Web Performance Working Group face-to-face

09 Nov 2012

See also: IRC log


James, Arvind, Jason, Philippe, Jatinder, Alois
Tony, Paul
Jason & Arvind
Jatinder, plh


<trackbot> Date: 09 November 2012


Navigation Timing Status

plh: Running with these tests, IE10 passes 75/81 tests and Firefox passes most as well. I recommend we speak with the Director to move Navigation Timing to Recommendation.

https: //w3c-test.org/webperf/tests/submission/W3C/HighResolutionTime/hrt-idlharness.html
... //w3c-test.org/webperf/tests/submission/W3C/ResourceTiming/rt-idlharness.html

Resource Timing

<JatinderMann> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webperf/raw-file/tip/specs/ResourceTiming/Overview.html

<JatinderMann> James: We should update "This section is non-normative." text in Navigation and Resource Timing to "This illustration is non-normative."

<scribe> done

<JatinderMann> ACTION Jatinder Follow up on the expected behavior when two documents request the same resource; how do the timelines look

<trackbot> Created ACTION-107 - Follow up on the expected behavior when two documents request the same resource; how do the timelines look [on Jatinder Mann - due 2012-11-16].


<JatinderMann> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/window.mozAnimationStartTime

<JatinderMann> Jatinder: Both IE and Firefox implement window.animationStartTime (Firefox with prefix). I'll follow up the Editor's to close on this.


Next charter

<scribe> scribeNick: plh

https: //www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/webperf2012/?login

for HAR, Arvind will keep thinking about it

James: for memory mangement, we have some privacy concern
... ie can figure if someone is logged in into a service based on heapsize
... ie you put the service into an iframe, then look at the heapsize

Alois: you can ask for user permission

James: they wouldn't know what the question meant...

Jason: I'd like to do something related to memory
... ie offering reclaim pattern
... ie a memory usage pattern where the runtime monitors resources and efficiencly garbage it

Alois: but you'll want to know if you're leaking memory or not

Jason: a dev shoulnd't have to worry about memory

Alois: but we make bugs, I'd like to know if I'm retaining a reference

James: would help to break this into use cases

Jatinder: let's going through the survey results
... adaptive sreaming api...
... people just want to know what
... connection is used


Jatinder: Resource Timing 2 needs to cover video as a post processing timing measurements
... above the fold
... Frame rate
... AnimationStartTime
... <video?
... setImmediate
... Memory: GC, info, leak, profiling


we're classifying things into four buckets for the next charter

In: Beacon (ie send me those stuff when you have time)

Toss the ball: Client Hints

Out means "drop it"

Toss the ball means "find someone else to do it"

Toss the Ball: Client Hints, Delta Delivery

Out: Timings in Header

In: Diagnostics (Leaks, Errors, etc.)

<pbakaus> plh, where are Client Hints going to be tossed to? IETF?

we didn't talk about it further.

<pbakaus> ok thanks

IETF yes

DAP maybe

Delta Delivery seems clearly in IETF to me

<pbakaus> yes, agreed

Out: GC

<pbakaus> Sad about GC, but all things asset memory are more important to us.

Toss the ball: device capability: CPU, Memory size, etc.

Out: Memory Heap

<Alois> but part of heap diag

In: Resource Priority

Out: background throlling
... Idleness

Maybe: HAR

https: //support.google.com/analytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1008080


In: Pre-render

Out: Above the fold

In: Display Perf

<pbakaus> plh, what is Display Perf referring to?

framerate, throughput

Toss the ball: Realtime Video/Streaming Perf

In: Resource Timing 2 (ie postprocessing)


*.toJSON to be considered in our specs

(we're now talking about setImmediate)

In: setImmediate/Power

In: Timing in Web Workers

Maybe: Async scroll

Toss the ball: Best Practices (Steve)

Toss the ball
Timing in HTTP Header
Beacon - Alois/Jatinder
HAR - Arvind?
Client-Hints (IETF?, DAP?)
Memory Heap
Diagnostics (Leaks, Errors) - Alois/Jatinder
async scroll - James?
Delta Delivery (IETF?)
Resource Priorities - Jatinder

Device Capabilities (GPU, CPU, Network, etc.) (DAP?)
Background throlling
Pre-render  (link rel=prerender) - Arvind

Video/Streaming perf (WebRTC?, HTML?)
Display perf  (framerate/throughput on the glass)- Jason

Guidelines -> Steve (webplatform.org?)
Above The Fold
Resource Timing 2, ie media postprocessing timing - Arvind

setImmediate/Power - Jason

Timing in Web Workers - Jatinder

Action Items [End of minutes]