00:09:14 gitbot has joined #html-wg 00:09:14 01[13html01] 15rubys pushed 1 new commit to 06feature/whatwg: 02https://github.com/w3c/html/commit/0302d9f83361c54c2978ab10aa50a3b7cbb718b7 00:09:14 13html/06feature/whatwg 140302d9f 15ianh: [e] (0) Fix some typos or copypasta.... 00:09:14 gitbot has left #html-wg 01:57:20 mjs has joined #html-wg 02:04:44 glenn_ has joined #html-wg 02:06:03 glenn has joined #html-wg 04:19:38 mjs has joined #html-wg 04:40:30 cabanier has joined #html-wg 05:33:53 glenn has joined #html-wg 07:06:16 Steve has joined #html-wg 07:10:57 sawrubh has joined #html-wg 07:20:32 stommepoes has joined #html-wg 07:38:46 tinkster has joined #html-wg 08:24:29 tobie has joined #html-wg 08:26:56 cabanier has joined #html-wg 09:24:19 nonge has joined #html-wg 09:25:13 nonge_ has joined #html-wg 10:13:30 abarsto has joined #html-wg 10:21:11 IanPouncey has joined #html-wg 10:22:23 IanPouncey has joined #html-wg 10:23:34 IanPouncey has joined #html-wg 10:39:20 tmpsantos has joined #html-wg 10:44:09 IanPouncey1 has joined #html-wg 10:45:20 IanPouncey has joined #html-wg 10:46:32 IanPouncey has joined #html-wg 11:12:46 NeatBasis has joined #html-wg 11:27:15 abarsto has joined #html-wg 12:22:15 plh has joined #html-wg 13:30:26 davidb has joined #html-wg 13:43:39 glenn has joined #html-wg 13:55:46 Opera the only browser getting this right? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5d/Hall_janko_graph.svg interesting... 13:58:01 stommepoes: guessing it's the leading space in some of the attributes 14:03:23 Must be Opera ignores them... 14:19:56 plh has joined #html-wg 15:00:05 stommepoes: I think there are some svg editors that also allow leading (and possibly trailing) whitespace in numerical attributes in svg (see: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2004Oct/0001.html) 15:10:07 IanPouncey has joined #html-wg 15:11:19 IanPouncey has joined #html-wg 15:24:29 IanPouncey has joined #html-wg 15:24:49 ed: thanks. Turns out someone at wikipedia had already flagged the spaces in the attributes as an error, though likely only because some browsers were obvious about it : ) 15:56:53 Bin_Hu has joined #html-wg 15:56:53 krisk has joined #html-wg 15:58:57 rubys has joined #html-wg 16:00:25 jaymunro has joined #html-wg 16:00:28 trackbot, start meeting 16:00:31 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:00:31 Zakim has joined #html-wg 16:00:33 Zakim, this will be html_wg 16:00:33 ok, trackbot, I see HTML_WG()12:00PM already started 16:00:34 Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference 16:00:34 Date: 28 March 2013 16:00:36 Clarke has joined #html-wg 16:00:50 paulc has joined #html-wg 16:01:06 +Clarke 16:01:15 zakim, what is the code? 16:01:15 the conference code is 4865 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), paulc 16:01:24 Presence+ Bin 16:01:32 +Daniel 16:01:53 adrianba has joined #html-wg 16:02:01 -Bin 16:02:02 +[Microsoft] 16:02:09 +[Microsoft.a] 16:02:14 zakim, [Microsoft] is me 16:02:14 +adrianba; got it 16:02:20 zakim, [Microsoft.a] is me 16:02:20 +paulc; got it 16:02:29 +Bin 16:02:34 RRSAgent, make minutes 16:02:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/03/28-html-wg-minutes.html ArtB 16:02:53 +[Microsoft] 16:03:10 Zakim, [Microsoft] is krisk 16:03:10 +krisk; got it 16:03:28 +Cynthia_Shelly 16:03:28 +[Microsoft] 16:03:35 zakim, [Microsoft] has me 16:03:35 +jaymunro; got it 16:04:06 Thank you Art 16:04:12 Present+ Bin 16:04:19 mjs has joined #html-wg 16:04:19 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:04:19 On the phone I see Sam, +1.206.850.aaaa, Clarke, Daniel, adrianba, paulc, Bin, krisk, Cynthia_Shelly, [Microsoft] 16:04:22 [Microsoft] has jaymunro 16:04:26 MarkS has joined #html-wg 16:04:51 scribe: krisk 16:04:54 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-wg-announce/2013JanMar/0029.html 16:05:01 chair: mjs 16:05:04 MFoladare has joined #html-wg 16:05:13 zakim, [aaaa] is eliot 16:05:13 sorry, paulc, I do not recognize a party named '[aaaa]' 16:05:26 zakim, aaaa is eliot 16:05:27 +eliot; got it 16:05:40 +Radhika_Roy 16:05:45 + +1.415.595.aabb 16:05:49 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:05:49 On the phone I see Sam, eliot, Clarke, Daniel, adrianba, paulc, Bin, krisk, Cynthia_Shelly, [Microsoft], Radhika_Roy, +1.415.595.aabb 16:05:52 [Microsoft] has jaymunro 16:05:54 Zakim, +1.415.595.aabb is me 16:05:54 +mjs; got it 16:06:15 +Mark_Sadecki 16:06:22 -Mark_Sadecki 16:06:42 TOPIC: Face to Face meeting in April 16:07:20 +Mark_Sadecki 16:07:30 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/40318/html-april-2013/ 16:07:38 mjs: Please do register if you plan on attending 16:07:41 mjs: Reminder - register: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/40318/html-april-2013/ 16:08:13 mjs: Meetings have been productive, so please attend if you can make the F2F meeting 16:08:50 paulc: April 5th is the end of the registration 16:09:04 mjs: any other questions or comments? 16:09:22 TOPIC: Task Force Reports 16:09:31 subtopic: Testing Task Force 16:11:10 krisk: we met as planned on the 3/26 16:11:13 Notes -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-testsuite/2013Mar/0020.html 16:11:35 We have started to classify all the sections in the specification 16:11:42 +Plh 16:12:04 such that we can identify sections that have no tests and have normative requirements 16:12:28 This should help people focus on what areas in the spec need tests 16:12:39 We'll document this on the Wiki as well 16:12:51 * OK I'm ready for next subtopic 16:13:03 SUBTOPIC: Accessibility Task Force 16:13:44 mjs: anyone avaible to report? 16:14:02 I am around on IRC 16:14:26 paulc: The meeting normally occurs today (right before this meeting) and was canceled due to travel and upcoming Holiday 16:14:39 mjs: steve feel free to add comments via IRC 16:14:55 EME has 39 bugs outstanding. EME met on Tue and discussed outstanding bugs. 16:15:06 TOPIC: Media Task Force 16:15:10 mjs: i actually have little to say, have been out sick all week 16:15:33 MSE bug count is much lower and we expect to publish a WD very soon. 16:16:37 paulc: I have an outstanding working to complete the 15 bugs filed on the EME spec 16:16:56 mjs: any other comments or questions for the task force reports? 16:16:59 mjs: I head none 16:17:07 TOPIC: Other Business 16:17:30 mjs: We have none in the agenda, though does anyone have any items they would like to discuss? 16:17:47 plh: What is the status with the Microdata spec? 16:17:52 mjs: status of hgroup 16:18:21 in HTML5 CR 16:18:38 paulc: The CR transition discovered that a section was missing and no one noticed 16:18:56 section that was dropped: http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-microdata-20120329/#other-changes-to-html5 16:18:59 paulc: robin was looking for when and why this was removed 16:19:28 paulc: the editors are discussing how to fix this missing section and the chairs have asked to bring this to the working group 16:20:15 +[IPcaller] 16:20:27 paulc: sam do you have any more comments? 16:20:38 rubys: nope, please see the link 16:21:07 mjs: Steve would you like to comment on hgroup? 16:21:16 steve: I just wanted to know the status? 16:21:40 steve: I had asked this to be removed in Mid-March 16:22:01 zakim, [IPCALLER] is me 16:22:01 +Steve; got it 16:22:13 mjs: I don't believe anyone has objected and we don't have any tests or implementaions 16:22:35 plh: do we need a CFC for this? 16:22:47 This is the process: http://dev.w3.org/html5/decision-policy/decision-policy-v3.html#cr-remove-early 16:22:48 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2012Dec/0073.html 16:22:54 paulc: We did have a time frame and this ended in Mid-March 16:23:14 stommepoes has left #html-wg 16:23:24 paulc: I believe we have given people time to object and now the chairs can decide to do the removal 16:23:37 paulc: Thanks for the reminder 16:24:45 steve: I would hope we have a discussion on what changes could be made to hgroup for the 5.1 spec 16:24:59 mjs: Any other items to discuss? 16:25:06 mjs: I hear none 16:25:08 -Cynthia_Shelly 16:25:24 TOPIC: Scribe for next meeting 16:25:33 Paul will be chairing next week. 16:25:49 -Steve 16:25:49 mjs: we need one for next week, if you can help please do so 16:25:50 -[Microsoft] 16:25:50 -Clarke 16:25:50 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:25:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/03/28-html-wg-minutes.html paulc 16:25:51 -Daniel 16:25:51 -Sam 16:25:52 -Plh 16:25:55 -eliot 16:25:56 -Radhika_Roy 16:25:57 -Bin 16:25:57 -mjs 16:26:00 -Mark_Sadecki 16:26:03 -krisk 16:26:10 -adrianba 16:29:17 -paulc 16:29:19 HTML_WG()12:00PM has ended 16:29:19 Attendees were Bin, Sam, +1.206.850.aaaa, Clarke, Daniel, adrianba, paulc, krisk, Cynthia_Shelly, jaymunro, eliot, Radhika_Roy, mjs, Mark_Sadecki, Plh, Steve 16:40:48 tinkster has joined #html-wg 16:42:39 glenn has joined #html-wg 17:32:05 MarkS has joined #html-wg 17:49:38 sawrubh has joined #html-wg 17:52:00 abarsto has joined #html-wg 18:00:55 arronei has joined #html-wg 18:24:37 stommepoes has joined #html-wg 18:27:58 Zakim has left #html-wg 18:34:14 stommepoes has left #html-wg 18:47:45 glenn has joined #html-wg 18:50:26 cabanier has joined #html-wg 18:57:10 arronei has joined #html-wg 19:21:02 arronei has joined #html-wg 19:31:10 glenn has joined #html-wg 20:03:41 johndrinkwater has joined #html-wg 20:19:20 tobie has joined #html-wg 20:26:38 sawrubh has joined #html-wg 21:19:17 tinkster has joined #html-wg 21:44:46 NeatBasis has joined #html-wg 22:09:14 gitbot has joined #html-wg 22:09:14 01[13html01] 15rubys pushed 1 new commit to 06feature/whatwg: 02https://github.com/w3c/html/commit/f4b6d82e6486f1fb08bb09a081bc7eae5c9b52ea 22:09:14 13html/06feature/whatwg 14f4b6d82 15ianh: [e] (0) Move prose into WebIDL... 22:09:14 gitbot has left #html-wg 23:09:12 gitbot has joined #html-wg 23:09:12 01[13html01] 15rubys pushed 1 new commit to 06feature/whatwg: 02https://github.com/w3c/html/commit/2c9782fa47f09b6fb58aa384008709c10999e0c5 23:09:12 13html/06feature/whatwg 142c9782f 15ianh: [e] (0) tweak some class=impl markings... 23:09:12 gitbot has left #html-wg 23:18:39 tobie has joined #html-wg 23:29:20 MarkS has joined #html-wg