HTML Weekly Teleconference

27 Mar 2014

See also: IRC log


Sam, Philippe, paulc, Eliot, Daniel_Austin, [Microsoft], jaymunro, glenn, krisk, pladd, janina, tantek


action items

Sam: none

Decisions this week

Sam: issue-151
... by publishing a decision, this triggers responses
... those will either died down or turn into bug reports

Glenn: I'm a bit surprised on the pushback to have clarity
... being told that this is not an issue isn't conducive to the discussion

Sam: suggestion would be welcome

Sam: simply saying that references to whatwg needs to be removed isn't enough

Glenn: my suggestion to remove was just a suggestion. I won't push for it
... I'll try to document the risk of confusion might be
... but we don't have a problem with referencing whatwg, concern is about confusion

<tantek> I am against removing references to WHATWG specs just because they're WHATWG.

Task force reports


Kris: possible to update Canvas test results for IE11?

Plh: if you have the results, yes

Plh: for html 5.0, we're still working on it, however priority is the HTML 5.0 tests results at the moment.

<paulc> HTML 5.0 test results: TBD

Plh: we're targeting to have results by end of next week

<paulc> Canvas: There is more than one page: http://www.w3.org/html/test/results/2dcontext/failures.html

Kris: some tests are failing on all implementations for canvas

Sam: the reports have 404

Paul: I'll ping Mike to see if this can be fixed


plh: some of the tests are unstable
... generating results on 5 different platforms, running 10 times each
... generating with the firefox test runner

<krisk> Great information

<krisk> For example http://w3c-test.org/html/browsers/history/the-location-interface/location-stringifier.html

<krisk> Has test that everyone fails, would be great to talk about at the F2F

Paul: how long will we need at the f2f?

Plh: we'll need to bound the discussion. too many test results otherwise. we'll have to rely on folks to tell us what tests to look at and use this to inform CR at rtisk discussion

A11Y task force

Janina: we noted Sam's email on canvas
... would be good for us to answer next week on implementations
... and the spec does appear to be settling down
... until we look at the new draft on Monday
... hopefully, we should have it right then
... don't have an ETA from Chrome
... there is a bit of divergence between WHATWG on those functions. so some cycles needed
... we're making sure to go through our remaining items around alt text
... we'll need to be backported in 5.0
... and properly reflected in bugs
... we'll do our best to close on that next week, in advance of the f2f
... we should probably work in the 5.1 around the gap with table/summary and options for describing tables
... if they get that done and not controversial, we might ask to port that into 5.0

<SteveF> JS said we're making sure to go through our remaining items around alt text. we'll need to be backported in 5.0 and properly reflected in bugs

<SteveF> all done, on my part

Media Taskf Force

Paul: not much to report. we're meeting every 2 weeks, concentrating on EME. We're in stable state of 20+ bugs
... on MSE, we did have some initials from Google
... one other member is digging into the tests
... so we may be ready to have that discussion for MSE tests at the f2f


Sam: registration closes tomorrow
... https://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/wg/2014-04-Agenda#Potential_Topics


Sam: polyglot status
... bug count is 0

Eliot: hoping it's ready to be published
... will look at the test framework after that

Sam: on Canvas, was covered earlier
... goal is to report progress by mid next week
... Alt guidance work
... trying to get that done by f2f

Paul: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-a11y/2014Mar/0085.html
... only one bug that is in 5.1 that needs to be backported into 5.0
... the TF would need to discuss alt guidance future
... whether it needs to be dropped

Janina: we're also tracking an other issue

Next meeting

Kris will scribe

Paul will chair

<tantek> thank you


Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2014/03/31 12:50:50 $