HTML Weekly Teleconference

19 Dec 2013


See also: IRC log


Sam, Mike, Paul, Plh, Jay, Adrian, Glenn



  1. Action items
  2. Items closing this week
  3. Accessibility Task Force report
  4. Media Task Force report
  5. AOB
  6. Next meeting

Action items


<trackbot> action-237 -- Robin Berjon to Give us a revised overview of testing document - in 4 weeks -- due 2013-12-16 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/237

<rubys> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2013Dec/0013.html

ACTION-237: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2013Dec/0013.html

<trackbot> Notes added to ACTION-237 Give us a revised overview of testing document - in 4 weeks.

Paul: we need to look at the document, and then see if it maintains the position from the original CfC

plh: having a legend on the document would help
... not sure what the priority tag means

Paul: that's a request for the accessibility

<Eliot> Per Robin's mail: The "priority" items come from the list that Erika and Denis made.

Eliot: look at Robin's email for the priority provenance

plh: would be nice to have it in the document itself


<trackbot> action-229 -- Paul Cotton to Check the status of the authoring spec -- due 2013-12-19 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/229

Paul: Robin made progress on that front. it works on the editors draft of HTML 5.1
... I sent some comments back to him
... but would be nice to expose it to the WG
... and apply to HTML 5.0
... not sure if we should apply it to any other spec
... I'll start the dialog with the editors

<paulc> MRDV

plh: best is to do the minimum to declare victory here

Paul: agreed

close action-237

<trackbot> Closed action-237.

Paul: I'll follow up on action 229

Items closing this week

Sam: CfC for MSE

<rubys> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2013Dec/0053.html

Sam: we have a decision
... to move to CR
... so it's going to proceed to the Director
... no objection

Accessibility Task Force report


PaulC: a) The TF is runing a CfC to move longdesc to Recommendation as an extension spec.
... b) Lots of discussion about TF input on MSE multi-track support.
... c) The Canvas sub-team of the TF is processing Canvas CR bugs on focusring topic

Paul: it's getting support to publish as a separate REC
... the bootomline here is that the a11y tf still have broad concerns about a11y of video in HTML5
... but realized that by commenting on MSE, they've been looking at the wrong place

Paul: the Canvas subteam will meet on January 6
... need to optimize to deal with the Canvas CR bugs first
... current estimates are 2-3 months. hoping we can do them faster

Jay: on the a11y tf canvas subteam, we worked out two bugs so far. I think we'll be done very quickly, less a month
... I'll move the custom focus ring bugs to L2

Media Task Force report

Paul: MSE is going to CR
... CfC passed
... we dealt with the a11y comments on multi-tracks support
... Director's transition meeting is later today
... we spent time on EME
... about 17 bugs open
... most of them are in the hands of the editors, ie we have concrete proposals
... so the number should go down fast


Sam: next telecon is on January 9

plh: we can publish MSE earlier than January 9 btw

Paul: the date in the document can be changed, but I wouldn't recommend to change the date of the minimum duration

<paulc> Happy Holidays to everyone.

<Eliot> feels for Paul. :(

Next meeting

Sam: January 9
... chaired by Paul

Paul: I'll try to remember to add the testing tf report
... I'll try to get Kris to attend


[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.134 (CVS log)
$Date: 2014/01/13 19:13:11 $