Web and TV Interest Group - Media APIs TF Teleconference

04 Sep 2013


See also: IRC log


Kaz, Bin, Sheau, Daniel, Giri, Olivier, MarkV, Igarashi, Sung_Hei, Louay, Cyril


Roll Call

giri: introduces himself.

olivier: Have bridge for 90 min, may not use 90.

Review Open Action Items http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/track/products/7

olivier: 2 open action items. both on giuseppe, who isn't on the call today.

sheau: giuseppe says he's still working on his action items.

Review and discuss the list of use cases (last call per schedule)

<olivier> http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/Media_APIs#Iterations_and_Timeline

<olivier> http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/Media_APIs/Use_Cases

olivier: Today is deadline for final review of use cases.
... First: Any additional use cases or any use cases to be deleted from the list?
... Work still going on on last two use cases.
... Please focus on new use case 12.

<olivier> Mark_Vickers: multi-screen advertisement is a large topic, could almost be the focus on a single group

mark_vickers: the topic of multiscreen advertisement is very large.

olivier: we will work on those 12 use cases.

sheau: question on the next step: what do we want to do with the mapping onto requirements?

olivier: What I would like to do today is to speak about use case 12, then review the mapping table, then discuss how to do the gap analysis.

<olivier> [Louay introduces himself]

louay: introduces himself. main topic at Fraunhofer is multiscreen.

review of Use Case Twelve - Multiscreen Advertisement

louay: Use case 12 is related to recent work at Fraunhofer.
... Idea behind use case is more or le ad insertion with second screen advertisement related to content on the main screen.
... There are many relevant technologies. In our prototype, we used Bonjour discovery of Android devices, TV connected to proxy which performed discovery, communication with WebSockets

olivier: Is Mark suggesting we split the use case?

<olivier> Mark_Vickers: ad insertion could be done on 1st screen

mav: Not suggesting whether to split, just that it is a large topic.

<gmandyam> Had two questions: (1) Is multiscreen ads part of the HbbTV 2.0 work?, (2) Should this UC be generalized multiscreen rendering?

louay: Regarding HbbTV, in HbbTV 2.0 there is a lot of discussion of multiple devices.
... the prototype isn't related to any hbbtv spec.
... the communication used in the prototype is new, but the topic has been discussed in hbbtv.
... As to the technology, the technology used for connecting the screens could be used for any multiscreen use cases.

sheau: This is indeed a large use case. More than half of other existing use cases could be folded into this one (e.g. discovery & synchronization). Could we have a hierarchy of use cases with large use case and sub-use cases?

olivier: There's no rule on large vs. sub use cases. I'm hearing that this use case is large. Should we split it into multiple use cases?
... Any thought on how to split it?

sheau: We could group the use cases into groups. One group would be synchronized multiscreen, the other would be ads starting and ending at same time without synchrony, third would be users interacting with ads

bin: instead of splitting into multiple use cases, ask louay whether there are any additional requirements from this use case, since the end goal is gap analysis. This might be easier.

alivier: Following that. Sheau, would you say everything is covered?

sheau: I agree with bin that at this point we have covered the space pretty well. We should use use case 12 to guide our search for requirements.

olivier: Sheau, please review use case 12 for any additional requirements.

<olivier> Mark_Vickers: for some networks there would be a requirement that messaging for ad insertion can not be used for ad elimination

cyril: The OATC group is addressing these issues in a spec delivering metadata to the client.
... The OATC has a spec. There will soon be a new spec defining a stream of metadata to the client. Avoiding ad elimination could be tricky.

sheau: I'd like to expand further that this is not limited to ads. We should provide more signaling, to avoid ads or segments being messed up. We need to provide guidance as to what can be modified. Need to add semantics to signals.

olivier: I suggest we move to next agenda item to review the grid.

Review and discuss the requirements

<olivier> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvACjV6qSvmxdEctdjYwa2JOalZLOG10elE1LVRZNlE#gid=0

olivier: Want to review two contentious items, then review new use case 12.
... 1st contentious area:

sheau: want to make sure we provide function of parental control. For example, when I say "content protection" I mean that when a child browses content, some content would be eliminated from display.

olivier: Sounds like we agree we can remove the X
... Next item was use case 9 & content streaming, which actually wasn't contentious on reconsideration, so not an issue
... Reviewing use case 12
... This use case about device discovery, not service discovery

<olivier> http://www.w3.org/TR/hnreq/

sheau: While it seems the same, it is reverse: Service discovery vs. device discovery.

<olivier> ACTION: Sheau to split the first requirement to be "service discovery" and "device discovery" in the requirements document and cross-ref table [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/09/04-webtv-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-140 - Split the first requirement to be "service discovery" and "device discovery" in the requirements document and cross-ref table [on Sheau Ng - due 2013-09-11].

<olivier> http://www.w3.org/TR/hnreq/#discovery-and-advertising

olivier: Suggests sheau use the HN Requirements document for semantics

kaz: W3C MMI architecture has defined semantic architecture that could be used here.


olivier: [Continues editing list of requirements for use case 12]
... questions use case 12 requirement for 1.5.1 device authentication.

sheau: user identification needed

olivier: that would be 1.5.3 subscriber authentication

sheau: there are cases where number of devices are limited

olivier: OK, we'll leave 1.5.1 device authentication
... [Continues editing list of requirements for use case 12]
... There is no cross on 1.8 Context-based and targeted service aggregation. Believe ther should be one. Hearing no objections, it is added.
... Any need for 1.11 Offline mode for services and content

sheau: recorded content would be 1.11

olivier: added cross for 1.11
... 1.12 device-to-device content transfer, is there any content transfer or just communication?

louay: there is app to app communication. it could include content or content could be referenced in communication and pulled from a third party.

sheau: one scenario is that the broadcast could include different versions of ad content and then the main device could serve that content to the mobile device

igarashi: I'd also like to discuss use case 8 before end of the call.

olivier: let's try to wrap us use case 12 quickly
... we'll keep cross on 1.12
... 1.13 payment mechanism definitely in scope
... 1.14 search - agree not in scenario
... 1.15 & 1.16 also not in scenario
... I believe that 1.17 channel identification chould be added. Any agree? [no replies] Not added.
... [Continues editing list of requirements for use case 12]

olivier completes review of use case 12 requirements in table.

olivier: Group should work offline on whether there are additional requirements from use case 12 to be reviewed next week.
... If there are any questions on requirements, please add to table using color red and adding a question mark "?"

igarashi: offline mode is necessary for Use Case 8: download and go
... requirement 1.12 device-to-device content transfer is required for use case 8 also

<olivier> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-and-tv/2013Jul/0050.html

igarashi: Suggest adding adding further description for content protection requirement to include offline content protection.

olivier: Suggest rewording the requirement offline on the list.

<gmandyam> UC 8: Is network selection (e.g. optimum network for download) in scope?

giri: Is network selection also in scope for use case 8?

<olivier> ACTION: gmandyam to add requirement for network selection (relevant to UC8) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/09/04-webtv-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-141 - Add requirement for network selection (relevant to uc8) [on Giridhar Mandyam - due 2013-09-11].

olivier: next teleconference is in 2 weeks. we'll send agenda. thanks to all. apologies for running over time. meeting adjourned.

<kaz> [ adjourned ]

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: gmandyam to add requirement for network selection (relevant to UC8) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/09/04-webtv-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: Sheau to split the first requirement to be "service discovery" and "device discovery" in the requirements document and cross-ref table [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/09/04-webtv-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2013/09/05 08:39:13 $