16:59:47 RRSAgent has joined #html-wg
16:59:47 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/02/07-html-wg-irc
16:59:49 MFoladare has joined #html-wg
16:59:49 RRSAgent, make logs public
16:59:49 Zakim has joined #html-wg
16:59:51 Zakim, this will be html_wg
16:59:52 Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference
16:59:52 Date: 07 February 2013
16:59:53 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_WG()12:00PM scheduled to start in 1 minute
17:00:02 HTML_WG()12:00PM has now started
17:00:07 +Radhika_Roy
17:00:22 +[Apple]
17:00:30 +Sam
17:00:36 Zakim, Apple is me
17:00:37 +hober; got it
17:00:50 paulc has joined #html-wg
17:01:27 +[Microsoft]
17:01:49 * krisk dialing in...
17:01:59 +[Microsoft.a]
17:02:00 zakim, [Microsoft.a] is me
17:02:00 +adrianba; got it
17:02:13 +Plh
17:02:42 ddorwin has joined #html-wg
17:02:50 Eliot has joined #html-wg
17:02:55 +ddorwin
17:03:05 +[Microsoft.a]
17:03:06 not clear to me who (if anybody) volunteered last time to scribe
17:03:30 the scribe for last meeting recorded "krisk: I can help" (krisk was the scribe)
17:03:35 +[Microsoft.aa]
17:03:37 zakim, Microsoft.a is krisk
17:03:38 +krisk; got it
17:03:41 zakim, microsoft.aa is me
17:03:41 +jaymunro; got it
17:03:42 +[Microsoft.a]
17:03:47 Yes I can scribe if need be
17:03:50 Zakim, microsoft.a is me
17:03:50 +Eliot; got it
17:03:57 i don't mind scribing
17:04:16 ScribeNick: adrianba
17:04:23 Chair: Sam Ruby
17:04:40 TOPIC: ACTION items due by Thursday, February 7
17:04:45 rubys: none
17:04:53 TOPIC: New Issues This Week
17:05:00 rubys: none
17:05:08 ... 3 tracker requests down from 5 last week
17:05:13 ... still hoping to reduce that number
17:05:24 TOPIC: Items Closed Last Week
17:05:28 rubys: CfC for the EME spec
17:05:36 ... certainly got lots of feedback on that
17:06:00 ... chairs working with W3C Management on that
17:06:15 plh: yes, we're working on that - weather in Boston might cause a delay
17:06:33 TOPIC: Items Closing This Week
17:06:44 rubys: the new calls this week close - get to that later
17:06:47 + +1.626.379.aaaa
17:07:00 TOPIC: Items Closing Next Week
17:07:03 rubys: none
17:07:16 Zakim, aaaa is Daniel_Austin
17:07:16 +Daniel_Austin; got it
17:07:17 TOPIC: New Calls this week
17:07:46 rubys: there are four
17:08:13 rubys: CfC on Entity Resolution - close yesterday - yet to post conclusion on that
17:08:36 ... CfC on picture element and on srcset attribute - two separate calls - both close tomorrow
17:08:46 Zakim, call Mike
17:08:46 ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
17:08:48 +Mike
17:08:56 hober: the one objection that was raised was withdrawn
17:09:03 rubys: for srcset
17:09:08 hober: yes
17:09:24 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2013Feb/0106.html
17:09:32 rubys: CfC for Use Cases for standardizing responsive images closes Feb 11
17:09:50 rubys: CfC for minimum period of microdata passed
17:10:10 paulc: [clarifies this is for minimum period - to publish was more than 10 days ago]
17:10:18 rubys: any other questions or comments?
17:10:24 yoav_ has joined #html-wg
17:10:34 TOPIC: New surveys this week
17:10:40 rubys: none
17:10:47 TOPIC: Decisions this week
17:11:01 rubys: the microdata minimum CR period was such a decision
17:11:12 TOPIC: Other Business
17:11:22 rubys: April F2F
17:11:43 ??: i'm organising this - lots of groups meeting
17:11:55 ... WebCrypto, WebAppSec, etc
17:12:07 s/??/Daniel_Austin/
17:12:13 ... a number of groups clustered around the HTML-WG meeting
17:12:14 q+
17:12:19 ... wondering about how much overlap there will be amongst attendees
17:12:27 ack plh
17:12:37 plh: i don't think there is a lot with WebCrypto and WebAppSec with HTML
17:12:57 ... WebApps WG will meet for 1.5 days because they realised they would lose people on Friday afternoon
17:13:04 ... and 1.5 days would be enough
17:13:13 ... chairs of WebApps will send their own email
17:14:13 Daniel_Austin: wanted to mention HTML5 performance activities
17:14:24 plh: not sure if this is the right forum
17:14:56 ... if people are interested in what we should do to improve performance they should talk to me
17:15:15 Daniel_Austin: will there be test suites for perf? will this group need to do that?
17:15:30 plh: the task force is just to look at options for what we might do - the TF will not solve the problem
17:15:47 http://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/wg/2013-04-Agenda has a spot for "Potential Topics"
17:16:00 rubys: Wiki page for F2F has a spot for topics
17:16:11 ... good place if people are interested
17:16:23 rubys: CfC for FPWD of HTML Templates
17:16:44 ... this is in the WebApps WG - bringing it to this groups attention since it is a HTML Extension spec
17:16:52 ... if you want to participate it is over in WebApps
17:17:13 rubys: Inviting your review of IndieUI events
17:17:36 rubys: WAI-ARIA in HTML ready for publication
17:18:04 rubys: anybody who is interested can comment - no requirement to do so
17:18:21 rubys: Steve Faulkner has been appointed as an editor
17:18:24 ... welcome
17:18:37 rubys: the Open Web Platform Summary has started up again
17:18:49 ... http://www.w3.org/QA/2013/02/openweb-weekly-01.html
17:19:01 rubys: any other business?
17:19:12 ... news on longdesc?
17:19:33 paulc: the minutes of last week's meeting suggested we would expect a WG CfC
17:19:40 ... been delayed by one week
17:20:00 rubys: anything else?
17:20:09 TOPIC: Scribe for next meeting
17:20:18 rubys: any volunteers?
17:20:28 ... mjs will probably chair
17:20:35 Strong possibility for regrets next week from Paul (on vacation)
17:20:49 rubys: none heard
17:20:56 -hober
17:20:58 TOPIC: Adjournment
17:20:58 -Daniel_Austin
17:20:59 -Plh
17:21:01 -Mike
17:21:01 -Sam
17:21:02 -Radhika_Roy
17:21:02 -krisk
17:21:03 -Eliot
17:21:03 -ddorwin
17:21:03 rubys: adjourned
17:21:05 -jaymunro
17:21:13 rrsagent, make minutes
17:21:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/02/07-html-wg-minutes.html adrianba
17:21:19 rrsagent, make logs public
17:21:30 -adrianba
17:22:13 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-wg-announce/2013JanMar/0011.html
17:22:20 Scribe: Adrian Bateman
17:22:24 zakim, bye
17:22:24 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Radhika_Roy, Sam, hober, [Microsoft], adrianba, Plh, ddorwin, krisk, jaymunro, Eliot, +1.626.379.aaaa, Daniel_Austin, Mike
17:22:24 Zakim has left #html-wg
17:22:30 rrsagent, make minutes
17:22:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/02/07-html-wg-minutes.html adrianba
17:43:11 arronei has joined #html-wg
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20:09:19 01[13html01] 15rubys pushed 2 new commits to 06feature/whatwg: 02https://github.com/w3c/html/compare/54a6e319a810...4c3351212e62
20:09:19 13html/06feature/whatwg 147c4aeeb 15ianh: [giow] (3) Better match reality, however weird it is....
20:09:19 13html/06feature/whatwg 144c33512 15ianh: [e] (0) Cleanup...
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22:54:22 13html/06master 14892d445 15stevefaulkner: Update boilerplate/header-w3c-html-core...
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22:54:49 01[13html01] 15stevefaulkner pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02https://github.com/w3c/html/commit/d7e9251ba26b62c154465440f6a9540a3c0b4354
22:54:49 13html/06master 14d7e9251 15stevefaulkner: Update boilerplate/header-w3c-html-core...
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