15:59:32 RRSAgent has joined #webevents 15:59:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/11/05-webevents-irc 15:59:43 Scribe: Art 15:59:44 ScribeNick: ArtB 15:59:44 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webevents/2013OctDec/0056.html 15:59:44 Chair: Art 15:59:44 Meeting: Web Events WG Voice Conference 15:59:50 plh has joined #webevents 16:00:08 zakim, list conferences 16:00:08 I see HTML_WG()11:00AM, RWC_PEWG()11:00AM, WAI_WCAG()11:00AM active 16:00:09 also scheduled at this time are VB_VBWG()10:00AM, XML_ET-TF()11:00AM, RWC_WebEven()11:00AM, SEC_(PUSHAPIPAG)11:00AM, SW_HCLS()11:00AM, WAI_(WCAG2ICT)10:00AM, Team_Validat()11:00AM, 16:00:09 ... T&S_XMLSEC()10:00AM, WAI_UAWG(CHAIRS)10:30AM 16:00:19 zakim, this is WebEven 16:00:19 plh, I see RWC_WebEven()11:00AM in the schedule but not yet started. Perhaps you mean "this will be WebEven". 16:00:26 zakim, this will be WebEven 16:00:26 ok, plh; I see RWC_WebEven()11:00AM scheduled to start now 16:00:31 RWC_WebEven()11:00AM has now started 16:00:32 +Plh 16:00:39 +Doug_Schepers 16:00:44 +Cathy 16:01:13 +Art_Barstow 16:01:28 On my way 16:02:11 on my way 16:02:13 Present: Art_Barstow, Doug_Schepers, Cathy_Chan, Philippe_LeHegaret 16:02:25 +??P11 16:02:38 Zakim, P11 is Rick_Byers 16:02:38 sorry, rbyers, I do not recognize a party named 'P11' 16:02:38 Present+ Rick_Byers 16:02:44 Zakim, ??P11 is Rick_Byers 16:02:44 +Rick_Byers; got it 16:03:24 +[IPcaller] 16:03:34 Zakim, IPcaller is me 16:03:34 +sangwhan; got it 16:03:38 Present+ Sangwhan_Moon 16:04:00 Topic: Web Events WG is done - Pop the Champagne! 16:04:06 AB: I just wanted to thank everyone for their contributions 16:04:12 ... this group has been a real pleasure to work with. 16:04:25 AB: the Touch Events CG is up and running 16:04:32 … and please join us there 16:05:24 Topic: Q&A 16:05:47 RB: thanks Art and the others that contributed to this spec 16:05:56 … I think this was real important effort 16:06:01 … sorry we were a bit late to join 16:06:24 AB: thanks for your contributions Rick and for your work in PEWG 16:06:28 PLH: thanks all 16:06:38 … what about errata for Touch Events spec? 16:06:43 … who would fix that? 16:06:51 AB: good question 16:06:56 … what is the precedence? 16:07:06 PLH: I think CG could take care of erratta 16:07:19 … and if there becomes a lot, then we can figure out something else 16:07:24 AB: that plan makes sense to me 16:07:39 PLH: recommend the ED be maintained 16:07:49 … the CG can do that 16:08:04 AB: I like that plan 16:08:16 DS: yes, that's what I expected 16:08:31 … should be easy to transfer stuff from CG 16:09:10 … the CG will define how browsers should handle simulatenous events 16:09:21 … but we aren't there yet 16:09:33 DS: thanks everyone 16:09:37 s/simulatenous/simultaneous/ 16:09:48 … despite being a bit prolonged, this group was really efficient 16:10:06 … PAG was distracting but we went through it fairly quickly 16:10:15 … our PAG is now a template for other PAGS 16:10:21 … so we did a good job 16:10:31 … that is a good accomplishment 16:10:44 … We had a clear mission, the group grew 16:11:00 … it helped bring out Pointer Events 16:11:11 … this has been a good model 16:11:21 … lots of great cooperation 16:11:27 … so thanks everyone 16:11:55 and congrats, even though the overall duration was long, the work was concentrated 16:12:41 AB: I expect a formal annoucement the group closes today or soon 16:12:53 -Art_Barstow 16:12:58 AB: meeting adjourned 16:13:00 -Plh 16:13:03 -Cathy 16:13:04 RRSAgent, make minutes 16:13:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/11/05-webevents-minutes.html ArtB 16:13:06 -sangwhan 16:13:08 -Rick_Byers 16:13:17 -Doug_Schepers 16:13:18 RWC_WebEven()11:00AM has ended 16:13:18 Attendees were Plh, Doug_Schepers, Cathy, Art_Barstow, Rick_Byers, sangwhan 16:14:03 oh, and thanks to everyone who drove teh test forward, specifically! 16:14:04 s/teh test/the tests/ 16:14:18 RRSAgent, make log Public 16:16:16 plh has left #webevents 16:31:38 ArtB, are we keeping this IRC channel around for the CG, or should I remove it from my list? We could use the #pointerevents IRC channel 16:53:44 good question shepazu 16:53:53 it would be nice for the CG to have a channel 16:54:49 consolidating #webevents and #pointerevents would be a good idea 16:55:26 I noticed, f.ex., that mbrubeck does not join this channel but he does #pointerevents 16:57:28 ArtB, let's put that on the wiki as our Touch Events CG IRC channel, shall we? 16:57:39 which one? 16:57:49 #pointerevents? 16:57:51 #pointerevents 16:58:05 yeah, let's roll with that ;) 16:58:09 and I'll abandone this channel! 16:58:17 zakim, bye 16:58:17 Zakim has left #webevents 16:58:20 rrsagent, bye 16:58:20 I see no action items