14:59:39 RRSAgent has joined #tt 14:59:39 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/03/06-tt-irc 14:59:41 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:59:41 Zakim has joined #tt 14:59:43 Zakim, this will be TTML 14:59:44 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 14:59:44 Date: 06 March 2014 14:59:45 ok, trackbot; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 15:00:55 SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has now started 15:01:02 +??P0 15:01:05 zakim, P0 is me 15:01:05 sorry, nigel, I do not recognize a party named 'P0' 15:01:10 zakim, ??P0 is me 15:01:10 +nigel; got it 15:01:16 Present: nigel 15:01:24 Regrets: pal, frans de jong 15:01:39 chair: nigel 15:04:59 +glenn 15:05:12 Present+ glenn 15:05:23 glenn has joined #tt 15:07:41 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ttml/raw-file/tip/ttml2/spec/ttml2.html#cea708-mapping 15:08:05 +[Microsoft] 15:08:06 jdsmith has joined #tt 15:08:16 Present+ jdsmith 15:08:50 scribeNick: nigel 15:09:01 topic: Charter 15:09:25 No comments on this agenda item at this time. 15:09:31 topic: Action items 15:09:43 action-268? 15:09:43 action-268 -- Nigel Megitt to Estimate timelines for ttml 2 deliberables with glenn -- due 2014-02-27 -- OPEN 15:09:43 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/268 15:10:20 nigel: Glenn and I discussed this, main determining factor is Glenn's availability and resource scheduling. 15:11:07 http://www.w3.org/2013/10/timed-text-charter.html 15:11:54 nigel: Getting to TTML2 LC by April looks very ambitious at this point. 15:12:30 glenn: would like to target June 1 for 1st WD, then August 1 for LC 15:13:37 glenn: taking into account my availability, and conservative scheduling. 15:14:14 ... The CR period is 6 months, whereas 3 months would probably be adequate. 15:14:48 ... PR to Rec shouldn't take more than 2 weeks. 15:14:56 ... The only thing needed is to poll the membership. 15:15:45 ... The average is no more than 1 month. 15:16:42 glenn: I propose for TTML2 August 2014 LC, Oct 2014 CR, Jan 2015 PR, Feb 2015 Rec. 15:17:25 ... The work is not process work but is implementation and technical work, which should be prior to or during LC or CR period. 15:18:03 ... That gives us overall 6 months for LC/CR period, which is very generous. 15:20:06 nigel: We're still dependent on contributions, but as we have one editor whom everything has to go through this is important. 15:21:41 action-269 15:21:41 action-269 -- Glenn Adams to Implement issue-282 changes on ttml2 text also -- due 2014-03-06 -- PENDINGREVIEW 15:21:41 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/269 15:21:54 glenn: now Pending Review. Implemented this morning. 15:22:32 close action-269 15:22:32 Closed action-269. 15:22:37 action-270 15:22:37 action-270 -- Glenn Adams to Add informative appendix to ttml2 on subject of 708 mapping, where it refers to st2052-11 as starting point, and provides place to extend or elaborate mapping information -- due 2014-03-06 -- PENDINGREVIEW 15:22:37 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/270 15:23:54 nigel: currently a placeholder. 15:24:37 glenn: marked as an Editor note, which is a placeholder to do this later. We don't put actions on Editor notes - two record keeping mechanisms aren't needed. 15:25:04 ... There are 29 such notes, which is a backlog to process. 15:25:38 jdsmith: it would be useful to have a broad review of all the updates on editors notes later. 15:26:07 glenn: when I make the updates I put them in the repository and inform the group asynchronously. We generally in the past haven't created actions, though 15:26:24 ... some of them are associated with issues - we typically close the issue when we've accepted the editor's changes. 15:27:09 close action-270 15:27:09 Closed action-270. 15:27:24 action-271? 15:27:24 action-271 -- Nigel Megitt to Draft email to css wg chair requesting box-decoration-break in css3 -- due 2014-03-06 -- OPEN 15:27:24 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/271 15:28:06 nigel: I've done the action but had no response. 15:28:33 glenn: I have an update because it was on the agenda in yesterday's CSSWG meeting. I had independently submitted a request from Cox to move it into Level 3. 15:29:02 ... After a fair amount of discussion it was decided to leave it where it is now in the CSS Fragmentation spec on the basis that the group believes it will move to Rec in about 15:29:39 ... the same timeframe as background and borders level 3. There's concern over delays to this: backgrounds and borders L3 is further along the process. But most of the group 15:29:59 ... believes it's more logically associated with Fragmentation, so this is probably the best place for it. 15:30:36 ... Peter Linss yesterday was supposed to draft a response. When this happens we should thank them and say we'll hold them to publishing Fragmentation on an expedited schedule 15:30:45 ... aligned with the schedule for Backgrounds and Borders. 15:31:41 close action-271 15:31:41 Closed action-271. 15:31:58 topic: Issues discussed over the last week 15:32:05 issue-300? 15:32:05 issue-300 -- Prior interpretation of the correct fallback for tts:origin -- open 15:32:05 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/300 15:33:48 no comments on the issues on the agenda from those present 15:34:22 topic: Change Proposals 15:34:38 https://www.w3.org/wiki/TTML/changeProposal015 15:35:55 nigel: I edited the box-decoration-break section to reference the EBU-TT-D syntax. 15:36:22 glenn: I wouldn't be averse to introducing a linePadding style property that maps to CSS box-decoration-break. It gives us some logical independence for mapping purposes. 15:42:59 action: glenn to add notes to CP15 for those items that have already been implemented, where notes point at relevant change set 15:43:00 Created ACTION-272 - Add notes to cp15 for those items that have already been implemented, where notes point at relevant change set [on Glenn Adams - due 2014-03-13]. 15:43:27 nigel: for box-decoration-break need to add example syntax in TTML2 and proposed mapping to CSS. Will do this for a single value for both start and end, in units identical to those that padding takes now. 15:45:06 nigel_ has joined #tt 15:45:19 nigel: multiple row alignment 15:45:51 glenn: want to think about the name, but not expose the CSS directly. Prefer to have a TTML property that focuses on the usage. 15:46:07 nigel: agreed. FIts with the general style of TTML. 15:46:59 glenn: The indirection may reduce spec-dependencies on publication. We don't know when flex will get to Rec. If the mapping document has dependencies on CSS features that are not in Rec we could 15:47:11 ... put the mapping document outside TTML2 to allow us to publish. 15:48:09 +Thierry 15:48:39 Present+ Thierry 15:50:13 topic: AOB 15:51:02 thierry: administrative point: next week US switches to summer time. 15:51:19 action nigel to add DST note to next agenda 15:51:19 Created ACTION-273 - Add dst note to next agenda [on Nigel Megitt - due 2014-03-13]. 15:51:46 -glenn 15:51:51 -[Microsoft] 15:51:52 -Thierry 15:51:52 -nigel 15:51:53 SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has ended 15:51:53 Attendees were nigel, glenn, [Microsoft], Thierry 15:52:05 zakim, Microsoft is jdsmith 15:52:05 sorry, nigel, I do not recognize a party named 'Microsoft' 15:52:16 rrsagent. make logs public 15:52:22 rrsagent, make logs public 15:52:27 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:52:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/03/06-tt-minutes.html nigel 15:56:14 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:56:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/03/06-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:21:45 nigel has joined #tt 17:55:40 Zakim has left #tt 18:57:01 nigel has joined #tt 19:35:19 nigel has joined #tt 20:23:17 silvia has joined #tt 22:04:10 nigel has joined #tt 23:14:50 nigel has joined #tt