Model-Based UI

04 Oct 2013

See also: IRC log


Laufer, Joelle, Heiko, Dave, Vivian, Cristina, Javier, Paolo, Davide, Fabio
Gerrit, Jaroslav, Gaelle


<scribe> scribe: Dave

<scribe> scribenick: dsr

AUI schema

Davide: I've sent a copy of the schema to Vivian, and reviewed the structure with Paolo.
... I can send the XSD to the list if that would be helpful?

Dave: please do

Vivian: I've received the schema.

Paolo: the schema should go in the appendix for the AUI FPWD.

Dave: do we want to give everyone a chance to review the schema?
... suggest we give until next week's call and then formally resolve to publish.

Vivian: that's fine with me
... I can also link it from the wiki

Paolo has a technical comment.

Vivian: I will update the AUI metamodel diagram as per Paolo's comment and send the new version.

Paolo has a small correction to the text description relating to the terms used.

Paolo: it isn't so much about the wording as about the structure.

Dave: what changes do we need to apply to the draft specification?

Vivian: so we keep the terms we use and drop the ones we don't

Davide: we should put in the related work, a two line description, e.g. MARIA has been defined in that paper, ...

Paolo: we have the introductory document, so it would be best to keep this brief.

Vivian volunteers to provide an updated version of the draft.

<scribe> ACTION: Vivian to provide updated AUI draft before Oct 10 telecon [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/10/04-mbui-minutes.html#action01]

Introduction document

Joelle: a number of people have made changes as per the last telecon.
... refers to some work done at the Munich face to face (2 figures)
... asks Vivian to check the references to the figures
... we re-used the figure from the car rental document as it is very generic and would be good at the start of the intro doc.
... please check if you agree with that

Fabio joins the call

Joelle: use case 3 still needs work.
... Paolo has updated use case 4, so that's fine
... use case 5 (post wimp), I think it needs more work

Fabio: Sebastian owns that one, but he is in transit to Europe

Joelle: I can send Sebastian an email stating what changes we are expecting
... use case 6, Gerrit isn't here, but it seems that this one is fine.
... use case 7, we've shortened this
... we also split what was UC7 into two, thereby creating UC8

Paolo: I will put the correct reference

Fabio: UC8 has black and white figures, could we have colour?

Joelle: I have the coloured originals if everyone wants them?

Vivian: Figure 8.2 the right one is unclear as it is, colour would help

Paolo: the other figures are in colour, so it would be consistent to use colour

Joelle: alright, we will make the change


Dave: Jaroslav is at a meeting in Ireland today and can't attend the call.

Joelle: I have some small changes I would like to make
... in particular to "interaction modality" and relation to human perception

Fabio suggests referring to the literature to see what others have defined this as

Joelle: Fabio is right, we should look at what Oviat said, and come back to this next week

Fabio: now we have "interaction modality" and "multimodality"

Joelle: asks Fabio to check up on the literature and come back with a proposal.

Fabio: sure, I can do that

Joelle: migratory UI ...

Fabio: we use migratory UI when the state is preserved when moving the UI from one device to another, and distributed UI when multiple devices play a role in the UI

(scribe didn't get that quite right)

Fabio: we further distinguish between multiple and distributed.
... I will take an action to post an email with the definitions

<scribe> ACTION: Fabio to provide definitions clarifying distinctions between migratory, multiple and distributed UIs [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/10/04-mbui-minutes.html#action02]

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Fabio to provide definitions clarifying distinctions between migratory, multiple and distributed UIs [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/10/04-mbui-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: Vivian to provide updated AUI draft before Oct 10 telecon [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/10/04-mbui-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]