00:43:04 jernoble has joined #html-wg 01:27:07 SteveF has joined #html-wg 02:05:31 cabanier has joined #html-wg 02:55:02 ddorwin has joined #html-wg 04:17:11 jernoble has joined #html-wg 05:15:26 SteveF has joined #html-wg 06:09:49 yoav has joined #html-wg 06:11:39 ddorwin has joined #html-wg 06:29:59 stommepoes has joined #html-wg 06:37:22 glenn has joined #html-wg 07:02:14 tinkster has joined #html-wg 07:06:45 tobie has joined #html-wg 07:09:47 tH has joined #html-wg 07:15:04 Lachy has joined #html-wg 07:16:34 jeffh has joined #html-wg 07:27:02 ddorwin has joined #html-wg 07:31:42 tobie has joined #html-wg 07:51:19 silvia has joined #html-wg 09:56:31 SteveF has joined #html-wg 10:00:09 jeffh has joined #html-wg 10:55:32 tinkster has joined #html-wg 11:03:05 nonge has joined #html-wg 11:26:22 jeffh has joined #html-wg 11:30:02 MarkS has joined #html-wg 12:06:28 SteveF has joined #html-wg 12:58:13 plh has joined #html-wg 13:15:17 krijnh has joined #html-wg 13:16:43 johndrinkwater has joined #html-wg 13:16:55 Dashiva has joined #html-wg 13:17:30 tobie has joined #html-wg 13:17:51 NeatBasis has joined #html-wg 13:18:12 decadance has joined #html-wg 13:18:13 gsnedders has joined #html-wg 13:18:33 Jedi has joined #html-wg 13:18:33 jgraham has joined #html-wg 13:19:05 cabanier has joined #html-wg 13:19:20 karl has joined #html-wg 13:20:32 gavin has joined #html-wg 13:23:49 jmb has joined #html-wg 13:24:32 paul___irish has joined #html-wg 13:25:49 Philip has joined #html-wg 13:26:51 MikeSmith has joined #html-wg 13:27:15 yoav has joined #html-wg 13:31:01 Hixie has joined #html-wg 14:34:09 chaals has joined #html-wg 14:35:20 SteveF has joined #html-wg 14:44:51 tantek has joined #html-wg 14:45:37 jernoble has joined #html-wg 14:57:47 chaals has joined #html-wg 14:59:41 cabanier1 has joined #html-wg 14:59:58 stommepoes has joined #html-wg 15:00:05 stommepoes has left #html-wg 15:00:41 glenn has joined #html-wg 15:05:16 st2 has joined #html-wg 15:06:49 tinkster has joined #html-wg 15:14:17 hober has joined #html-wg 15:15:29 jernoble has joined #html-wg 15:19:03 jeffh has joined #html-wg 15:33:48 cabanier has joined #html-wg 15:35:18 ddorwin has joined #html-wg 15:44:53 sgalineau has joined #html-wg 15:48:18 jaymunro has joined #html-wg 15:48:42 jaymunro has joined #html-wg 15:48:53 chaals has joined #html-wg 15:53:25 HTML_WG()12:00PM has now started 15:53:27 +Dio 15:53:32 dio has joined #html-wg 15:54:25 dio has joined #html-wg 15:55:21 paulc has joined #html-wg 15:58:36 pladd has joined #html-wg 15:58:37 +??P1 15:58:39 -??P1 15:58:39 +??P1 15:58:54 zakim, ??p1 is me 15:58:54 +glenn; got it 15:59:41 trackbot, start meeting 15:59:43 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:59:44 +pladd 15:59:45 Zakim, this will be html_wg 15:59:46 Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference 15:59:46 Date: 01 August 2013 15:59:46 ok, trackbot, I see HTML_WG()12:00PM already started 15:59:54 zakim, what is the code? 15:59:54 the conference code is 4865 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), paulc 16:00:12 janina has joined #html-wg 16:00:21 +[Microsoft] 16:00:24 +??P9 16:00:33 zakim, [Microsoft] is me 16:00:33 +paulc; got it 16:01:38 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-wg-announce/2013JulSep/0013.html 16:01:50 zakim, who is here? 16:01:51 On the phone I see Dio, glenn, pladd, paulc, ??P9 16:01:51 On IRC I see janina, pladd, paulc, dio, chaals, jaymunro, sgalineau, ddorwin, jeffh, jernoble, hober, tinkster, st2, glenn, Hixie, yoav, MikeSmith, Philip, paul___irish, jmb, 16:01:51 ... gavin, karl, jgraham, Jedi, gsnedders, decadance, NeatBasis, tobie 16:02:05 zakim, who's on the phone? 16:02:05 On the phone I see Dio, glenn, pladd, paulc, ??P9 16:02:05 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:02:06 On the phone I see Dio, glenn, pladd, paulc, ??P9 16:02:07 + +1.818.954.aaaa 16:02:15 Zakim, aaaa is me 16:02:15 +jernoble; got it 16:02:16 zakim, ??P9 is me 16:02:16 +janina; got it 16:02:28 +[Microsoft] 16:02:35 +hober 16:02:35 zakim, microsoft has me 16:02:36 whoops, aaaa is not me. 16:02:36 +jaymunro; got it 16:02:44 CyrilRa has joined #html-wg 16:02:54 + +1.206.850.aabb 16:03:01 jernoble has left #html-wg 16:03:12 +Daniel 16:03:13 scribe: jaymunro 16:03:29 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:03:29 On the phone I see Dio, glenn, pladd, paulc, janina, jernoble, [Microsoft], hober, +1.206.850.aabb, Daniel 16:03:31 [Microsoft] has jaymunro 16:04:24 -jernoble 16:04:51 +jernoble 16:05:02 Clarke has joined #html-wg 16:05:07 topic: ACTION items due by Thursday, August 1 16:05:18 topic: things closing last week: none 16:05:27 + +1.303.661.aacc 16:05:32 a quite week. 16:05:43 s/quite/quiet/ 16:05:46 zakim, aacc is me 16:05:47 +Clarke; got it 16:05:50 zakim, jernoble is hober 16:05:50 +hober; got it 16:06:03 no items for first action. 16:06:05 zakim, who's on the phone? 16:06:05 On the phone I see Dio, glenn, pladd, paulc, janina, [Microsoft], hober, +1.206.850.aabb, Daniel, hober.a, Clarke 16:06:08 no items for second item. 16:06:08 [Microsoft] has jaymunro 16:06:55 Topic: Items closed last week: none 16:07:04 topic: items closing this week: 16:07:09 none 16:07:11 -hober.a 16:07:13 +CyrilRa 16:07:21 topic:New calls this week: 16:07:22 none 16:07:31 topic: decisions this week: none 16:07:42 Task force reports, Krisk is out this week. 16:08:08 topic: accessiblity task force. just met 16:08:20 main item, a lot of status updates , relating to alt 16:08:22 tantek has joined #html-wg 16:08:40 refining, making sure everything is correct and solid. Not expecting to change. 16:08:52 talked about all the permutations and approaches 16:09:01 talked about testing, decision to start a new sub team 16:09:17 getting longdesc going. 16:09:36 several people spoke up on what platforms they need testing with. 16:10:02 talked about need to start media sub team. 16:10:14 should start sometime in August. 16:10:49 concerns about media controls. need to be keyboard accessible, need to get specs available in the right places. 16:11:29 Charles appologized for work statement and decision policy. bad network access... Expects resolution soon. 16:11:53 will be forwarding email with 2014 16:12:05 Paul should expect mail next week 16:12:55 Paul: lastweek we heard on comments that chairs pushed back might be bugs. Will they be presented back to the wg. 16:13:17 Janina: which issues need bugs, tests, drop, etc... Email expected this afternoon. 16:14:29 Team contact Marc Sedeki - team contact - was handling the comments on the exit criteria content. 16:14:43 Topic: media task force 16:14:56 CfC to take MSE Last Call: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2013Jul/0018.html 16:14:58 Pauk: currently a cfc going on inside the task force to take mse to last call 16:15:18 that closes at the end of the week. If closes successfully, Paul will issue a WG call for concensus. 16:15:28 task force has dealt with pre-LC bugs 16:15:42 except for a couple that were presented after closed. 16:15:54 Encrypted media has about 15 bugs, some very hard. 16:16:13 Since MSE is making more progress, changing schedule and do two or three EME calls 16:16:47 Paul: Janina, expect last call from Aug 15 - end of Sept for EME 16:16:49 last call 16:17:37 Topic: Other business 16:17:45 Topic: WG Decision to publish two revised heartbeat Candidate Recommendations 16:17:45 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2013Jul/0057.html 16:17:45 Status: Publication is expect on Thu Aug 1. 16:18:16 publications were expected today, but glitch. Now Canvas spec holding up until next week. 16:18:27 Both HTML and Canvas will be done next week 16:18:36 Topic: Responsive images meet-up in Paris 16:18:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2013Jul/0055.html 16:18:52 During CSS meeting, will be meetup to discuss responsive images spec. 16:19:22 Topic: [CSSWG][css-counter-styles] Last Call WD of CSS Counter Styles 16:19:22 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2013Jul/0047.html 16:19:29 Heads-up: Last Call for css3-cascade 16:19:29 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2013Jul/0046.html 16:19:59 last calls on these, make comments on these. If anything in CSS spec that breaks HTML spec, discuss in WG to get feedback 16:20:07 Topic: Updated alt text advice in HTML spec 16:20:07 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2013Jul/0037.html 16:20:07 Status: If these items are all accepted then we may be able to terminate work on “HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives”: 16:20:07 http://www.w3.org/TR/html-alt-techniques/ 16:20:30 The task force has been working on taking content with bugs and working them into HTML5 spec. 16:20:48 If concensus on this, the alt alternatives doc could go away 16:21:28 If the separate topic has separate normative text. COmbining would be better expressed in one place. 16:21:46 Topic: Registration open for HTML WG F2F meeting, Shenzen, China, Nov 14-15 2013 16:21:46 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2013Jul/0073.html 16:21:46 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/40318/html-nov-2013/ 16:23:01 Three 1/2 months away. Chairs putting out survey to see if members want to meet for the F2F. Keeping item on agenda to see if people responding. 16:23:25 -Dio 16:23:45 Topic: any other business? None 16:23:55 Volunteer scribe? None 16:24:07 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:24:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/08/01-html-wg-minutes.html paulc 16:24:15 +Dio 16:24:15 st2 has left #html-wg 16:24:16 -pladd 16:24:18 -hober 16:24:18 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:24:19 On the phone I see glenn, paulc, janina, [Microsoft], +1.206.850.aabb, Daniel, Clarke, CyrilRa, Dio 16:24:19 [Microsoft] has jaymunro 16:24:21 -Clarke 16:24:21 -Daniel 16:24:24 -janina 16:24:25 -glenn 16:24:27 -CyrilRa 16:24:30 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:24:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/08/01-html-wg-minutes.html paulc 16:24:31 - +1.206.850.aabb 16:24:40 -[Microsoft] 16:24:40 -Dio 16:25:51 -paulc 16:25:53 HTML_WG()12:00PM has ended 16:25:53 Attendees were Dio, glenn, pladd, paulc, +1.818.954.aaaa, janina, hober, jaymunro, +1.206.850.aabb, Daniel, +1.303.661.aacc, Clarke, CyrilRa 16:26:10 cabanier has joined #html-wg 16:31:23 SteveF has joined #html-wg 16:32:13 ddorwin1 has joined #html-wg 16:47:10 Lachy has joined #html-wg 16:48:35 jeffh has joined #html-wg 17:03:47 ddorwin has joined #html-wg 17:06:25 ddorwin2 has joined #html-wg 17:27:23 MarkS has joined #html-wg 17:51:45 yoav has joined #html-wg 18:03:42 sgalineau has joined #html-wg 18:08:56 SteveF has joined #html-wg 18:38:01 glenn_ has joined #html-wg 18:56:47 sgalineau has joined #html-wg 19:09:40 st_really_bbl has joined #html-wg 19:20:40 st2 has joined #html-wg 19:21:02 sgalineau has joined #html-wg 19:30:56 sgalineau has joined #html-wg 19:34:03 yoav_ has joined #html-wg 19:41:32 janina has left #html-wg 19:53:42 SteveF has joined #html-wg 19:56:38 plh has joined #html-wg 20:42:19 gitbot has joined #html-wg 20:42:19 01[13html01] 15darobin pushed 4 new commits to 06feature/whatwg: 02https://github.com/w3c/html/compare/271f23811081...29893c8b8d5f 20:42:19 13html/06feature/whatwg 1458ccf94 15ianh: [giow] (3) Try to clean up the incumbent script situation.... 20:42:19 13html/06feature/whatwg 14e058c60 15ianh: [giow] (3) Make