17:00:09 RRSAgent has joined #svg 17:00:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/01/30-svg-irc 17:00:59 RRSAgent, set logs world-visible 17:01:14 Meeting: SVG F2F Seattle 2014 Day 1 17:01:33 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/F2F/Seattle_2014/Agenda 17:01:48 RRSAgent, the meeting will span midnight 17:01:48 I'm logging. I don't understand 'the meeting will span midnight', heycam. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:01:53 stakagi has joined #svg 17:01:54 RRSAgent, this meeting will span midnight 17:01:54 I'm logging. I don't understand 'this meeting will span midnight', heycam. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:02:02 RRSAgent, this meeting spans midnight 17:02:32 heycam has changed the topic to: SVG Working Group - https://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/F2F/Seattle_2014/Agenda - see http://wiki.csswg.org/planning/seattle-2014 for dial in information 17:13:14 Chair: Erik 17:13:32 Scribe: Cameron 17:13:34 ScribeNick: heycam 17:14:45 Topic: Resolving dates for Apirl F2F 17:14:49 s/Apirl/April/ 17:15:05 shepazu: where is it? 17:15:09 ChrisL has joined #svg 17:15:10 sgalineau has joined #svg 17:15:10 ChrisL: Leipzig 17:15:16 https://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/F2F/Leipzig_2014 17:15:37 http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/ 17:15:41 heycam: that's 2-5 April for LGM 17:15:59 ChrisL: which Wednesday to Saturday 17:16:30 heycam: so meeting from Monday 7th April 17:17:01 shepazu: I have Annotations workshop in SF around that time unfortunately 17:17:48 ed: how many days? 17:17:57 heycam: I probably prefer 4, so we can get a lot of work done 17:18:11 ChrisL: have we got a meeting space? has anybody approached the university hosting the conference? 17:18:18 heycam: Tav is in contact with them 17:21:22 birtles: I agree 4 days is long but if we're taking the time/money to get there... 17:21:28 ... then maybe it's worthwhile 17:21:39 ChrisL: at that time of the year we'll be hopefully be trying to wind up and go to Last Call for SVG2 17:22:41 shepazu: if we are going to have a 4 day week, I'd rather it be at the SVG Open one when I'll be there 17:24:32 ... how about you have a 4 day meeting, where 2 or 3 days are the core meeting, and the final day or two is dedicated to working days 17:24:39 ... where you try to finish up the things resolved during the F2F 17:25:10 ... so people who need to leave after the core meeting can 17:25:25 ed: so the proposal is April 7 - 10? 17:27:19 Rossen__ has joined #svg 17:27:28 krit: we should talk about who's sponsoring 17:27:35 ChrisL: the university would supply a room but not food 17:27:59 heycam: previously we've had F2Fs where we went out for lunch, and not had catering 17:28:05 krit: that's OK by me 17:28:27 shepazu has joined #svg 17:28:37 RESOLUTION: The April F2F will be April 7-10, where the 10th is an optional stay-for-spec-editing day. 17:29:56 ed: how about the Graphical Web F2F? 17:30:13 ... it's at the end of August 17:30:15 https://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/F2F/Winchester_2014 17:30:16 ChrisL: 27-30 17:30:20 http://svgopen.org/2014/ 17:30:29 heycam: that's another Wednesday-Saturday 17:31:29 krit: regarding Leipzig, the semester holiday ends right when we would be meeting 17:31:36 ... so maybe it will be harder to get a room there 17:32:43 heycam: to get the spacing better, we should meet before Graphical Web IMO 17:34:13 heycam: would we be happy with Sat-Tue? or maybe Fri-Mon? 17:34:46 krit: this is a university again by the way 17:36:10 tpac 27 Oct to 31 Oct 2014 in Santa Clara, California 17:36:48 heycam: if we met after Graphical Web, then we would be meeting in September and then in October for TPAC 17:42:06 heycam: so we could do it Sat-Tue before, and make Sun the optional spec editing day or just a day off 17:43:30 ... or Thu-Fri on, Mon-Tue on, weekend off 17:44:56 ed: I don't mind either 17:45:45 shepazu: let's decide the exact before-Graphical-Web dates later 17:46:08 Topic: should script be affected by 17:46:13 shepazu: no 17:46:13 heycam: no 17:46:15 ed: no 17:46:29 ChrisL: if you were designing from scratch maybe, but given how