16:59:58 RRSAgent has joined #webperf 16:59:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/24-webperf-irc 17:00:00 RRSAgent, make logs world 17:00:00 Zakim has joined #webperf 17:00:02 Zakim, this will be WPWG 17:00:02 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 17:00:03 Meeting: Web Performance Working Group Teleconference 17:00:03 Date: 24 October 2012 17:00:09 present+ JatinderMann 17:00:12 present+ tobie 17:00:19 present+ GaneshRao 17:02:36 bgidon has joined #webperf 17:03:55 present+ TonyG 17:03:59 present+ Arvind 17:04:19 plh has joined #webperf 17:04:30 zakim, this is per 17:04:30 ok, plh; that matches RWC_web-per()1:00PM 17:04:33 +Plh 17:04:47 tonyg has joined #webperf 17:04:52 present+ plh 17:04:56 present+ JasonWeber 17:04:57 +bgidon_ 17:05:25 present+ BernardGidon 17:05:57 zakim, mute me 17:05:57 bgidon_ should now be muted 17:06:18 Topic: Performance Ideas from Radware 17:06:43 Philippe: We have Arthur Zavalkovsky from Radware to discuss performance ideas. 17:10:26 Arthur: Radware is a security company. Many security and instrumentation companies inject JavaScript to the page and using Navigation Timing APIs, they provide instrumentation data. By doing so, the companies are changing web page performance characteristics and as well as the functionality of the page. 17:12:50 Arthur: Our idea is a standarized way to add meta-data tp the page, so that JavaScript doesn't need to be injected. 17:19:13 I guess it would be something like 17:25:27 - +1.201.512.aabb 17:25:38 bgidon has left #webperf 17:25:43 -bgidon_ 17:29:29 - +1.503.264.aaaa 17:29:32 - +1.650.214.aadd 17:29:33 - +1.650.701.aacc 17:29:33 -Plh 17:29:34 -[Microsoft] 17:29:34 RWC_web-per()1:00PM has ended 17:29:34 Attendees were +1.503.264.aaaa, +1.201.512.aabb, [Microsoft], +1.650.701.aacc, +1.650.214.aadd, Plh, bgidon_ 17:32:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/24-webperf-minutes.html plh 19:28:20 Zakim has left #webperf