See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 14 December 2012
<scribe> scribe: Andi_Snow-Weaver
scribnick: andisnow
<scribe> scribenick: andisnow
<scribe> scribe: Andi_Snow-Weaver
<scribe> scribenick: andisnow
needs to be high priority to complete processing comments and send out responses to commenters
could work on conformance and last three success criteria for software in parallel
<David> me
<David> i can take a few...
<David> assign a few to me
Andi will look at the comments and provide a summary of the topics to help people decide which they would like to work on
we need to send a note to the commenters on the last draft explaining why they haven't yet received a response
Peter wants to work on conformance
also noticed a problem with the first sentence of the document - not in line with our work statement
<MaryJo> scribe: MaryJo
We need to cover AAA success criteria before the document is final, but not it's not a high priority that needs to be done in January.
We need to do a compare/contrast with our advice and M376
For some of the divergences, we may change our text and for some it would be better if M376 gets updated.
This compare/contrast is a higher priority.
Changes on M376 since the draft that went to the joint working group: Some updates to the scope. There are no anticipated changes to other parts of the document.
Public inquiry for M376 won't happen prior to January.
<BBailey> +1 to a stable document title!
We still need to address the 4 remaining SC for software that were unconsensed.
In the draft we received some comments that they wanted additional rationale on the reasons why we included the guidance we have in the document.
Addressing the comments on the first draft are a higher priority.
<korn> Ah, I see I already have that action!
We'll be having a meeting next Tuesday, 18 December.
<Mike_P> Regrets for 21st?
<Loic_PC> Me
<shadi> +1
<Mike_P> OK for 21st
<shadi> +1 (= available for 21st)
The following won't be at the 21st meeting: Mary Jo, Loic, Kiran
<Mike_P> Regrets for 4th?
<korn> Likely regrets for the 4th
The following cannot make a meeting on 4 January, 2013: Mary Jo, Alex, Kiran, Andi. Likely regrets for Peter.
<Loic_PC> I could do...
<alex__> regret for 4th
<Kiran_Kaja> No for 4th
Our first meeting in 2013 will be 8 January.
Next WCAG working group meeting is 10 January, so we want to get as many comments processed as possible so they can survey for their meeting.
We will also have a call on 21 December for those who can attend, to work on comment processing.
<andisnow> close action-29
<trackbot> ACTION-29 Check these five success criteria (2.2.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3.4, 4.1.2) to make sure documents are still covered if we drop the sentence. closed
<andisnow> close action-30
<trackbot> ACTION-30 Work with Gregg and Peter to gather examples provided by WCAG for 2.2.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3.4, 4.1.2 and draft examples to add after first public working draft closed
<andisnow> close action-51
<trackbot> ACTION-51 Ask WCAG to clarify their intent with regard to "blinking" and the examples of the button and multiple colors closed
on action 55, there is a proposal but it didn't go to the WCAG working group yet for approval.
The proposed change is also not in the current draft.
We need to send the proposed text to the WCAG working group.
<andisnow> close action-57
<trackbot> ACTION-57 Work with Loic to put together analysis of all SC where "UI Component" is used to see if the ISO definiiton will work closed
'User interface component' is used in Relative luminance and in Note 1 of 4.1.2, and is a pending glossary item.
On action 73, we had come comments about the organization of our document potentially for the next version.
There was some discussion with Michael about what techniques we are able to use: expanding/collapsing, links to the WCAG intent rather than including it, etc. However, we'll need a good rationale for making such a change and do it early in the next draft stage.
Our upcoming edits may have an effect on our decision on the reorganization, so some suggest tackling this a little later into the work on our next draft.
Perhaps we can have a checkbox choice to hide/show content like in the WCAG techniques.
<andisnow> here is the WCAG "How to The following won't be at the 21st meeting: Mary Jo, Loic, Kiranet" document that has the customizing checkboxes
<korn> close action-78
<trackbot> ACTION-78 Work with Peter to develop some additional text for closed functionality that explains the issues that need to be addressed in closed functionality without wandering into specifying a standard closed
<korn> close action-74
<trackbot> ACTION-74 Put process resolution about grammatical edits on next agenda closed
<korn> close action-76
<trackbot> ACTION-76 update text on the remaining items on the survey and make the word substitutions closed
<korn> Note 1: In software, programmatic determinability is best achieved through the use of accessibility services provided by platform software to enable interoperability between software and assistive technologies. [from 1.3.1]
The draft language seems to be OK now for action 80
<korn> close action-80
<trackbot> ACTION-80 Work with Peter to develop guidance text for "programmatically determined" for software closed
<korn> close action-83
<trackbot> ACTION-83 And Michael sort out clarifications regarding how and where to comment on the draft. closed
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.137 of Date: 2012/09/20 20:19:01 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/bye// Succeeded: s/Me/The following won't be at the 21st meeting: Mary Jo, Loic, Kiran/ Succeeded: s/I'm OK for the 4th/The following cannot make a meeting on 4 January, 2013: Mary Jo, Alex, Kiran, Andi. Likely regrets for Peter./ Succeeded: s/Kiran, regrets for 21st/The following won't be at the 21st meeting: Mary Jo, Loic, Kiran/ Succeeded: s/rrsagenr, make minutes// Found Scribe: Andi_Snow-Weaver Found ScribeNick: andisnow Found Scribe: Andi_Snow-Weaver Found ScribeNick: andisnow Found Scribe: MaryJo Inferring ScribeNick: MaryJo Scribes: Andi_Snow-Weaver, MaryJo ScribeNicks: andisnow, MaryJo Default Present: Judy, Andi_Snow_Weaver, MaryJo, +1.510.334.aaaa, Michael_Cooper, Bruce_Bailey, Peter_Korn, Shadi, Cooper, Kiran_Kaja, Mike_Pluke, Alex_Li, David_MacDonald, Loïc_Martinez Present: Judy Andi_Snow_Weaver MaryJo +1.510.334.aaaa Michael_Cooper Bruce_Bailey Peter_Korn Shadi Cooper Kiran_Kaja Mike_Pluke Alex_Li David_MacDonald Loïc_Martinez Found Date: 14 Dec 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]