See also: IRC log
<Jan> Chair: Jan Richards
<AlastairC> Another useful drupal resource if checking drupal:
<scribe> scribe: jeanne
<Jan> JS: I have submitted the charter request
<Jan> JS: Met with Judy last week and she had a few things she wanted explained
<Jan> JS: New draft will circulate to the group next week
<Jan> JS: June 30 is the deadline
<Jan> JS: If rechartering is delayed, we can't publish
<Jan> JS: We are getting close
<Jan> JS: We still need to write Status (JS), Announcements (JS), test doc for publishing (JS)...
<Jan> JS: Need to get CR Exit Criteria written and approved.
<Jan> JS: We have been working on it...Judy has it...
<Jan> JS: I will meet Judy tomorrow about it
<Jan> JS: I've never actually done one
<Jan> JS: Then hopefully a call with Jan, Jutta, Judy this week
<Jan> JS: If we can get agreement we will bring to the group...
<Jan> JS: Then we publish and are into CR
<Jan> JS; Then we need to write up all the instructions for outside testers
<Jan> JS: I have outlines of pages
<Jan> JS: We really want to have them ready when the CR announcements go out
<Jan> DRAFT Implementation report:
JR: We sent the draft
implementation report a couple weeks ago. People were asked to
send in edits.
... none received yet.
... Greg let me know that he is ready to start working on
... the other column codes. @none = no known implementations,
@Several, @Many
... The Other column also lists products that we think would
cover this SC.
JS: We should also look at the At Risk items and strategize how we are going to deal with them.
JR: the way that we are writing the exit criteria, is that we are not going to try to find implemenations for WCAG AAA items.
<Jan> 3. Each success criterion that depends for its level on WCAG 2.0 will be positively implemented by at least two implementations at Level AA.
<Jan> ◦ Implementations up to WCAG Level AAA will be recorded, but are not required. This level has value as it may be met by tools developed to serve specialized markets; however, WCAG 2.0 recommends against requiring WCAG 2.0 Level AAA as a general policy for entire sites, so it is unlikely that most tool developers will attempt to implement to this level.
JR: We still have to find implemenatations for our own AAA success criteria, but we are proposing to not have to find implementations for the success criteria dependent on WCAG AAA.
A.1.2.1 and A.1.2.2 need to follow accessibility guidelines - we need more. We have 1 each
A.3.6.3 Apply platform settings - apply platform settings.
B.1.1.1 COntent auto-generation after authoring sessions
AC: I don't think DeFacto does this.
JS: I think this would be an example of a CMS or LMS where the author's text is included in a template.
JR: Also Facebook, where the author content may be redesigned in a new template and presented with different code surrounding the author content.
AC: CMS would collect small or large pieces from the author and manipulates it later.
<scribe> ACTION: Jeanne will look at Moodle to see if it meets B.1.1.1 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-387 - Will look at Moodle to see if it meets B.1.1.1 [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2013-04-15].
B.1.2.2 Copy-Paste - this should not be hard to find, but we need concrete examples.
AC: I would think Markdown Editors should do this. Wiki style markup.
JR: Do they have a way to
optimize that code, like remove white spaces?
... another example would be a video tool that optimaizes the
video quality, and make sure that it saves the video
... in Powerpoint, it does an optimization cropping all the
images. DOes that keep the alterntaive information when it is
AC: Acrobat has an optimization
tool that optimizes a PDF.
... Youtube optimizes automatically. We would have to check if
it deletes the option track.
B.2.2.1 Accessible Option Prominance - does the tool allow a choice between accessible or inaccessible, and is the accessible option equally prominant, measured by number of clicks.
JS: Would templates count here?
JR: Not every tool will allow inaccessible content to be created. It makes it harder to find an example.
B.2.2.2 Setting Accessibility Properties
AC: Maybe, I think we align horizonatally based on class
JR: Other tools have have a great deal of flexibility will likely hit this.
B.2.3.2 Repair of text alternatives during authoring
JR: This is only relevent to tools the pre-fill alternative content.
<scribe> ACTION: jeanne to check on the possible new flag in HTML for content that is automatically generated. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-388 - Check on the possible new flag in HTML for content that is automatically generated. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2013-04-15].
AC: DeFacto will remember alt text and suggest it the next time it is used.
JR: Does it do it for any other accessibility properties, like longdesc?
AC: I don't think we have
implemented longdesc yet.
... I think Wordpress does this.
Next meeting: Accessible templates
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.137 of Date: 2012/09/20 20:19:01 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: jeanne Inferring ScribeNick: jeanne Default Present: Greg, Jan, Jeanne, Cherie, Alastair, Tim_Boland, [IPcaller] Present: Greg Jan Jeanne Cherie Alastair Tim_Boland [IPcaller] Regrets: Alex_L. Sueanne_L. Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 08 Apr 2013 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: at jeanne look moodle will[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]