See also: IRC log
<MichaelC> scribe: Mary_Jo_Mueller
<MichaelC> scribenick: MaryJo
Most of these SC contain 'sets of Web pages' and we talked about making this 'software'. The SC doesn't cover parts of a web page but the whole web page.
So it should be for the whole software application, not for parts contained within the software. If you did that it would be hard to define what is considered a new context.
Top level frame also only works in certain environments.
If you treat the 'set of pages' as a unit, then it should cover a document or a software application as a unit.
There are good techniques associated with having multiple ways to find content and it is also a good place for some advisory techniques surrounding the concept.
The definition of software was taken from a dictionary, so it is something that should go out for survey.
Applications that have the name of the application (e.g. Skype) as the title is considered sufficient.
We need to add to the understanding of 2.4.2 make clear that product names is sufficient description of the function of a link or title.
<Andi> ACTION: Gregg to draft addendum to 2.4.2 INTENT to clarify that product names are sufficient [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-68 - Draft addendum to 2.4.2 INTENT to clarify that product names are sufficient [on Gregg Vanderheiden - due 2012-10-16].
Question of why 'set of web pages' is dropped in some cases, but not in all.
Any time it says pages in a set of web pages, all references are plural. Where it wasn't dropped is where it said 'Web page' singular in a 'set of Web pages'.
2.4.5 is the SC where the 'set of' was not removed.
Set of software is software that is never intended to stand alone. There are applications that can stand alone, but it isn't sold/distributed separately.
We should set 2.4.5 aside for now, and try to address the others we are closer to agreement on.
'Navigation mechanisms' is important to define.
In the software context this really means 'keyboard focus' where in the Web context it is the web page focus and links for how to get to the pages (to a new url).
The consistent navigation SC 3.2.3 and the definition for navigation should go out for survey.
Holding back on 3.2.3 (definition of navigational mechanisms), 2.4.8 (it's AAA), and 2.4.5 (wrestling with 'set of software'). We have potential resolutions for 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 (WCAG needs to clarify what is an acceptable title).
Need to use precise words in this definition like 'focus' or 'url', instead 'take you' or 'move you' which are imprecise.
Headings are not considered navigational mechanisms because they are not active.
<greggvanderheiden> Navigation mechanism
<greggvanderheiden> An active mechanism to move the focus of reading and/or action to one of a set of prescribed locations.
<greggvanderheiden> Note: Headers are not navigation mechanism because they are not active mechanisms. They may be used by navigational mechanisms but they themselves are not.
What is the equivalent in software? Moving the focus, moving the caret?
What about scrolling, especially when it moves the caret? The caret doesn't always wind up in a prescribed location upon scrolling.
It isn't just about moving focus, like by using the Tab key (which means go to the next element) because that isn't moving focus to a prescribed location.
The author does provide the list of focusable items and the order in which they receive focus.
The active mechanism would be provided by the content.
<Andi> An active mechanism provided by the content to move the focus of reading and/or action to one of a set of prescribed locations.
So using Home (go to start) and End (go to end) keys don't count either.
<greggvanderheiden> Navigation mechanism
<greggvanderheiden> An active mechanism provided by the content to move the focus of reading and/or action to one of a set of prescribed locations.
<greggvanderheiden> Note: Headers are not navigation mechanism because they are not active mechanisms. They may be used by navigational mechanisms but they themselves are not.
If the content provides functions (like a button or link) that to go to the top or go to the bottom, they are navigational mechanisms.
For the consistent navigation SC, this to cover the consistency in the order of navigational mechanisms when they are presented to the user.
In WCAG, this was meant to cover navigational menus that are presented on multiple pages so the list of links appear in the same relative order.
Whenever you have a list of navigational elements in the software they should be in the same relative order.
An example for software is: A dialog box is a prescribed location that you can navigate to from a menu.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.137 of Date: 2012/09/20 20:19:01 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Andi scribenick: MaryJo// Succeeded: s/they don't have it/it isn't/ Succeeded: s/Headers/Headings/ Succeeded: s/or go to the bottom are navigational mechanisms/or go to the bottom, they are navigational mechanisms/ Succeeded: s/One example is: A/An example for software is: A/ Found Scribe: Mary_Jo_Mueller Found ScribeNick: MaryJo Default Present: Mary_Jo_Mueller, Andi_Snow_Weaver, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Judy, Kiran_Kaja, Peter_Korn, Janina, David_MacDonald, Alex_Li Present: Mary_Jo_Mueller Andi_Snow_Weaver Gregg_Vanderheiden Judy Kiran_Kaja Peter_Korn Janina David_MacDonald Alex_Li Regrets: Loïc_Martinez_Normand Pierce_Crowell Allen_Hoffman Mike_Pluke WARNING: No meeting title found! You should specify the meeting title like this: <dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Got date from IRC log name: 09 Oct 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: gregg WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]