IRC log of html-wg on 2012-02-23
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 16:56:17 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #html-wg
- 16:56:18 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 16:56:19 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 16:56:20 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #html-wg
- 16:56:21 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be html_wg
- 16:56:21 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot, I see HTML_WG()12:00PM already started
- 16:56:22 [trackbot]
- Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference
- 16:56:23 [trackbot]
- Date: 23 February 2012
- 16:56:37 [glenn]
- zakim, who's here?
- 16:56:37 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see ??P1
- 16:56:39 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see RRSAgent, J_Voracek, anne, dveditz, miketaylr, davidb, glenn, ArtB, plh, drublic, karl, kennyluck, arronei_, hiro, hober, webben, danielfilho, Jedi, inimino,
- 16:56:39 [Zakim]
- ... heycam|away, slightlyoff, paul___irish, CIA-1, Philip, gsnedders, jgraham, jmb, ed, [tm], johndrinkwater, krijnh, Dashiva, rektide, gavin, shepazu, MikeSmith, hsivonen, pingo,
- 16:56:41 [Zakim]
- ... Hixie, trackbot, lgombos
- 16:56:49 [glenn]
- zakim, ??P1 is me
- 16:56:49 [Zakim]
- +glenn; got it
- 16:56:56 [glenn]
- chair: mjs
- 16:57:06 [glenn]
- agenda:
- 16:57:10 [glenn]
- scribe: glenn
- 16:58:25 [Zakim]
- +hober
- 16:58:44 [rubys]
- rubys has joined #html-wg
- 16:59:02 [Julian]
- Julian has joined #html-wg
- 16:59:19 [eliot]
- eliot has joined #html-wg
- 16:59:27 [MFoladare]
- MFoladare has joined #html-wg
- 16:59:51 [krisk]
- krisk has joined #html-wg
- 16:59:59 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft]
- 17:00:10 [eliot]
- zakim, Microsoft has me
- 17:00:10 [Zakim]
- +eliot; got it
- 17:00:45 [Zakim]
- +Radhika_Roy
- 17:01:12 [Zakim]
- +Julian
- 17:01:14 [mjs]
- mjs has joined #html-wg
- 17:01:20 [Julian]
- Zakim, mute me
- 17:01:20 [Zakim]
- Julian should now be muted
- 17:01:42 [Zakim]
- -glenn
- 17:01:43 [Zakim]
- +Sam
- 17:01:56 [Zakim]
- +mjs
- 17:02:09 [Zakim]
- +??P1
- 17:02:17 [glenn]
- zakim, ??P1 is me
- 17:02:17 [Zakim]
- +glenn; got it
- 17:02:23 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft.a]
- 17:02:28 [Zakim]
- -[Microsoft.a]
- 17:03:00 [glenn]
- yes
- 17:03:05 [glenn]
- already set up
- 17:03:11 [glenn]
- topic: ACTION items due by Thursday, February 23
- 17:03:17 [glenn]
- None
- 17:03:29 [glenn]
- topic: New Issues This Week:
- 17:03:29 [glenn]
- None
- 17:03:32 [Zakim]
- +Cynthia_Shelly
- 17:03:40 [glenn]
- There is 1 tracker request
- 17:03:40 [glenn]
- 17:03:50 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft.a]
- 17:03:55 [glenn]
- topic: Items Closed Last Week
- 17:03:55 [glenn]
- ISSUE-193: inaccessible-example call for Change Proposals closed Feb 15
- 17:03:55 [glenn]
- 17:03:55 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-193 Remove CSS example that promotes inaccessible content notes added
- 17:03:56 [glenn]
- ISSUE-194: full-transcript call for Change Proposals closed Feb 15
- 17:03:56 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-194 Provide a mechanism for associating a full transcript with an audio or video element. notes added
- 17:03:58 [glenn]
- 17:04:00 [glenn]
- ISSUE-195: form-http-req call for Change Proposals closed Feb 15
- 17:04:00 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-195 Enhance http request generation from forms notes added
- 17:04:02 [glenn]
- 17:04:04 [glenn]
- ISSUE-196: ua-http-resp-handling call for Change Proposals closed Feb 15
- 17:04:04 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-196 Define user agent http response handling behaviour notes added
- 17:04:04 [krisk]
- zakim, Microsoft.a is krisk
- 17:04:04 [Zakim]
- +krisk; got it
- 17:04:06 [glenn]
- 17:04:08 [glenn]
- ISSUE-197: accept-file-ext call for Change Proposals closed Feb 15
- 17:04:08 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-197 Accept attribute should allow file extensions in addition to the current allowed values notes added
- 17:04:10 [glenn]
- 17:04:12 [glenn]
- ISSUE-182: footnote-recommendation call for Alternate or Counter Proposals closed Feb 16
- 17:04:12 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-182 Advice in spec about annotations promotes inaccessible content notes added
- 17:04:14 [glenn]
- 17:04:16 [glenn]
- ISSUE-185: drop-pubdate call for Alternate or Counter Proposals closed Feb 16
- 17:04:16 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-185 Drop the pubdate attribute notes added
- 17:04:18 [glenn]
- 17:04:20 [glenn]
- ISSUE-188: generic-track-format call for Alternate or Counter Proposals closed Feb 16
- 17:04:20 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-188 Text tracks in HTML should be defined in a way agnostic of the specific caption format notes added
- 17:04:22 [glenn]
- 17:04:24 [glenn]
- ISSUE-189: uri-web-prefix call for Alternate or Counter Proposals closed Feb 16
- 17:04:24 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-189 Prefix convention needs to be coordinated with IETF notes added
- 17:04:26 [glenn]
- 17:04:28 [glenn]
- ISSUE-198: innerHTML-patent-policy call for Change Proposals closed Feb 16
- 17:04:28 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-198 Ensure innerHTML and related APIs are subject to the W3C patent policy notes added
- 17:04:30 [glenn]
- 17:04:32 [glenn]
- ISSUE-199: aria-processing call for Change Proposals closed Feb 16
- 17:04:32 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-199 Define complete processing requirements for ARIA attributes notes added
- 17:04:34 [glenn]
- 17:04:36 [glenn]
- ISSUE-200: legend-placement call for Change Proposals closed Feb 16
- 17:04:36 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-200 Allow wrapping LEGEND (or new iLEGEND) in non-FIELDSET elements notes added
- 17:04:38 [glenn]
- 17:04:40 [glenn]
- ISSUE-201: canvas-fallback call for Change Proposals closed Feb 16
- 17:04:40 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-201 Provide canvas location and hit testing capability to fallback content notes added
- 17:04:42 [glenn]
- 17:04:44 [glenn]
- ISSUE-202: figcaption-words call for Change Proposals closed Feb 16
- 17:04:44 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-202 Missing alt should not be considered conforming in the presence of figcaptions over 50 words in length notes added
- 17:04:46 [glenn]
- 17:04:48 [glenn]
- ISSUE-203: media-descriptions call for Change Proposals closed Feb 17
- 17:04:48 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-203 All Media Elements should have the ability to have both short and longer textual descriptions associated to the element notes added
- 17:04:50 [glenn]
- 17:04:52 [glenn]
- mjs: questions or comments?
- 17:05:06 [glenn]
- topic: Items Closing This Week
- 17:05:06 [glenn]
- ISSUE-172: restore-rb, extension closes Feb 21
- 17:05:06 [glenn]
- 17:05:06 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-172 restore <rb> as an optional element notes added
- 17:05:07 [glenn]
- ISSUE-187: validity-stability, extension closes Feb 23
- 17:05:07 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-187 Document conformance has to be stable over the time notes added
- 17:05:09 [glenn]
- 17:05:11 [glenn]
- ISSUE-190: coding-example, Alternate or Counter Proposals due Feb 23
- 17:05:11 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-190 Replace poor coding example for figure with multiple images notes added
- 17:05:13 [glenn]
- 17:05:15 [glenn]
- ISSUE-191: ins-del, Alternate or Counter Proposals due Feb 23
- 17:05:15 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-191 Replace/complement <ins> and <del> elements by a cleaner wysiwyg-safe attribute-based solution notes added
- 17:05:17 [glenn]
- 17:05:19 [glenn]
- ISSUE-192: title-attribute, Alternate or Counter Proposals due Feb 23
- 17:05:19 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-192 title attribute definition does not match reality notes added
- 17:05:21 [glenn]
- 17:05:56 [glenn]
- mjs: questions or comments on issues closed last week?
- 17:06:06 [paulc]
- paulc has joined #html-wg
- 17:06:20 [rubys]
- request:
- 17:06:21 [paulc]
- Cannot join on the phone today due to other commitments
- 17:06:21 [glenn]
- ???: re: issue-189 requests extensions for counter proposal
- 17:06:32 [rubys]
- s/???/Ted/
- 17:06:45 [glenn]
- mjs: at least a week before this one closes
- 17:06:54 [glenn]
- ... will check on formal extension
- 17:07:07 [glenn]
- topic: Items Closing Next Week
- 17:07:07 [glenn]
- None
- 17:07:27 [glenn]
- topic: New Calls this week
- 17:07:27 [glenn]
- Call for Consensus to publish 10 Heartbeat drafts
- 17:07:27 [glenn]
- 17:07:29 [glenn]
- ISSUE-182: footnote-recommendation, Call for Consensus closes Feb 29
- 17:07:29 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-182 Advice in spec about annotations promotes inaccessible content notes added
- 17:07:31 [glenn]
- 17:07:33 [glenn]
- ISSUE-188: generic-track-format, Call for Consensus closes Feb 29
- 17:07:33 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-188 Text tracks in HTML should be defined in a way agnostic of the specific caption format notes added
- 17:07:35 [glenn]
- 17:07:37 [glenn]
- ISSUE-193: inaccessible-example, Call for Alternate or Counter Proposals closes Mar 21
- 17:07:37 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-193 Remove CSS example that promotes inaccessible content notes added
- 17:07:39 [glenn]
- 17:07:41 [glenn]
- ISSUE-194: full-transcript, Call for Alternate or Counter Proposals closes Mar 21
- 17:07:41 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-194 Provide a mechanism for associating a full transcript with an audio or video element. notes added
- 17:07:43 [glenn]
- 17:07:45 [glenn]
- ISSUE-195: form-http-req, Call for Alternate or Counter Proposals closes Mar 21
- 17:07:45 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-195 Enhance http request generation from forms notes added
- 17:07:47 [glenn]
- 17:07:49 [glenn]
- ISSUE-196: ua-http-resp-handling, Call for Alternate or Counter Proposals closes Mar 21
- 17:07:49 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-196 Define user agent http response handling behaviour notes added
- 17:07:51 [glenn]
- 17:07:53 [glenn]
- ISSUE-197: accept-file-ext, Call for Alternate or Counter Proposals closes Mar 21
- 17:07:53 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-197 Accept attribute should allow file extensions in addition to the current allowed values notes added
- 17:07:55 [glenn]
- 17:07:57 [glenn]
- ISSUE-199: aria-processing, Call for Alternate or Counter Proposals closes Mar 21
- 17:07:57 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-199 Define complete processing requirements for ARIA attributes notes added
- 17:07:59 [glenn]
- 17:08:01 [glenn]
- ISSUE-201: canvas-fallback, Call for Alternate or Counter Proposals closes Mar 21
- 17:08:01 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-201 Provide canvas location and hit testing capability to fallback content notes added
- 17:08:03 [glenn]
- 17:08:07 [glenn]
- mjs: wants to make sure people understand a "deferred"
- 17:08:09 [glenn]
- issue-187?
- 17:08:09 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-187 -- Document conformance has to be stable over the time -- open
- 17:08:09 [trackbot]
- 17:08:19 [glenn]
- issue-190?
- 17:08:19 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-190 -- Replace poor coding example for figure with multiple images -- open
- 17:08:19 [trackbot]
- 17:08:29 [glenn]
- issue-192?
- 17:08:29 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-192 -- title attribute definition does not match reality -- open
- 17:08:29 [trackbot]
- 17:08:42 [glenn]
- mjs: today's the day for counter proposals
- 17:09:45 [glenn]
- issue-188?
- 17:09:45 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-188 -- Text tracks in HTML should be defined in a way agnostic of the specific caption format -- open
- 17:09:45 [trackbot]
- 17:09:48 [glenn]
- closes 29th
- 17:09:57 [glenn]
- issue-193?
- 17:09:57 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-193 -- Remove CSS example that promotes inaccessible content -- open
- 17:09:57 [trackbot]
- 17:09:59 [glenn]
- issue-194?
- 17:10:00 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-194 -- Provide a mechanism for associating a full transcript with an audio or video element. -- open
- 17:10:03 [trackbot]
- 17:10:03 [glenn]
- issue-195?
- 17:10:06 [glenn]
- issue-196?
- 17:10:06 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-195 -- Enhance http request generation from forms -- open
- 17:10:08 [trackbot]
- 17:10:10 [glenn]
- issue-197?
- 17:10:13 [glenn]
- issue-199?
- 17:10:13 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-196 -- Define user agent http response handling behaviour -- open
- 17:10:14 [trackbot]
- 17:10:17 [glenn]
- issue-201?
- 17:10:18 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-197 -- Accept attribute should allow file extensions in addition to the current allowed values -- open
- 17:10:21 [trackbot]
- 17:10:25 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-199 -- Define complete processing requirements for ARIA attributes -- open
- 17:10:25 [glenn]
- mjs: deadlines march 21st
- 17:10:26 [trackbot]
- 17:10:31 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-201 -- Provide canvas location and hit testing capability to fallback content -- open
- 17:10:31 [glenn]
- ... comments questions?
- 17:10:33 [trackbot]
- 17:10:43 [glenn]
- topic: New Surveys this week
- 17:10:43 [glenn]
- None.
- 17:10:50 [glenn]
- topic: Decisions this week
- 17:10:50 [glenn]
- ISSUE-198: innerHTML-patent-policy, Closed Without Prejudice and DEFERRED
- 17:10:50 [glenn]
- 17:10:51 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-198 Ensure innerHTML and related APIs are subject to the W3C patent policy notes added
- 17:10:52 [glenn]
- ISSUE-202: figcaption-words, Closed Without Prejudice and DEFERRED
- 17:10:52 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-202 Missing alt should not be considered conforming in the presence of figcaptions over 50 words in length notes added
- 17:10:54 [glenn]
- 17:11:11 [glenn]
- topic: Task Force Reports
- 17:11:16 [glenn]
- Testing Task Force
- 17:11:36 [glenn]
- ???: met as planned on 14th
- 17:11:43 [krisk]
- Here is the meeting notes
- 17:11:52 [glenn]
- s/???/Krisk/
- 17:12:19 [krisk]
- Here is the bug
- 17:12:34 [glenn]
- krisk: a few test submissions, see meeting noes
- 17:12:39 [glenn]
- s/noes/notes/
- 17:12:55 [glenn]
- ... but don't work in a lot of browsers
- 17:13:05 [glenn]
- ... feedback requested
- 17:13:16 [krisk]
- 17:13:18 [glenn]
- ... tests, spec, or impl may be wrong
- 17:13:21 [tantek]
- tantek has joined #html-wg
- 17:13:35 [glenn]
- Accessibility Task Force
- 17:14:09 [glenn]
- mjs: anyone from Accessibility Task Force here?
- 17:14:31 [mjs]
- Zakim, who is on the line?
- 17:14:31 [Zakim]
- I don't understand your question, mjs.
- 17:14:42 [mjs]
- Zakim, who is on the phone?
- 17:14:42 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see hober, [Microsoft], Radhika_Roy, Julian (muted), Sam, mjs, glenn, Cynthia_Shelly, krisk
- 17:14:44 [Zakim]
- [Microsoft] has eliot
- 17:14:55 [glenn]
- cynthia: alternatives, canvas, ...., issue processing status
- 17:15:02 [glenn]
- ... wasn't prepared to give report
- 17:15:15 [glenn]
- ... major topic was text processing, and timing
- 17:15:26 [glenn]
- ... how to get all bug processing done
- 17:15:41 [glenn]
- topic: AOB
- 17:15:53 [glenn]
- ISSUE-203: media-descriptions
- 17:15:53 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-203 All Media Elements should have the ability to have both short and longer textual descriptions associated to the element notes added
- 17:15:53 [glenn]
- 17:16:09 [glenn]
- mjs: expecting CP soon
- 17:16:26 [glenn]
- ... email cited in agenda
- 17:16:32 [glenn]
- ... will close soon sans update
- 17:16:40 [glenn]
- ISSUE-189: uri-web-prefix, update required
- 17:16:40 [trackbot]
- ISSUE-189 Prefix convention needs to be coordinated with IETF notes added
- 17:16:40 [glenn]
- 17:17:10 [glenn]
- mjs: updated by julian, only one CP; would proceed to CfC, but an extra week requested for counter
- 17:17:16 [glenn]
- ... any other topics?
- 17:17:26 [glenn]
- topic: Scribe for next meeting
- 17:17:44 [rubys]
- I'll likely be the chair
- 17:18:00 [glenn]
- ted volunteers to scribe
- 17:18:14 [glenn]
- sam will chair
- 17:18:15 [glenn]
- topic: Adjournment
- 17:18:16 [Zakim]
- -mjs
- 17:18:17 [Zakim]
- -hober
- 17:18:18 [glenn]
- now adjourned
- 17:18:21 [Zakim]
- -Julian
- 17:18:22 [Zakim]
- -Sam
- 17:18:25 [Zakim]
- -Radhika_Roy
- 17:18:25 [glenn]
- trackbot-ng, stop meeting
- 17:18:25 [trackbot]
- Sorry, glenn, I don't understand 'trackbot-ng, stop meeting'. Please refer to for help
- 17:18:28 [Zakim]
- -[Microsoft]
- 17:18:38 [glenn]
- rrsagent, draft minutees
- 17:18:38 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft minutees', glenn. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 17:18:45 [glenn]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 17:18:45 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate glenn
- 17:19:01 [Zakim]
- -Cynthia_Shelly
- 17:19:08 [glenn]
- trackbot-ng, end-meeting
- 17:19:08 [trackbot]
- Sorry, glenn, I don't understand 'trackbot-ng, end-meeting'. Please refer to for help
- 17:19:19 [glenn]
- trackbot, end meeting
- 17:19:19 [trackbot]
- Zakim, list attendees
- 17:19:19 [Zakim]
- As of this point the attendees have been glenn, hober, eliot, Radhika_Roy, Julian, Sam, mjs, [Microsoft], Cynthia_Shelly, krisk
- 17:19:25 [Zakim]
- -krisk
- 17:19:27 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, please draft minutes
- 17:19:27 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate trackbot
- 17:19:28 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, bye
- 17:19:28 [RRSAgent]
- I see no action items