13:59:25 RRSAgent has joined #hcg 13:59:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/03/23-hcg-irc 13:59:27 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:59:27 Zakim has joined #hcg 13:59:29 Zakim, this will be 4824 13:59:29 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_CG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 13:59:30 Meeting: Hypertext Coordination Group Teleconference 13:59:30 Date: 23 March 2012 13:59:45 Steven has joined #hcg 14:00:05 Steven_ has joined #hcg 14:01:49 zakim, who is here? 14:01:49 HTML_CG()10:00AM has not yet started, Steven 14:02:21 janina has joined #hcg 14:02:23 zakim, this will be html_cg 14:02:23 ok, ddahl, I see HTML_CG()10:00AM already started 14:02:53 zakim, who is here? 14:02:53 On the phone I see Debbie_Dahl, ??P13 14:02:56 +Bert 14:03:35 Bert has joined #hcg 14:03:39 zakim, ??P13 is Janina_Sajka 14:03:39 +Janina_Sajka; got it 14:04:04 zakim, code? 14:04:04 the conference code is 4824 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), Steven 14:04:44 +??P4 14:04:52 zakim, ??p4 is me 14:04:52 +Steven; got it 14:06:57 scribe: janina 14:07:07 zakim, who is on the call? 14:07:07 On the phone I see Debbie_Dahl, Janina_Sajka, Bert, Steven 14:07:38 zakim, action-71? 14:07:38 I don't understand your question, janina. 14:07:52 action-71? 14:07:52 ACTION-71 does not exist 14:08:49 dd: I may have had an action to move old actions to our new tracker! 14:09:11 zakim, action-1? 14:09:11 I don't understand your question, ddahl. 14:09:28 action-1? 14:09:28 ACTION-1 -- Chris Lilley to see which tracker is on irc nowadays -- due 2012-03-16 -- OPEN 14:09:28 https://www.w3.org/MarkUp/HCG/track/actions/1 14:09:32 action-2? 14:09:32 ACTION-2 does not exist 14:10:09 ddahl: Old action was to discuss media handling 14:10:31 ddahl: Old action #72 was to discuss discovery, where there's quite a lot going on. 14:10:58 ddahl: We also have Actions 73 & 75 to do with tracker management ... 14:11:21 ddahl: So, no specific discussion items 14:13:03 sp: Suggest AC Forum the place to take Janina's Halloween concern 14:13:14 ddahl: But HCG a good place to see if other WG's have this issue 14:13:42 ddahl: Not so much in MM, but maybe we've people who choose work over family. 14:13:50 ddahl: Suspect they'd rather not have the conflict. 14:14:38 sp: Not so important in Europe. No one's mentioned the conflict. 14:15:10 ddahl: I was happy it was earlier so I got vote (U.S.) in person rather than absentee. 14:15:15 ddahl: Always something 14:15:34 ddahl: Suggest posting something to the AC Forum 14:16:59 ddahl: Notes that it really is a big deal for young children. 14:17:15 ddahl: So the point is to raise awareness of this additional constraint in scheduling TPAC 14:17:34 janina: I'll raise it in AC Forum. 14:20:54 janina: Noting that ARIA User Agent Implementation Guide needs to go through second review 14:21:06 ddahl: Who to review? 14:21:18 janina: Primarily browsers -- implementors of a11y features 14:23:33 ddahl: ddahl: Were there PF comments that were not forwarded for MultiModal? 14:23:37 janina: Perhaps, I'll check 14:23:43 q+ 14:24:07 janina: We're trying to approve our process for comments. We need to get the substance out there, even when it's still an individual opinion 14:24:33 janina: So that we don't not send because our process to get group approval of the comments gets commenting delayed 14:25:07 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/XForms_2.0 14:25:15 sp: Xforms has been producing working drafts via Wiki 14:25:28 sp: Intentionally looks like a standard W3 spec 14:25:41 sp: We have scripts to turn this into html 14:26:09 sp: Working this way has raised the question of why working drafts for TR if they're constantly available via the Wiki? 14:26:43 janina: Maybe because the TR process was defined before we had Wikis? 14:27:34 sp: Maybe something else to raise in the AC Forum 14:27:42 ddahl: Or also the process questionairre 14:28:06 ddahl: Started to respond to that questionairre and found it takes time to do a good job of it 14:28:40 ddahl: I think the working draft on wiki question is a good one 14:29:42 ddahl: Looking at the Xforms Wiki, looks exactly like a TR Working 14:29:44 Draft 14:30:17 sp: This came up when our last editor moved on and no one stepped up to replace them 14:30:24 sp: We decided everyone was an editor 14:30:58 sp: We moved to this format more or less automatically as we had a transform that took html to wikitalk 14:31:20 sp: It was surprisingly little work 14:31:32 ddahl: And another script to go back to html? 14:31:39 sp: yes 14:32:11 sp: LC should be html because you want a stable unchanging doc at that point 14:32:19 sp: But seems no point to heartbeat anylonger. 14:32:55 Bert: Difficult to refer to things that change, though. 14:33:03 Bert: Fragment identifiers start to break 14:33:24 ddahl: Seems an ability to unroll and look at changes is there 14:34:03 Bert: Also, when I do presentations, I prepare in advance, sometimes weeks in advance, 14:34:14 Bert: And it's nice to have reliable URIs to refer to 14:34:36 ddahl: Good point 14:35:01 ddahl: I suppose could pull out an ad hoc working draft 14:35:54 janina: I'm seeing more and more URIs in print books and wonder how many of those are now dead 14:38:46 janina: Want to say that PF will be suggestiong W3C consider implications of cross organizational collaboration 14:39:05 janina: We think our process docs/policies should be clear about implications of that 14:39:30 janina: i.e. where's the W3C interest, how to distinguish W3 from the other org, etc. 14:39:58 ddahl: Not sure how to generalize. 14:48:26 ddahl: Noting that we've had useful discussion today even though we had no agenda up front 14:48:44 ddahl: Particularly missing HTML 5 participation. We need that. Doesn't need to be a chair. 14:49:03 shepazu has joined #hcg 14:50:49 ddahl: No call on April 6, Good Friday. 14:50:54 ddahl: Next will be April 20 14:51:02 -Steven 14:51:03 -Janina_Sajka 14:51:05 -Bert 14:51:24 trackbot, format logs 14:51:24 Sorry, ddahl, I don't understand 'trackbot, format logs'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help 14:51:32 trackbot, format minutes 14:51:32 Sorry, ddahl, I don't understand 'trackbot, format minutes'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help 14:51:45 -Debbie_Dahl 14:51:47 HTML_CG()10:00AM has ended 14:51:47 Attendees were Debbie_Dahl, Bert, Janina_Sajka, Steven 14:51:57 rrsagent, format minutes 14:51:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/03/23-hcg-minutes.html ddahl 14:52:39 chair:Debbie_Dahl 14:52:56 rrsagent, format minutes 14:52:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/03/23-hcg-minutes.html ddahl 14:56:17 ddahl has left #hcg 15:02:40 Bert has left #hcg 16:27:14 Zakim has left #hcg