IRC log of webperf on 2012-06-13
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 17:03:08 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #webperf
- 17:03:08 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 17:03:10 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 17:03:10 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #webperf
- 17:03:12 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be WPWG
- 17:03:12 [Zakim]
- I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot
- 17:03:13 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Web Performance Working Group Teleconference
- 17:03:13 [trackbot]
- Date: 13 June 2012
- 17:06:33 [plh]
- plh has joined #webperf
- 17:06:48 [plh]
- zakim, this is per
- 17:06:48 [Zakim]
- ok, plh; that matches RWC_web-per()1:00PM
- 17:06:52 [Zakim]
- +Plh
- 17:07:19 [plh]
- zakim, aaaa is Alois
- 17:07:19 [Zakim]
- +Alois; got it
- 17:10:39 [plh]
- zakim, aacc is Arvind
- 17:10:39 [Zakim]
- +Arvind; got it
- 17:18:46 [plh]
- 17:28:35 [JatinderMann]
- 17:29:10 [plh]
- 17:36:02 [plh]
- action-73?
- 17:36:02 [trackbot]
- ACTION-73 -- Jason Weber to propose ideas on improving sending data prior to unload -- due 2012-02-29 -- OPEN
- 17:36:02 [trackbot]
- 17:36:11 [plh]
- action-70?
- 17:36:11 [trackbot]
- ACTION-70 -- Jatinder Mann to share proposed Background Activity specification -- due 2012-02-29 -- OPEN
- 17:36:11 [trackbot]
- 17:36:47 [plh]
- action-97?
- 17:36:47 [trackbot]
- ACTION-97 -- Tony Gentilcore to check with Adam Barth on Memory Leak API -- due 2012-04-11 -- OPEN
- 17:36:47 [trackbot]
- 17:37:57 [plh]
- action-98?
- 17:37:57 [trackbot]
- ACTION-98 -- Alois Reitbauer to come up with bandwidth use cases and API -- due 2012-04-11 -- OPEN
- 17:37:57 [trackbot]
- 17:40:00 [JatinderMann]
- Topic: Navigation Timing
- 17:40:39 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: Sigbjorn raised concerns about moving this spec to PR if we intend to replace this API with the one definednnIn Navigation Timing 2.
- 17:40:54 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: After some discussions about the timebase of DOMHighResTimeStamp and comparing across, it was clear that in order to (A) measure from the navigation start of a document, we need to define, at least internally, a performance.timing.navigationStart value, (B) in order to compare values across frames, we need to be able to add performance.timing.navigationStart to t
- 17:41:15 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: Aside from our other arguments for standardizing Navigation Timing and working on the next version of the spec, I think these are clear use cases where we need to have Navigation Timing standardized and implemented interoperably in order to use High Resolution Time. What are your thoughts Philippe?n
- 17:42:03 [JatinderMann]
- Philippe: If we believe there is value in UA to implement Navigation Timing, then we should standarize it. Do we believe UAs should implement Navigation Timing?
- 17:42:05 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: Yes.
- 17:42:08 [JatinderMann]
- Arvind: Yes.
- 17:42:45 [JatinderMann]
- Philippe: I will respond to Sigbjorn on the mailing list. We should plan to move Navigation Timing to PR in the next two weeks and move Navigation Timing 2 to FPWD.
- 17:42:50 [JatinderMann]
- Topic: Resource Timing
- 17:43:00 [JatinderMann]
- Philippe: Any updates from Resource Timing?
- 17:43:45 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: I have action items to update the initiatorType definition to be tied to the element's localname and the object's constructor. This doesn't change the behavior, just implementation. I will update the spec.
- 17:44:16 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: Also, we wanted to include a short processing model for Timing-Allow-Origin that clarifies the behavior. There is no real change of behavior here as well.
- 17:44:42 [JatinderMann]
- Topic: User Timing
- 17:44:51 [JatinderMann]
- Philippe: Updates on User Timing?
- 17:46:46 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: There are three changes: getMarks(), getMeasures() should return an object, example needs fixing and I need to add details in the privacy section to clarify the current behavior.
- 17:47:46 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: These are the only feedback we got during Last Call. I am working on making those changes.
- 17:48:41 [JatinderMann]
- Philippe: Once these changes are made, we should be able to move this spec forward to CR.
- 17:49:07 [JatinderMann]
- Topic: Performance Timeline
- 17:49:19 [JatinderMann]
- Philippe: Any Last Call feedback on Performance Timeline?
- 17:49:26 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: Just an update to the example.
- 17:49:51 [Zakim]
- -Arvind
- 17:49:54 [Zakim]
- -[Microsoft]
- 17:49:55 [Zakim]
- -Alois
- 17:49:55 [Zakim]
- RWC_web-per()1:00PM has ended
- 17:49:55 [Zakim]
- Attendees were +43.664.853.aaaa, +1.408.203.aabb, [Microsoft], +1.408.203.aacc, Plh, Alois, Arvind
- 17:52:27 [JatinderMann]
- Philippe: We should be able to move that one to CR along with the others once those changes have been made.
- 17:52:34 [JatinderMann]
- Topic: High Resolution Time
- 17:52:40 [JatinderMann]
- Philippe: Any feedback?
- 17:53:05 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: There was a discussion on the timebase for HRT. However, it has been resolved with the current behavior remaining.
- 17:53:17 [JatinderMann]
- Topic: Page Visibility
- 17:53:26 [JatinderMann]
- Philippe: Page Visibility feedback?
- 17:54:08 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: There is Issue-8 that has been agreed upon now. I am working on updating the spec. I raised a concern on creating iframe specific behavior, we had agree to tie everything to top level browsing context.
- 17:54:18 [JatinderMann]
- Arvind: I will follow up with the Chrome team to see their opinion here.
- 17:54:44 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: I will start making the rest of that change. This is the last remaining item on this spec. Once this has been closed, we should discuss moving this spec forward.
- 17:54:50 [JatinderMann]
- Topic: Navigation Timing 2
- 17:54:59 [JatinderMann]
- Philippe: Can we ready this spec fo FPWD in the next two weeks?
- 17:55:11 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: Yes, that should be fine.
- 17:56:06 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: There was an issue brought up on the mailing list about IE9's support of window.performance.toJSON and how that isn't spec'd out. Should we consider adding that behavior to Navigation Timing 2? Considering we expect most users to stringify this data and send to a server, seems like a logical choice.
- 17:56:24 [JatinderMann]
- Arvind: I will follow up with the Chrome team to get their opinion and get back.
- 17:56:39 [JatinderMann]
- Topic: RequestAnimationFrame
- 17:56:57 [JatinderMann]
- Philippe: I will follow up with the editors to see if they are working on making updates.
- 17:57:01 [JatinderMann]
- Topic: Charter
- 17:58:08 [JatinderMann]
- Philippe: Our charter expires at the end of this month. We need to either ask for an extension of this charter or propose a new charter. In order to work on new things, we will need a new charter. We have a couple of action items on folks to research new ideas; these will need a charter update. Per Jason Weber though, he wanted to first complete these specs before starting work on others.
- 17:58:38 [JatinderMann]
- Jatinder: Considering we are very near done with these specs, I would also prefer focussing on these spec and finishing them up before moving to the next ones.
- 17:58:53 [JatinderMann]
- Arvind: I believe HARS should be covered in the current charter anyway.
- 17:59:04 [JatinderMann]
- Philippe: I will follow up on getting the charter extended.
- 17:59:14 [JatinderMann]
- trackbot, generate minutes
- 17:59:14 [trackbot]
- Sorry, JatinderMann, I don't understand 'trackbot, generate minutes'. Please refer to for help
- 17:59:20 [JatinderMann]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 17:59:20 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate JatinderMann
- 19:38:03 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #webperf