19:59:40 RRSAgent has joined #svg 19:59:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/03/01-svg-irc 19:59:42 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:59:42 Zakim has joined #svg 19:59:44 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 19:59:44 ok, trackbot; I see GA_SVGWG(SVG1)3:00PM scheduled to start in 1 minute 19:59:45 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 19:59:45 Date: 01 March 2012 20:00:20 zakim, code? 20:00:20 the conference code is 7841 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), plinss 20:00:53 GA_SVGWG(SVG1)3:00PM has now started 20:01:00 +plinss 20:01:12 cabanier has joined #svg 20:02:03 +cabanier 20:02:06 -plinss 20:02:07 +plinss 20:02:20 +[IPcaller] 20:02:22 Zakim, [ is me 20:02:22 +heycam; got it 20:02:30 Zakim, who is on the call? 20:02:30 On the phone I see plinss, cabanier, heycam 20:02:35 +krit 20:02:59 +??P5 20:03:08 Zakim, ??PP5 is me 20:03:08 sorry, ed, I do not recognize a party named '??PP5' 20:03:14 Zakim, ??P5 is me 20:03:14 +ed; got it 20:03:22 +[Microsoft] 20:03:39 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2012JanMar/0139.html 20:03:48 chair: ed 20:03:57 Zakim, pick a scribe 20:03:57 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose cabanier 20:04:50 scribenick: cabanier 20:05:10 Zakim, who's here? 20:05:10 On the phone I see plinss, cabanier, heycam, krit, ed, [Microsoft] 20:05:16 jen has joined #svg 20:05:53 topic: the animation sandwich model/presentation attributes 20:05:53 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2012Feb/att-0083/sandwich-svg.svg 20:06:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2012Feb/0083.html 20:06:10 +Tav 20:06:53 dirk: the question: should SVG be on top of CSS animation or the other way around 20:07:05 Zakim, who is noisy? 20:07:16 ed, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: heycam (81%), Tav (52%) 20:07:26 cameron: can you summarize? 20:08:27 dirk: in the model you see the CSS change the intrinsic style? How do you apply SVG animation on top of that? 20:08:38 +cyril 20:08:46 -Tav 20:08:59 cyril has joined #svg 20:09:26 RRSAgent, pointer 20:09:26 See http://www.w3.org/2012/03/01-svg-irc#T20-09-26 20:09:29 cabanier: Brian, Shane and I have been having talks about how to progress animations 20:09:30 +Tav 20:09:53 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2012Feb/0084.html says that the CSS animations overrides in gecko 20:10:01 cabanier: we were thinking that maybe there should be the ability to specify the order that animations are applied 20:10:41 cameron: you mean that the order lets you mix svg and css animation? 20:10:44 cabanier: yes 20:10:59 cabanier: that's an idea we discussed 20:11:58 cameron: with the sandwich model you look at document order 20:13:02 dirk: yes. if the animations are applied on the same time, then document is chosen 20:13:18 cameron: so is the proposal for both SVG and CSS 20:13:24 cabanier: yes 20:13:50 dirk: mozilla currently divides them 20:14:52 dirk: the problem with specifiyng an order is that they run into different time container 20:15:02 cabanier: yes, we're aware of that 20:15:47 cabanier: it's not a complete proposal at this point. 20:16:35 cabanier: just something we were thinking about this week 20:16:53 cabanier: we're hoping to have a proposal by the Hamburg F2F 20:17:01 dirk: I believe that will be too late. 20:17:12 dirk: do you have something in the mean time that works? 20:17:43 cabanier: I think what you propose now is reasonable 20:18:24 cameron: I think I'm OK with that as well. So you can specify behavior if you don't have the new keyword 20:18:38 cameron: that way we're also not held up by the new css spec 20:18:59 dirk: In the mean time, shoud the CSS animation mention SMIL 20:19:03 cameron/cabanier: no 20:20:02 cameron: are the notes of the animation meeting online? 20:20:13 cabanier: yes, they are on the w3 server 20:20:37 meeting notes: http://www.w3.org/Graphics/fx/wiki/Web_Animations/Meetings 20:20:59 cabanier: overview: http://www.w3.org/Graphics/fx/wiki/Web_Animations 20:21:16 ed: do we have a resolution 20:21:43 dirk: should we say that CSS animation don't mention SMIL? 20:21:47 cabanier: yes 20:22:04 cabanier: and your proposed order is reasonable 20:22:23 dirk: I believe it's OK to leave that unspecified at the moment 20:22:43 cameron: so how do other browsers than firefox do this? 20:23:03 dirk: we just landed a path to match WebKit with FireFox 20:23:11 cameron: and opera? 20:23:24 ed, http://people.mozilla.org/~dholbert/tests/smil/compat_tests/transitionsVsSMIL_v1.svg 20:23:25 ed: I don't know. Is there a test? 20:23:32 dirk: yes, we supplied one 20:23:56 s/we/Daniel Holbert/ 20:24:13 ed: I have to test it on an internal build 20:25:11 cameron: It seems that we're in a situation that the public versions are different 20:25:41 cabanier: if everyone converging, shouldn't that become the standard? 20:25:55 cameron/ed/Dirk: that would be OK for me 20:26:35 s/I have to test it on an internal build/tested in Opera 12, seems that SMIL wins over the css transitions/ 20:27:21 cameron: to be sure: this is only when CSS and SMIL start at the same time 20:28:19 cameron: is it ignoring the start times of the SVG or the CSS? 20:28:45 cameron: if there are CSS and SVG, SVG will always come second and CSS first 20:28:53 cameron: regardless of start time 20:30:55 action: cabanier to come up with a solution to specify ordering of animations 20:30:55 Created ACTION-3241 - Come up with a solution to specify ordering of animations [on Rik Cabanier - due 2012-03-08]. 20:31:27 topic: testing requirements 20:31:29 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/SVG2/Testing_Requirements 20:31:36 +Doug_Schepers 20:32:20 dirk: for SMIL animations, we need JavaScript 20:32:38 ed: I agree. I have an action to come up with an example 20:32:47 ed: this is something we do internally 20:33:23 cameron: we set the current animation time and look at the current values 20:33:42 s/ I have an action to come up with an example/ I have an action to commit some examples of converted SVG 1.1 animation tests using the js testing framework/ 20:33:54 cameron: tav has an action on this 20:34:23 cameron: is this easily doable or does it require a lot of work? 20:34:53 tav: currently it is set up to test for environments that don't have javascript 20:35:09 tav: we like the test to have links so you can link to the spec (and vice versa) 20:36:10 tav: (going over the test suite) 20:36:20 tav: we have limited tests for CSS 20:36:47 tav: you have tests that require pixel perfect result 20:37:01 tav: for certain tests, we don't require that (ie gradients) 20:38:37 cameron: last time we looked, the automation wasn't there 20:39:21 dirk: you want to have it cross browser 20:39:37 dirk: can you use the canvas tag/ 20:39:51 plinss: some people have looked into that 20:40:24 shepazu: hixie is looking into ways to draw svg directly into canvas 20:40:45 shepazu: you could draw the same SVG and canvas using the same API 20:40:50 s/svg directly/svg paths directly/ 20:40:58 shepazu: for a vast majority of content 20:41:14 http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-canvas-element.html 20:41:32 This is with drawImage 20:42:34 cameron: it works as long as you don't have external references 20:43:07 cabanier: I believe it's the same in webkit 20:43:15 dirk: I have to check that 20:43:45 cameron: automation would be quite beneficial 20:44:23 plinss: you could set it up so that you can say that a test must matchs all references or any 20:44:37 plinss: so you can have browser specific reference files 20:44:53 cameron: how are css animations tested? 20:45:03 plinss: we don't have any 20:46:50 ed: do you want to add more to the wiki page tav? 20:47:03 ed: for example, that you can't use plain SVG? 20:47:18 tav: we can look at the script and see if you can use plain svg 20:47:32 plinss: that should not be a problem 20:47:54 ed: the metadata was supposed to be a HTML 20:48:20 plinss: the harnass itself doesn't really care where the data comes from 20:49:27 tav: can you extract the metadata from the SVG itself 20:49:41 s/that you can't use plain SVG/that the css testing framework documentation said you can't use plain SVG/ 20:50:10 pllins: if it's XML, we open it and look HTML namespace head element inside of it 20:50:42 plinsss: I parse the file and create the DOM and look for the head tag and expect the metadata to be there 20:51:06 tav: right now it's all in the namespace "d" 20:51:25 here's an example: http://dev.w3.org/SVG/profiles/1.1F2/test/svg/animate-dom-01-f.svg 20:51:31 plinss: if you use it consistently, it would be trivial to add to the build system 20:51:38 tav: how would I find this? 20:51:50 plinss: there is no good documentation on how to set it up 20:52:05 http://wiki.csswg.org/test/css2.1/harness 20:52:22 plinss: this is our wiki that has everything you need 20:52:34 http://hg.csswg.org/test 20:52:52 http://hg.csswg.org/test/file/tip/tools 20:53:27 http://hg.csswg.org/dev/w3ctestlib/ 20:54:12 ed: what would you recommend? 20:54:26 plinss: whatever is convenient 20:54:48 plinss: it would be easiest if the metadata itself is the same 20:54:53 http://wiki.csswg.org/test/format 20:55:16 s/recommend?/recommend, going with the html:head structure, or keep and extend the existing svg test metadata?/ 20:56:40 plinss: what you wrap it in is not relevant 20:56:56 plinss: but it would be easiest if the data itself is similar 20:57:08 cameron: we should be able to do it 20:57:30 http://test.csswg.org/shepherd/ 20:57:58 plinss: it's like a bugzilla for your testsuite 20:58:25 cameron: pretty cool 20:59:12 plinss: it shows your revision history, who approved the tests, flags tests as needing work, etc 20:59:26 plinss: it's still in development but you can use it now 21:00:09 tav: where would the SVG test suite be located? 21:00:29 plinss: you set up your own repository and shepherd will refer to it 21:00:38 there's an empty repo here: http://svgwg.org/hg/svg2-tests/ 21:00:40 ed: we already have a repository 21:01:13 s/repository /svg2-tests repository / 21:03:23 RikCabanier has joined #svg 21:03:55 http://w3c-test.org/framework/ 21:05:51 (discussion on using shepherd) 21:06:35 s/shepherd/test repository 21:06:35 http://hg.csswg.org/test 21:09:02 -Tav 21:09:39 +Tav 21:09:44 ed: I propose that we move to this structure 21:09:52 cameron: I agree 21:09:57 -[Microsoft] 21:10:25 action: cameron to create directories in the SVG2 test repository 21:10:26 Created ACTION-3242 - Create directories in the SVG2 test repository [on Cameron McCormack - due 2012-03-08]. 21:10:58 plinss: within the approved directory, there's a data and src directory 21:11:16 plinss: src has the test and data contains the manifest files 21:12:28 action: tav to mirror css test metadata setup in SVG and come up with a template for new tests 21:12:28 Created ACTION-3243 - Mirror css test metadata setup in SVG and come up with a template for new tests [on Tavmjong Bah - due 2012-03-08]. 21:12:37 s/manifest/spec section manifest/ 21:14:52 http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transforms/ 21:14:58 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-transforms/ 21:15:47 topic CSS3 Transforms WD does not cover SVG changes 21:15:53 s/topic/topic:/ 21:16:16 RikCabanier has joined #svg 21:16:52 dirk: since the published draft is wrong, I need to ask everyone to approve a new working draft 21:17:36 cyril: I don't see a difference 21:17:47 dirk: look at chapter 7 21:17:53 cyril: o I see 21:18:50 cameron: what is the current thinking on adding the SVG keyword to the CSS spec? 21:20:14 cameron: are people happy to include it in the spec? 21:20:29 s/keyword // 21:20:45 dirk: absolutely 21:21:18 dirk: there are concerns that it slows down, but I'm committed to advancing it quickly 21:21:30 dirk: we can go to CR in May 21:21:58 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-transforms/#svg-transform 21:22:10 action: cameron to review section 7 in new CSS transform spec 21:22:10 Created ACTION-3244 - Review section 7 in new CSS transform spec [on Cameron McCormack - due 2012-03-08]. 21:22:34 shepazu: sorry, CR in May is impossible 21:22:41 -heycam 21:23:08 dirk: the CSS working group will bring up issues in the meeting 21:23:24 dirk: and if there are none, it will be accepted in may 21:23:37 shepazu: when is last call supposed to be? 21:24:07 especially when it says "The merge is in progress and the specification is not yet ready for review." 21:30:40 RikCabanier has joined #svg 21:30:52 plinss: that is what we want too. If we drop prefixes early, we want to see proof that the implementations are identical 21:33:01 -ed 21:33:03 -Doug_Schepers 21:33:06 -krit 21:33:08 -cyril 21:33:08 -Tav 21:33:09 -cabanier 21:33:09 -plinss 21:33:09 GA_SVGWG(SVG1)3:00PM has ended 21:33:09 Attendees were plinss, cabanier, [IPcaller], heycam, krit, ed, [Microsoft], Tav, cyril, Doug_Schepers 21:33:22 s/CR in May is impossible/CR in May seems arbitrary/ 21:33:32 scribenick: shepazu 21:35:01 cabanier has joined #svg 21:35:29 shepazu: I want to make sure that we aren't putting the cart before the horse… dropping vendor prefixes should be done after there are functional signs of stability and interoperability, like a full test suite and implementation report, not an arbitrary point of progress along the Rec track 21:35:57 plinss: yes, that's also one of our criteria… but we do want to go to CR for the patent commitments 21:36:06 shepazu: ok, I agree with that 21:36:22 trackbot, end telcon 21:36:22 Zakim, list attendees 21:36:22 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 21:36:30 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 21:36:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/03/01-svg-minutes.html trackbot 21:36:31 RRSAgent, bye 21:36:31 I see 4 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2012/03/01-svg-actions.rdf : 21:36:31 ACTION: cabanier to come up with a solution to specify ordering of animations [1] 21:36:31 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/03/01-svg-irc#T20-30-55 21:36:31 ACTION: cameron to create directories in the SVG2 test repository [2] 21:36:31 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/03/01-svg-irc#T21-10-25 21:36:31 ACTION: tav to mirror css test metadata setup in SVG and come up with a template for new tests [3] 21:36:31 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/03/01-svg-irc#T21-12-28 21:36:31 ACTION: cameron to review section 7 in new CSS transform spec [4] 21:36:31 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/03/01-svg-irc#T21-22-10