15:17:14 RRSAgent has joined #css 15:17:14 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/05/23-css-irc 15:17:19 Zakim, this will be Style 15:17:19 ok, glazou; I see Style_CSS FP()12:00PM scheduled to start in 43 minutes 15:17:25 rrsagent, make logs public 15:22:48 heycam, yes computed values 15:27:18 arno has joined #css 15:51:32 antonp has joined #css 15:55:44 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has now started 15:55:51 +plinss 15:56:30 +??P18 15:56:38 zakim, ??p18 is me 15:56:38 +glenn; got it 15:57:01 Zakim, code? 15:57:02 the conference code is 78953 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), glazou 15:57:18 +??P28 15:57:23 Zakim, ??P28 is me 15:57:23 +glazou; got it 15:57:44 + +1.206.324.aaaa 15:58:03 Zakim, aaaa is sylvaing 15:58:04 +sylvaing; got it 15:58:52 + +93550aabb 15:59:02 +AndyS 15:59:10 Zakim, aabb is antonp 15:59:10 +antonp; got it 15:59:26 dbaron has joined #css 15:59:46 +??P37 15:59:53 + +1.619.846.aacc 16:00:01 -AndyS 16:00:26 +??P42 16:00:29 +??P44 16:00:30 Zakim, I am ??P42 16:00:30 +florianr; got it 16:00:41 +??P46 16:00:44 zakim, ??p42 is me 16:00:49 I already had ??P42 as florianr, jdaggett 16:00:55 zakim, aacc is hober 16:01:03 Zakim, mute florian 16:01:03 PhilCupp has joined #css 16:01:14 61* to mute 16:01:16 Zakim, mute florianr 16:01:21 +hober; got it 16:01:23 oops 61# that is 16:01:27 Zakim, unmute florianr 16:01:28 i'm speaking... 16:01:30 ouch 16:01:35 florianr should now be muted 16:01:36 JohnJansen has joined #css 16:01:37 smfr has joined #css 16:01:38 Zakim, I am ??P44 16:01:42 +??P51 16:01:43 +[Microsoft] 16:01:47 Zakim, Microsoft has JohnJansen 16:01:53 florianr was already muted, glazou 16:01:55 Zakim, you are soooo painful 16:01:55 +Brian_Leroux 16:01:59 florianr should no longer be muted 16:02:09 Zakim, you're soooo slow too 16:02:19 zakim, florianr is jdaggett 16:02:21 +florianr; got it 16:02:27 +JohnJansen; got it 16:02:31 I don't understand 'you are soooo painful', glazou 16:02:33 +[Microsoft.a] 16:02:35 I don't understand 'you're soooo slow too', glazou 16:02:40 + +1.650.253.aadd 16:02:44 rbetts has joined #css 16:02:46 Zakim, ??P44 is florianr 16:02:47 +jdaggett; got it 16:02:53 + +1.408.636.aaee 16:02:55 bradk has joined #css 16:02:59 Zakim, aaee is me 16:03:07 I already had ??P44 as florianr.a, glazou 16:03:14 Zakim, ??p46 is fantasai 16:03:15 + +1.415.766.aaff 16:03:20 krit has joined #css 16:03:21 Zakim, aaff is dbaron 16:03:21 +smfr; got it 16:03:31 +fantasai; got it 16:03:33 +dbaron; got it 16:03:33 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:03:39 ack fantasai 16:03:43 On the phone I see plinss, glenn, glazou, sylvaing, antonp, ??P37, hober, jdaggett, florianr.a, fantasai (muted), ??P51, [Microsoft], Brian_Leroux, [Microsoft.a], +1.650.253.aadd, 16:03:48 ... smfr, dbaron 16:03:52 [Microsoft] has JohnJansen 16:03:59 + +1.650.275.aagg 16:04:15 glazou: i think you should suggest that zakim just work 16:04:17 Zakim, aagg is me 16:04:25 SteveZ has joined #css 16:04:29 +SteveZ 16:04:59 +bradk; got it 16:05:04 arron has joined #css 16:05:13 Zakim: aadd is me 16:05:19 Zakim, aadd is me. 16:05:48 +TabAtkins_; got it 16:06:16 scribenick: sylvaing 16:06:33 glazou: other agenda items? 16:06:49 +Bert 16:06:55 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012May/0630.html 16:06:56 syntax of font-family and reserved keywords 16:06:56 Topic: font-family syntax and reserved keywords 16:07:10 font-family: [[ | ] [, | ]* ] | inherit 16:07:10 == [ | ident+ ] 16:07:11 == [ sans-serif | serif | cursive | fantasy | monospace ] 16:07:12 + +1.253.307.aahh 16:07:20 jdaggett: there is a slight ambiguity in the current grammar for font-family names 16:07:28 Zakim: aahh is me 16:07:48 jdaggett: in the current grammar reserved keywords can be matched either as keywords or a sequence of identifiers 16:07:48 http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/fonts.html#font-family-prop 16:08:10 -??P51 16:08:18 Ms2ger has joined #css 16:08:20 jadaggett: in the paragraph linked above, keywords are required to be quoted to match the family name type 16:08:41 s/jadaggett/jdaggett 16:09:16 +??P51 16:09:25 jdaggett: so if you have an unquoted font name that includes inherit or initial it would have to be dropped 16:09:36 zakim, who's here? 16:09:36 On the phone I see plinss, glenn, glazou, sylvaing, antonp, ??P37, hober, jdaggett, florianr.a, fantasai, [Microsoft], Brian_Leroux, [Microsoft.a], TabAtkins_, smfr, dbaron, bradk, 16:09:40 ... SteveZ, Bert, +1.253.307.aahh, ??P51 16:09:40 [Microsoft] has JohnJansen 16:09:40 On IRC I see Ms2ger, arron, SteveZ, krit, bradk, rbetts, smfr, JohnJansen, PhilCupp, dbaron, antonp, arno, RRSAgent, Zakim, glazou, miketaylr, jdaggett, florianr, drublic, tantek, 16:09:41 ... arronei, kennyluck, Liam, dglazkov, glenn, ed, stearns, Hixie, trackbot, heycam|away, isherman, fantasai, hober, logbot, shepazu, krijnh, Bert, TabAtkins_, paul___irish, 16:09:47 ... decadance, gsnedders, CSSWG_LogBot, vhardy, sylvaing, plinss, alexmog, shans 16:09:53 jdaggett: there is some confusion across browsers. foo inherit can be valid while inherit foo might not be (or vice-versa) 16:10:09 WHO IS 21 ??? PLEASE MUTE YOURSELF 16:10:23 jdaggett: I propose we tweak the grammar and change the prose 16:10:30 Zakim, who is noisy? 16:10:42 glazou, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: jdaggett (48%) 16:10:46 sigh 16:10:51 jdaggett: we should allow names like 'inherit foo' but inherit, foo would be invalid 16:11:25 florian: I haven't looked at your grammar change but I'm comfortable allowing names such as 'inherit foo' 16:11:41 tabatkins: I'm ok with that as well 16:11:54 -??P37 16:12:02 jdaggett: anyone else has objections? 16:12:36 +??P0 16:12:39 jdaggett: one change involves fixing the syntax 16:12:53 jdaggett: second change is a rewording 16:12:59 jdaggett: both for the CSS2.1 errata 16:13:06 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012May/0630.html 16:13:18 (both changes described in the post linked above) 16:13:43 Zakim, mute ??P21 16:13:43 sorry, sylvaing, I do not know which phone connection belongs to ??P21 16:13:44 s/are not allowed to/do not/ 16:13:58 otherwise, it's ok 16:14:00 reserved keyword if separated by comma, not if separated with space. Unless quoted. 16:14:14 slow down antonp 16:15:43 (I proposed a note as an alternative to jdaggett's text, maybe that addresses Anton's concern?) 16:15:57 Bert: please copy here ? 16:16:13 -hober 16:16:23 +[Apple] 16:16:28 Zakim, Apple has hober 16:16:28 +hober; got it 16:17:13 (My proposed note: "Note that 'font-family: Times, inherit' is therefore an invalid declaration, because 'inherit' in that position can neither be a valid keyword nor a valid font family name.") 16:17:15 jdaggett: this is not the best language. I'm only trying to make the most important change i.e. identify initial, inherit and default as not being magic family names 16:17:39 dbaron: I just realized we want unquoted default inherit and initial to not match 16:17:54 dbaron: but I'm not sure the proposed language says that 16:18:51 glazou: are folks ok with the change, modulo final language? 16:19:06 RESOLVED: John's proposal to resolve the issue is accepted. 16:19:19 http://wiki.csswg.org/topics?datasrt=&dataflt[]=spec%3Dcss3-flexbox 16:19:20 ACTION on jdaggett to finalize errata language 16:19:20 Sorry, couldn't find user - on 16:19:23 http://wiki.csswg.org/topics 16:19:28 topic: flexbox 16:19:43 tabatkins: we must resolve naming issues first so as to freeze the API 16:19:46 ACTION jdaggett finalize errata language for font-family and keywords 16:19:46 Created ACTION-474 - Finalize errata language for font-family and keywords [on John Daggett - due 2012-05-30]. 16:20:02 http://wiki.csswg.org/topics/alignment-names 16:20:04 http://wiki.csswg.org/topics/alignment-names 16:20:11 tabatkins: first renaming alignment properties to generic names 16:20:24 tabatkins: this derives from fantasai's css3-align proposal 16:20:30 tabatkins: I'm ok with that 16:20:40 fantasai: we already have a resolution on this 16:20:51 tabatkins: let the bikeshedding begin 16:21:52 fantasai: do we prefer justify-items or justify-default? 16:22:13 fantasai: a lot of people thought default was really vague so let's drop it 16:22:23 szilles: what does items mean? 16:22:37 I actually like default-* 16:22:41 tabatkins: it is the default alignment for flex items 16:22:49 szilles: so why is default a bad choice? 16:22:57 tabatkins: it's not clear what is being defaulted 16:23:58 pcupp: in grid layout we operate on items just like flexbox does on flexbox items 16:24:54 +[Microsoft.aa] 16:24:58 -??P0 16:26:13 pcupp: I don't see the use case for having the item-alignment property, why not style the elements directly 16:26:22 Tab: anonymous items, and it's just easier 16:26:32 s/if the best/is the best 16:26:41 pcupp: Anonymous content seems more of an error case than something intentional 16:27:06 Was there a reason "child" wasn't considered as an alternative to "item" or "default"? 16:27:15 glazou: any objection? 16:27:19 dbaron, grid items it's not the child always 16:29:11 RESOLUTION: Eliminate the choice default-* (as opposed to item-*) 16:29:14 RESOLVED: eliminate default as a naming option 16:29:28 Rossen has joined #css 16:29:52 http://wiki.csswg.org/topics/alignment-names 16:31:05 Zakim, who is on the phone? 16:31:05 On the phone I see plinss, glenn, glazou, sylvaing, antonp, jdaggett, florianr.a, fantasai, [Microsoft], Brian_Leroux, [Microsoft.a], TabAtkins_, smfr, dbaron, bradk, SteveZ, Bert, 16:31:08 straw poll 16:31:09 ... +1.253.307.aahh, ??P51, [Apple], [Microsoft.aa] 16:31:09 [Apple] has hober 16:31:09 [Microsoft] has JohnJansen 16:31:15 plinss: abstain 16:31:22 glenn: 2 16:31:28 glazou: abstain 16:31:32 sylvaing: abstain 16:31:38 antonp: 2,4 16:31:42 jdaggett: abstain 16:31:49 florian: 5 16:31:58 rossen: 4 16:32:02 sorry - i'm also on the call, didn't notice you hadn't identified me: abstain 16:32:04 johnjansen: 4 16:32:06 arronei: 4 16:32:12 bradk: 5 16:32:26 tabatkins: 4,2 16:32:30 Zakim, [Microsoft.aa] is me 16:32:30 +Rossen; got it 16:32:32 smfr: 4 16:32:35 dbaron: my preference order is 2 [big gap here] 4 3 5 16:32:48 (smfr doesn't like term 'stack') 16:32:55 szilles: 2 or 4. do not like 5 (smfr doesn't either) 16:32:58 bert: abstain 16:33:02 -[Apple] 16:33:05 Zakim, [Microsoft] also has rbetts 16:33:06 I don't like "justify" to mean "align x" 16:33:06 +rbetts; got it 16:33:28 prefer 4, *dislike* 1 16:33:28 fantasai: my favorite is 4. I'm OK with anything that is not 1 16:33:41 hober: abstain 16:33:43 RESOLVED: option 4 16:33:49 +[Apple] 16:33:52 Zakim, Apple has hober 16:33:57 +hober; got it 16:34:06 pcupp: and the intent is to apply those names to grid as well 16:34:10 tabatkins: yes 16:34:18 fantasai: that was our resolution as the f2f 16:34:22 http://wiki.csswg.org/topics/justification-keywords 16:34:48 jet has joined #CSS 16:34:48 tabatkins: for flex-pack properties there are two values that mean 'spread the items out' 16:35:12 tabatkins: in one case the items at either end are flush, in the other they're evenly distributed in the container 16:35:32 tabatkins: justify for flushing, distribute for even spacing 16:36:13 glazou: why don't we use the names you have there? 16:36:29 glazou: that's readable 16:36:47 +1 to glazou 16:36:48 glazou: edges-flush and equal-margins 16:36:50 antonp: is there any reason why equal spacing is not part of flexbox 16:36:58 fantasai: no one asked for it 16:37:47 inside-flush? 16:38:10 szilles: distribute-items/distribute-space? 16:38:19 szilles: based on ruby align 16:38:31 justify-content: no-margins ???? 16:38:32 szilles: distribute-space maps to equal-margins 16:39:26 \me thinks that 'justify' should be a value that means what it does in 'text-align'. Confusing to have it as alignment property name. 16:39:27 glazou: no-margins? 16:39:35 -smfr 16:40:00 tabatkins: my objection is that this really aligns margin boxes i.e. it distributes space between the margins 16:41:06 \me likes szilles' way of looking at it 16:41:26 justify-content: between | spread 16:41:45 fill/distribute? 16:42:38 florian: if we can't agree on anything better than what's there, let's keep it 16:42:41 rossen: +1 16:43:53 dbaron: I think it's reasonable to give long names to those that add space at the edges since it's something we haven't had before 16:44:05 tabatkins: it's a common usage pattern done with margins so far 16:44:50 distribute-betwee | distribute-around 16:44:50 ? 16:45:04 glazou: this is difficult to straw-poll because we have discussed more proposals than what's on the wiki 16:45:14 szilles: can we straw poll between 0 or something new? 16:45:44 space-between | space-around 16:45:48 fantasai: how about distribute-between/distribute-around? 16:46:15 Like! 16:46:30 dbaron: I'm confused as to whether you're trying to assign 2 or 3 names 16:46:39 makes sense to me 16:46:46 tabatkins: only two, we don't include the full space on each side scenario 16:46:49 +1 for space-between and space-around 16:47:18 stretch/distribute 16:47:33 fill-stretch/distribute? 16:48:53 space-between | space-around | space-even 16:48:57 evenly 16:48:57 proposed wording for CSS 2.1 errata related to unquoted font family names: 16:48:59 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012May/0852.html 16:49:58 glazou: straw poll between option 0 and space-around/space-between 16:50:03 plinss: abstain 16:50:11 glazou: 0 16:50:13 sylvaing: 0 16:50:20 antonp: 1 16:50:26 jdaggett: abstain 16:50:28 sorry, was on mute, i'll go with 0 16:50:29 florian: abstain 16:50:31 arronei: abstain 16:50:34 fantasai: 1 16:50:39 rossen: 0 then 1 16:50:45 johnjansen: 0 16:50:57 tabatkins: 1 16:51:00 dbaron: abstain (though I might prefer splitting the difference, justify/space-?) 16:51:13 bradk: 0 16:51:17 szilles: 1 16:51:22 bert: 1 16:51:25 1 16:51:34 hober: abstain 16:52:06 http://wiki.csswg.org/topics/css3-flexbox-rename-flex-order 16:52:08 http://wiki.csswg.org/topics/css3-flexbox-rename-flex-order 16:52:20 RESOLVED: use space-between/space-around instead of justify/distribute 16:52:39 tabatkins: next, renaming the flex-order property 16:53:11 tabatkins: grid layout's auto placement is similar to flexbox's algorithm so we think there should be a common property: display-order 16:53:24 fantasai: also, this property has nothing to do with flexing 16:53:44 dbaron: this may be a bit confusing given the display property and display-inside/display-outside 16:53:49 dbaron: box-order? 16:54:02 szilles: this reorder the items so item-order? 16:54:06 bradk: just order! 16:54:44 dbaron: item-order bad since we just made "item" something that applies to children rather than self 16:54:58 szilles: I'm concerned about box-order if this property is to apply to region flows 16:55:26 rossen: when you have multiple boxes for elements, do all the boxes have the same order 16:55:35 fantasai: it would work like z-index 16:56:21 Zakim, who is on the phone ? 16:56:21 On the phone I see plinss, glenn, glazou, sylvaing, antonp, jdaggett, florianr.a, fantasai, [Microsoft], Brian_Leroux, [Microsoft.a], TabAtkins_, dbaron, bradk, SteveZ, Bert, 16:56:24 ... +1.253.307.aahh, ??P51, Rossen, [Apple] 16:56:24 [Apple] has hober 16:56:24 [Microsoft] has JohnJansen, rbetts 16:56:30 +1 to just "order" as proposal D 16:56:44 pcupp: what other ordering is affected? if you re-order input element does the tab order move around? 16:56:57 tabatkins: at the moment no, tab order comes from document order 16:57:20 straw poll 16:57:31 plinss: D, then B 16:57:40 glazou: D, then B 16:57:47 sylvaing: abstain 16:57:52 antonp: not A 16:58:03 jdaggett: abstain 16:58:05 abstain 16:58:17 florian: B or D, not A 16:58:29 fantasai: not A 16:58:36 johnjansen: abstain 16:58:40 rossen: B 16:58:47 arronei: abstain 16:58:58 dbaron: D, then B 16:59:00 tabatkins: D, C, B 16:59:07 bradk: D then B 16:59:13 szilles: D, C, B 16:59:28 bert: abstain 16:59:42 D 16:59:44 hober: abstain 16:59:45 what is 'D' exactly; the above IRC doesn't indicate 16:59:52 (Steven Pemberton once proposed a 'something-order' property to reorder children, independent of the display model, like a generic transformation.) 16:59:56 'order' 17:00:01 D is just "order" 17:00:02 D: 'order' 17:00:05 thanks 17:00:23 RESOLVED: rename flex-order to order 17:00:27 D both pleases and scares me 17:00:49 http://wiki.csswg.org/topics/start-end-before-after-align 17:01:04 -[Microsoft] 17:01:06 -[Apple] 17:01:06 -antonp 17:01:06 -TabAtkins_ 17:01:08 -[Microsoft.a] 17:01:11 -jdaggett 17:01:13 - +1.253.307.aahh 17:01:14 wow 17:01:15 -Rossen 17:01:18 -florianr.a 17:01:19 -Brian_Leroux 17:01:21 -sylvaing 17:01:23 -dbaron 17:01:25 -fantasai 17:01:28 -plinss 17:01:29 -glazou 17:01:31 -SteveZ 17:01:33 -glenn 17:01:35 -Bert 17:01:38 -??P51 17:01:40 -bradk 17:01:42 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has ended 17:01:43 Attendees were plinss, glenn, glazou, +1.206.324.aaaa, sylvaing, +93550aabb, AndyS, antonp, +1.619.846.aacc, hober, Brian_Leroux, JohnJansen, [Microsoft], +1.650.253.aadd, 17:01:46 ... jdaggett, +1.408.636.aaee, +1.415.766.aaff, smfr, fantasai, dbaron, +1.650.275.aagg, SteveZ, bradk, TabAtkins_, Bert, +1.253.307.aahh, Rossen, rbetts 17:01:46 I am honestly surprised we got through three of the naming issues in 40 minutes. 17:01:51 honestly, that was not an easy call to manage, and I'm rather glad we came to resolutions 17:01:57 If we can even be efficient on bikeshedding, there is nothing that can resist us. 17:02:05 florianr: Next, THE WORLD. 17:02:27 I was thinking of prefixes 17:02:38 glazou: congrats! That went better than I expected :) 17:02:50 :D 17:02:51 rofl 17:03:09 ok, have to run, bye people 17:03:12 bye 17:06:20 i don't understand any of the new names. but i'm sure it'll make sense once there is a -webkit in front of it. right? 17:06:29 sylvaing: It always does, yeah. 17:06:45 -webkit-order: IN-FRONT-OF-EVERYONE-ELSE 17:07:21 there ought to be a be a -webkit-webkit property that takes a malkovich-malkovich value 17:08:09 sylvaing: oh, there is one, but we haven't announced it on the webkit blog 17:08:32 sylvaing: we decided to follow opera and also implement the -webkit prefix, so we'll be supporting -webkit-webkit-transform etc. 17:08:39 LOL 17:09:00 hober, that should be -webkit--webkit-transform 17:09:16 hahaha 17:09:22 dbaron: oh, indeed. could you file a b.w.o bug on that? :) 17:11:13 I never want to minute a naming bikeshed again. ever. 17:11:38 Minute one of my presentations sometime. I rival TimBL in speaking speed if I'm not careful. 17:11:39 arno has joined #css 17:12:02 there is something about naming that makes everyone goes twice as fast. well, except anton. he can't really double his speed 17:12:30 tabatkins: seen one or two of your presentations on videos. i don't think you're even close to timbl.... 17:12:46 tabatkins: sure aren't slow either 17:15:48 although at the AC meeting last week timbl did really well at speaking slowly 17:15:57 amazing thing is to listen to the screen reader of someone who uses it every day: it can be even faster than timbl 17:16:13 it's not rude to interrupt a text reader program :) 17:16:42 Luckily our TGIF presentations can be played at double-speed. Still understandable, but much faster. 17:16:52 When you're just listening, very fast speaking is useful. 17:18:49 Liam, that hurt my feelings :( 17:19:04 hahaha I KNOW IT 17:19:10 s/KNOW/KNEW/ 17:19:42 Well, "I know it" wasn't really an accomplishment, was it? 17:24:13 true, watched the latest coursera course mostly at double speed 17:24:14 myakura has joined #css 17:27:27 rbetts has joined #css 17:36:05 drublic has joined #css 17:39:14 antonp has left #css 17:40:00 Ms2ger has joined #css 17:52:00 nimbu has joined #css 17:56:55 drublic has joined #css 17:57:36 Phil Cupp, on the other hand, has gotten very close sometimes 18:02:03 oh look I missed a renaming survey. darn. ;) 18:03:35 tank, when is IndieBikeshedCamp? 18:03:47 fantasai: yes, though I think antonp comes closest 18:04:41 nimbu has joined #css 18:04:54 fantasai: I can't exactly recall who it was but at some point in Paris he rephrased someone's question and the expression on their face was "omg I can't keep up with my own question" 18:16:21 dbaron has joined #css 18:23:50 nimbu has joined #css 18:24:55 jet has joined #CSS 18:30:12 fantasai: Do you think Flexbox should keep the full definitions of the relevant alignment properties, or just normatively reference Box Alignment and just define the property's effects on flex containers? 18:30:29 Latter 18:30:34 Though I'm not fantasai 18:34:10 lol 18:34:35 nimbu has joined #css 18:43:44 nimbu has joined #css 18:59:43 Zakim has left #css 19:02:18 sylvaing - you were asking about IndieWebCamp.com perhaps? 2012-06-30..07-01 in Portland, OR. 19:14:52 nimbu has joined #css 19:24:48 myakura has joined #css 19:34:30 nimbu has joined #css 19:44:07 nimbu has joined #css 19:53:47 nimbu has joined #css 20:00:15 logbot has joined #css 20:01:37 jet has joined #CSS 20:08:07 arno has joined #css 20:14:24 nimbu has joined #css 20:16:30 TabAtkins_: former 20:17:08 TabAtkins_: keep the definitions, just rename everything 20:17:36 TabAtkins_: css3-align currently defers to Flexbox / Grid to define the layout impact of its values anyway 20:17:45 TabAtkins_: and I think you need that if you want those properties to go to CR asap 20:18:16 laters~ 20:20:55 miketayl_r has joined #css 20:21:22 The "delay CR" thing was what was worrying me, since Box Alignment is still ED. 20:21:25 So I'll do that. 20:22:53 multicol did a similar thing with the break properties 20:23:34 nimbu has joined #css 20:24:20 make sure you add a note that these properties will soon apply to other layout models so authors dont apply them indiscriminately 20:24:57 and specify that until superseded, they only apply to flexboxen 20:25:41 Yus, already have a note to that effect written down. 20:25:59 you can link to css3-align, it should go to fpwd when flexbox goed to lc 20:33:10 nimbu1 has joined #css 20:35:30 jet has joined #CSS 20:42:46 nimbu has joined #css 20:53:54 nimbu has joined #css 21:11:29 fantasai: Hehe, you did a pretty sloppy search-and-replace on Box Alignment. ^_^ 21:13:33 nimbu has joined #css 21:24:41 nimbu has joined #css 21:25:15 myakura has joined #css 21:34:20 nimbu has joined #css 21:43:58 nimbu has joined #css 21:47:06 nimbu has joined #css 22:36:26 myakura has joined #css 22:36:48 myakura has joined #css 22:54:58 miketaylr has joined #css