IRC log of dap on 2012-08-01
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:27:20 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #dap
- 13:27:20 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:27:22 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 13:27:22 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #dap
- 13:27:24 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be DAP
- 13:27:24 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see UW_DAP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 33 minutes
- 13:27:25 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Device APIs Working Group Teleconference
- 13:27:25 [trackbot]
- Date: 01 August 2012
- 13:28:17 [fjh]
- Agenda:
- 13:29:18 [fjh]
- Chair: Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch
- 13:29:29 [fjh]
- Present+ Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch
- 13:34:29 [fjh]
- s/Chair: Robin_Berjon,/Chair:/
- 13:35:01 [fjh]
- Present- Robin_Berjon
- 13:35:04 [fjh]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 13:35:04 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate fjh
- 13:39:38 [darobin]
- in the meantime, patches can be made as pull requests against
- 13:45:26 [darobin]
- s/darobin: in the meantime, patches can be made as pull requests against https:\/\/\/darobin\/respec\///
- 13:46:14 [darobin]
- s|darobin: in the meantime, patches can be made as pull requests against||
- 13:49:26 [dtran]
- dtran has joined #dap
- 13:49:42 [dtran]
- +Present Dzung_Tran
- 13:50:00 [Josh_Soref]
- s/+Present/Present+/
- 13:55:07 [Milan_Patel]
- Milan_Patel has joined #dap
- 13:55:32 [dcheng3]
- dcheng3 has joined #dap
- 13:56:50 [Zakim]
- UW_DAP()10:00AM has now started
- 13:56:56 [Zakim]
- +??P14
- 13:57:01 [fjh]
- zakim, ??P14 is me
- 13:57:01 [Zakim]
- +fjh; got it
- 13:57:40 [Zakim]
- + +1.214.919.aaaa
- 13:57:59 [Milan_Patel]
- Present+ Milan_Patel
- 13:58:07 [fjh]
- zakim, where is 214?
- 13:58:07 [Zakim]
- North American dialing code 1.214 is Texas
- 13:58:29 [fjh]
- zakim, aaaa is milan_patel
- 13:58:30 [Zakim]
- +milan_patel; got it
- 13:59:04 [Jungkee]
- Jungkee has joined #dap
- 13:59:33 [Zakim]
- +??P16
- 13:59:36 [Zakim]
- + +1.289.261.aabb
- 13:59:45 [Jungkee]
- Present+ Jungkee_Song
- 13:59:45 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, aabb is me
- 13:59:45 [Zakim]
- +Josh_Soref; got it
- 14:00:00 [Jungkee]
- Zakim, ??P16 is me
- 14:00:00 [Zakim]
- +Jungkee; got it
- 14:00:17 [fjh]
- Regrets+ Robin_Berjon
- 14:00:18 [Cathy]
- Cathy has joined #dap
- 14:00:32 [dsr]
- dsr has joined #dap
- 14:00:36 [fjh]
- ScribeNick: Josh_Soref
- 14:00:43 [fjh]
- zakim, who is making noise?
- 14:00:48 [Josh_Soref]
- scribe: Josh_Soref
- 14:00:48 [Jungkee]
- Zakim, mute me
- 14:00:48 [Zakim]
- Jungkee should now be muted
- 14:00:50 [Zakim]
- + +49.173.537.aacc
- 14:00:52 [Zakim]
- +Dsr
- 14:00:53 [Zakim]
- fjh, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: fjh (19%)
- 14:00:57 [Jungkee]
- it was me making noise
- 14:00:57 [bryan]
- bryan has joined #dap
- 14:01:10 [dcheng3]
- Present+ Diana_Cheng
- 14:01:21 [dcheng3]
- zakim, aacc is dcheng3
- 14:01:21 [Zakim]
- +dcheng3; got it
- 14:01:42 [dsr]
- Present+ Dave_Raggett
- 14:02:07 [Zakim]
- + +1.425.214.aadd
- 14:02:17 [bryan]
- present+ Bryan_Sullivan
- 14:02:40 [bryan]
- zakim, aadd is bryan
- 14:02:40 [Zakim]
- +bryan; got it
- 14:02:51 [Zakim]
- +??P0
- 14:02:58 [Cathy]
- zakim, ??P0 is me
- 14:02:58 [Zakim]
- +Cathy; got it
- 14:03:05 [Clarke]
- Clarke has joined #dap
- 14:03:14 [bryan]
- hoops and more hoops
- 14:03:32 [fjh]
- s/hoops and more hoops//
- 14:03:59 [Zakim]
- +??P1
- 14:04:24 [Clarke]
- zakim, ??P1 is me
- 14:04:24 [Zakim]
- +Clarke; got it
- 14:05:05 [fjh]
- zakim, who is here?
- 14:05:05 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see fjh, milan_patel, Jungkee (muted), Josh_Soref, dcheng3, Dsr, bryan, Cathy, Clarke
- 14:05:07 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see Clarke, bryan, dsr, Cathy, Jungkee, dcheng3, Milan_Patel, dtran, Zakim, RRSAgent, fjh, Paul_Kinlan, darobin, richt, tobie, slightlyoff, Josh_Soref, trackbot, mounir,
- 14:05:07 [Zakim]
- ... hiroto, dom
- 14:05:23 [Josh_Soref]
- Topic: Minutes
- 14:05:29 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: i think the agenda was missing in the minutes
- 14:06:21 [Josh_Soref]
- ... we'll approve the minutes next time
- 14:06:41 [Josh_Soref]
- Topic: Welcome new members
- 14:06:42 [fjh]
- Welcome additional new members to DAP,
- 14:07:09 [Josh_Soref]
- Topic: Light Events CfC
- 14:07:18 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: dougt made changes in response to comments
- 14:07:20 [fjh]
- 14:07:46 [fjh]
- doub response -
- 14:07:57 [Josh_Soref]
- s/doub/dougt/
- 14:07:57 [glenn]
- glenn has joined #dap
- 14:08:10 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: dougt made changes to include "Ambient" in the title
- 14:08:28 [fjh]
- proposed RESOLUTION: Publish Ambient Light Events as FPWD having shortname "light"
- 14:08:29 [richt_]
- richt_ has joined #dap
- 14:09:39 [Zakim]
- + +47.23.69.aaee
- 14:09:45 [Clarke]
- I agree with Josh.
- 14:09:47 [richt_]
- zakim, aaee is me
- 14:09:47 [Zakim]
- +richt_; got it
- 14:09:52 [Josh_Soref]
- Josh_Soref: i'd rather something less ambiguous
- 14:10:02 [Josh_Soref]
- ... light could be for turning on / off light emitting devices
- 14:10:06 [fjh]
- proposed RESOLUTION: Publish Ambient Light Events as FPWD having shortname "ambientlight"
- 14:10:08 [Josh_Soref]
- ... people don't type urls anyway
- 14:10:28 [Josh_Soref]
- dsr: i'd go with hyphenation
- 14:10:31 [fjh]
- proposed RESOLUTION: Publish Ambient Light Events as FPWD having shortname "ambient-light"
- 14:10:33 [Clarke]
- Especially if we're talking about something that enables UPnP and other home automation protocols
- 14:10:48 [Josh_Soref]
- +1
- 14:10:54 [Josh_Soref]
- s/+1/Josh_Soref: +1/
- 14:11:03 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: that change matches the title
- 14:11:08 [Josh_Soref]
- RESOLUTION: Publish Ambient Light Events as FPWD having shortname "ambient-light"
- 14:11:31 [fjh]
- action: darobin to prepare Ambient Light Events for FPWD publication, including change of shortname to "ambient-light"
- 14:11:31 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-564 - Prepare Ambient Light Events for FPWD publication, including change of shortname to "ambient-light" [on Robin Berjon - due 2012-08-08].
- 14:11:46 [Josh_Soref]
- Topic: Web Intents
- 14:11:55 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: technical discussion needs to happen on Web Intents list
- 14:12:02 [fjh]
- WebActivities and WebIntents - Comment/discussion on proposal?
- 14:12:03 [Josh_Soref]
- ... i think some messages only went to DAP
- 14:12:12 [Josh_Soref]
- ... there's a proposal from hixie
- 14:12:19 [Josh_Soref]
- ... there's a requirement we need to talk about
- 14:12:30 [Josh_Soref]
- ... sicking + mounir in their message raised an important requirement
- 14:12:31 [fjh]
- 14:12:42 [Josh_Soref]
- ... to be able to go to a page/open a new page
- 14:12:47 [Josh_Soref]
- ... not show the default page
- 14:12:59 [Josh_Soref]
- ... incorporating that, so as to not confuse the user
- 14:13:21 [fjh]
- 14:13:38 [Josh_Soref]
- s|||
- 14:13:57 [Josh_Soref]
- Topic: Pick Media Intent
- 14:14:05 [fjh]
- (Youenn)
- 14:14:06 [fjh]
- (Jungkee)
- 14:14:14 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: i'm not used to TFs
- 14:14:14 [Jungkee]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 14:14:14 [Zakim]
- Jungkee should no longer be muted
- 14:14:28 [Josh_Soref]
- ... it makes sense to get things we can dispense with done
- 14:14:37 [Josh_Soref]
- ... that doesn't require much discussion
- 14:15:31 [Josh_Soref]
- Jungkee: i got a statement from canon people
- 14:15:44 [Josh_Soref]
- ... a major topic was about the type of intent parameter
- 14:15:56 [Josh_Soref]
- ... [something] about metadata
- 14:15:59 [Jungkee]
- 14:16:18 [Josh_Soref]
- ... here i made a table of meta data
- 14:16:31 [Josh_Soref]
- ... in apendix 3
- 14:16:43 [Josh_Soref]
- s/apendix/appendix/
- 14:16:59 [Josh_Soref]
- ... what i want to do is verify a set of properties
- 14:17:03 [Josh_Soref]
- ... with a service provider
- 14:17:26 [Josh_Soref]
- ... if we have contact points to service providers in this group
- 14:17:30 [Josh_Soref]
- ... that'd help
- 14:17:36 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: what about blob: and uri stuff?
- 14:17:40 [Josh_Soref]
- ... and keyword filtering?
- 14:17:58 [Josh_Soref]
- Jungkee: we need to deliver either blob: or URI
- 14:18:10 [Josh_Soref]
- ... i think we can discuss this later on with the lazy blob proposal
- 14:18:19 [Josh_Soref]
- ... darobin mentioned it at the f2f
- 14:18:55 [Josh_Soref]
- ... to make the spec move forward
- 14:19:04 [Josh_Soref]
- ... metadata needs to be verified with service providers
- 14:19:12 [Jungkee]
- 14:19:24 [Josh_Soref]
- ... and also type needs to be discussed
- 14:20:24 [Josh_Soref]
- ... i'm thinking that media type/filtering criteria will be on the service implementer side
- 14:20:34 [Josh_Soref]
- ... that gives them the flexibility
- 14:20:39 [Josh_Soref]
- ... and makes it simple from the client side
- 14:20:41 [Josh_Soref]
- Josh_Soref: +1
- 14:21:07 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: one thing is to share the draft to the Web Intents TF
- 14:21:36 [Josh_Soref]
- Jungkee: i posted my email to the Web Intents TF
- 14:21:58 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: ok, i see that, thank you
- 14:22:04 [Josh_Soref]
- ... anything else on that today?
- 14:22:12 [Josh_Soref]
- Topic: Capture Accept discussion
- 14:22:23 [Jungkee]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 14:22:23 [Zakim]
- Jungkee was not muted, Jungkee
- 14:22:44 [Jungkee]
- Media captue
- 14:23:17 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: it seems we need to figure this out, it's kind of important
- 14:23:27 [Jungkee]
- not really
- 14:23:34 [Josh_Soref]
- s/not really//
- 14:23:37 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, mute Jungkee
- 14:23:37 [Zakim]
- Jungkee should now be muted
- 14:23:43 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, who is making noise
- 14:23:43 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'who is making noise', Josh_Soref
- 14:23:45 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, who is making noise?
- 14:23:49 [Josh_Soref]
- Topic: Testing
- 14:23:56 [Zakim]
- Josh_Soref, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: fjh (53%), Josh_Soref (14%)
- 14:23:57 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: i know there is stuff on proximity
- 14:24:01 [Josh_Soref]
- Zakim, mute me
- 14:24:01 [Zakim]
- Josh_Soref should now be muted
- 14:24:14 [fjh]
- zakim, who is here?
- 14:24:15 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see fjh, milan_patel, Jungkee (muted), Josh_Soref (muted), dcheng3, Dsr, bryan, Cathy, Clarke, richt_
- 14:24:15 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: dtran did some testing on proximity
- 14:24:17 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see richt_, glenn, Clarke, bryan, dsr, Cathy, Jungkee, dcheng3, Milan_Patel, dtran, Zakim, RRSAgent, fjh, darobin, tobie, slightlyoff, Josh_Soref, trackbot, mounir,
- 14:24:17 [Zakim]
- ... hiroto, dom
- 14:24:52 [richt_]
- q+ AOB
- 14:24:53 [Josh_Soref]
- ... i don't think there are any pressing actions
- 14:24:56 [richt_]
- q- AOB
- 14:25:01 [richt_]
- q+
- 14:25:04 [Josh_Soref]
- q+ richt_ to talk in AOB
- 14:25:17 [fjh]
- zakim, richt_
- 14:25:17 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'richt_', fjh
- 14:25:24 [fjh]
- ack richt_
- 14:25:24 [Zakim]
- richt_, you wanted to talk in AOB
- 14:25:26 [Josh_Soref]
- Topic: AOB
- 14:25:48 [Josh_Soref]
- richt_: we agreed at the f2f to publish service-discovery-messaging
- 14:25:55 [Josh_Soref]
- ... we're agreeing internally
- 14:26:00 [Josh_Soref]
- ... we want to try to push it next week
- 14:26:15 [Josh_Soref]
- ... it's slightly delayed, but we're working with other groups internally
- 14:26:47 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: are you talking about a FPWD or an ED
- 14:27:11 [Josh_Soref]
- ... i think it's an Unofficial Draft, there's a template for that
- 14:27:23 [Josh_Soref]
- richt_: we'll try to do that by next week
- 14:27:51 [Josh_Soref]
- fjh: send an email to the list saying "here's the url for the unofficial draft"
- 14:29:04 [Josh_Soref]
- ... anything else to discuss?
- 14:29:07 [Josh_Soref]
- [ Nothing ]
- 14:29:18 [Zakim]
- -bryan
- 14:29:20 [Josh_Soref]
- [ Adjourned ]
- 14:29:24 [Josh_Soref]
- trackbot, end meeting
- 14:29:24 [trackbot]
- Zakim, list attendees
- 14:29:24 [Zakim]
- As of this point the attendees have been fjh, +1.214.919.aaaa, milan_patel, +1.289.261.aabb, Josh_Soref, Jungkee, +49.173.537.aacc, Dsr, dcheng3, +1.425.214.aadd, bryan, Cathy,
- 14:29:27 [Zakim]
- ... Clarke, +47.23.69.aaee, richt_
- 14:29:27 [Zakim]
- -Clarke
- 14:29:30 [Zakim]
- -richt_
- 14:29:31 [Zakim]
- -fjh
- 14:29:32 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, please draft minutes
- 14:29:32 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate trackbot
- 14:29:32 [Zakim]
- -Jungkee
- 14:29:32 [Zakim]
- -dcheng3
- 14:29:33 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, bye
- 14:29:33 [RRSAgent]
- I see 1 open action item saved in :
- 14:29:33 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: darobin to prepare Ambient Light Events for FPWD publication, including change of shortname to "ambient-light" [1]
- 14:29:33 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 14:29:33 [Zakim]
- -milan_patel
- 14:29:36 [Zakim]
- -Josh_Soref