17:20:26 RRSAgent has joined #html-techs-tf 17:20:26 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/02/04-html-techs-tf-irc 17:20:32 zakim, this is 9224 17:20:32 Joshue108, this was already WAI_HTML TT()11:30AM 17:20:33 ok, Joshue108; that matches WAI_HTML TT()11:30AM 17:20:38 :-) 17:20:46 -[IPcaller.a] 17:20:55 http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#button 17:21:01 +[IPcaller.a] 17:21:15 zakim, [IPcaller.a] is Joshue 17:21:15 +Joshue; got it 17:21:38 zakim, agenda? 17:21:38 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda: 17:21:39 1. 1) Actions for dealing with technique feedback. [from Joshue108] 17:21:39 2. 2) Progressing the new 'User Agent Testing Methodology and Notes' document. http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Techniques/UAtesting [from Joshue108] 17:21:39 3. Discuss of next tranche of techniques [from Joshue108] 17:21:39 4. Discussion of new User Agent Testing Methodology and Notes. [from Joshue108] 17:21:39 5. Discussion on latest technique feedback. [from Joshue108] 17:21:42 6. Draw up next round of techniques for review. [from Joshue108] 17:21:42 7. Progressing the new 'User Agent Testing Methodology and Notes' document. [from 1 via Joshue108] 17:21:54 zakim, mute me 17:21:54 Joshue should now be muted 17:22:55 Loretta_ has joined #html-techs-tf 17:23:12 wireless and skype appear to be fighting again this moring. :-( 17:23:17 zakim, unmute me 17:23:17 Joshue should no longer be muted 17:23:46 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/04feb2013/results 17:23:56 ack me 17:24:14 will try one more time... 17:24:39 +??P10 17:24:59 zakim, mute me 17:24:59 Shadi should now be muted 17:27:26 zakim, pick a victim 17:27:27 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Jon_Gunderson 17:28:03 ack me 17:28:10 scribeNick: marcjohlic 17:28:39 TOPIC: Discussion of Accessibility Support Database w/ Shadi 17:29:28 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Using_aria-label_for_1.1.1#User_Agent_notes 17:30:32 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Using_aria-label_for_1.1.1#Example_1 17:31:27 zakim, mute me 17:31:27 Joshue should now be muted 17:31:41 -??P10 17:32:05 Shadi: Rather than statically entering User Agent Notes and code samples in each technique, they would be housed in ASD and techniques could link to them. 17:32:46 Shadi: as technology updates, the ASD would be updated - keeping examples and notes more dynamic and up to date 17:33:05 Shadi: Currently prototyping and testing 17:33:28 zakim, unmute me 17:33:28 Joshue should no longer be muted 17:34:03 Shadi: Still working on details on how to get from A to B - if this group agrees to use 17:34:18 zakim, mute me 17:34:18 Joshue should now be muted 17:34:34 Shadi: Test samples would be in the tool so anyone could go and run tests 17:35:37 +??P0 17:36:45 Loretta has joined #html-techs-tf 17:36:55 zakim, unmute me 17:36:55 Joshue should no longer be muted 17:37:22 -??P0 17:37:48 Loretta has left #html-techs-tf 17:38:01 JN: Looks good - but there is a concern about adding any extra things for us to do as a group due to the limited number of participants in this group. 17:38:11 JOC: Shadi may have the bandwidth to help with that 17:38:13 Loretta has joined #html-techs-tf 17:38:34 Shadi: During initial phase we will have resources that can help do testing on several different configurations 17:39:07 +[IPcaller.a] 17:39:25 Shadi: We could work in tandem. You could provide a list of techniques that we could test. 17:39:55 JOC: This could run independently and could add support - and a way to demonstrate without much overhead 17:40:20 JOC: Believe it is worthwhile 17:40:53 JN: Does the tool have a way of linking to the final query page? If i want to publish an aria technique, can i link directly to the page on where this is supported 17:41:32 Shadi: Yes - still working on functionality - but idea is that you could deep link to exactly the portion (or embed it into your technique) 17:41:43 -[IPcaller.a] 17:41:57 Shadi: It's an open interface with the idea of being able to pull data from it 17:42:18 hello? 17:42:47 just checking to see if I lost irc as well as skype. :-( 17:43:02 http://oaa-accessibility.org/examples/ 17:43:20 +[IPcaller.a] 17:43:27 JN: How do you support partially supported in ASD? 17:43:59 Shadi: Use of comment field - also expect that there may be conflicting results and that may show where AT is hard to use and interpret 17:44:26 JN: Concern where AT may work - but where users don't know the correct way to use it to get the proper result 17:44:53 JOC: All we can really say is that this technique is supported when following proper technique. Somethign that will always be an issue. 17:47:54 Shadi: User interface can be adapted to provide more clarity (highlight comments / best answers features) 17:48:21 s/Somethign/Something 17:51:09 zakim, mute me 17:51:09 Joshue should now be muted 17:52:11 zakim, unmute me 17:52:11 Joshue should no longer be muted 17:52:38 JG: How will people be recruited and know what to test? 17:53:22 Shadi: We don't want to open it too much just yet. Beginning would be just working with this group. 17:53:55 JG: Will test cases have expected results? 17:55:28 Shadi: Writing the test is the critical part and we would not be able to do on your behalf - but maybe with your assistance. Idea is that a test would be entered (and described). 17:56:22 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/index.php?title=Techniques/UAtesting 17:57:05 have to go to another call 17:57:11 -Jon_Gunderson 17:58:34 A problem that we have long needed to solve Not sure how realistic it will be. 17:58:47 Don't want to gate ARIA techiques, but think it is worth trying, 17:58:57 ok, thanks Loretta 18:00:26 -Robin 18:00:43 Note: Shadi's "test" is our "example" 18:00:51 right 18:00:54 I don't think our test procedures are generally usable this way 18:01:15 Have you any ideas for how we can make them more dynamic/testable? 18:01:19 JN: What's the timeline 18:01:46 Shadi: We're working on prototyping where we can work with you. We have funding through 9/2015. 18:02:03 JN: When would we be able to put this in a technique that we want to publish? 18:02:23 Shadi: Hoping by the summer / June 18:02:27 -[IPcaller] 18:08:05 Sorry, folks, I need to go... 18:08:13 jsfiddle.net 18:08:14 no bother.bye 18:08:14 -[IPcaller.a] 18:10:31 rrsagent, make log world 18:10:42 rrsagent, make minutes 18:10:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/02/04-html-techs-tf-minutes.html marcjohlic 18:10:45 -Joshue 18:10:51 -Shadi 18:11:05 zakim, please part 18:11:05 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Jon_Gunderson, Shadi, James_Nurthen, Robin, Loretta, Marc_Johlic, [IPcaller], Joshue 18:11:05 Zakim has left #html-techs-tf 18:11:18 rrsagent, make minutes 18:11:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/02/04-html-techs-tf-minutes.html jamesn 18:11:39 rrsagent, make log world 18:11:46 rrsagent, make minutes 18:11:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/02/04-html-techs-tf-minutes.html jamesn