, bandwidth and framesize are not independent properties
- 17:04:15 [dom]
- ... constraints leave more room to browsers for picking the right properties
- 17:04:16 [fluffy]
- q?
- 17:04:18 [stefanh]
- q?
- 17:04:27 [dom]
- ... I'll go back and see if this is really an issue
- 17:04:36 [dom]
- jesup: I share some of ekr's concerns about this
- 17:04:56 [dom]
- ... esp. how would I deal with an error when I set these things independently
- 17:05:09 [dom]
- ... let's see what ekr comes up with
- 17:05:18 [ekr]
- I'm not trying to obstructionist here.
- 17:05:27 [ekr]
- If I can't come up with a number of good examples, I'll STFU
- 17:05:56 [JimBarnett]
- we can add an applyConstraint call to Constrainable that sets/modifies a single property and leaves other constraints in place.
- 17:06:03 [dom]
- ... when there is not enough bandwidth, apps may adapt differently (e.g. drop some streams)
- 17:06:20 [JimBarnett]
- If it's just a question of API simplicity (for the app developer - not the UA)
- 17:06:31 [dom]
- ... one of the downside is distinguishing bandwidth vs quality, which is hard
- 17:06:35 [dom]
- hta: I'm getting a déjà-vu from 2 years ago
- 17:06:46 [mt]
- q?
- 17:06:49 [mt]
- ack jesup
- 17:06:52 [mt]
- ack hta
- 17:07:06 [dom]
- ... we had the same discussion; the big argument was that, when you want to change the state of something, you have to change everything at once
- 17:07:28 [dom]
- ... because of changing one thing at a time may lead you to inconsistent states
- 17:07:44 [dom]
- ... the argument was to set all these things at once
- 17:08:17 [dom]
- ... if we expose a 100 knobs with a "apply" step with ad-hoc rules on inconsistent state sounds scary
- 17:08:41 [dom]
- ... constraints seems like a reasonable approach to describe what you want and let the browsers deal with the complexity
- 17:08:49 [jib]
- q+
- 17:09:05 [dom]
- ... the main motivation for constraints was to avoid these meaningless microstates or these ad-hoc processes
- 17:09:24 [dom]
- cullen: the resolution + aspect ratio + framerate is a good example
- 17:09:38 [dom]
- ... I agree we don't want a more complicated mechanism that we need
- 17:09:48 [dom]
- ... I disagree with the prompt claim
- 17:10:18 [dom]
- ... what you request through the doohickey may trigger a permission prompt to the other end, with a possible human intervention
- 17:10:28 [dom]
- s/the prompt/the no-prompt/
- 17:10:58 [dom]
- ... if you think we don't need constraints here, I don't understand why we would need them in gUM
- 17:11:03 [Zakim]
- -gmandyam
- 17:11:20 [juberti]
- q+
- 17:11:31 [dom]
- ... we're talking about reserving resources which are not completely independent
- 17:11:34 [dom]
- ack fluffy
- 17:11:48 [ekr]
- q+
- 17:11:58 [lgombos]
- lgombos has joined #webrtc
- 17:12:03 [Suhas]
- ack
- 17:12:11 [dom]
- ack mt
- 17:12:15 [fluffy]
- q+
- 17:12:17 [fluffy]
- q-
- 17:12:22 [ekr]
- So I assume that the way this behaves is that if you do something that would require extra offers
- 17:12:24 [ekr]
- that you can do:
- 17:12:32 [ekr]
- frob, frob, frob, frob: createOffer()
- 17:12:35 [dom]
- martin: jib pointed out that gum has a commitment due to user prompt
- 17:12:53 [dom]
- ... I think you get the same kind of commitment with the SDP blob that gets sent over
- 17:13:05 [dom]
- ... that's what tipped me over to constraints
- 17:13:13 [dom]
- ... it sucks, but the bar has been set pretty low
- 17:13:30 [dom]
- ... we don't want to use constraints for everything (e.g. send/no send)
- 17:13:38 [stefanh]
- ekr, each "frob" would generate a "negotiatinneeded" event
- 17:13:46 [ekr]
- stefanh: agreed
- 17:13:47 [mt]
- q-
- 17:13:50 [dom]
- ... but for things that need to be negotiated and where browsers could use leeway, constraints are teh best things we have for the moment
- 17:13:50 [ekr]
- but I hope you could ignore them
- 17:14:05 [fluffy]
- So to summrize Martin, for things wehre constraints make snese becuase we negotaiton or changes by browser at run time, constraints make sense. For things like sending / notSending, they do not.
- 17:14:08 [dom]
- ack jib
- 17:14:10 [jeff]
- jeff has joined #webrtc
- 17:14:10 [jeff]
- jeff has joined &webrtc
- 17:14:12 [dom]
- Zakim, close the queue
- 17:14:12 [Zakim]
- ok, dom, the speaker queue is closed
- 17:14:16 [fluffy]
- And I am +1 on what Martin
- 17:14:27 [dom]
- jib: constraints don't have the monopoly of settings multiple things at once
- 17:14:33 [dom]
- ... you get that from simple dictionaries
- 17:14:44 [dom]
- ... I think constraints may mean different things to different people
- 17:15:01 [stefanh]
- ekr, yes you can ... I was thinking about a badly designed app that would just listen to all of them and do createOffer setLocal.......
- 17:15:16 [dom]
- ... cullen, is the person on the other side a separate actor? are we sure we need e.g. overconstrained events?
- 17:15:16 [ekr]
- stefanh: that would be a sad app
- 17:15:20 [dom]
- cullen: I'm sure we do
- 17:15:31 [dom]
- jib: let's try it both ways as an experiment
- 17:15:31 [stefanh]
- yes, but we will see those too
- 17:15:59 [dom]
- ... given the complexity of constraints, I think we need to look into alternatives
- 17:16:03 [stefanh]
- ekr: but I may be wrong - thinking out loud
- 17:16:16 [dom]
- ... I don't think we need a full and/or set of settings for dealing with these codependencies
- 17:16:20 [stefanh]
- q?
- 17:16:28 [dom]
- cullen: send something away, and I'll explain where I think it doesn't work
- 17:16:41 [dom]
- jib: I suggest we look at the two approaches and compare
- 17:17:12 [dom]
- juberti: I don't think we need the entire constraints syntax to deal with the dependency between framerate/resolution
- 17:17:28 [dom]
- ... the other things we've talked about (send/no-send, bitrate, ...) don't seem to need constraint
- 17:18:03 [dom]
- ... I would rather find ourselves try the simple way, fail and move to constraints, rather than start form the assumption we definitely need it
- 17:18:08 [dom]
- ack juberti
- 17:18:11 [dom]
- ack ekr
- 17:18:35 [dom]
- ekr: I think we have the two proposals matching jib's
- 17:18:41 [dom]
- ... suhas and justin
- 17:19:03 [dom]
- cullen: suhas covers more stuff than would need to be covered by constraints
- 17:19:38 [dom]
- ekr: cullen has a use case where he claims you need constraints
- 17:19:46 [dom]
- ... if you can disprove that, do it
- 17:20:19 [dom]
- jib: I think we should start from scratch, and see if we end up identifying needs that constraints fulfill
- 17:20:40 [dom]
- cullen: how do you deal with constraints set on one side and not the other?
- 17:20:47 [Zakim]
- -Stephane_Cazeaux
- 17:20:49 [dom]
- ... I think you're pushing for removing constraints from gum
- 17:20:56 [ekr]
- q+
- 17:21:12 [hta]
- Q?
- 17:21:14 [dom]
- jib: I don't see it that way; we're reusing constraints because we have it, not because we need it
- 17:21:38 [fluffy]
- q?
- 17:21:38 [dom]
- cullen: the resolution/bandwidth use case exists, you can't simply wish it away
- 17:21:45 [dom]
- jib: I'm not wishing it away
- 17:21:58 [juberti]
- I think this use case can be handled, without constraints.
- 17:22:44 [dom]
- ekr: two possible position: we don't need a bulk-setting mechanism (constraints being one of various options); we need a resolution-conflict mechanism, but constraints aren't it
- 17:22:56 [dom]
- ... justin's point is the former, that seems possible
- 17:23:03 [dom]
- ... 2nd one seems crazy to me
- 17:23:14 [dom]
- ... does the browser need to resolve conflicts?
- 17:23:31 [dom]
- hta: let's move this to the list, consensus is not emerging on this
- 17:23:32 [Zakim]
- +Stephane_Cazeaux
- 17:23:36 [dom]
- Topic: Privacy & Security
- 17:23:51 [stefanh]
- I've had a look
- 17:23:54 [dom]
- hta: I sent a proposal for a privacy & security section in WebRTC
- 17:24:02 [dom]
- ... has anyone looked at this?
- 17:24:11 [dom]
- [several]: glanced at it briefly only
- 17:24:25 [dom]
- hta: is it good enough to put it in a draft?
- 17:24:37 [dom]
- ... please take a look and send comments to the list
- 17:24:55 [dom]
- Topic: AOB
- 17:25:18 [dom]
- [crickets]
- 17:25:31 [dom]
- stefanh: actions I noted
- 17:25:33 [dom]
- ... harald will propose a scope list with input from others
- 17:25:39 [dom]
- ... ekr will lead error handling for F2F
- 17:25:41 [dom]
- ... hta stats
- 17:25:45 [dom]
- ... martin identity
- 17:25:48 [dom]
- ... alex interop
- 17:25:51 [dom]
- ... justin doohickey
- 17:26:08 [dom]
- hta: some people have promised to do stuff around constraints
- 17:26:28 [dom]
- ... cullen promised to show one use case that can be satisfied with only settings (I think?)
- 17:26:32 [dom]
- cullen: don't remember having said that, but OK
- 17:26:56 [dom]
- juberti: should we focus on the core doohickey stuff in place and see the settings/constraints stuff later?
- 17:27:08 [dom]
- ... or are they too intertwined?
- 17:27:26 [dom]
- hta: I suggest doing the non-intertwined core first sounds reasonable
- 17:27:40 [dom]
- cullen: I think the resolution/bandwidth needs to be part of what doohickeys solve
- 17:27:44 [dom]
- ... independently of how
- 17:27:47 [Zakim]
- - +aacc
- 17:27:55 [Zakim]
- -??P8
- 17:27:59 [Zakim]
- -Jim_Barnett
- 17:28:01 [Zakim]
- -hta
- 17:28:02 [Zakim]
- -adam
- 17:28:02 [Zakim]
- - +1.703.628.aajj
- 17:28:02 [Zakim]
- -dom
- 17:28:03 [Erik]
- thanks dom
- 17:28:04 [Zakim]
- - +1.408.902.aaff
- 17:28:04 [Zakim]
- -adambe?
- 17:28:05 [Zakim]
- -Milan_Patel
- 17:28:05 [Zakim]
- -Dan_Druta
- 17:28:07 [Zakim]
- -stefanh
- 17:28:07 [Zakim]
- -jesup
- 17:28:08 [Zakim]
- -Stephane_Cazeaux
- 17:28:08 [Zakim]
- -??P13
- 17:28:12 [Zakim]
- - +1.604.210.aakk
- 17:28:15 [Zakim]
- - +1.613.435.aall
- 17:28:17 [Zakim]
- -jib
- 17:28:33 [Zakim]
- - +1.425.610.aaii
- 17:28:34 [Zakim]
- -fluffy
- 17:28:45 [dom]
- RRSAgent, make log public
- 17:29:14 [dom]
- Zakim, who's on the call?
- 17:29:14 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see [Microsoft], +, ??P16
- 17:29:20 [dom]
- Zakim, drop ??P16
- 17:29:20 [Zakim]
- ??P16 is being disconnected
- 17:29:21 [Zakim]
- -??P16
- 17:29:23 [dom]
- Zakim, drop [Micr
- 17:29:23 [Zakim]
- [Microsoft] is being disconnected
- 17:29:25 [Zakim]
- -[Microsoft]
- 17:29:27 [dom]
- Zakim, drop aadd
- 17:29:27 [Zakim]
- + is being disconnected
- 17:29:28 [Zakim]
- UW_WebRTC()12:00PM has ended
- 17:29:28 [Zakim]
- Attendees were +1.403.244.aaaa, [Microsoft], fluffy, +, stefanh, Jim_Barnett, gmandyam, +aacc, +, hta, Milan_Patel, dom, Dan_Druta, +,
- 17:29:28 [Zakim]
- ... Stephane_Cazeaux, [IPcaller], adambe?, adam, jesup, +1.408.902.aaff, milan_patel?, +1.214.414.aagg, +1.267.934.aahh, +1.425.610.aaii, jib, +1.703.628.aajj, +1.604.210.aakk,
- 17:29:29 [Zakim]
- ... +1.613.435.aall
- 17:29:38 [dom]
- Zakim, bye
- 17:29:38 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #webrtc
- 17:29:43 [dom]
- RRSAgent, bye
- 17:29:43 [RRSAgent]
- I see no action items