IRC log of i18n on 2014-04-24

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:00:07 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #i18n
14:00:07 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:00:14 [aphillip]
trackbot, prepare teleconference
14:00:16 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
14:00:18 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 4186
14:00:19 [trackbot]
Meeting: Internationalization Working Group Teleconference
14:00:19 [trackbot]
Date: 24 April 2014
14:00:19 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM scheduled to start now
14:00:27 [aphillip]
14:00:32 [aphillip]
Regrets: Felix
14:00:55 [aphillip]
agenda+ publish two documents
14:00:56 [David]
David has joined #i18n
14:01:07 [aphillip]
Chair: Addison Phillips
14:01:12 [aphillip]
Scribe: Addison Phillips
14:01:13 [r12a]
zakim, dial richard please
14:01:13 [Zakim]
ok, r12a; the call is being made
14:01:14 [Zakim]
I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM has now started
14:01:15 [aphillip]
ScribeNick: aphillip
14:01:15 [Zakim]
14:02:10 [Zakim]
+ +44.797.368.aaaa
14:02:18 [Zakim]
14:02:33 [JcK]
JcK has joined #i18n
14:02:36 [aphillip]
zakim, +44 is David
14:02:36 [Zakim]
+David; got it
14:02:47 [aphillip]
agenda+ radar
14:02:50 [koji]
koji has joined #i18n
14:03:02 [aphillip]
agenda+ IRI Status, URLs, and Universal Access
14:03:14 [aphillip]
agenda+ Time Zone IDs and HTML5.x
14:03:24 [aphillip]
agenda+ CSS Text responses
14:03:27 [aphillip]
14:03:34 [aphillip]
rrsagent, draft minutes
14:03:34 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
14:03:34 [Zakim]
14:03:37 [Zakim]
14:03:56 [aphillip]
zakim, who is here?
14:03:56 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Richard, David, aphillip, koji, JcK
14:03:58 [Zakim]
On IRC I see koji, JcK, David, RRSAgent, Zakim, aphillip, r12a, trackbot
14:04:26 [aphillip]
Topic: Agenda
14:04:28 [aphillip]
14:05:01 [aphillip]
Topic: Action Items
14:05:02 [aphillip]
14:07:29 [aphillip]
close action-300
14:07:29 [trackbot]
Closed action-300.
14:07:38 [aphillip]
14:07:38 [trackbot]
action-301 -- Addison Phillips to Add action items link to agenda -- due 2014-04-03 -- OPEN
14:07:38 [trackbot]
14:09:32 [aphillip]
close action-301
14:09:32 [trackbot]
Closed action-301.
14:10:02 [aphillip]
Topic: Info Share
14:10:17 [aphillip]
JcK: Precis LC closed yesterday
14:10:18 [r12a]
14:10:25 [aphillip]
... IESG will vote on shortly
14:10:55 [aphillip]
Jck: URNbis WG published draft on removing URN from URI
14:11:06 [aphillip]
... all quiet on URN list
14:11:18 [aphillip]
... but more notice on other lists
14:12:13 [aphillip]
... "usual suspects saying usual things"
14:12:55 [aphillip]
ack, r12a
14:13:00 [aphillip]
ack r12a
14:13:12 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
14:13:26 [aphillip]
richard: good news on Chinese layout task force
14:13:37 [aphillip]
... finished ruby part and now working on additional chapters
14:13:47 [aphillip]
... asked for english version for review
14:14:05 [aphillip]
... also contacted layout experts on Uighur
14:14:20 [aphillip]
... and Tibetan and Mongolian
14:14:29 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
14:14:53 [aphillip]
richard: once enough done will have seminar before end of june on layout of major Chinese languages
14:15:30 [aphillip]
richard: mentioned TLD universal acceptance meeting in Oman
14:15:49 [matial]
matial has joined #i18n
14:15:51 [aphillip]
... they volunteered to help with travel
14:16:57 [aphillip]
14:17:10 [Zakim]
14:17:25 [matial]
zakim, ??p32 is me
14:17:25 [Zakim]
+matial; got it
14:19:00 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 5
14:19:00 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "CSS Text responses" taken up [from aphillip]
14:19:09 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 2
14:19:09 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "radar" taken up [from aphillip]
14:19:12 [aphillip]
14:20:20 [aphillip]
14:20:29 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 1
14:20:29 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "publish two documents" taken up [from aphillip]
14:20:40 [r12a]
Authoring HTML: Handling Right-to-left Scripts
14:20:40 [r12a]
14:20:40 [r12a]
Authoring HTML: Language declarations
14:20:42 [r12a]
14:20:42 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
14:21:03 [aphillip]
richard: would like to publish as updates to the existing WG Notes
14:21:25 [aphillip]
chair: all in favor of publishing both documents?
14:21:33 [r12a]
14:21:36 [aphillip]
addison: +1
14:21:38 [David]
14:21:50 [JcK]
14:21:57 [matial]
14:22:26 [aphillip]
chair: resolved to publish
14:22:44 [aphillip]
action: richard: publish two updated "Authoring HTML" WG Notes
14:22:44 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-302 - Publish two updated "authoring html" wg notes [on Richard Ishida - due 2014-05-01].
14:22:49 [aphillip]
14:23:22 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 3
14:23:22 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "IRI Status, URLs, and Universal Access" taken up [from aphillip]
14:23:37 [aphillip]
14:26:47 [aphillip]
(addison gives a summary)
14:27:49 [aphillip]
addison: turn this into what? blog post originally, but maybe "requirements for IRI"?
14:27:59 [aphillip]
JcK: stepping into large mess
14:29:39 [aphillip]
richard: might be too formal as a note
14:31:48 [Zakim]
14:32:31 [Zakim]
14:32:48 [Zakim]
14:33:22 [Zakim]
14:36:28 [aphillip]
14:37:05 [aphillip]
richard: one suggestion
14:37:12 [aphillip]
... title should change
14:37:29 [aphillip]
... should say "URLs"?
14:38:03 [aphillip]
"Requirements for internationalized URLs"
14:38:26 [aphillip]
JcK: "what's happening with I18N in URLs"?
14:38:45 [aphillip]
addison: okay, can go with that
14:38:48 [David]
How about "Internationalisation, IRIs, URIs and URLs"
14:38:48 [aphillip]
14:39:30 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 4
14:39:30 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "Time Zone IDs and HTML5.x" taken up [from aphillip]
14:39:49 [aphillip]
14:41:57 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
14:42:26 [aphillip]
14:44:18 [aphillip]
14:44:25 [aphillip]
14:45:02 [aphillip]
zakim, take up agendum 5
14:45:02 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "CSS Text responses" taken up [from aphillip]
14:45:47 [aphillip]
koji: responded to the easy feedback :-)
14:45:59 [aphillip]
... either fixed or not fixed items
14:46:17 [aphillip]
... plan is that I will make another pass
14:46:29 [aphillip]
... then in week of 6 May
14:46:37 [aphillip]
... will be in SF to work with fantasai
14:46:40 [aphillip]
... to work on the hard ones
14:46:52 [aphillip]
... so reply to issues in my response
14:48:11 [aphillip]
addison: problem with kashida: mentioned but then ignores
14:49:23 [aphillip]
14:49:23 [trackbot]
issue-335 -- health warnings for when language not known -- open
14:49:23 [trackbot]
14:49:48 [r12a]
14:50:08 [aphillip]
addison: how can this be tested if non-specific
14:50:23 [aphillip]
... very flexible
14:50:31 [aphillip]
koji: text not necessarily interoperable
14:50:45 [aphillip]
... like one UA does kashida but not antoher
14:51:04 [aphillip]
... if we know requirements very well
14:51:27 [aphillip]
ack r12a
14:51:39 [aphillip]
richard: there are different styles of arabic
14:51:48 [aphillip]
... naskh, nastaliq, ruqk
14:52:01 [aphillip]
... some you do not do kashida
14:52:19 [aphillip]
... if true, need a switch for kashida
14:52:32 [aphillip]
r12a: kashida a lot lot lot more complicated than that
14:52:54 [aphillip]
koji: depends on fonts?
14:53:00 [aphillip]
richard: on the style of the font
14:54:08 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
14:54:32 [aphillip]
koji: if a value, need to describe how to implement
14:55:15 [aphillip]
addison: can implement "off" quite easily :-)
15:01:55 [aphillip]
koji: spec mentions text elongation for arabic--that's "kashida" right?
15:02:04 [Zakim]
15:02:08 [aphillip]
richard: there is a Unicode character called kashida or tatweel
15:02:22 [aphillip]
... the real meaning is "elongation"
15:02:31 [aphillip]
... two different ways to using the word
15:02:38 [aphillip]
... but not addition of baseline characters
15:02:45 [Zakim]
15:02:55 [matial]
??P35 is me
15:03:04 [aphillip]
koji: kashida only between letters
15:03:05 [matial]
zkim, ??P35 is me
15:03:06 [aphillip]
... not to spaces
15:03:12 [matial]
zakim, ??P35 is me
15:03:12 [Zakim]
+matial; got it
15:03:46 [r12a]
zakim, who's noisy?
15:03:57 [Zakim]
r12a, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: aphillip (58%), David (10%), matial (25%)
15:04:03 [r12a]
zakim, mute matial
15:04:04 [Zakim]
matial should now be muted
15:04:26 [aphillips]
aphillips has joined #i18n
15:05:22 [aphillips]
richard: ruqha vs. naskh
15:05:32 [aphillips]
... one has space effects and the other prefers inside words
15:08:42 [koji]
Justification adjusts spacing at word separators only (effectively varying the used ‘word-spacing’ on the line).
15:09:40 [koji]
15:10:49 [koji]
Word-separator characters are characters whose purpose and general usage is to separate words. In [UNICODE] this includes the space (U+0020), the no-break space (U+00A0), the Ethiopic word space (U+1361), the Aegean word separators (U+10100,U+10101), the Ugaritic word divider (U+1039F), and the Phoenician Word Separator (U+1091F). If there are no word-separator characters, or if a word-separating character has a zero advance width (such as the zero width space U+20
15:10:49 [koji]
0B) then the user agent must not create an additional spacing between words. General punctuation and fixed-width spaces (such as U+3000 and U+2000 through U+200A) are not considered word-separator characters.
15:11:06 [koji]
15:12:24 [aphillips]
koji: would be great feedback if you could make it
15:12:30 [aphillips]
richard: phrase separators
15:12:47 [aphillips]
15:12:47 [trackbot]
issue-313 -- Definition of grapheme clusters -- open
15:12:47 [trackbot]
15:13:12 [aphillips]
richard: helpful to do both at same time
15:13:21 [aphillips]
15:13:21 [trackbot]
issue-308 -- Definition of 'grapheme cluster' -- open
15:13:21 [trackbot]
15:13:55 [aphillips]
koji: current working is intentional
15:14:00 [aphillips]
15:22:18 [koji]
A grapheme cluster is what a language user considers to be a character or a basic unit of the script. The term is described in detail in the Unicode Technical Report: Text Boundaries [UAX29]. This specification uses the extended grapheme cluster definition in [UAX29] (not the legacy grapheme cluster definition). The UA may further tailor the definition as required by typographical tradition.
15:22:25 [koji]
Within this specification, the ambiguous term character is used as a friendlier synonym for grapheme cluster. See Characters and Properties for how to determine the Unicode properties of a character.
15:27:00 [Zakim]
15:35:06 [aphillips]
rrsagent, make minutes
15:35:06 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillips
15:50:49 [Zakim]
15:50:49 [matial]
15:50:52 [Zakim]
15:50:53 [Zakim]
15:50:57 [Zakim]
15:51:00 [JcK]
JcK has left #i18n
15:51:03 [r12a]
zakim, drop richard
15:51:03 [Zakim]
Richard is being disconnected
15:51:04 [Zakim]
I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM has ended
15:51:04 [Zakim]
Attendees were Richard, +44.797.368.aaaa, aphillip, David, koji, JcK, matial
15:56:01 [aphillips]
rrsagent, make minutes
15:56:01 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillips
15:56:09 [aphillips]
rrsagent, bye
15:56:09 [RRSAgent]
I see 1 open action item saved in :
15:56:09 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: richard: publish two updated "Authoring HTML" WG Notes [1]
15:56:09 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:56:11 [aphillips]
zakim, bye
15:56:11 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #i18n