13:56:36 RRSAgent has joined #hcg 13:56:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/04/20-hcg-irc 13:56:38 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:56:38 Zakim has joined #hcg 13:56:40 Zakim, this will be 4824 13:56:40 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_CG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 4 minutes 13:56:41 Meeting: Hypertext Coordination Group Teleconference 13:56:41 Date: 20 April 2012 13:57:44 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-hypertext-cg/2012AprJun/0001.html 13:57:48 Chair: Chris 13:59:22 HTML_CG()10:00AM has now started 13:59:29 +Debbie_Dahl 14:00:11 action: chris to test action-73 14:00:12 Created ACTION-2 - Test action-73 [on Chris Lilley - due 2012-04-27]. 14:00:34 action-2? 14:00:35 ACTION-2 -- Chris Lilley to test action-73 -- due 2012-04-27 -- OPEN 14:00:35 https://www.w3.org/MarkUp/HCG/track/actions/2 14:01:27 Debbie the links in the agenda are to the old tracker :) 14:02:19 +ChrisL 14:03:01 zakim, who is here? 14:03:01 On the phone I see Debbie_Dahl, ChrisL 14:03:18 zakim, code? 14:03:18 the conference code is 4824 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), Steven 14:03:37 +??P2 14:03:45 zakim, I am ??P2 14:03:45 +Steven; got it 14:05:17 kaz has joined #hcg 14:05:39 zakim, call kazuyuki-617 14:05:39 ok, kaz; the call is being made 14:05:40 +Kazuyuki 14:06:51 +Doug_Schepers 14:09:25 zakim, who is here? 14:09:25 On the phone I see Debbie_Dahl, ChrisL, Steven, Kazuyuki, Doug_Schepers 14:09:57 scribe: Kaz 14:10:01 scribenick: kaz 14:10:16 topic: actions 14:10:21 old tracker open actions 14:10:23 https://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/open 14:10:46 chris: discussion on media handling 14:10:48 action-71? 14:10:48 ACTION-71 does not exist 14:11:24 -> https://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/71 old-action-71 14:11:49 chris: new action for the new tracker? 14:11:55 debbie: opinions? 14:13:38 ... the discussion is active on the HTML WG mailing list 14:13:45 kaz: gave some update 14:14:04 debbie: maybe it would make sense to send a message to the HCG list about the discussion 14:14:11 chris: ok 14:14:29 action: dahl to send a message on media handling discussion to the HCG listg 14:14:29 Created ACTION-3 - Send a message on media handling discussion to the HCG listg [on Deborah Dahl - due 2012-04-27]. 14:14:39 s/listg/list/ 14:14:59 chris: next old action is for Debbie again 14:15:00 https://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/72 14:15:13 debbie: still good to do 14:15:27 ... "organize a discovery session after HCG is public" 14:15:49 action: dahl to organize a discovery session in June 14:15:49 Created ACTION-4 - Organize a discovery session in June [on Deborah Dahl - due 2012-04-27]. 14:15:58 old action 73 https://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/73 14:16:28 chris: those are the remaining actions on the old tracker 14:16:55 ok so the old items are all closed now 14:17:43 action-1? 14:17:43 ACTION-1 -- Chris Lilley to see which tracker is on irc nowadays -- due 2012-03-16 -- OPEN 14:17:43 https://www.w3.org/MarkUp/HCG/track/actions/1 14:17:51 close action-1 14:17:51 ACTION-1 See which tracker is on irc nowadays closed 14:18:10 action-2? 14:18:10 ACTION-2 -- Chris Lilley to test action-73 -- due 2012-04-27 -- OPEN 14:18:10 https://www.w3.org/MarkUp/HCG/track/actions/2 14:18:14 close action-2 14:18:14 ACTION-2 Test action-73 closed 14:18:55 topic: last calls and cr 14:18:56 chris: doug, your topic? 14:18:57 http://www.w3.org/News/2012#entry-9425 14:18:57 http://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL/ 14:19:02 doug: WebIDL CR 14:19:29 ... defining interface for Java binding 14:19:38 ... many specs use it 14:20:00 ... the problem has been that while it's not done many specs use it 14:20:11 ... the exit criteria is a bit unusual 14:20:23 ... not meant to be implemented in UAs 14:20:47 ... Microsoft pretty heavily creates descriptions to transform those 14:20:54 ... for the code base 14:21:14 ... but not something that an author would know/use 14:21:28 chris: something implementers could use? 14:22:43 q+ 14:22:53 -> http://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL/#cr-exit exit criteria section 14:23:15 janina has joined #hcg 14:23:25 doug: you can use stabs, e.g., written by C language 14:24:42 +??P3 14:24:44 ... one of the Widgets spec, e.g., selector, uses WebIDL 14:24:55 ... HTML5 as well 14:25:03 zakim, ??P3 is Janina 14:25:03 +Janina; got it 14:25:09 [ geolocation also uses it ] 14:25:21 doug: many groups use WebIDL 14:25:32 q- 14:25:41 ... they care about the status of the WebIDL spec 14:25:57 ... more precisely describe JavaScript usage 14:26:21 ... description on JavaScript binding is important for interoperability 14:26:48 steven: similar to XHTML modularization 14:27:07 ... we always have long discussion 14:27:38 doug: XML stacs, etc. are also not directly implemented 14:27:46 ... maybe Liam knows better 14:28:03 charmod might be another example 14:28:12 ... we talked to Ralph about what the CR exit criteria should be 14:28:35 chris: suggestion on changing the HCG call time 14:28:52 ... more use of email list 14:29:20 ... it would be faster to wait 2weeks for the next HCG call 14:29:32 ... open to change the call time again, though 14:30:01 debbie: as the public ML, can people post? 14:30:16 chris: think any one who has W3C account can post 14:30:24 ... will check the situation 14:30:53 action: chris to check on public-hypertext-cg posting permissions 14:30:53 Created ACTION-5 - Check on public-hypertext-cg posting permissions [on Chris Lilley - due 2012-04-27]. 14:31:13 debbie: it would be good if WG/IG members who are concerned post back to the HCG list on the Media handling discussion 14:31:27 doug: probably going to cross-post 14:31:36 ... but many people don't like it 14:31:58 ... what is the advantage to cross-post to HCG? 14:32:32 chris: if there is things happening to multiple groups, cross-posting would be useful 14:32:39 ... not encouraging to do that 14:33:15 ... by putting HCG, people who don't check the original list can join the discussion 14:33:30 doug: there is WHAT-WG list 14:34:18 ... HCG or some reincarnation of HCG 14:34:32 ... people can say this should be done here, etc. 14:35:00 ... wondering how to make the discussion more useful 14:35:09 zakim, list attendees 14:35:09 As of this point the attendees have been Debbie_Dahl, ChrisL, Steven, Kazuyuki, Doug_Schepers, Janina 14:35:12 debbie: how do you make people know about discussions 14:35:25 doug: link on the front page 14:35:58 ... "if you have technical questions, send emails here", etc. 14:36:25 ... I know there are a lot of people who think WHATWG page is more useful 14:36:43 ... giving people an entry point would be useful 14:36:51 ... maybe not the HCG, though 14:36:59 ... an umbrella activity 14:37:40 chris: one line status report would be fine 14:38:14 ... it's helpful 14:39:10 chairs list is w3c member-only though 14:39:21 debbie: regarding technical questions, maybe more appropriate to discussion on the Chairs list 14:39:51 doug: it doesn't have to a "group" but could be just a list 14:40:22 chris: next meeting in two weeks? 14:40:28 doug: regrets 14:40:33 janina: HTML WG f2f 14:40:38 chris: me as well 14:40:54 ... do we want to skip the week? 14:40:56 debbie: fine 14:41:03 s/doug: regrets/Steven: regrets 14:41:19 May 4 hcg cancelled, next meeting May 18 14:41:32 [ adjourned ] 14:41:34 -ChrisL 14:41:35 -Steven 14:41:36 -Doug_Schepers 14:41:37 -Debbie_Dahl 14:41:42 janina has left #hcg 14:41:47 -Janina 14:41:48 Present: Chris, Steven, Doug, Debbie, Janina, Kaz 14:41:50 ddahl has left #hcg 14:41:52 -Kazuyuki 14:41:53 HTML_CG()10:00AM has ended 14:41:53 Attendees were Debbie_Dahl, ChrisL, Steven, Kazuyuki, Doug_Schepers, Janina 14:42:22 rrsagent, make log public 14:42:29 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:42:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/04/20-hcg-minutes.html kaz 14:47:12 Steven has left #hcg