Device APIs Working Group Teleconference

18 Apr 2012


See also: IRC log


Josh_Soref, +25686aaaa, AnssiK, Dsr, Cathy, +, Jungkee, +, dcheng3, darobin, dtran, milan, Claes, Clarke, +, Dzung_Tran, Jungkee_Song, Anssi_Kostiainen, Milan_Patel, Diana_Cheng, Wonsuk_Lee


<trackbot> Date: 18 April 2012

<scribe> Scribe: Josh_Soref

<darobin> Chair: Robin

Welcome, agenda review, scribe selection, announcements

<darobin> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/43696/dap-20120413/

darobin: Is there anything in the agenda that people want to talk about?

[ Nothing ]

darobin: this poll is for organizing the F2F
... it would be good to move forward
... please fill out the form promptly
... i believe it closes next week
... based on that, we should be able to pick a location
... 21 people have filled it out
... we're still missing ~88 people
... of course not everyone is active
... i suspect we'll have more than 20 people present

Minutes approval

<darobin> http://www.w3.org/mid/957F1ECDA90E004B8DBDE23CFC94E3A33A4470D2@XMB103ECNC.rim.net

<darobin> RESOLUTION: Minutes from 11 April 2012 approved

<darobin> http://www.w3.org/mid/957F1ECDA90E004B8DBDE23CFC94E3A33A445F60@XMB103ECNC.rim.net

<darobin> RESOLUTION: Minutes from Shezhen face to face meeting approved


Josh_Soref: that's the final version

Bluetooth Use cases

<darobin> http://www.w3.org/mid/002a01cd1baa$21c34cd0$6549e670$%25song@samsung.com

Jungkee: I posted several use cases
... if anyone has comments on the UCs
... and how we would build APIs on that
... the UCs we built is
... it is present in terms of the hardware and chips
... i can try to simplify

<Zakim> dsr, you wanted to suggest putting the use cases on the wiki

Jungkee: sure I can
... can I make the wiki page myself
... or do i need to make a request to staff

dsr: we already have the wiki
... you just have to pick a name properly
... i'll look into that and mail you

darobin: normally with your W3C accounts
... you should be able to edit the wiki normally

<dsr> I will create a link and start page and email a pointer

dtran: i have an account
... I was looking at the UC
... I was thinking about WebRTC
... especially the Peer to Peer / Streaming aspect
... perhaps we should take a closer look
... to see if we could collaborate with the WebRTC WG or do something similar

Jungkee: if we could put input in the wiki, then we could discuss further

darobin: in terms of collaborating with WebRTC
... I think there's some similarity
... but I think Peer to Peer over Bluetooth and and Peer to Peer over the internet
... I would expect the underlying implementation to be rather different

Jungkee: I expect the implementations to be different
... but I expect the API patterns to be similar

darobin: Ok, I think we can have a week of discussion
... I'd like to remind people that this is not currently in the charter
... we can't start a spec
... but discussing UCs is good
... so thanks alot
... this is a good start

<darobin> ACTION-530?

<trackbot> ACTION-530 -- Jungkee Song to gather use cases for bluetooth -- due 2012-03-29 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/actions/530

darobin: does anyone have further comments on the UCs?

<darobin> close ACTION-530

<trackbot> ACTION-530 Gather use cases for bluetooth closed

darobin: hearing none, I believe we can close the action

Progress on CR for Battery, Vibration

darobin: I think we should have a director's call reasonably soon about this
... dsr, I don't know if you've had a chance to look at this

dsr: I haven't set up the call, if you want to look to see which slot you want
... you could do that
... we also have to proceed with the official transition request

darobin: I'll take an action to do the official transition request
... it looks like you can take the first available slot

dsr: there was some discussion on battery

<darobin> ACTION: Robin to make the official TranReq for Battery, Vibration CR [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/04/18-dap-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-534 - Make the official TranReq for Battery, Vibration CR [on Robin Berjon - due 2012-04-25].

dsr: i'm not sure where we were with that
... I think that marcos was happy

darobin: i think marcos was happy, he was just raising some red flags

dsr: i'm just concerned about how we document that
... for the transition, we need details of any LC discussion
... and make sure they're noted

darobin: I'll take marcos's feedback into account
... anything else on battery/vibration?

[ None ]


[ None ]

darobin: thanks everyone else
... i'll look into CR transition
... please look into your Action Items

[ Adjourned ]

trackbot, end meeting

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Robin to make the official TranReq for Battery, Vibration CR [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/04/18-dap-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.136 (CVS log)
$Date: 2012/04/18 14:20:35 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136  of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/Regrets: Frederick//
Succeeded: s/I don't know why it shows a +256 number, may be because I use a VoIP number?//
Succeeded: s/dtran/Jungkee/
Succeeded: s/XXX/CR transition/
Found Scribe: Josh_Soref
Inferring ScribeNick: Josh_Soref
Default Present: Josh_Soref, +25686aaaa, AnssiK, Dsr, Cathy, +, Jungkee, +, dcheng3, darobin, dtran, milan, Claes, Clarke, +
Present: Josh_Soref +25686aaaa AnssiK Dsr Cathy + Jungkee + dcheng3 darobin dtran milan Claes Clarke + Dzung_Tran Jungkee_Song Anssi_Kostiainen Milan_Patel Diana_Cheng Wonsuk_Lee
Regrets: Frederick_Hirsch
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Apr/0038.html
Found Date: 18 Apr 2012
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2012/04/18-dap-minutes.html
People with action items: robin

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]