HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

19 Dec 2013

See also: IRC log


aardrian, Adrian


<trackbot> Date: 19 December 2013

<MarkS> scribe: aardrian

<chaals> scribe: Adrian

<chaals> scribenick: aardrian

Longdesc CfC

<MarkS> Longdesc CfC

CMN: Longdesc CfC request to publish as standalone spec. Any questions for process?

PC: Normative references language, is that part of HTML5 considered stable?

CMN: Yes. Specifically the <img> element.

PC: Robin's work should have reference material to prove this assertion.

<plh> --> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tests-cr-exit/ HTML5 CR exit criteria status

MSE response and ongoing issue.

CMN: Media Group rejected a11y TF request for MSE.
... Propsed change was editorial, shouldn't prevent spec from going to CR.
... Minimum code example doesn't afford for sign language track.
... Resolution notes that if consensus changes, then TF may change recommendation.

PLH: MSE as API to attached to <video> to expand it.
... Satisfying use case requires two sources at a time.
... <video> can only play one element at time (unlike <audio>).
... Supporting sign language use case requires two <video>s or embedded in one track.
... MSE defines new kind of video source. Different from <video> restriction.

JS: From where does synchronization come?

PLH: From media @group as defined in HTML5. Not MSE's job to do that.

<Zakim> JF, you wanted to ask why it can only support 1 video, but more than 1 audio?

CMN: If it isn't directly MSE but an intermediate layer (which I hadn't seen from the spec), or HTML, that allows you to choose different sources based on things like bandwidth, then I think our comment doesn't belong on MSE (but think we want it somewhere and I'm not sure where :S ).

PLH: Media controller handles synch, MSE handles source.

JB: I support Philippe's concern (that the sign language use case requires more than one embedded <video>); partly this concern comes from review of Media User Accessibility Requirements doc (from PFWG and HTML-A11y TF)
... My concern is that we may be insufficiently analyzing two situations: (1) where accessibility solutions require delivery through multiple W3C technologies, that may be at different stages of evolution; (2) where accessibility use cases may overlap with other use cases such as presentation of translations in other human languages

<Zakim> MarkS, you wanted to ask what happens if you have an MSE src (dynamic) with static sign language video

JB: Wants to look at use cases for a11y and how analyzed when intersecting other groups, translations.

MS: If MSE is dynamic stream, and there is static sign language track, does MSE tell media controller of timeline change?

PLH: No. There is only one timeline for the controller, MSE defines that.
... That would require JavaScript to implement.

MS: So it is technically possible, but requires some scripting-fu.

JS: Thanks to PLH for explanation. Now willing to back off from previous concerns.
... Concern still around not knowing robustness (via WCAG) within MSE.

<paulc_> For an example demo see the WWDC reference in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2013Dec/0030.html

JS: Wants to make a focus for 2014, to identify weaknesses for supporting multilingual, etc.

PC: Link to demo showing it in action in Safari, including synchronizing to media streams.

JS: Suggesting going more from proof of concept to full suite.

PC: Believes bugs should be opened at HTML5, not MSE, related to these isues.

<Zakim> chaals, you wanted to point out that more than one audio track has mutliple known use cases too.

CMN: Immediate focus is about dealing with this issue, not losing focus on a11y, not getting in way of Media TF.
... May be parallel issue to sign language use case - support for second audio track.

<janina_> The use case Charles is discussing is called "Clean Audio" in the User Requirements doc

CMN: Suggesting holding onto bug until we understand overall spec better.
... Should communicate to Media TF that we are still learning spec, applying use cases.

JS: References "clean audio" in user reqs doc.

JB: Looking at media a11y requirements with PLH, thinks it's worth reviewing to make sure we are current.
... Wants to get working on that in early January, coordinate with other groups sooner rather than later.

JS: PFWG - got to review edits, almost through them all at TPAC.
... Understand there needs to be more care looking at a11y requirements.

CMN: Great to have media team collaborating, but resource constraints are an issue.
... Will try to make self available in part of January.

<MarkS> expresses interest and availability in Media Sub Team

JF: Ideally before 23rd.

Bug Triage

LW: Quick meeting yesterday. Two bugs to be tracked.
... Changes in process to keep them moving.

Canvas subteam

MS: Discussed CfC to drop CustomFocusRing, decided best to move to Level 2.
... Any work on open bugs still continuing, targeting L1 and L2.
... Moved some bugs along.
... Next meeting, Monday, January 6, 6pm Boston time.

PC: Do you have a ballpark estimate to process 10 bugs plus new ones?

MS: 2-3 months, starting in January.

PC: Is it worth pulling <canvas> to last call until bugs are further along?

MS: Have the right people, assignments followed, but also only had one meeting.

PC: There seems to be agreement on what is marked at risk, what is to be retained.
... Sam and I are trying to find fasted way to get <canvas> to Rec.
... Thinks best plan is to get update from Mark and identify best plan forward with Sam and team.

RS: Moving DrawCustomFocusRing to L2 dramatically reduces the churn.

<paulc_> Possible strategy is to move the drawCustomFocusRing bugs to L2 and concentrate the sub-team work on the remaining L1 bugs

RS: Big item is adapting wording for DrawCustomFocusRing, scrolling piece will take longer.

PLH: TF resolution was to move drawCustomFocusRing to L2.

<chaals> Canvas subteam meeting minutes

<MarkS> Canvas Sub Group Minutes

PC: Prioritize L1 bugs to move it along after moving drawCustomFocusRing to L2.

<paulc_> Happy Holidays to TF members

CMN: Resume meetings in 3 weeks, 6th of January.

<chaals> [adjourned]

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2013/12/19 16:59:00 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138  of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/MSE allows/If it isn't directly MSE but an intermediate layer (which I hadn't seen from the spec), or HTML, that allows/
Succeeded: s/like bandwidth/like bandwidth, then I think our comment doesn't belong on MSE (but think we want it somewhere and I'm not sure where :S )/
Succeeded: s/Discussing different working groups who have been involved in discussion (PFWG, A11Y TF, etc.)/I support Philippe's concern (that the sign language use case requires more than one embedded <video>); partly this concern comes from review of Media User Accessibility Requirements doc (from PFWG and HTML-A11y TF)/
Succeeded: s/We may not be fully investigating where use cases intersect./My concern is that we may be insufficiently analyzing two situations: (1) where accessibility solutions require delivery through multiple W3C technologies, that may be at different stages of evolution; (2) where accessibility use cases may overlap with other use cases such as presentation of translations in other human languages/
Found Scribe: aardrian
Found Scribe: Adrian
Found ScribeNick: aardrian
Scribes: aardrian, Adrian

WARNING: No "Present: ... " found!
Possibly Present: Adrian_Roselli CMN Cynthia_Shelly HTML I18N_CoreWG IPcaller JB JF JS John_Foliot Judy LJWatson LW MS MarkS MarkS_ MarkS__ MarkS___ Mark_Sadecki Microsoft P10 PC PLH PROV RS Rich_Schwerdtfeger SW_ S_GLDWG SteveF TF Team_ UW_WebRTC WAI_PFWG XML_QueryWG XSLT aardrian active cabanier chaals davidb hober html-chairs inserted janina janina_ leonie paulc_ richardschwerdtfeger rubys scribenick trackbot
You can indicate people for the Present list like this:
        <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary
        <dbooth> Present+ amy

Found Date: 19 Dec 2013
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2013/12/19-html-a11y-minutes.html
People with action items: 

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]