16:24:46 RRSAgent has joined #css 16:24:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/11/28-css-irc 16:24:53 Zakim, this will be Style 16:24:53 ok, glazou; I see Style_CSS FP()12:00PM scheduled to start in 36 minutes 16:24:59 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:25:08 hi all 16:37:21 lmclister has joined #css 16:53:46 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has now started 16:53:54 + +47.23.69.aaaa 16:54:08 + +1.415.832.aabb 16:54:11 rhauck has joined #css 16:54:25 SimonSapin1 has joined #css 16:54:30 leif has joined #css 16:54:31 Zakim, aabb is me 16:54:31 +krit; got it 16:54:44 Zakim, who is here? 16:54:44 On the phone I see +47.23.69.aaaa, krit 16:54:45 On IRC I see leif, SimonSapin1, rhauck, lmclister, RRSAgent, Zakim, glazou, krit, glenn, logbot, antonp, SamB_MacG5, danielfilho|w, {Darktears}, drublic, teoli_, cabanier, 16:54:45 ... isherman, arronei, stearns, hober, shepazu, vhardy__, boblet, gsnedders 16:54:52 Zakim, aaa is me 16:54:52 sorry, leif, I do not recognize a party named 'aaa' 16:55:01 Zakim, aaaa is me 16:55:02 +leif; got it 16:55:13 +??P16 16:55:20 Zakim, ??P16 is me 16:55:20 +glazou; got it 16:55:32 Zakim, who is noisy? 16:55:43 glazou, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: leif (62%) 16:55:49 Zakim, mute leif 16:55:51 leif should now be muted 16:56:00 leif: too much noise, I muted you 16:57:20 + + 16:57:32 Zakim, aacc is SimonSapin 16:57:33 +SimonSapin; got it 16:59:03 +plinss 16:59:07 +??P61 16:59:30 zakim, ??p61 is me 16:59:30 +glenn; got it 16:59:42 +[Microsoft] 16:59:52 whoops, I stepped out for a minute, but my phone was muted. sorry 17:00:20 JohnJansen has joined #CSS 17:00:52 dbaron has joined #css 17:01:03 smfr has joined #css 17:01:20 + +1.253.307.aadd 17:01:35 + +1.415.766.aaee 17:01:39 Zakim, aaee is dbaron 17:01:42 +dbaron; got it 17:01:49 oyvind has joined #css 17:01:54 + +1.206.512.aaff 17:01:57 +Stearns 17:01:58 +??P77 17:02:05 + +1.408.636.aagg 17:02:10 Zakim, aagg is me 17:02:11 +smfr; got it 17:02:24 + +1.619.846.aahh 17:03:29 SteveZ has joined #css 17:03:34 Zakim, Microsoft has JohnJansen 17:03:34 +JohnJansen; got it 17:03:41 +SteveZ 17:04:34 +fantasai 17:04:45 emalasky has joined #css 17:05:05 -SimonSapin 17:05:45 +SimonSapin 17:06:12 Scribenick SteveZ 17:06:51 Note from Molly which says changing the dates should not be a problem 17:06:52 smfr has changed the topic to: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Nov/0473.html 17:07:10 dino has joined #css 17:07:21 Please update the Wiki with your plans and everything else you need (e.g. spouse, special needs) 17:07:57 http://wiki.csswg.org/planning/tucson-2013 17:08:28 topic: unbound background-clip from -origin in background shorthand 17:08:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Nov/0374.html 17:08:51 http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%3Cstyle%3E%0Ap%20{%20background%3A%20content-box%20red%20content-box%3B%20}%0A%3C%2Fstyle%3E%0A%3Cp%3Etest%20me 17:08:53 makes sense to allow this 17:09:20 Fantasai: Whether other values can be between Background and Clip 17:09:21 Dirk: Firefox does not allow others do 17:09:32 http://jsfiddle.net/WbWSF/ 17:09:52 IE10 is clipped with that test case 17:10:26 firefox doesn't allow two values at all, at least not in 17/stable 17:10:53 Fantasai: reason we put them back to back was that it was simpler, but I do not have strong opinions; 17:10:54 oyvind: good point, that doesn't seem to work indeed 17:11:16 Fantasai: Given one implementation follows the spec we should not change it 17:11:35 krit: does Quirks mode affect this 17:11:44 cabanier has joined #css 17:12:11 Fantasai: Quirks mode should not matter because this is not a legacy feature 17:12:28 Fantasai: does anyone else have an opinion 17:12:56 jet has joined #CSS 17:13:14 s/does Quirks mode affect this/does Quirks mode affect this on IE? it doesn't on Safari/Chromium/ 17:13:21 It was noted that Firefox does not allow two values 17:13:57 Krit: Webkit uses first for origin and second for clip 17:14:19 A third value would make the specification invalid 17:15:26 Fantasai: the spec is clear about the intended value; there used to be only one allowed value and then two were allowed 17:16:03 DBaron: I prefer leaving it as it is because it is easier to implement 17:16:52 krit: both Webkit and Opera correctly implement a single value, two values and ignoring the property if a third value is set 17:17:32 PLinss: there are 3 implementations that agree, but do not implement the spec and one implementation that does implement the spec 17:17:59 Sylvain: If we make a change theat would put us back to LC 17:18:41 Fantasai: We have to go to LC anyway to allow the inset and color keywords to be re-ordered 17:19:12 ACTION krit to provide test case 17:19:12 Sorry, couldn't find krit. You can review and register nicknames at . 17:19:43 ACTION Dirk to provide test case 17:19:43 Created ACTION-524 - Provide test case [on Dirk Schulze - due 2012-12-05]. 17:20:17 PLinss: we will revisit next week after test is posted 17:20:33 2. css3-text/text-decor 17:20:55 Fantasai: are there any more issues? 17:21:24 PLinss: this is the LC for LC so we can decide to publish LC next week 17:22:06 Fantasai: want to insure everyone, including JDaggett, can file any issues they have 17:22:34 Topic: 3. FX TF meetings 17:23:17 +??P3 17:23:17 Dirk: There were FX TF meetings in the past with CSS and SVG folks; they stopped when CSS participation dropped 17:23:33 Sylvain: What time will these meetings be? 17:24:31 Dirk: there are attendees in Japan and Australia so we need to accommodate them; it was 10-11PM in Europe 17:24:42 tantek has joined #css 17:25:03 DBaron: Will these meeting be regular. 17:25:13 cabanier: they used to be Monday afternoon PST 17:25:28 Dirk: How about having a meeting only if there is an agenda 17:25:56 DBaron: that is OK if the agenda comes at least 2 days prior to the meeting 17:26:20 Dirk: I had sent agendas on the Wednesday prior to a following Monday meeting 17:26:38 DBaron: I would join depending the the topics 17:27:15 Dirk: the SF time was 1:30PM on Mondays 17:28:20 I would monitor it 17:28:40 DBaron: I would prefer every other week so I can put a chron entry in my calendar 17:29:10 Dirk: How about every even week? 17:29:13 but every week is fine too 17:29:27 DBaron: I can live with every week and cancelling as well 17:29:34 It's unlikely that there will be many meetings in a row 17:29:44 Topic: 4. viewport units (vw/vh/vmin/vmax) and varying page size 17:29:45 --------------------------------------------------------- 17:29:47 http://www.w3.org/mid/50A04DD2.1030309@kozea.fr 17:31:06 Simon: viewport units are based on the initial containing block which is only the first page, but units should vary across varying size pages 17:31:39 Simon: the first page solution is easier to implement;, but makes them useless for varying size pages 17:32:06 PLinss: what happens with a entity is split across pages of different size 17:32:59 Simon: If we choose that viewport units depend on the current page, then the width may vary across pages 17:33:59 Rossen: This is the same problem as exists with percentages where fragments fit into different size containers 17:34:04 zakim, who is here? 17:34:05 On the phone I see leif (muted), krit, glazou, plinss, glenn, [Microsoft], +1.253.307.aadd, dbaron, +1.206.512.aaff, Stearns, ??P77, smfr, +1.619.846.aahh, SteveZ, fantasai, 17:34:08 ... SimonSapin, dino 17:34:08 [Microsoft] has JohnJansen 17:34:08 On IRC I see tantek, jet, cabanier, dino, emalasky, SteveZ, oyvind, smfr, dbaron, JohnJansen, leif, SimonSapin, rhauck, lmclister, RRSAgent, Zakim, glazou, krit, glenn, logbot, 17:34:09 ... antonp, SamB_MacG5, danielfilho|w, darktears, drublic, teoli_, isherman 17:34:32 Zakim, aaff is me 17:34:32 +sylvaing; got it 17:34:48 Rossen: It is not that different to have the viewport relative values be computed differently for each fragment 17:35:36 Rossen: IE does take advantage of the current initial containing block so I would be in favor of keeping that behavior. 17:35:58 Simon: I agree that the viewport unit computation is like percentages 17:36:26 * FYI I'm not on the phone * 17:37:00 Simon: If we go with using the current page then the computed value of every property would need to change to say and absolute value or a viewport unit 17:37:08 - +1.619.846.aahh 17:37:32 +Tab_Atkins 17:37:42 + +1.619.846.aaii 17:38:04 Rossen: this is not the case because all the values (today) are bound to an element so you only get one value per element 17:38:15 Rossen has joined #css 17:39:37 Rossen: The API today is defined on an element that implies a single value per property. This does not allow returning the values for all the fragements an element might divide into 17:40:21 Rossen: to solve this you would need to get the used values of the boxes (for the fragments) 17:41:15 DBaron: If is not just about the API, it is about the concept of "computed value" and whether viewport units can be computed to a lenght within that concept 17:41:52 Rossen: making the change to use the current page would make the value dependent on layout and would vliolate the "computed value" rule 17:42:53 DBaron: We decided (not that long ago) that we wanted viewport values to compute to a length. I believe that we did this knowing it would not work with varying page sizes 17:43:17 DBaron: changing this would cause current implementations to start over 17:43:56 Fantasai: When you do not have varying page sizes you get the same results with either approach. 17:44:40 -??P77 17:44:42 +[Microsoft.a] 17:44:46 Fantasai: Add a note to the spec to say that the interpretation may change in the future if varying page sizes become important 17:45:06 Zakim, [Microsoft.a] is me 17:45:06 +Rossen; got it 17:45:54 Tab: We cannot change it in the future if we want viewport units to be computed values 17:48:09 Simon: we need to change the note in Values and Units if we keep the first page rule 17:48:29 Fantasai: there may be other places that need to be updated as well 17:48:57 Fantasai: Do we want to allow either interpretation being conformant? 17:49:06 Rossen: 17:49:55 Tab: a viewport unit that changes by the page will not be a 'definite size' (in the sizing spec) because it will depend on layout 17:50:38 This means that the two choices are not "the same" for constant size pages 17:51:34 Tab: making the unit conform to the varying page size makes viewport units be used value units rather than computed value units 17:52:41 -SimonSapin 17:53:11 +SimonSapin 17:53:34 (phone operator cutting calls after ~45 minutes …) 17:53:43 PLinss: i am reluctant to making a decision that would not allow viewport units to depend on the actual page size 17:54:43 -dino 17:54:50 SteveZ: the viewport units are absolute so that a rotated table would use the vh to set its width 17:55:22 +[IPcaller] 17:55:23 s/not allow viewport units/not allow initial containing block/ 17:55:41 RESOVLED: keep the spedification of viewport units the same as now; that is that the first page is used 17:56:08 Topic: 5. CR Exit Criteria 17:56:09 action to update the v&u note? 17:56:09 Sorry, couldn't find to. You can review and register nicknames at . 17:56:09 ACTION fantasai edit the spec 17:56:09 Created ACTION-525 - Edit the spec [on Elika Etemad - due 2012-12-05]. 17:56:10 ------------------- 17:56:11 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-css-wg/2012OctDec/0219.html 17:57:13 Tab: I do not know if anyone objected to the conclusion: namely, that if one person writes the code, even if in different products, that is considered to be one implementation 17:58:00 there's nothing restricting someone working on more than one implementation - there's just a requirement to go and find a third implementation in that case 17:58:34 PLinss: I would not change our CR wording because because I want to allow time varying participation in different products 17:59:24 DBaron and others: I do not think we need to further define "independent"; it's meaning in English is sufficient 18:00:28 -krit 18:00:30 -leif 18:00:33 PLinss: if the tester writes his tests by reading the spec; that means a second pair of eyes came to the same interpretation as the implementer 18:00:34 -fantasai 18:00:36 -Rossen 18:00:36 -Tab_Atkins 18:00:36 -dbaron 18:00:38 - +1.253.307.aadd 18:00:38 -sylvaing 18:00:39 - +1.619.846.aaii 18:00:40 -Stearns 18:00:40 -plinss 18:00:41 -SimonSapin 18:00:45 -[IPcaller] 18:00:51 Zakim, aaii is me 18:00:51 sorry, hober, I do not recognize a party named 'aaii' 18:00:52 RRSagend, make minutes 18:00:52 -smfr 18:00:52 -[Microsoft] 18:00:58 smfr has left #css 18:01:03 -glazou 18:01:12 -glenn 18:01:23 RRSagent, make minutes 18:01:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/11/28-css-minutes.html SteveZ 18:01:37 SimonSapin has joined #css 18:01:46 Meeting ended at 10:00 18:02:04 -SteveZ 18:02:05 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has ended 18:02:05 Attendees were +47.23.69.aaaa, +1.415.832.aabb, krit, leif, glazou, +, SimonSapin, plinss, glenn, +1.253.307.aadd, +1.415.766.aaee, dbaron, +1.206.512.aaff, Stearns, 18:02:05 ... +1.408.636.aagg, smfr, +1.619.846.aahh, JohnJansen, SteveZ, fantasai, dino, sylvaing, Tab_Atkins, +1.619.846.aaii, [Microsoft], Rossen, [IPcaller] 18:03:20 jet has joined #CSS 18:33:57 SimonSapin has joined #css 18:35:46 emalasky1 has joined #css 18:40:02 fantasai: ping 18:41:46 rhauck has left #css 18:43:20 cabanier1 has joined #css 18:53:58 cabanier has joined #css 19:02:09 emalasky1 has left #css 19:23:44 krit1 has joined #css 19:27:25 drublic has joined #css 19:35:23 dbaron has joined #css 20:08:13 Zakim has left #css 20:17:10 Ms2ger has joined #css 20:45:42 cabanier has joined #css 20:49:44 victor has joined #css 20:50:06 victor has left #css 20:55:44 krit has joined #css 21:02:06 SimonSapin: pong 21:02:37 fantasai: have you got a chance to look at the css3-page stuff? 21:18:45 jet has joined #CSS 21:33:58 fantasai, shouldn't we get http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/selectors-api2/#grammar in a selectors spec? 21:39:08 SimonSapin: not really. Hopefully will get to that this week. 21:39:51 Ms2ger: Maybe? I'll file it as an issue. 21:39:59 Thanks 21:43:05 Time for a vacation ;); 21:44:57 yeah 21:48:59 fantasai: page stuff can wait too ;) 21:49:27 well, I'm not off this week anyway :) 21:52:59 fantasai: should I add myself to the editors list? 21:53:54 yes 21:54:27 dbaron has joined #css 22:14:18 SteveZ_ has joined #css 22:21:48 lmclister has joined #css 22:24:42 lmclister has left #css 22:25:15 lmclister has joined #css 22:32:36 jet has joined #CSS 22:44:08 drublic has joined #css 22:48:19 cabanier has joined #css 23:06:16 lmclister1 has joined #css 23:06:26 tantek has joined #css